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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3 KB, 236x57, omegle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
842175 No.842175 [Reply] [Original]

1. Go on omegle
2. Ask Favorite book
3. ???

>> No.842180

well i guess i'm up for a round.


>> No.842192

as soon as I'm done trolling /v/

>> No.842195

You: Hey
Stranger: lookin for a dirty horny girl
You: What is your favourite book?
Stranger: i have a few
You: What are they?
Stranger: enders game, bourne series, bleachers are some
Stranger: u gonna stirp for me now

>> No.842200

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hiya
You: Fav book?
Stranger: nope
You: ...nope?
You: what kind of answer is that?
Stranger: idk a good 1
You: well I don't expect you to name a good one
You: I just expect you to name your favorite
You: obviously you can read
You: since you're in a text chat...
Stranger: yea hold on let me think .....................blue eggs and ham
You: green eggs and ham
Stranger: ohhh oops
You: you trollin?
Stranger: ha
You: nigga, I think you trollin
You: did /b/ send you?
Stranger: wat ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

nigga wasn't trollin.
nigga was fucking stupid.

>> No.842216

You: Hi.
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: Hello.
Stranger: ... I'm not sure.
Stranger: Of Mice and Men?
You: Any particular reason?
Stranger: No... I read it and I liked it.
Stranger: I'm not big on books.
Stranger: I write a lot of poetry, though...
You: Okay. Any other shout-outs or statements you want to make?
Stranger: Ummmm
You: I'm on a mission where we go on omgle, ask favorite book, post results.
Stranger: I am a musician, I listen to stuff like Mastodon, Baroness, Opeth, Agalloch, Melvins, Big Business, and I play guitar...
Stranger: That doesn't help, does it?

>> No.842217

i lol'd

>> No.842219

You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: 5cm long cock
You: I've never heard of it, is it a good read?
Stranger: ur momas a good read lmao

>> No.842223

Stranger: (◕‿◕❀)
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: the cat and the hat
You: why?
Stranger: =^_^=

this one is boring...rollin

>> No.842229

You: Hey. What's your absolute favourite book?
Stranger: the twilight series why>
Stranger: ?
You: Hold on I need to go kill myself.

>> No.842232

I like using trollegle and messing with people's conversations.

>> No.842236

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey there
You: before you try to rape me I have one question
You: whats your favorite book?
Stranger: hey, not planning on raping u :p
Stranger: not sure how that is possible through a computer anyways
Stranger: romeo and juliet
You: ...
Stranger: ?
You: are you in high school or something?
You: a freshman maybe?
Stranger: nope
You: really?
You: how old are you
Stranger: university
Stranger: 21
You: oh.
Stranger: hbu?
You: Not important
Stranger: i see
You: career choice?
Stranger: medical
You: Im not sure what to make of this
You have disconnected.

>> No.842243

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: What's your favorite book?
You: HALO!
Stranger: That's not a book...
You: Shut up Nigger.
Stranger: Get out of here /v/.
You: no u

>> No.842247

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi what's your favorite book?
Stranger: his dark materials
You: you know "his dark materials" could mean the book by Philip Pullman or the entire Golden Compass series
You: which one?
Stranger: there's a book called 'his dark materials'?
Stranger: oh ok then i mean the first book in the his dark materials series
You: So the polar bear one
Stranger: um i think so?
Stranger: it's been awhile
You: how can you forget the polar bear?

>> No.842249

You: Hi. What's your favorite book?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: uhm
Stranger: or something like that
Stranger: hey od are you there it's me Margaret :)
Stranger: I forgot the name
You: God?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: lol
You: The one about the girl who gets her period?
Stranger: yeah haha
Stranger: it's hilarious
You: So you're 13?

>> No.842255

Stranger: hi 22/m/us
You: Hey/ 24/F/US
Stranger: how are you?
You: Good. Random question: What is your favourite book?
Stranger: hmmmm
Stranger: Johnny Got His Gun, by Dalton Trumbo
You: Cool. I'm big on Pynchon right now.
Stranger: that's cool
You: I was actually looking for someone to rip on. But you answered with an actual decent book.
You: Not like the last 5.
Stranger: haha
You: Then I disconnectd.
You: Welp.
You: See ya.
You: Also I'm a dude.

>> No.842273

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey there
You: fav book?
Stranger: Hey!
Stranger: Uhh gossip girl?
Stranger: Yours?
You: i'm sorry.
You: did you just type "Gossip Girl"
Stranger: Yeahh i didd!
You: What in the fucking fuck is fucking wrong with you you stupid piece of horse cock devouring shit hole tasting filthy shit pie mother fucker?
Stranger: Wtf? Wudd youu rather have me say twilight or somethingg?
You: honestly?
You: yes.
Stranger: Whts yours? Im pretty shuree its not muchh better!
You: For once in my life
You: I might actually prefer to hear you say twilight
You: I mean holy shit
You: are you kidding me?
Stranger: Well guess wht? Im not gonna. Whts yours huhh? Its probably not muchh better
You: you are an insult to everyone in the entire world who has the ability to read
Stranger: Ohh heckk yes i am!
You: I can name almost anything in the world and it will be better
Stranger: Wht??
You: I mean, fuck
Stranger: Come on name something
You: even Catcher in the fucking Rye is better than that shit
You: Fucking, AYN RAND is better than that shit
Stranger: Wtf is tht??
You: I mean HOLY fuck
You: you know what
Stranger: Wht?
You: I think i'm going to go drink a bottle of bleach
Stranger: Youu go do tht!
You: Go to a library
You: You fucking moron
Stranger: Your thee effingg moron!
You: ...yeah
You: I bet.
You have disconnected.

No comment.

>> No.842275

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: rainbow six ORRR the harry potter series
You: So you are still a virgin then? Buck up. Even computer Programers get laid eventually/

>> No.842280



>> No.842294

Stranger: on a scale of 1 to 10 how likely am i to see your boobs? 10 being here is a link and 1 being your a guy or very selfish
You: hey there
You: Well
You: if you can answer this question for me
You: it will be a 10
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: twilight
You: what?
You: aren't you a guy?
Stranger: im joking
You: well don't joke
You: if you don't answer honestly i won't show my bewbs
Stranger: its catch 22
You: oh. well thats ok then.
You: btw, I have a penis.
You have disconnected.

>> No.842295

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: twilight saga
Stranger: how bout you?
You: Dear god...
You: Are you a teenage mormon?
Stranger: absolutely, yes
You: Then you get a pass.

