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8430474 No.8430474 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf i hate god now!

>> No.8430638

>booty-blasted christfag tears


>> No.8430650
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>start to read this book ironically for fedora meme points
>mfw end up agreeing with it and finding it logical and well reasoned

>> No.8430651
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Is Dawkins the logical conclusion to fedora-core?

>> No.8430675

I wouldn't say so, I've never seen him wear a fedora, and to go a step further, his bluntness and political ideas seem to regularly class with the Marxist and SJW crowd. But lel, memes.

>> No.8430700

shit book for edge lord teens and college age nu-males rebelling because their mommy made them go to church

>> No.8430711

fucking truth


>> No.8430718

Someone please post excerpts. I bet I can refute them all, using one only book

>> No.8430737
File: 47 KB, 400x599, God_is_Not_Great,_first_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much superior, especially the audiobook version.
You'll be wearing so many fedoras you won't be able to walk out your front door anymore.

>> No.8430745
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who needs a fedora when you have your very own cuck helmet?

>> No.8430749 [DELETED] 

Yes yes, well done atheists, well done...


>> No.8430757
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Yes yes, well done atheists, well done


>> No.8430761

I wonder if there is a similar book out there written by a Jehovah's Witness.

>> No.8430762

>Peter is such a second fiddle Christopher is mentioned on the jacket of his book

>> No.8430784

Does Peter make any points that aren't 'lmoa I was [leftist, atheist, etc] but now I'm not therefore those beliefs are wrong'

>> No.8430790


>> No.8430958

Tfw right wing atheist

>> No.8430998
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1469501332881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new atheist cuck writes a book that clearly indicates he would fail an introductory philosophy of religion class
>has no understanding of the philosophy of Aristotle or Aquinas, yet feels qualified to write about religion
>instead of understanding metaphysics, sweeps it under the rug with wishful thinking

>> No.8431032
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>> No.8431089
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This. If nothing else, his refusal to go easy on Islam puts him at odds with Social Justice types

>he doesn't know about Radio Four Extra

>> No.8431124

Why would an Atheist study religion and philosophy when their entire point is that none of it matters. No amount of Bible quotes or Theological theories would convince someone who thoroughly rejects that entire realm of belief. Your only retort to them would be 'well then you're ignorant lmao' to which they would say the same about you, then you're both at an impasse.

>> No.8431146

this is easily one of the top ten dumbest things I've ever seen on lit. nicely done?

>> No.8431152

/lit/ is still a catholic board

>> No.8431160

>'hurr durr god exists because literally how could he not?'
>theological """""theories"""""

>> No.8431164

dis no debeneracy allowed :DD

>> No.8431167

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.8431168

This desu

>> No.8431180

im orthodox desu

>> No.8431181

Same reason i study anything else i find it intresting

>> No.8431185

Well Dawkins doesn't. so there you go

>> No.8431188

It matters because it gets down to the fundamental question of what is and isn't reasonable, which materialists like DORKins claims to be.

>> No.8431242

>hating "God" as if it were a real entity
>not just hating human nature for creating "God"

It's rather pointless to fault the concept of religion when it's just a pretense for our inherently evil / retarded / selfish nature. I mean, if we weren't so fucked up to begin with, then our ancestors never would have conceived religion in the first place.

>> No.8431254


>> No.8431267

This is what I found.

>> No.8431281

>he read a book for "fedora meme points" and found it well reasoned by his standards
What a glowing recommendation

>> No.8431316
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>"With knowledge in my artillery, I am quite the opponent.,.."

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8431319
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>> No.8431321
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>> No.8431322

Hey guys I think capitalism is dumb and communism is cool. No I've never read anything about economics, shits corrupt, obviously, duh.

