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/lit/ - Literature

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8426358 No.8426358 [Reply] [Original]

I would like opinions on my novel. should I get another narrator or is my voice ok?


>> No.8426401

You sound like Will Self. You sound like a lanky, bespectacled accountant with blonde hair and a giant adam's apple. The story is boring as fuck, I mean get to the point. Normie shit.

>> No.8426484

what is Normie? and what do you mean by getting to the point?

>> No.8426521

You obviously don't browse /lit/ my man. There's an unspoken rule on here that you first have to lurk here and contribute to the community or at least understand it before you start asking for money or attention or anything else.

Normie is a derogative term meaning that you are normal, in the sense that you do not suffer from any mental illness or personality disorder, you have no extreme views, you do not suffer immensely for existential and / or mental health reasons, and your opinions and tastes are those of a well-adjusted civilian content to live according to the rules and social mores of our society.

By getting to the point I mean don't expect anybody to be interested in listening to five minutes of some guy dryly narrating some dude walking into a cafe and ordering coffee. You presume too much about how much I have going on in my life if you think I care to know about this dude's preferred methods of making tea. I have transexual porn to watch, I have a yellow stained pillow to hump, I have several hours of daily suicide ideation that I do not intend to miss. Assume nobody wants to hear you say anything and your word will tighten up almost instantly. At the moment you write like a dude who has been told all his life that everything he says and writes is just fascinating darling.

>> No.8426558

You got all that from that video? It seems you are baselessly assuming or merely projecting. I dont know if you're serious about the Normie term, seems childish. Anyway, I'm a published author and this is my next novel. I thought I would get some feedback from the fringes of online forums and since many here value prose I though they would enjoy some finely crafted narration.

>> No.8426710

I don't give a fuck my nigga. Go shill your boring-ass shit elsewhere. Real talk.

>> No.8427503


Your voice works for me but I might be somewhat influenced by the novelty of a British accent to an American ear.

Angry anon is correct that your description of the bar is longwinded. This isn't the Mos Eisley cantina and so doesn't deserve to be scrutinized any more closely than would a Starbucks. Please proceed to the action.

>> No.8427515

dogg why is your diction and voice so formal and awkward though. what's going on there. chill out and stuff.

any way your spoken voice is fine

>> No.8427534

>Neil Griffith's Betrayal in Naples is a stylish and erotic literary thriller that will appeal to fans of Graham Greene.

Jesus christ

>'An edgy romance and an excellent study in paranoia' Daily Telegraph


>Jim Wolf is abandoned in a Naples back street by a taxi driver. This is not what he came to the city for. But he's soon found by Louisa - an ex-lover never quite forgotten - now married to a charismatic Neapolitan judge. The three become close friends, and it's not long before Jim is closely involved in a high profile-mafia trial and once again irresistibly tempted by Louisa.
Jim is soon out of his depth, seduced by both the beauty and danger of this mysterious city, where betrayal - of a lover, of a friend, of oneself - is part of the way of life, and where, if you break the unspoken codes, a single gesture from a powerful man can condemn you.

Wow dude i dont think your market of middle class moms really goes on /lit/
you should probably try another place to shill your book like your local whole foods or wherever grungy climacteric ladies hang out in ameristan

>> No.8427548
File: 48 KB, 330x319, 1438632435371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8427576

>many here value prose
we do, and yours isn't good. i just imagine with every word you speak, a smug grin on your face, so satisfied by what you think is intricately crafted prose. maybe your mom fiction will sell in the supermarket, but this is a board for serious literature

>> No.8427716

It's safe to say OP was out of his element here.

I wonder where he received a suggestion to post here from, as he's obviously never been here before. As >>8427534 pointed out, his target market is clearly elsewhere and well-defined; in no Venn diagram does 4chan and soccer mom overlap, unless it's for possession of tendies.

What an odd post.

>> No.8427754

Sounds like OP was trolled into posting here by reddit desu

Your voice is fine, articulation occasionally lacks sharpness in the beginning. Track's very well produced and all but the continuous cool-guitar background and lack of longer pauses in your narration is making it all sound even more boring and monotone than it already is

>> No.8428056

Judging from the image it might be someone from /mu/.

>> No.8428158


>> No.8429251

>a long spoon at an acute angle


>> No.8429255

Has that something to do with the devil?

>> No.8429257

I want to comment on the video without sounding like an asshole. what do?

>> No.8429259

Hey. My mum cuts my hair also.

We're like brothers now.

>> No.8429277

Would have been better if u started from the beginning u fuck

>> No.8429669

/lit/ has to be the easiest board