>> No.842296

You: hello!
Stranger: hiii
You: what's your favourite book?
Stranger: my s
Stranger: ass
You: i couldn't really get on with the writing style
Stranger: huh
You: his characters were very one dimensional as well, almost cardboard
Stranger: ur crazy

>> No.842312

hollllllllly shit /lit/ sucks right now. It's like mini-/r9k/ with no intelligent people. I am not going to post because the board is boring and dumb right now. I just want all of you reading this to know that you are terrible posters, you are the people who make boards boring, and I really think the internet would be better if you refrained from posting

tl;dr get the fuck out, immediately, you boring, tasteless asses

>> No.842313


Here's mine:

You: Hi
Stranger: Am I an asshole
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: Cat in a hat
You: Yes
Stranger: Haha
You: Did another fine gent ask you this question?
Stranger: No
Stranger: it was an asshole gent

>> No.842319

>I am a musician, I listen to stuff like Mastodon, Baroness, Opeth, Agalloch, Melvins, Big Business, and I play guitar...

I'd fuck this person real hard. That list is so bro-tier.

>> No.842320

Stranger: hahha.
Stranger: p.c cast.
Stranger: house of night,
Stranger: series.
Stranger: why do u ask?
You: that looks horribly gay
Stranger: hahah dude.
Stranger: what r u saying?
Stranger: it's perfect.
You: ly gay?
Stranger: action, romance, comedy/
You: gay, gay, gay
You: do you read twilight as well?
Stranger: what do u got that so much better?
Stranger: and yes, i have read them but nim not intersted anymore.
You: ...
You have disconnected.

>> No.842321

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hey! my name is sara and i just turned 18 and I am about to do my first webcam. I want as many people to see me get completely naked for my first time
You: so
Stranger: My webcam is http://videochat4singles.com/hotnwild521 Do you think I'm hot?
You: what's your favourite book?
You: /lit/'s doing a survey
Stranger: oh shit the webcam just started
Stranger: srry, i have to get off Omegle... i'm gonna start now. see if you can join asap
You: do you read?
[about two minutes pass]
You have disconnected.

>> No.842331 [DELETED] 

stOP dDoSINg_wwW.anoxntxALK.se_rEmoVE All X in_ThAt_UrL
ucu x u p rvurjxpak vvq zldsts

>> No.842327

You: Hello. Favourite book?
Stranger: ummmm
Stranger: Vampire books?
Stranger: u
You: I enjoy Finnegan's Wake. I do believe that only a person of high intellect, such as myself can TRULY garner what Joyce was saying.
Stranger: whats it abut?
You: I wouldn't expect a plebeian such as yourself and your vampire tripe to grasp the finer nuances of Joyce's prose, so I won't elaborate.
You: Also, good for you.
Stranger: ?
You: I didn't think people with down syndrome used the internet.

>> No.842330

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: a/s/l/favorite book
You: actually forget the first three
You: what is your favorite book
Stranger: lol...
Stranger: I dont read books
You: I don't either, I experience them
Stranger: whats urs
You: What is your favorite book you have experienced?
Stranger: how do you experience a book
Stranger: I dont get it
You: Usually you experience it by reading it
You: So what book is your favorite?
Stranger: lol...
Stranger: again, I dont read books
Stranger: so whats up with you ... you are back of books ?
You: Have you ever read a book?
Stranger: yeah
You: What was it called?
You have disconnected.

>> No.842340

Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: what's your favorite book
Stranger: twilight
Stranger: new moon
You: fuck you fagstick

>> No.842341

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: fav book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.842347

Happened to me twice.

>> No.842358

You: Hello
Stranger: Hello
You: Random question: favourite book?
Stranger: oh now thats really hard
Stranger: care to wait?
You: I'll broaden it. NAme 3.
Stranger: thank you
Stranger: uhm, Harry Potter Series, I cant just choose one of them
Stranger: I also enjoyed
Stranger: the Vast Fields of Ordinary
Stranger: and finally...
Stranger: let me think about it?
Stranger: what are your favourite three?
You: Okay hold up.
You: What's The Vast Fields of Ordinary about?
Stranger: uhm, it's actually about a gay teen coming to find himself yadayada. its a good read
Stranger: you fall in love with the characters
You: By fall...
You: Do you mean fall into his sphincter?
You: Gross.

>> No.842359

Stranger: male
You: Hey what's your favorite book?
Stranger: umm
Stranger: the pillars of the earth
You: Is that about Michael Moore's legs?
Stranger: no?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842361

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: and u?
Stranger: twilight
You: Isn't that the literary equivelent of jamming a fork up your rectum?
You: Also, have you ever done that... on camera... for money?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842367

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: haiii
You: fav book?
Stranger: ummmm. hmm.
Stranger: the martian chronicles
Stranger: by bradbury
You: ...really?
Stranger: yeah? why?
You: hmm.
You: sure its not twilight?
Stranger: wow. gag me with a spoon.
You: hellz yeah. femanon?
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: um
Stranger: yeah?
You: nice
You: we should date sometime.
Stranger: sounds beautiful.
You: but first I have to go post this convo on /lit/
Stranger: gee thanks
Stranger: hi /b/
You: what?
Stranger: /lit/
You: no.I said /lit/
You: yeah
You: there you go
You: have a good day
Stranger: likewise.
You have disconnected.

>> No.842369

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: so
You: what is your favourite book?
Stranger: haha twilight. . . what about oyu ?
You: Excession
You: what did you like about twilight, exactly?
Stranger: umm okay
Stranger: whats excession about. . . .everything ..
You: Excession is a novel by Iain M Banks
Stranger: what do you like about it ?
You: Mostly Bank's writing style, and I liked the characters in Excession, as well as the portrayal of the setting, better than his other Culture novels
You: what do you like about twilight?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842371

You: 你好
Stranger: you wanna play 20Q?
You: yea
Stranger: ok. asl?
You: 19-f-usa
Stranger: ok. im 18 m uk
You: okay do i ask now?
You: lol
Stranger: yeah.
You: whats your fav book?
Stranger: harry potter
Stranger: lol. i know im a nerd right?
You: no thats cool lol
You: me and my friends are into that
Stranger: hahaha
You: my fav is In the miso soup
Stranger: never heard of it, any good
You: it's really good but can get pretty out there
You: lol
Stranger: sorry wasnt really looking to talk about books bye