You honestly don't see the necessity to study about something you're arguing against? It doesn't matter if you can't convince everyone, you need to understand the other side well dumbass

>> No.8431323

Are you kidding me? I read that book thinking I would find legitimately good points, but all I found was shitty "logical proofs" against this generic strawman God. This made me realize just how Stupid Dawkin's fixation with God actually was. Also he constantly made these points about why religion was a toxic force, which had no basis in reality. Why does religion have to turn people of both sides into irrational idiots. Dawkin should just stick to evolutionary biology.

>> No.8431330
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Lucas confirmed for knowing about the Jews and Their Lies

>> No.8431332

Dawkins doesn't find religion interesting he just dedicates his entire life to stopping it. Sounds like interest to me.

>> No.8431338

>Hey guys I think capitalism is dumb and communism is cool. No I've never read anything about economics, shits corrupt, obviously, duh.

That works the other way round desu

>> No.8431342


"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

hey guys life was different back then they were all bastards. oh wait I didn't even think about cultural complexities in reviewing religion or societal differences to keep it context, they were un-enlightened bullies. Greek gods were okay though cause its a dead religion, they weren't meanies they had philosophy, which is stupid too but not meanie

>> No.8431345

>obeying a shitskin Italian


>> No.8431346

It works that way for both sides fuckboi

>> No.8431348
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Thank you. That's why communism always succeeds, and those idiots boasting capitalism fail their countries. I mean just ask Eastern Europe how awesome it was to be guided by the light of communism.

>> No.8431351
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>> No.8431356

ironic memes have made it so hard to distinguish between sincerity and trolling, does it even matter at this point?

>> No.8431358

The more I'm reading his tweets the more I can't decide if he's top tier satire or something else

>> No.8431359

The whole idea that the Old Testament God was evil is so stupid. If you look at the times and religious beliefs(sheol not heaven or hell) you'll see it all makes perfect sense and the nature of ethics have just changed since The Messiah came.

>> No.8431366

>Just ask America how awesome it was to be guided by the light of capitalism.

t. 1930s Russian

>> No.8431367

That's the thing, it almost reads as BAD satire, which in turn would make it the perfect form of satire in the internet's current paradigm of transcendent irony.
It boggles my mind.

>> No.8431370

At the end of the day, his posts are still leaking idiocy that guides people into thinking he's a role model, and I think we all know that's wrong.

>> No.8431375


>Reading Dawkins, who occasionally writes as though ‘Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness’ is a mighty funny way to describe a Grecian urn

>> No.8431387

I agree, but I think I might find the opposite just as bad, that is, people circklejerking over his inane posts because they think they are intellectually superior to someone who nearly perfectly embodies the fedora meme (as if that is a feat), without realizing it is satire.
That is assuming it is satire, I don't know. It is a strange world.

>> No.8431393

>ethical/cultural relativism
"No." Some of the Old Testament God's actions - commanding the Jews to kill women and children, for example - are morally wrong in any time or place.

>> No.8431411

It honestly depends on how you look at it. Doing those actions was necessary for the survival of the jews so The Messiah could be born of them. The religion stated everyone went to Sheol, so it's not that bad. It all just depends on if you believe in Christianity, and if you can look at the bigger picture (A death wouldn't matter to those people that much).

>> No.8431500

9/10 bait, good job

>> No.8431517

It's not bait, just because you reject it in a Dawkesian manner.

>> No.8431525


>> No.8432459

>Atheism = Apathy about Theology
For a bunch of people who "don't care about religion or God" they sure spend a lot of time talking about it.
Besides a person who 'thoroughly rejects the entire realm of belief" sounds like a dogmatic dickhead and equates to a stubbornly religious person in terms of their inability to have a conversation or come to a compromise around loosely defined abstract matters.

>> No.8432491

>not looking at cultural complexities
Neither do fundies, which I exactly the type of audience he is trying to trigger

>> No.8432505


He says in the book he's going after a personal Abrahamic God, a God that many people still praise and who still take every word that he "says" in the Bible literally. I imagine he would go after Greek Gods too if people still worshiped then.

