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File: 117 KB, 468x521, lobsterdm0811_468x521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
843375 No.843375 [Reply] [Original]

In 1935, Sartre experimented briefly with mescaline, the only psychedelic drug available at the time. A couple of days later, he started having the persistent impression that he was being pursued by a giant lobster. The hallucinations lasted for some time - some sources say almost a year - and were a cause of concern to the budding existentialist.

>> No.843379

God damn that looks delicious.

>> No.843385


>> No.843388

lol lobster

>> No.843389

the more I read about sartre, the more the magic of nausea wears off

>> No.843390

I think I need a source for that, anon.

>> No.843394


>> No.843400

poor guy

>> No.843413

that article was strangely beautiful

>> No.843420

That's complete BS, mescaline does not induce hallucinations. It only intensifies existing stimuli or it might produce synesthesia, but there's no way it can result in lobsters chasing you, especially for a fucking year. IF this is true (which I doubt) it's more an effect of Sartre being bananas than his taking mescaline.

>> No.843427

I'm convinced he was partially insane.

>> No.843431


>It only intensifies existing stimuli

Maybe a regular sized lobster was chasing him for a year?

>> No.843437
File: 112 KB, 295x746, AngelMichael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jean Paul Sartre was a militant atheist most of his life.

His posse of fiendish, clawed, red monsters was no doubt demonic. I have little doubt that Satan sent his minions to protect Sartre from the soldiers of Christ.

>> No.843516

lobsters are scary.

>> No.843543

I have seen my friend cathrine walk right into a bunch of fucking birds, cause after we tripped acid together she had a break down and now sees bird all the time.

>> No.843554

Maybe the lobster was real

>> No.843557


Are you implying LSD and mescaline are the same thing?

>> No.843561

>He consulted a young psychiatrist named Jacques Lacan — who later became another of France’s foremost intellectuals — and they attributed Sartre’s crab-infested depression to his fear that he was being pigeon-holed as a teacher.

I don't think I'll be able to like Sartre anymore.

>> No.843565
File: 50 KB, 400x264, lacancigar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What explanation would you give Sartre for why he's being haunted by giant lobsters? I have a feeling you probably wouldn't have one.

>> No.843571

>the only psychedelic drug in 1935

wait wait what? I haven't read the rest of this thread, but what about Psilocybin mushrooms?

>> No.843576

We didn't know about them yet.

>> No.844044

bump. Also, salvia, opium, weed, and the myriad of hallucinogenic weeds that grow pretty much everywhere...

>> No.844046

shit a lobster crab thing followed me once in my house
wasn't on drugs though

>> No.844057

Were they rock lobsters?

>> No.844065



>> No.844066

What? I'm pretty sure we knew that psychedelic mushrooms existed back in 1935.

>> No.844077

"God is a lobster"

>> No.844116

what the fuckshit.

>> No.844126
File: 23 KB, 433x480, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That book will surely be funny as fuck to read.

>> No.844135
File: 19 KB, 487x581, 1259679964640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...I would wake up in the morning and say, ‘Good morning, my little ones, how did you sleep?

>> No.844159

Bro, the human brain is an exceptionally complicated instrument with a lot of plasticity and potential for variability from individual to individual. Psychadelics fuck with that instrument. I'm pretty sure there are bound to be exceptions.