What an A-hole

>> No.842374

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: don't have one
Stranger: hey
Stranger: not because i don't read, though
You: You can't read? Or you don't enjoy it?
Stranger: i read
Stranger: just don't have a favorite
You: Oh
You: Well, most recent then.
Stranger: last book i read was Copenhagen
You: What's it about?
You: Is it about quantum mechanics?
Stranger: trials, unjust systems and shit
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: totally
You: Hmmmmm
Stranger: i really have no idea
Stranger: i bs-ed through that book
Stranger: so did the rest of my class
You: Well what's the main character's name?
Stranger: there's two of em
Stranger: they are scientists
You: Yeah
You: Niels Bohr
You: and Werner Heisenberg
Stranger: exactly
You: And they developed
Stranger: so you read it?
You: the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
You: No
You: I have not read it
You: In fact, I've never heard of the book
You: but I just know of the debates and stuff
Stranger: oh cool
Stranger: it was written in the form of a screenplay
Stranger: so it was all dialogue
Stranger: kinda hard to follow
Stranger: and a bit boring
You: Like Shakespeare books? You embarras me, you sullen shell of human!
You have disconnected.

>> No.842377

You can say "asshole," you know, we won't get upset.

>> No.842378

You: Favourite book?
Stranger: perfume
You: o.O
You: who's the author?
Stranger: i forgot
Stranger: nice book
You: ah, what's it about?
Stranger: a french man who makes good perfume from virgin bodies
You: people's corpses? so, it's like Sweeney Todd?
*"stranger is typing" for literally five minutes*
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.842380

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello!
Stranger: Hiya ;)
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: Are you a bot?
Stranger: Lol oh no
You: Hmm?
Stranger: Let me guess, your's is Twilight
Stranger: And you jack off to it
Stranger: and paste the pages together
You: Nah.
Stranger: oh wait
Stranger: That's not you?
Stranger: Some dude asked me the same q.
You: My favorite book is the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami! :D
You: Oh, sorry.
Stranger: rhhh
Stranger: 日本語の本
You: Eh heh heh, I only know the character for "no." -________-
Stranger: I think my friend was reading that dude p
Stranger: lol
You: Oh!
You: It's an excellent read
You: Long though
You: You should check it out
Stranger: Sounds, cool, that's two recommendations of the dude
Stranger: I think mine would be Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Stranger: at least for now
You have disconnected.

>> No.842381

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey there, im an 18 male wanting to be forced into a womens clothes and let the women have her way with me. say yes if you want to cyber this
You: what's your favorite book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842390

i know. just didn't feel like using it lol

>> No.842396

You: What is your favorite book?
You: If you say Twilight I will find you and kill you!
Stranger: Running with Sissors
You: Okay... Okay.
You: You survive the day, Stranger.
Stranger: But I read Twilight too.
You have disconected

>> No.842400

>Stranger: I think mine would be Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
>Stranger: at least for now
>You have disconnected.


>> No.842404

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiii.
You: hey
You: so
Stranger: hey.
You: what's your favourite book?
Stranger: haha um,
Stranger: i hate bookss.
You: really
You: why?
Stranger: yeah.. id rather smoke weed.
Stranger: its almost like a book.
Stranger: ahaha.
Stranger: just in real life..
You: that is so... incredibly sad
You have disconnected.

>> No.842406

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: what's your favorite book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842408

Stranger: asl?
You: hi! :3
You: what's your favourite book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842410


I fucking cried when I read that.

>> No.842414

ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: fav book?
Stranger: jrrasic park
Stranger: u
You: eh.
You: I'm not a fan of crichton.
You: I guess i'll say that im currently reading 'The Plague' by Camus
You: and allow you to infer that I am therefore your intellectual superior
You: and as your intellectual superior
You: I hereby command you to disconnect from the chat
Stranger: yes high command
You: im from /lit/
You: you have to do what I say
You: ...
You: you are one clever son of a bitch
You have disconnected.

>> No.842418

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: m or f
You: what's your favorite book?
You: f
Stranger: i dont have 1 y
You: illiterate faggot. also i am a man
Stranger: huhhhhh

>> No.842423
File: 25 KB, 492x400, 1277609484202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that Twilight is named frequently is truely sad. I'm sure they're not trolling

>> No.842438

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Gay ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.842440

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: whats ur fav book
Stranger: idk
Stranger: deep dark and dangerous
You: never heard of it... whats it about
Stranger: a girl that died and wants ppl to know how and why
You: ewww thats disgusting dead people
Stranger: lol
Stranger: are you a girl?
You: like did she get raped???
Stranger: no
Stranger: drowned
You: oh so it wasnt btk... who was it!?
You: is it a tru story?
Stranger: no
You: read me a fuckin chapter
Stranger: read it yourself
You: NO! woman! now or go bak to the kitchen
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842441

You: HI
Stranger: hey asl?
You: YOU
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.842446

/lit/ = an angry orgy of hipsters. i've never raged so hard in a thread. who the fuck are you to criticize what other people read?

>> No.842448

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: HEY!
You: hello there
Stranger: YOU!
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: Fahrenheit 451 :)
You: cool
You: I will be posting this information elsewhere
You: I hope you are happy with that
Stranger: okay
You: goodbye, then

>> No.842453

Hm. The first conversation I had was about Sherlock Holmes, then about mysteries, then about the Patrick O'Brien novels. I feel ... fortunate.

>> No.842457


u a twilight fag. gtfo of my /lit/.

>> No.842465

Remember that both /v/ and /b/ lurk in omegle, ready to strike at the first scent of an easy troll.

The moment you mention books they know twilight will piss you off.

>> No.842467

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: well are u m or f
You: f
Stranger: how old?
You: doesn't matter does it? I just want to know your favorite book god damn it.
You: 23
Stranger: I don't have 1.. but I think it's really sexy that your in to books :)
You: really well you arent so thats not very sexy is it?
Stranger: :((( I'm sirry
Stranger: sorry
You: also i'm holding my 10 inch cock as we speak

>> No.842468

your /lit/ son? You ain't shit. Let me tell you: fuck you, stop being a pretentious dickhead, you can read shitty books and still be smart, stop deriving a false sense of smug superiority from the tastes of others

Don't be a bitch, son.

>> No.842472

America...I am disappoint...