He would stick to evolutionary biology if creationists don't mangle its ideas.

>> No.8432513


What's up with the shit-tier beards these types of guys always seem to have?

Low test?

>> No.8432519


Those points are worth considering, though.

Why would an atheist Trotskyite change his mind on basically every position he once held?

Not that I agree with Peter, either.

>> No.8432521
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>not the most empoverished version of the god type

>> No.8432563

>"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

When people say things like this I know they don't understand the spiritual significance of many of God's actions and take them way out of context.

>> No.8432567
File: 21 KB, 474x528, tips Christian morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>spiritual significance

>> No.8432577


>Daily reminder that literally all the greatest philosophers and writers of all time have been christian
>Daily reminder that literally 99.9% of the adherents of autheism are mediocre and insufferable cunts

>> No.8432602


The Ancient Greeks trump each and every one of your intellectually immature idols.

>> No.8432605

>Daily reminder that literally 99.9% of the adherents of [insert random religion or ideology] are mediocre and insufferable cunts

>> No.8432639


>This triggers the autheist.

It's still true.

>> No.8432651


If you say 'authiest' aloud, no one's going to know what you mean. Autism has a hard 't'.

Now, Christcuck on the other hand? Everyone knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.8432705

>organization that, for the most part, has a message of peace
>inherently evil

found the fedora

>> No.8432738

I'm certainly intrested in what you're intrested in buddy

>> No.8432748

>>organization that, for the most part, has a message of peace

You mean like how "Islam" is supposed to mean "peace"?

>> No.8432757

Old people in the eastern block want communism back fyi.
Can you imagine how shit the current capitalist system is in here that they would want lo live before '89.
Yeah.It's prett shit.FUCK FREE MARKET.


>> No.8432760

I agree with your point, m8 - let's define keep defining the majority by the actions of the minority.

Who else can we ruse?

>> No.8432766

>Old people in the eastern block want communism back fyi.

fyi, being reminiscent about the "good ol' days" doesn't equate to wanting to regress to a clearly failed system

>> No.8432767
File: 103 KB, 1200x892, communism has never been tried m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Old people in the eastern block want communism back fyi.

This is a myth.

>> No.8432774

>human instincts lead to a maladaptive utility function that is incompatible with civilization
>the humans come up with a way to alter their utility function

Fortunately you are an enlightened teenage boy who doesn't need religion, since you aren't "fucked up" like the mere mortals.

>> No.8432840

Of course it doesn't.But the current system isn't doing a very good job.That's why people fall into nostalgia.In '89 eastern-eruopeans believed we would look just like the west in circa 20 years.Instead we're slaves to corporate powers and politics have become a joke.
>not advocating for communism
It's not a myth you idiot.Do you know how miserable old people are here?It's a sad fact you won't accept.
Even shit like universal healthcare or free education aren't regarded as ''communist''.They're common sense things all across the world.
And your shitty meme only shows you have no idea what capitalism and socialism are.

>> No.8432857

>Pope Francis
You're right though, he is still not white.

>> No.8432902

>we're slaves to corporate powers and politics have become a joke.

So is the West, dumbass.

>Do you know how miserable old people are here?

Of course some of them are miserable: they're poor. Their state pensions are shit because they worked for 40+ years at the local "Red Star" wheelbarrow and landmine factory where their work (in many cases I should refer to it as "work" but let's leave that for now) made no economic sense and no value. Their retirement money is now being payed by the current crop of corporate slaves, or else they get it in the form of rusty wheelbarrows.

>They're common sense things all across the world.

Why the commie nostalgia then?

>> No.8432921

Universal healthcare is something that everyone wants, and can be achieved without resorting to communism.

>> No.8432979

Read Edward Feser and/or David Bentley Hart. Don't read William Lane Craig.

>> No.8433072

I'd love to see you muslims/christians using 4chan memes in a debate with Dawkins