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8423071 No.8423071 [Reply] [Original]

recent purchases

>> No.8423091

First for fountainhead love :)

>> No.8423098

>Ayn Randy

Fucking DROPPED, you autistic manbaby.

>> No.8423110

>Reading Ayn Rand



Fuck off back to le reddit you edgy FAGtheist.

>> No.8423120

FuK U LOLbertarian.

*tips fedora*

The government is your friend.

>> No.8423140

damn you guys are fucking stupid. if anything out of my haul is le reddit it's unbroken lel.

>> No.8423167

I was going to participate in this thread, but then all these summerfags shat on OP for having an Ayn Rand book.

>> No.8423184

summer friends

>> No.8423189

>the Memehead

>> No.8423191
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Not all cops but things I'm working on

I think I'm supposed to make fun of you for Rand. It's like mandatory or something.

>> No.8423198


>> No.8423210
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ANARCHU!!!NON NJTk..obj crux ex get f Aanatchy k men to say shit phone fuck cickf: yf

>> No.8423227

makes fun of fountainhead. has Dawkins.


>> No.8423231

did you get a free fedora with those books?

>> No.8423232

I can't ever find Bukowski at my used book stores. I read Ham on Rye and fell in love. Then I read Post Office. All I really want to read by him is Factotum.

>> No.8423529

Neither are particularly bad

>> No.8423921
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All new (add Los Detectives Salvajes y 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, and Discipline and Punish, by Michel Foucault, that aren't here), except for Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist of the Artist as a Young Man.

>> No.8423966

I've never heard of that Joyce novel. Is it an unfinished work ?

>> No.8423986

You picked the correct version of Ulysses

>> No.8423990

Oh, but read Joyce in chronological order, please. Do it for me, baby.

>> No.8424002
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>> No.8424004

Your bookstore should have a 'Beats' section, where Bukowski books aplenty can be found (I don't agree with his placement in that section either but what can ya do)

>> No.8424006

those McCarthy editions make me so sad :(

>> No.8424024


>> No.8424027

Why? Others have said that the 1922 edition wasn't that good (or that's what I took from their comments), and recommended, among others, the Gabler edition. What could you tell me about it/them?

I'm doing as you say. You can sleep in peace at night.

>> No.8424030


>> No.8424031
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>> No.8424034

The covers are just horrendous looking, tacky.

if you don't care about the covers, don't bother replying please.

>> No.8424041
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>caring about the covers

>> No.8424045
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>> No.8424046

I mean I don't really care about covers but I don't think they look horrible either.

>> No.8424050

Not gonna insult you about your taste then.

>> No.8424055

>but I don't think they look horrible either.
Were you the guy saying Warhol was the greatest artist of all time in that Gaddis thread?

>> No.8424073

Forget about Ayn Rand, read Max Stirner so you don't fall under her spooks.

>> No.8424089

I don't know why people would say that the Oxford World's Classics edition is bad. It has typos, but they aren't very major and there's an errata in the back listing them all. I think it's nice to read a facsimile of the first edition, it feels more authentic than reading a later edition would. I also like the annotations in the appendix that explain the many obscure references throughout the book. I would understand much less of it if those weren't there.

>> No.8424142
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Anti-purchase post: all the books I'm about to get rid of for various reasons

>> No.8424148

you're getting rid of those Vonnegut books just because of those recent hate threads, aren't you?

>> No.8424150

send me that hunger

>> No.8424156
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>> No.8424157

>owning all that vonnegut to begin with
lord, anon, i mean i was a fan, but jesus fucking christ, all his books are the same!

>> No.8424159

Nah, I've always liked Vonnegut, I just don't plan on reading these ones again and I wanted to get rid of a lot of my old paper backs. I've still got a few of his novels and about 4 of his short story collections.

Pretty much the same thing with the Salinger books too.

>> No.8424164

I was pretty obssesed with him when I was a teenager..

>> No.8424386

accidentally ordered and received 2 copies of Absalom! Absalom!

>> No.8424393

Absalom! Absalom! Absalom! Absalom!

Reminds me when I received four copies of Infinite Jest on accident from Amazon. I had them sitting in my bathroom as a gag for a bit.

>> No.8424399

what did you do with the others? give them away? that's what i plan on doing with my extra copy

>> No.8424402

One was for me, one was a gift to a friend who never read it, I gave another to my Grandpa who also never read and I keep the fourth for a re-read.

>> No.8424420
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Have read them from the bottom up, about a third of the way through Inherent Vice right now

>> No.8424423


That is a nice collection man, shame that they're on the way out. I wouldn't mind owning a few of those.

>> No.8424424

That is a nice looking Things Fall Apart. I liked that story, read it this year.

>> No.8424429

Send me your books man

>> No.8424450
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Bought these today. How'd I do?

>> No.8424453

you did really bad

>> No.8424459

this is a joke right?

>> No.8424467

If I pay for shipping will you send me some? ;.;

>> No.8424474

Not at all.

What's so bad about my purchases?

>> No.8424476

I'm just shitting on you for asking for praise.

>> No.8424485

Fair enough, this is 4chan after all. I forgot to thank the guy in the /sffg/ threads for recommending Hothouse.

>> No.8424491

>Evelyn Waugh

Nice. Read Brideshead Revisited this Summer and loved it. Want to try some of his other stuff.

