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8425520 No.8425520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think i have lost the taste for life /lit/. Everything, and mostly everyone, seems really bland for me. I started to obsess with the concept of general intelligence and how almost every skill and trait i used to value are correlated with it. Like for example creativity, personality and empathy, that recent theories shows that are way more linked to general intelligence than we used to thought.
Now its really hard for me to see people differences as something unique or special, it looks like flaws that are rooted in their incapability of developing certain skills due to their low intelligence. Life doesn't feel beautiful anymore, with multiple layers of complexity and various ways for people to be different and valuable.
As a consequence, my self esteem is no existent and for example the relationship with my gf, which i was really proud of, looks shallow and extremely liked to our intelligence, because everything that is good looks to be linked to general intelligence. Income, happiness, stable marriage, empathy and so on.
Working as a engineer really made things worsts. It's almost like anything matters but the ability to solve the problem at hand that is practically 100% of the time solved by the most intelligent person on our group.
I know this is a very reductionist mindset, but i am not finding myself able to change it and its pretty much destroying my life. I also think this is a more modern problem, that was born with the concept of I.Q. and G Factor and the findings that support these theories, but nevertheless i find myself in such a depressive state that i wan't to ask if /lit/ can give me any advice on reading (or any advice at all) that can help me see this issue at another perspective.
Thanks for reading and excuse my english.

>> No.8425527
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One solution


Also consider procreating, it shifts your attention from you

>> No.8425552

Read this, anon: http://carolblack.org/a-thousand-rivers

Might show you some of the issues with traditional schooling/IQ tests

>> No.8425559

how old are you. if 18 or younger just say 18.

>> No.8425565

I will read it annon, thanks for the suggestion.

24, as i said, i work as an engineer.

>> No.8425585

>24, as i said, i work as an engineer.
Get some prozac, small dose.

The things you are worried about shouldnt really bother you. You arent defined by your intellect or work but by your personal relationships and the good or bad that you do

I know its cliche but Meditations of Marcus Aurelius may be a goto

>> No.8425630

Thanks for your answer anon. I started to see a psychologist one month ago and this week i probably will ask her if there isn't a medication that can help me feel better.

>> No.8425634


Run away pham, get a male shrink.

>> No.8425642

My medical plan assigned me one and i can't change (i actually tried in the first session).

>> No.8425648

Honestly dont worry about the psychologist, just go to GP and ask for a tiny dosage.

But remember, existential crises are bullshit. You are just a little human living a little life, and it really isnt much to worry about. I like Epicureanism in that regard. Try to derive small, moral pleasure from everything and die happy.

>> No.8425667

>It's almost like anything matters but the ability to solve the problem at hand that is practically 100% of the time solved by the most intelligent person on our group.
And I can tell you without a shred of doubt that instead of worrying or making excuses about not being intelligent enough he puts work in learning new things. Mediocre engineers, such as yourself, tend to whine and cite dubious IQ studies. You are one of those mediocrities that flirt with, and are fascinated by, the idea of being smart and intelligent but never commit to actually learning new things (which--let's face it--boiled down to the core primitives, is math).

“I advise my students to listen carefully the moment they decide to take no more mathematics courses. They might be able to hear the sound of closing doors.”

>> No.8425675

I just read this text. Really, really good. It made me feel a lot better. Thanks again.

>> No.8425686


In fact i am the most intelligent person of our group but i didn't want to sound arrogant. I have put a lot of time and effort to earn my masters in EE at 23 y/o and i know that hard work is absolutely necessarily. But i also know that hard work alone wouldn't be enough, seeing how many people that was around me that time worked really, really hard but couldn't grasp things with the same depth and speed than myself.

If it makes you feel better, or at least not that wrong, i actually feel that i am a shitty engineer regardless of my level of education and technical capacity.

>> No.8426154

>hahaha your theories aren't perfect positivists btfo
>as a smart holistic thinker I can my make universal generalizations about people I haven't lived with or studied intensely
>muh home schooling

>research is beginning to show that dyslexics are smarter in some ways than early readers. Did we really have to wait for science to discover this? Could we really not just look in our children’s bright eyes and know that they all bring something unique and precious to the world?
How can you be this fucking stupid?

>> No.8426155


>> No.8426163


OP read "On the Nature of Things" by Lucretius

get the hackett edition

>> No.8426355
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>bourgeois individualism

>> No.8426770

just kill yourself already.

>> No.8426797

>green posting

>> No.8426845

Become a serial killer.

>> No.8426944

Lmao you greenposted too.

OP, hypocrisy is everywhere. There are still those who think paper intelligence is the only kind of wit. They've managed to fool you. Don't let them. They're as respectable as Dawkins (trolls) who think "their" bridges are castles.

Trolls have the habit of thinking of themselves as the only wise. But each individual possesses a Wisdom proper to his Individuality. I'm paraphrasing William Blake--who at the time was deemed crazy. (And still is by ignorant academics)

Instead of becoming as one-sided as quantitative tests necessarily are, try understanding others *on their own terms*, instead of assuming they're Intellectually Inferior just because they're not abcedminded.

Bigoted psychologists should not be allowed to dictate what constitutes intelligence; let alone using the values of mechanical, industrial culture.

The butcher, the professor, the kid, the hairdresser, the drunkard: each a universe more replete than all the art and science available; and neither smarter or dumber than the other. You'll discover how inappropriate it is to compare individualities. Learn to respect others and yourself and you'll be ready to grasp how lucky it is to be alive.

>> No.8426950
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>E-Everyone is smart in their o-own way!

Marxists, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.8426999


Locke yourself tightly within yourself, and complain the world is shallow

>> No.8427004


>Locke yourself tightly within yourself, and complain the world is shallow

Is that supposed to be some pun/reference to Locke? I don't get it.

>> No.8427013


Yeats wrote a Blakean poem:

"Locke sank into a swoon
The garden died;
God took the spinning-jenny
Out of his side."

>> No.8427019
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mirin those digits

>> No.8427024


>> No.8427051

Because Women have less iq. Fuck, did you even read the thread?

>> No.8427078

I identify with the "burden of intelligence" idea, and I have been burdened by it for a long time. What follows is going to come off as very arrogant and possibly condescending, but when I was younger I tested as having a 160 or higher IQ - a test given by a psychologist, not online - and have been told throughout my life that I was "the smartest person they've ever met" by peers and teachers alike. I really think this has been the biggest detriment to my overall development because I really don't want to be known as exceedingly smart. It's nice on occasion to be recognized for something I've done that is a show of my intellect, but I think the root of the problem is that I'm too often recognized solely for my intelligence, while I'd much rather be recognized for something I've actually accomplished because of it; even then, I'd like that to be seldom. I really have a big problem in life with feeling simultaneously different from everyone else while being semi-happy for that difference, yet also wishing I was more like everyone else.

Fuck that sounded way worse than I meant it to. Basically I feel like intelligence plays a role in my life far more than I'd like it to both in regards to myself and my judgement of others. It's just gotten old to be recognized as smart for things I feel aren't deserving of recognition - I feel like people often think I'm smarter than I really am, and even question the validity of that original IQ test.

>> No.8427101

Is this pasta?

>> No.8427111

It is now

>> No.8427166

It's an old one

>> No.8427245

It still is now

>> No.8427290
