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/lit/ - Literature

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8427080 No.8427080 [Reply] [Original]

one of these

>> No.8427086
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>Regressive Leftist reading list
Not today, Satan

>> No.8427099
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At least /pol/tards are funny, leftards are just pathetic.

>> No.8427100



>> No.8427119

>the sublime object of ideology

Clearly you haven't read that book, it's a non-stop assault on leftism, fundamentally equating it to religious belief.

>> No.8427133

>not reading something that challenges your ideology

what are you afraid of?

This is why the left will always come out on top - we are not afraid of looking at and challenging opinions contrary to our positions.

The right by contrast occupies an eternal echo chamber

>> No.8427138

You forgot to include a 3x5 anarchist pamphlet that Semiotext(e) publishes irregularly but that Barnes & Noble inevitably has a copy of for some reason.

>> No.8427142
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>This is why the left will always come out on top - we are not afraid of looking at and challenging opinions contrary to our positions.

No, what you do is read things whilst making no effort to understand them. This is why nationalism/etc are forever lost on 'the left' who operate chiefly on the surface level.

>> No.8427149

>This is why the left will always come out on top - we are not afraid of looking at and challenging opinions contrary to our positions.

Lmao. The left is lost, exactly because they refuse to even listen to ideas contrary to their subjective view of reality.

>> No.8427153

>The left is lost
>every developed country has a left-leaning government
>prosperity correlates exactly with leftism - as societies develop they become more progressive

Are you one of those Trumpettes who actually think Hillary won't win?

>> No.8427154

>/pol/tards are funny
only /pol/tards think /pol/tards are funny

>> No.8427177

I think Hillary will win, and I don't support Trump.

>> No.8427201

>every developed country has relatively free markets
>every developed country is european or east asian

Are you willing to follow this to it's logical conclusion?

>> No.8427216
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>> No.8427217

w0w, ur rasis.

also logic is a white mans means to lie and deceive.

>> No.8427221
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>> No.8427226
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>knowing how to write
The leftist mind is too prone toward disorganization, sanctimony, and self-destruction to ever produce literature of merit and intelligence.

>> No.8427229

to suggest to others that being "left leaning" has anything to do with the success of an entire nation is horribly misleading. There are so many variables to consider.

However, the fact remains that every economically successful country in the world has used a capitalist model. Additionally, almost all have swung between a moderate left and a moderate right position.

Brainstorm extremist countries that you would like to live in. If you come up with more than 5, you are either an edgy teenager who has wet dreams about Trotsky or Hitler, or a political masochist.

>> No.8427243
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