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/lit/ - Literature

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8422124 No.8422124 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some good black authors who don't talk about
>muh racism

>> No.8422128

pick two

>> No.8422136

Alexandre Dumas

>> No.8422146

Good and black

>> No.8422155

Samuel Delaney and Derek Walcott come to mind. Both of their masterpieces, Dhalgren and Omeros, are derivative of The Odyssey, similar to Ulysses but in different veins. Ulysses being modern-lit, Dhalgren being sci-fi, and Omeros being an epic poem

>> No.8422162

What are some good 4chan /lit/ threads who don't talk about
>muh white privilege

>> No.8422168 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 323x499, INFINITE JEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFINITE JEST speaks for all black literature.

>> No.8422173

Omeros is all whiny das racis shit though

>> No.8422177
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basically all of them, my nu-male friend

>> No.8422198

I guess if you consider a passage about the "Achilles" character on a slave ship from Africa to America to be "das racis" then sure but that certainly isn't truthful of the whole

>> No.8422228

Cardinal Sarah

>> No.8422239
File: 140 KB, 426x656, Invisible Man - Ellison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ralph Ellison. Now get out.

>> No.8422247

Amos Tutuola

>> No.8422261 [DELETED] 

Keep on shitposting butterfly.

>> No.8422268


Very, very subtle COINTELPRO.

>> No.8422271
File: 766 KB, 600x860, cardinal sarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this T B H
thank you based Sarah

>> No.8422282

Hope this Francis shit will end soon and we'll get a pope who isn't all about autonomy for only German heretics.

>> No.8422285

>that noose around his neck

he's doing the right thing

>> No.8422288
File: 412 KB, 1551x1868, Hel-lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, you don't like the helpful posts in the troll-meme threads? Or are you asking me to firebomb this thread?

>> No.8422295

Any of you guys read Ishmael Reed? Don't see him on lit much, but read a few books by him in philosophy courses

>> No.8422302 [DELETED] 

not asking u to do anything lol, just think youre fucking useless

>> No.8422345


Never heard of him until just now, going to check him out.

>> No.8422431
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Some would say the same of /lit/

>> No.8422812

pushkin, obviously

>> No.8422850

Dead black

>> No.8424060

why do you want black authors? are you assuming something about their experiences and ideas based on their skin color? you sound pretty racist OP

>> No.8425401

Alice norton is enjoyable.

>> No.8425404

Harsh but true

>> No.8425539


>> No.8425711

I gotta read this in full. Read part of it for a weird english class last year, was pretty beautiful and interesting to me.

>> No.8425715

Olaudah Equiano

>> No.8425722

Thomas Sowell

>> No.8426226

Amos Tutuola

>> No.8426228

The prologue is God-tier, I've read it like four times but never got into the book itself

>> No.8426262
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