>> No.8424492

Kindle masterrace.
Recent downloads has been Putas Asesinas by Bolaño, Funerales De La Mama Grande by Garcia Marquez and Huasipungo by Jorge Icaza (really good ecuadorian novel, i'd highly recommend it)

>> No.8424509

Used books are best books tho. Ebooks are cool because you can pirate them but I'm kind of a technophobe and don't trust much that's modern and electronic. Every time I try to use an ebook reader I end up accidentally wiping all the books off of it, because it will freeze and I'll try to restart it, and I'll lose all my books and have to put them back on the device... It also doesn't help that I'm a welfarefag with an ebook reader from 2011 and a computer from 2007 running XP.

>> No.8424516
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I saw a thread earlier about how this was the best edition. I like the pictures.

>> No.8424645
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>> No.8424651

>Pevear/Volokhonsky translation of C&H

>> No.8424684

Crime and Hunishment

>> No.8424691


>> No.8425139
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>> No.8425142

I've got too many books, I gotta make room.

>> No.8425353
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-non-english peasant

>> No.8425409
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It's alright, a little expensive.

And here's a better image, since you only posted the cover.

>> No.8425418
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Bought mine used.

>> No.8425427

Nice, how much did you shell out? It's hard for me to buy anything outside of BookDepository, because I'm in Taiwan.

>> No.8425428

well my friend

looks like the only summerfriend

was you

>> No.8425430
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>> No.8425432
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>> No.8425436
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>> No.8425437

USD? That's like $5 less than buying new.

>> No.8425443
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I probably could have found a better price but I didn't want to drive around all day.

>> No.8425457
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>> No.8425460
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>> No.8425463


In the Heart of the Heart of the Country is stupendous. Excellent purchases anon.

>> No.8425693

>book haul
>not the worst threads on /lit/

>> No.8425713

They are, but only because of all these summerfags trying to defend Randfags.

>> No.8425989


Literally who?

>> No.8426014

Have you read Turtle Diary yet?
I see it at my local bookstore and it's supposed to be good but I've yet to pull the trigger on it

>> No.8426055
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>> No.8426365
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I had to stack them up a little bit.
One stack=author

From left to right,top to bottom:

Small lexicon of philosophy
Walter Miller Jr.:A canticle for Leibowitz
Hemingway:A movable feast
Canterbury tales
Agatha Christie:The ABC murders(under that:A murder is announced)
Rejtő Jenő:Texas Bill the Daredevil(under that:Tiger blood)
Endless space(buddhist texts)
Joyce:A portrait of the artist as a young man
Karinthy:Magnetic death(?)(under that:The faces of the soul,This is how YOU write I-II)

All of this for 19 bucks.
What do you think?

>> No.8426455

A good haul, prepared to be bored to tears by A Movable Feast though. I love Hemingway but his style is terrible for non-dramatic nonfiction.

>> No.8426563

Where did you find a copy of The Idiot that's that fucking big ? Are the pages half an inch thick ?

>> No.8426578

That top left one may be the ugliest book cover I've seen in my life. That's even worse than Wordsworth Classics editions.

>> No.8426612


What language is that? Hungarian?

>> No.8426642


It might be cause it's by a "book cover designer" who does a lot of nyrb books, and the books from 1985 so she tried to make it somewhat modern while incorporating the title of the book and making it literal. I don't think its so bad but i get it.


Not yet, I liked the description i read though so I picked it up, nyrb is always nice to have a few lying around since the books don't usually go past 200-300 pages.

>> No.8426654


>> No.8426677
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Finnish translations are big.

Really tho its just a small-yet-thick book, about 950 pages. I added the penguin classic Ulysses for scale.

The Ulysses translation at the bottom is a pretty new buy, too.

>> No.8426780

God i fucking hate Rejtő Jenő so fucking much. Everything else is good though.

>> No.8426811

now just wait for the retards saying
>hurrr translated Ulysses

>> No.8426992

>translated joyce
fucking idiot

>> No.8427110

>just a small-yet-thick book, about 950 pages
>fucking spurdos made the idiot three times longer
what the fuck, finland ?

>> No.8427115

you mean idiootti

>> No.8427280

eh, it was done by a good translator who spent like 10 years on the project

I'd be a pretentious liar if I said that checking out the translation won't probably expand my appreciation of the book, there's a shitload of footnotes, etc

>> No.8427376

That Joyce cover is awesome. Too bad it's a translation.

>> No.8427399

bro, bro come on, listen to this tip, will save you a lot of time here on /lit/:
>ignore every single one saying that you shouldn't read translated Joyce
1.if english isn't your main language you will get the most of this book in a single read by reading in a fluent language, not even english speakers get 30% of the book by reading it, most are from analisys and notes. You will lose a lot but you will gain a lot more by reading in a confortable language, re-read in english later.

2.people that say that probably read the following authors in english: Cervantes, Dante, Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Proust, Tolstoy, Dostoievski, Gombrowicz, Kafka, Goethe, Baudelaire, Bolaño, Borges, Saramago, Kawabata, Mishima, Oe, Nietzche, Assis, Stendhal, Mann, Broch, Bulgakov, Tchekov, Rosa, Camões, Seneca, Buzzati, Calvino, Pessoa, Musil, Svevo, Pavese, Tanizaki, Canetti, Flaubert, Rilke, Moliere, Carpentier, Plato, Hesiod, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Ibsen, Lorca, Puchkin, Cortazar, Descartes, Schopenhauer, Gide, Fontane, Kundera, Sarte, Camus, Zola

enjoy your book

>> No.8427402

>Throwing out decent books

>> No.8427582

honestly this is one book that its not retarded to wonder why one would bother reading a translation.

>> No.8427586

hm i forgot about that side of the argument. true.

>> No.8428425

I own a copy if the english version.
They look nice placed next to eachother

>> No.8428442
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