You: hey, whats your favourite book?
Stranger: i hate books thats why i droped out of high school
Stranger: asl
You: why do you hate books?
You: 24 Male, Aust
Stranger: cause there dum
You: your a girl?
Stranger: 19 female
Stranger: yep
Stranger: im just not into them much
You: from America?
Stranger: i wait for the movie
Stranger: ya
Stranger: i have to go
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842478

That's a bot bro...
>also i'm holding my 10 inch cock as we speak
I lol'd pretty hard

>> No.842480
File: 36 KB, 293x338, 1272683705310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i think i just talked to you
You: No you didn't
You: What is your favorite book???
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842484

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: tell me, do you read books?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: nope
You: really, why not?
Stranger: i just smoke weed
You: I find that depressing and sad
You: such a waste of a human mind
You have disconnected.

>> No.842487

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi ^_^
You: do you read books?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842488

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Your conversational partner has disconnected


>> No.842491
File: 101 KB, 325x500, sam_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.842494

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hiiiii
Stranger: from?
You: Favourite book?
You: UK
Stranger: my fav is....
Stranger: the alchemist
Stranger: and your?
You: lolita
Stranger: ha ha
You: have you read it?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: is it erotica?
You: not exactly
You: it's a love story, of sorts
Stranger: coo;
Stranger: *cool
Stranger: whats ur name ?
You: so, why's the alchemist so good?
You: and what is it about?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: its a story of a boy whose life is totally transformed
Stranger: hello
Stranger: u there?
You: hi
You: what transforms it? or will that give it away?
Stranger: his life is changed because he listened to his heart
You: hm, interesting. what adventures does he encounter when he listens to his heart?
Stranger: hey i am not gonna narrate u whole novel....try to understand
Stranger: :)
You: oh, ok. just thought we could chat about it.
You: i'm not even finished with lolita
You: you should read it- the vocabulary is quite challenging, but you don't sound like a stupid person
Stranger: thx
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: hey
Stranger: may i know ur name ?
You: um, Litfag
You: yours?
Stranger: m/f?
Stranger: Siddhartha
You: ah, like the Buddha ^^
Stranger: lol
You: i'm male
Stranger: thx
Stranger: :)
Stranger: what else do u like?
You: just books, really
Stranger: ha ha
Stranger: ok
You: well, i'll be off now.
You: it was nice talking
Stranger: ok
Stranger: bye

>> No.842495

>depressing and sad

>> No.842496

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Tell me your favorite book puny mortal!
Stranger: im a moral same with u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842497

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: asl?
You: is that a book?
Stranger: is what a book?
You: asl
Stranger: no
You: ive never heard of it
Stranger: it stands for age, sex(gender) location
You: OH
You: well, since we're on the subject
You: what IS your favorite book?
Stranger: dont have a favorite
You: really?
Stranger: asl?
You: but surely you've read a variety of books in your lifetime
You: im a female b the way
You: age 18
You: in ohio
Stranger: yah i read sometimes, but i dont have a foorite book, i have favorite genres
You: oh?
You: and whats your favorite genre?
Stranger: 15 male sweden
Stranger: sci fi and fantasy
Stranger: but i prefer movies to books
You: wow
You: go back to /tv/ you fucking faggot
You have disconnected.

>> No.842500

You: hey
You: what's your favorite book?
Stranger: i m 20 m and u..........?
You: 14 /f /cali
Stranger: nice
Stranger: ur name?
You: so what's your favorite book
Stranger: i do't like to read book
You: whys that
Stranger: i m not intrested in
You: that's sad
Stranger: and ur favorite book?
You: twilight lol
Stranger: ok
Stranger: will u b my frnd?
You: how old are you
Stranger: i m too alone
Stranger: 19
You: well
You: what do you want us to do
Stranger: u know i've never had sex its sad....
You: so?
Strange: mayb we could meet n.. u know...
You: You attempted to have a sexual conversation with an underaged individual. Your IP adress has been saved and this conversation will be sent to the Child Protection Investigation. 06-28-09 00:52:43 Omegle.com administration.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842511


Fuckin lol'd

>> No.842512

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi im looking for big boobed horny girl to talk to with pic for me
You: Sure thing sexy, I have one question for you though.
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: y
Stranger: ill tell u if u show me a pic of u first
You: I'm doing a survey, you answer and I give you what you want. ;)
Stranger: how bout u give me wat i want and ill answer for u
You: Come on, it's only one question. What's your favorite book? Am I not woooorth it? ;(
Stranger: i dont no if i can believe u
Stranger: k here answer one of my questions first
Stranger: wat boob size do u have
You: 36C ;)
Stranger: k pretty big
Stranger: favourite book, harry potter 7th
Stranger: now i wanna c the pic haha
You: Okay, one second cutie. :)
You: I'm a guy. With a penis.

>> No.842525

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: If you could have any super power, what is your favorite book?
Stranger: no one reads
You: you are reading right now nigger
You: BAM!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Check and mate!

>> No.842531

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: whats your favorite book
Stranger: no
Stranger: i like playing comeputergame
Stranger: ...
You: son, i'm dissapointed.
You have disconnected.

>> No.842537

this is why humanity is a fucking failure

You: hello
You: what's your favorite book
Stranger: NERD
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842548

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Who is this?
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: The one where you die.
You: I have never read that one
You: who is it by?
Stranger: Oh. It has a pretty funny ending.
You: What happens?
Stranger: It's by ME.
Stranger: YOU DIE!
You: That is cheating. You can't name a book you wrote.
Stranger: Hello, me. Meet the real me..
Stranger: >:)
You: You are not very good at trolling
Stranger: thank you.
You: first time?
Stranger: Be gentle.
Stranger: or not.
Stranger: You're choice. ;)
You: Grab your ankles /b/, /lit/ is in town
Stranger: Oh, baby.

>> No.842550

You: hi
Stranger: asl
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: favorite book?
Stranger: i dnt read
You: or spell
You have disconnected.

>> No.842562

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey asl?
You: hello
You: can I ask you something before I answer that?
Stranger: i mean i guess
Stranger: 19 m us
You: what is your favorite book?
You: 15 f us
You: bttw
Stranger: hmmmmmmmm harry potter and the deathly hallows
Stranger: you?
You: I like ward 5 by Anton Chekhov
Stranger: never heard of it but atleast its no that gay twilight series
Stranger: not*
You: Yeah who reads that bullshit?
Stranger: not me lol
Stranger: so im gonna be striaght forwad wih you im only gonna have this conversation with you so maybe youll send me a nude pic
You: You attempted to have a sexual conversation with an underaged individual. Your IP adress has been saved and this conversation will be sent to the Child Protection Investigation. 06-28-09 1:07:00
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
(lol thanks anon)

>> No.842566

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: harry potter
You: I... uh...
You: Why? Which one?
Stranger: soccers stone
You: ...
Stranger: u m/F?

