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8433470 No.8433470 [Reply] [Original]

What book should a person read who is utterly disappointed with the age they live in? Technological utopia, ease and access of today a shadow of what lays ahead. The misunderstanding and ignorance, the emptyness and lack of aesthetic beauty of the age we live in, the lack of really powerful intricate messages which seem to transcend the point a to point b meaning, and tear open a 4 dimensional rift of intellectual thought. I feel so bored, I feel so miserable, I want to become immortal.

>> No.8433476

A book which tells the reader to stop his bitching

>> No.8433480

Part 4 of Division I of Being and Time.

>> No.8433492

My dairy desu

>> No.8433498


>> No.8433502


>> No.8434132

Look into the teachings of the Buddha and learn to meditate. I currently share your sentiment anon and I find meditation helps.

Steppenwolf by Hesse might be good too.

>> No.8434165
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>> No.8434175


anon, what is your daily routine

what have you done for the last 5 years

>> No.8434627

It's called Golden Age thinking, and you need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8434657

A history book so you can see that it's always been like this.

>> No.8434703

You're not alone, buddy

>> No.8434809

1984 so you'll think "hey at least it's not like that bad yet"

>> No.8434926


>> No.8434929

read some of Iain M Banks' Culture novels. intelligent, informed SF that describes people and computers getting along happily.

for the most part.

>> No.8434930
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>> No.8435002

Read Ted Kaczynski

>> No.8435372

I stay inside all day, I have no job, my parents pay for an apartment, I eat nothing but unprocessed foods, I don't smoke or drink or do drugs, I read a lot, I listen to a lot of music, I also browse the internet and go out of the house to get groceries about once a week. The only friends I talk to online are a couple people who I chat with every once and a while, even though I don't like to chat. Most people, I find, to chat with, offer nothing to me, and chatting with others is boring and a waste of time. I do wish that I had some highly intellectual conversationalist friends though.
what books of his do you recommend?

>> No.8435436 [SPOILER] 
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well you could try this
there is a lot more going on than you think, anon.

the world isn't as shitty as you think

except for all the muslims. they really suck

>> No.8435446

>except for all the muslims. they really suck
All religions suck. Superstition has always been at war with science, fact from convenient beliefs, weakness and fear of your own nature from realizing your own ability to think and determine, freedom from obedience to a higher authority. Fortunately religion won't survive the singularity, it will die out in a couple hundred years, if that. The age of understanding is what we're on the precipice of.

>> No.8436400


>> No.8436408

wew lad

>> No.8436409


>> No.8436416

You need to get your dick wet

>> No.8436437

Or get outside. If you think the modern age is disappointing then you haven't read a history book lately. The world has been pretty fucking hellacious up until the last hundred or so years.

Go outside, get a job, and exercise (even if that's a walk). The world may be populated by insincere idiots but it has ALWAYS been populated by insincere idiots. Don't be one of them.

>> No.8436438

I had a guy who wanted to fuck me on the first date, but I said that I wanted to go out and just chat at a cafe first. First of all, he wasn't terrible looking and I'm sure that we'd be down to fuck alright, but the problem was that he was a terrible conversationalist. He bored me to fucking tears, and I basically said that I didn't quite feel comfortable going out and just talking like that and we could just talk online for a while (because it really was awkward and difficult to endure), but he just got all offended when I said that and I blocked him for not respecting my boundaries. That really is the issue, I want a true friend and someone who I can relate to on a deep level, I really don't give a shit about just fucking someone.

>> No.8436445

One human out of how many billion? You're not going to be happy without getting outside of yourself at least a little bit more. I've been single for a long time but I make myself talk to people regularly or I feel like shit.

>> No.8436446

Talk as in type or actual voice?

>> No.8436506

We went to a cafe, I said that in the very first sentence.
Who said that I've given up on dating? I'm just terribly bored with all the boring conversationalists and people who just want to fuck. A lot of people are irrational too, they're not really worth talking to, so that narrows my choices of people who I may want to date down to a much narrower margin. I actually don't find people who I look up to intellectually very often, but if I have sex with someone I want it to be someone who I admire intellectually, and someone who is very beautiful.

