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File: 353 KB, 1200x1562, Fist my boipucci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8429770 No.8429770 [Reply] [Original]

Is Goethe a meme?

>> No.8429778


What does that label matter?

>> No.8429782


No he was a god among men

>> No.8429806

>"Well, it was a picture representing Goethe, the poet Goethe, you know. But it was not in the least as he really looked. That, of course, nobody can know exactly. He has been dead a hundred years. However, some artist of today had painted his portrait as he imagined him to have been and prettified him, and this picture annoyed me. It made me perfectly sick. I don't know whether you can understand that."

REEE! Yes, Goethe is clearly a meme. Imagine walking into normalfag's house and seeing a bust of a wise and benevolent Pepe gazing down on the dinner table.

>> No.8429826
File: 148 KB, 1280x904, Jan_de_Bray_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a pleb asks me if I've read Fast by Golf

>> No.8430066

yes, one of the most relevant writters of all time is a "meme", just like your beloved trollface

>> No.8430074

Your fragile heart feeds my contempt

>> No.8430079

Are you fucking for real

>> No.8430084


Yes, I am for real.

>> No.8430109

>hi do you have Fawst by Go-eth?

>> No.8430134

>Fawst? Isn't he the guy that wrote Goatse?

>> No.8430155


Technically a meme is just an idea that travels from culture to culture and Faust is just an idea existing in your head

>> No.8430157

you could even say Idealists are just Memeists

>> No.8431340

>Is x a meme
threads should be bannable.

>> No.8431344

Isn't the e at the end always pronounced in German words?

>> No.8431363


Kraut here.
Yes, it is.

>> No.8432187