>> No.842569

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: R u a horny girl?
You: why yes, I am
You: can I ask you a question before you force me to sleep with you, though?
You: whats your favorite book?
Stranger: U wanna talk dirty?
You: maybe after you answer my question
You: its for homework
Stranger: Bj plz
You: im only 16
You: help me with my homework and then ill do anything you want
Stranger: I'm 17
You: just tell me your faorite book
Stranger: Red riders hood.
Stranger: Not the fairy tale a differnt one
You: that sounds pretty lame
You: you aure you're 17 and not like...12?
You: sure*
Stranger: Don't worry I'm 17
You: well you dont need to worry either
Stranger: If u send pics I'll help u as much as u need
You: because you dont need a condom for anal sex and I dont have a vagina
You: in fact im taking pics of my hairy penis right now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I wonder why he ran away :(

>> No.842570

You: hi
Stranger: hy
Stranger: hi*
You: what's your favorite book
Stranger: LOL
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.842571

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: good evening
Stranger: hello
You: may i ask you a question?
Stranger: sure
You: whats your favorite book?
Stranger: oh gosh
Stranger: ive read so many
Stranger: thats like the hardest question you couldve asked me haha
You: i'm sorry
Stranger: umm...
Stranger: i dont know haha.
Stranger: crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky was great
Stranger: but i dont know if i can say thats my favorite book
You: thats good enough, thanks
You: may i have your permission to post this conversation on 4chan.org?
Stranger: why? (thats not a yes or a no)
You: oh, someone made a thread and we're all posting omegle conversations about favorite books
You: may i post this one?
Stranger: eh, sure
You: thanks
You: i hope you have a lovely evening
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842575

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: going rogue
Stranger: or harry potter and the deathly hallows
Stranger: hehe
You: I am sorry ,but I think you gave me cancer.

>> No.842583


> soccers stone

>> No.842584

Dear everyone in this thread:

If you mention /lit/, /b/, or /v/ during your omegle conversations, I hope you're trolling.

Because I'm mad.

>> No.842587

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: favorite book?
Stranger: ??
Stranger: i dont
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: its..
You: You don't read?
Stranger: i dont have
Stranger: no
Stranger: i dont know how to read
Stranger: =/
You: So how do you know what I'm typing?
Stranger: iam magico poha
You: Sounds spanish
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: thanks
You: poha is?
Stranger: is a palavrao
You: and that is?
Stranger: do u know?
Stranger: like porra
Stranger: like fuck
You: Ooo
Stranger: yeah
You: doesn't porra mean sperm?
Stranger: yeahhh
Stranger: how do u know?
You: some of my friends yell it
You: but they are portuguese
Stranger: realy??
Stranger: hahaha
You: Oh yeah
Stranger: iam portuguese 2
You: then it all makes sense
Stranger: yeahh
Stranger: must be
You: who do you want ot win fifa?
Stranger: brazilll
You: of course
Stranger: brazill
Stranger: u?
You: Spain: Fernando Torres seems to be my fav player at the moment
Stranger: realy??
Stranger: its a opinion...
You: of course
Stranger: but...germany i think it gonna win
You: Hmmm
Stranger: or argentina
You: yeah, argentina
You: before I go...
You: always wanted to do that
Stranger: ok

>> No.842594


Fucking lol'd

>> No.842600

You: please i need your help
Stranger: NIGHTHAWK1234
You: don't disconnect
You: they're coming for me
You: i must know
You: what...
You: is your favorite book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842603

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey dude
Stranger: i bet your bored
You: omg
You: i totally am
Stranger: cause your on this site
Stranger: me too!
You: holy shit
You: you're like a psychic
Stranger: im watching oxygen are you watching espn
You: did /b/ send you?
Stranger: its a gift
You: oh, I see
You: well can you use it to guess my favorite book>
You: ?*
Stranger: twilight
Stranger: i know
You: so whats your favorite book?
Stranger: lol thats a lot of typing
Your conversational partner has disconnected

>> No.842612

You: hi
You: what's your favorite book
Stranger: hey asl
Stranger: umm a child called it
Stranger: hbu?
You: what is it about
Stranger: a boy gettin abused by his mom
You: that sounds pretty hot
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842613

I didn't even get to ask him.

Stranger: 16 male texas ;)
You: strange
You: i thought they killed faggots in texas
Stranger: HA
Stranger: HA
Stranger: HA
Stranger: HA
Stranger: YOU'RE FUNNY
Stranger: DAMMIT
You: i guess i was wrong
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842623

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hiii
Stranger: hi
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: twilight obiously
Stranger: hi
You: why obviously?
Stranger: because is the best book ever
Stranger: well
Stranger: the best saga
You: Why is it the best?
You: Because you can put yourselves in Bella's shoes?
Stranger: you are a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: asshole
Stranger: fuck you
You: that's not really an insult
Stranger: well
Stranger: whatever
Stranger: your still a bitch
Stranger: fuck urself
You: because I asked a question?

>> No.842630


Okay, I chortled.

>> No.842632

u're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: vladmire todd
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


fucking twilight started a revolution of SUCK.

>> No.842634

You: Hey
You: I'm doing a case study for /lit/, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 18/f/ny
Stranger: hot books
Stranger: asl
You: I already gave it?
Stranger: asl
You: Anyways, what specific book is your favorite?
You: 18/f/ny
Stranger: 19 m london
Stranger: i dont like books
You: How come?
You: I thought that British people were supposed to be all smart and what not
Stranger: whas ur nam
Stranger: plz repl
You: Allie
You: Short for Allison
Stranger: okkkk
You: But really, what's your fav book?
Stranger: harry potter
Stranger: but i like facebook
You: ....
You: Fuckin illiterate retards of the modern world!!!!!!
You: Also I have 7 inch cock. suck it.
You have disconnected.

Britain. I am disappoint.

>> No.842640

The future is grim, very grim.