>> No.8436508

Uni bombers manifesto

>> No.8436518

That doesn't make sense. I was talking about how I'm sad that we've been born in an age that pales in comparison with the coming advancements of technology, that's exactly what ted kazynski was against. He was a primitivist, I would go as far as to call myself a trans humanist who can't wait for the singularity.

>> No.8436700

And where are you supposed to talk to people? The only place I could imagine talking to people would be if I were to get a job or go to school or something (and I know from experience that going to school is not a great way to talk to people either, and having a job doesn't guarantee you friendships, you could be just as likely to get stuck with boring people as you would be anywhere else. Friendship requires repeated encounters and familiarity and a common area where you meet up in, to build comfort around the other person. I don't know how I'm ever going to find that, the only place where I've been able to find some people who I find interesting to talk to has been online, I don't know how I'm supposed to make friends any other way, and from what I can tell I wouldn't really want to waste my time on the random people who show up in average environments.

The only place where I may actually enjoy meeting someone would be maybe a theater, or perhaps silicon valley, or a very nice college, because I like creative, artistic, intelligent people.

>> No.8437003

Yet you don't appear to be creative, intelligent, or artistic. Seriously, just go outside. Go to a concert or something if you like music, go to an art museum. Take up a creative hobby. Get a job and quit mooching off your parents, even if it doesn't guarentee friendship it's at least practice in talking to people, which you clearly need.

Like fuck, man, how can you expect to be fulfilled if all you do is consume media?

>> No.8437028

How can I even trust that people will become my friend? Have you ever had a true friend, or a bunch of people who were just crumby assholes filled with disillusionment about everything because they don't think about it very hard? These sorts of people are easily put off, because they're not that sensitive or thoughtful to their surroundings and when you do something or say something that breaks their illusion of everything around them being a nice little bubble of the world they've imagined, they start to become uncomfortable, and they were never really your friend anyways.

Dude, don't you get it? Human beings are an extremely stupid, confused, irrational species of animal. I wouldn't even say that I'm that much better, but even if I may not be aware of everything that I do that isn't that smart, I'm aware of a lot of the stuff that I do that isn't smart after the fact and I'm aware of a lot of the stupid stuff that other people do. So I think it's fair to say to say that I can deduce that I have some sort of intelligence.

Also, fuck you for saying I'm not intelligence creative or artistic.

>> No.8437040

intelligent, sorry I always mess up words when I'm typing without spell checking. no one respects that either, they think that I actually make these mistakes because I'm just dumb and it's not because I'm typing so fast and don't take a moment to check over my spelling.

>> No.8437083

Accelerando is good for Singularity daydreaming.

>> No.8437105

I would say this is bait but nobody can write a diatribe like this without actually being this shitty.

You're not intelligent or artistic because you haven't created anything. Potential doesn't count for shit, you need to put pen on paper to actualize it.

Everybody here is or was underage b& and we've all been caught in the same habit of locking yourself in a room and looking at vore, shotacon, or traps all day while breaking to shitpost and feel sorry about our lives. All of these losers have been able to find at least minimum wage jobs, I'm sure you can do the same.

>> No.8437114

Care to elucidate a bit?

>> No.8437119

No, the problem with minimum wage jobs is that when something is so boring, my body literally stops doing what my mind tells it to do, because I get so lethargic. It's like boring activities literally drain me of my energy. I also constantly feel like I'm trying to put on a facade and play a game of charades when I'm doing it, because I get this dystopian sense that if I appear to hate my job and wish I was doing something else, then I'll have broken some unwritten rule and that I won't be welcome back to the job anymore. Especially if it's a job requiring working with the public, fuck them.

>> No.8437603


>> No.8437793

I remember when I was like you. Reconsider your life m8, stop being so miserable.

Get off the internet unless it's for learning/discovering something you're interested for.

Regarding your search for someone to have a "deep conection". It won't be easy. This require a lot of time and dedication, it's not something you stumble upon. It's just like true love.

Also, how old are you?

>> No.8437799

unabomber manifesto

teachings of Buddha

this pdf?

>> No.8438522


>> No.8438605



Brave New World & Technological Slavery ought to do it.

here's the second one: http://mataromorir.espivblogs.net/files/2015/01/Kaczynski-Technological-Slavery.pdf

>> No.8438628



Everyone should watch this guy, he is amazing. RIP IN PEACE RICK.