>> No.842642

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: Uh..
Stranger: :/
Stranger: THE BIBLE
Stranger: lulz
You: Anything else, brah?
You: SOmething that's atleast a decent read?
Stranger: 13 little blue envelopes
Stranger: NO
You: Why do you like that?
Stranger: I AM NOT A MAN
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: you wouldnt like that book probably
Stranger: <_<
You: Because it's not interesting or intelectually stimulating?
Stranger: you want stimulating? I read Origin of Species and The God Delusion..
Stranger: Both were quite interesting
You: What about nietzsche?
Stranger: :D
Stranger: *hugs*
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842649

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: whats up?
You: Not too much, u?
Stranger: just chilling, listening to some white stripes
Stranger: bored off my ass
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: slaughterhouse five by Kurt Vonnegut
Stranger: you?
You: Ooh not bad
You: I'm a Crichton fan (he wrote Jurassic Park). I guess "timeline" by him
You: You should read when you're bored!
Stranger: Never read it, maybe a library trip is in store for me tomorrow.


>> No.842652

>pillars of the earth
This guy is fucking cool. That's a damn good book and far superior to most of what /lit/ reads

>> No.842658

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hey what's your favorite book?
Stranger: i dont like to read..but probably the stranger by albert camus
You: You should read The Plague, it's pretty good
Stranger: ok
Stranger: cool
You: night
Stranger: night

better than expected

>> No.842682

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: het
Stranger: hey
You: Hi.
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: hmm the hobbit
You: Good book.
You: Read it in 8th grade.
You: How big's your penis?
Stranger: 8 inches
You: Lucky duck. Mine's only 9 inches.
Stranger: haha
You have disconnected.

>> No.842689

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiiiiiiiiiiii
You: oh hey
You: i didnt see you there
You: well
You: no that we're both here
You: I guess I might as well ask
Stranger: asl
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: 20m
Stranger: the rusty things to continue
You: 18/f/worcestershire
Stranger: kool
Stranger: name
You: wait, what
Stranger: ashish
You: was that the title?
Stranger: nope
You: what is the name of you fav book?
You: its for a school project
Stranger: its a short story
Stranger: yuup
Stranger: ur name]
You: my name is Ayn
You: Ayn Rand
Stranger: nice name
You: thank you
Stranger: my name is ashish
Stranger: i m 4m india
You: is your last name ketchumish?
You have disconnected.

>> No.842697

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy!
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: i have many
Stranger: i love the book thief
Stranger: you?
You: What is that?
Stranger: a book...
You: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Stranger: okk
Stranger: haha asl?
You: 96/transgender/Bikini Attol
You: So what is The Book Thief about?
Stranger: a young girl living with a foster family during the 2nd world war hiding a jewish man in her home
Stranger: and its narrarated by death
Stranger: its very interesting
You: That actually kind of sounds cool
You: Thanks for the book recomendation
Stranger: no problem!

That went well.

>> No.842702

Man, I've been conversing with so many people, I'm suprised I don't run into one of you fine gents.

>> No.842705


that actually is a good book. well done.

>> No.842711


I know, right? its kind of weird...

>> No.842742

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: oh, hey there
You: whats your favorite book
You: tell me now or i'll kill your first born child
You: comment related
Stranger: umm pro\bably lord of the rings
You: (mines the bible)
You: lotr?
You: ive gotten that a few times
You: do you mind if I go post this convo on an anonymous message board?
Stranger: i could care less
You: i'm sure they'd love to read this
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: im on it anyways.
You: thank you for your cooperation
Stranger: /b/rother?
You: ...goddammit
You: fucking /b/tards
Stranger: were all here lmao
You: watch out mother fucker
You: /lit/s on patrol
You have disconnected.

>> No.842745

You: hi
Stranger: hey. male, 19, straight, so please dont ask me to cyber
You: ahahah
You: no
Stranger: lol
You: i wanted to ask : what's your favorite book?
Stranger: lol. Needful things
You: what's that?
Stranger: stephen king book

>> No.842755

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Because most of you are just looking for one thing: no, I have dangly bits.
You: Lawl Hello!
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: erm...
Stranger: let me think
You: Take your time :)
Stranger: the guide
You: Oh, I've never read it. What's it about?
Stranger: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy i meant
Stranger: you must know it
You: Oh shat. Hells yeah
You: That requires a total brofist.
You: Please, join me in brofisting.
Stranger: (m)
You: (m)

>> No.842814


I am brofisting the double brofist:

>> No.842835

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: Twilight :D
You: I don't believe you
You: quick name the fourth book
Stranger: Thanks for asking /lit/ :)
You: Awesome
Stranger: Found anyone good yet?
You: A couple
Stranger: I've had no luck :(
You: mostly just Twilight fags
You: well
You: back to hunting
Stranger: See ya bro, good luck
You: this is going on the board
Stranger: Awesome :P
You have disconnected.

It finally happened.

>> No.842836

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: favourite book?
Stranger: porn
Stranger: u
You: you and i will get along juuuuuuuuust fine
You have disconnected.

>> No.842839

archive nao?

>> No.842843

Stranger: hi 17 male from new york u, and wutsup ?
Stranger: disconnect
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: male from texas
You: whats your favorite book?
Stranger: The anatomy of the Vagina, not the penis
Stranger: bye bitch

I think that went well

>> No.842867

You: hiyoo
You: favorite book? doing a survey for a soc. class.
Stranger: hello
Stranger: i don't know
You: oh come now, surely you must have a book you really enjoyed?
Stranger: ghoosebumps
Stranger: i guss
You: /lit/?
Stranger: what?
You: sorry, please ignore my nonsensical babbling, i am clearly insane.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842868

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 2 times now.

>> No.842878

toasting in bread of high quality

>> No.842880

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I have a dick, sorry bro.
You: Cool
You: favorite book though?
Stranger: Uhmm, I really like the prestige, angels and demons, the bible, and point of impact.
You: Not a bad selection
Stranger: Thanks
You: You read any Crichton books?
Stranger: Yes I read JP
You: Ah
Stranger: I actually loved it
You: you should read Timeline, its his best
Stranger: I will check it out!


>> No.842883

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hiyoo
You: favorite book?
Stranger: hiiiiiiiii
Stranger: lesbian
You: doing a soc. class survey
You: pardon?
You: is that some european lit?
You: sounds russian
Stranger: asl?
You: as old as time itself my dear, and i am an existential being, i have no sex nor location
You: i simply drift through the cosmos

>> No.842895



>> No.842900

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: yo momma so fat
Stranger: she's fat
You: >implying I have a mother
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842901

Like the end

>> No.842905


>> No.842908


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: Heyy
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: twilight!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: no hahaha jk
You: Damn right your are fucking kidding
You: So what is your favorite book?
You: I am doing a survey for a class on not sucking
Stranger: id have to say the book thief
You: Did I already talk to you?
Stranger: no. why? did someone else say they liked the book thief?
You: Yes...
You: And they convinced me to read it.
Stranger: yeah you should!.
You: I will
You: Jesus
Stranger: its a really good book
You: Fine!
You: you have to give me more than 35 minutes
You: Fuck!
You: Get off my back, ass hole
Stranger: huh?
You: Just kidding
You: have a nice day
Stranger: oh lol okay bye!
You have disconnected.

Well, it is official. The Book Thief is the next book I am reading.

>> No.842909

You: Hey
Stranger: hi
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: the night before christmas, and you
You: Twilight
Stranger: ew im out

Felt like trollin'. This is the perfect response.

>> No.842910

Actually, I just wanna say... that's a really fucking good book. Also the movie was well done.

>> No.842912


lol. dude. Low reading level, but fantastic writing.

>> No.842914


fucking archive.

>> No.842924

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hiyoo, i'm doing a survey for a soc. class, what's your favorite book, or play or poem for that matter
Stranger: hmmm, between Gone With The Wind and A Clockwork Orange
You: very neat, i've read clockwork orange, but i've stayed away from gone with the wind and other such southern epics
Stranger: why?
You: i've got to say, i just don't find them very interesting, nor do i find interest in works like wuthering heights and pride and prejudice, they seem shallow at their core.
Stranger: ohh, i read gone with the wind in 4 days straight
You: a formidable task.
You: it's a thick book, length wise, at least
Stranger: yeah. a clockwork orange only took 5 hours
You: yeah, i liked clockwork orange but still found it a little unnerving, the sheer amount of violence and sadism kinda turned me off of it
You: did you read american psycho as well?
Stranger: whats that?
You: it's a similar work
You: again, told from the perspective of, well, a psycho
You: very graphic
You: very, very graphic
You: but if you like clockwork orange you might enjoy it as well
Stranger: yeah, the only prob. with a clockwork orange was at first i didnt understand how they talked
You: yeah, i read it with footnotes on hand, helped a lot with understanding the slang
Stranger: i didnt, i still dont get some things
You: hmm. well, i must be off. good day sir.
Stranger: im a chick

>wasn't that bad

>> No.842930

>ran into /b/

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hiyoo
Stranger: lado lado
Stranger: rando
Stranger: machikney
Stranger: geda kha
Stranger: rando rando
Stranger: madarchoood
You: it all makes sense now.
Stranger: fuck your
You: the universe
You: in the palm of my face
You: a revelation
Stranger: so you are facepalming?
You: thank you friend
Stranger: e=mc2
You: relativity is relative man
You: embrace eternity
Stranger: a+b=b+a
You: yeah dude
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.842937

>hey guys let's archive a thread that /v/ does every other day

>> No.842939

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Let's play word association!
You: ok
Stranger: Cadaver
You: dead
Stranger: wood
You: dead
Stranger: necrophilia
You: my penis
Stranger: inadequate
You: my penis

>> No.842951

Stranger: Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ?
You: yes, yes I did
You: do you have a favorite book?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Sidartha
You: hesse?
Stranger: Yes
You: well, alright then

>> No.842953

oh that's gold!

>> No.842954

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Stranger: i dont have one
You: fuck no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback
Was this conversation great? Share the log on Facebook or download it!

>> No.842962

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: What up.
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: 15. Jessica. Texas.
Stranger: ASL?
You: 15. Jessica. Oklahoma
You: What are the chances?
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: That's wierd. Do you have a Facebook? And... The Last Song./
You: Oh. You might actually be a girl then
You: I though you were just messing around
Stranger: Yeah?
You: I am a dude.
You: Enjoy your Nicholas Sparks
Stranger: And your name is Jessica>
Stranger: ?
You: Never make your boyfriend go to one of those movies though
You: he hates them
Stranger: Too Late. I made my boyfriend go see the movie The Last Song with me.
You: Stop it
You: don't do that
You: he hates that shit
Stranger: What?
You: he hates it so much
You: he is only sitting through it because you have boobs
You: that is unfair
You: Go see something you both might like next time
You: Damn it!
You have disconnected.

>> No.842967

Stranger: hi :)
You: hi
Stranger: how are you
You: good, have to do a survey for summer school, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: just listen by sarah dessen
You: Oh cool, so far on my survey a lot of people like Twilight or want to rape me...but you're nice have a good day
Stranger: hah
Stranger: bye

>> No.842968

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: tie between 1984 and a clockwork orange
You: horrorshow
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: indeed very horrorshow
You: What do you like about 1984
Stranger: hmm i don't know
You: okay what about Clockwork
You: what do you like about that my droog

>> No.842980

Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: I have to do this survey for summer school, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: the alchemist
Stranger: by pablo cohelo
You: Wow something other than Twilight (makes up 25% of the results so far...surveyed around 50 people)
Stranger: I mean coelho
Stranger: hahaha I have never read twilight
Stranger: I'm not intrested
You: well thanks for answering have a good day
Stranger: you too

you know the last two I did were pretty interesting (just listen then this) my faith in humanity is semi-restored.

>> No.842984

I got

Life of Pi
200 instant disconnections

>> No.842986

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hiyoo, i'm doing a survey for a soc. class, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: Reading is for losers.
You: plays and poems are also acceptable
Stranger: They for faggots.
You: losers are winners brahQ
Stranger: *They're
Stranger: Yeah.
Stranger: Just keep telling yourself that.
You: books are for kings
Stranger: Yeah.
You: i wouldn't expect you to understand peasant.
You: prole
Stranger: Good, because I don't.
You: go back to the huddled masses uncultured swine.
Stranger: I'm too busy getting laid and surfing.
Stranger: I shall.

>> No.842989

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi!
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: Harrry Potter(:
You: omg me too
You: what book did you like the most
You: I liked The Sorcerer's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets
You: they were exciting!
You: the flying ford was epic and awesome
Stranger: I liked Golblet.
Stranger: *Goblet
Stranger: asl?
You: ooh that was a good one
You: The Triwizard Tournament was pretty epic
You: 20/m/ny
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback
Was this conversation great? Share the log on Facebook or download it!

>> No.842999

I hate you both.

>> No.843010

You: hey
Stranger: heyy
You: Tell me, what's your favorite book? I'm doing a random survey.
Stranger: LOL OMG TWILIGHT!11!

Heh. I think I found an il/lit/erate.

>> No.843014

You: hello
Stranger: hey
You: favorite book?
Stranger: Karma Sutra: Advanced Course.
You: *kama sutra
You have disconnected

>> No.843015

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: I'm doing a case study for /lit/, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: the god delusion
You: Oh really/
You: By who?
Stranger: richard dawkins
You: Hmm.
You: Thanks.
You have disconnected.

>> No.843022

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: I'm doing a case study for /lit/, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: either one
Stranger: catcher in the rye or of mice and men
You: oh
You: Catcher in the Rye was good
You: I just finished that.
Stranger: it wad amazing
Stranger: was
You: Thank you for participating in this survey.
You: Bye
Connection imploded.

>> No.843036

Stranger: sup
You: hey
Stranger: hows life
You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: velocity
You: Ah, who's the author of that?
Stranger: im jk. but
Stranger: dean koontz
You: ok
You have disconnected.

>> No.843045


You: hiyoo, i'm doin a survey for a soc. class, what's your favorite book?
Stranger: Niggerism by Jeff Hardy
You: ah
You: fine literature.
Stranger: i kno rite
You: you must be a very sophisticated man.
You: do you drink scotch
Stranger: Actually, I'm a very articulate gentleman.
Stranger: I enjoy fine wine.
Stranger: I take classes at MiT
Stranger: Etc..
You: sipped from a cup like a true gent while perusing scientific journals.
You: i see
Stranger: Indeed.
You: indeed.
Stranger: Are you a female humanoid or male?
You: iiiiiiinnnnnnnnnddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd
Stranger: nigga say wut >:l
You: i have no present form, i am an existential being. floating through through the cosmos
You: atop a disc
You: atop some elephants
You: atop a turtle
Stranger: Well, while you're there
Stranger: Please buy a gun, do the earth a favor and shoot your inbred self
Stranger: :)
Stranger: Bye!

>> No.843050

You: hey
Stranger: 24/m/canada
You: im doin a survey -whats ur favourite book?
Stranger: harry potter and the deathly hallows
You: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.843054

Stranger: Ohey my fellow friend. :]
You: Hello there, pal o' mine.
You: Tell me, do you have a favorite book?
Stranger: I do have a favoirte book
Stranger: It is My Sisters Keeper. because it makes me cry, and I feel foolish. And I love that feeling.
Stranger: What would yours be?
You: "Racing Days" by Brendan Boyd. It's out of print, and I haven't met anyone else who's even heard of it, so...yeah :/
You: but THANK YOU for not saying Twilight
Stranger: Ah, I haven't heard of it. And haha, you're welcome. Even though I have read them. :P But they aren't my favorites. :)
You: You're better than most. Try some Stephen King, maybe. His good stuff is more about making you cry than making you scared.

Could have been worse.

>> No.843060

Stranger: Hellooooooooooooooo:)
You: Hello.
You: :)
You: I'm here from /lit/
You: Tell me, what is your favourite book?
Stranger: The Vampire Lestat :)
You: Thank you for participating in this survey :)
You: Have a good night!

My goodness that was civil.

>> No.843071

You: hey
Stranger: Hi
You: Tell me, do you have a favorite book?
Stranger: i enjoy the lord of the rings
Stranger: and yourself?
You: all kinds of stuff
You: Ray Bradbury, H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Kafka, Camus, Hjalmar Soderberg...the list goes on
You: but yeah, LOTR is awesome
Stranger: hp lovecraft
Stranger: always wanted to read one of his, but not quite sure what they are'
You: Cosmic horror.
You: there's some website (I think it's called Dagon Bytes) that has all of his work
Stranger: interesting
You: If you're interested, start with The Outsider or The Rats in the Walls
You: WARNING: His writing style is a bit dated, and he has an enthusiasm for adjectives. LOTS AND LOTS OF ADJECTIVES.
You: but it's worth reading
You: almost all modern horror and sci-fi traces in some way to H.P. Lovecraft
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: who is cthulhu
Stranger: and how do you spell it
You: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
You: but seriously, read Lovecraft
Stranger: i think i need to read this
Stranger: oh hey
Stranger: dagonbytes
Stranger: you are correct
You: Oh, indeed. Happy reading. I must be off now.

>> No.843109

>even Catcher in the Rye

If you can point out one reason why that's only barely acceptable without mentioning faggot angsty Donnie Darko teens, you win.

>> No.843112

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: Urmm... i dont read books
You: At all? Ever?
Stranger: Nope i hate reading
Stranger: asl?
You have disconnected.

>> No.843138

Stop_Ddosing_wwW.AnOXntxalk.sE rEMOVE_ALL X_iN_tHaT_URl
dmpaacquaej izabeda t siwc qdxn g ajj

>> No.843145

The hole fucking book is about an angsty faggot teen, how the fuck would he not mention that when he tells you how shitty it is.

>> No.843148

It is not a great book, but that is not what the book is about, either.

>> No.843150
File: 46 KB, 650x487, confusedpug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start omegle chat
>person likes Gulliver's Travels
>"Finally, a person of taste!"
>longest omegle chat I've ever been a part of
>turns out to be a 13yo boy

feels weird, man

>> No.843152

he probably just likes the movie cuz jack black is in it.

>> No.843171 [DELETED] 

sTOp_dDOSiNg www.AnoXnTXaLK.Se ReMoVe_ALl_x In THAt_url
mcb au tqbspoywkjxip h e nx ij

>> No.843175 [DELETED] 

StOP_DDosinG wWW.AnoXnTxAlK.SE remoVE_alL_x_iN ThaT uRL
fg pr atleic ndulgu n vye egeluu

>> No.843174

Stranger: 18 m canada
You: the fate of the world depends on one answer from you
Stranger: Okay. Shoot.
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: Enders Game by Orson Scott Card.
Stranger: The answer was not Twilight was it?
You: the world is saved, you are a hero!
Stranger: Thank god.
You: that would have destroyed the world
Stranger: Fucking Twilight.

>> No.843178

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello
You: Whats your favorite book?
Stranger: you that survey person again?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.843192

There actually are books on the Halo videogames.

>> No.843199

You: hey there
Stranger: hi
Stranger: age?
You: what's your favorite book?
Stranger: u know Im imbaresed to say I have none
Stranger: whats ures?
You: i'm imbaresed for you
You have disconnected.

>> No.843279

You: Hey.
You: What is your favourite book?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: harry potter Do u read it?
You: I've read the first 2, Wasn't that into it, To be honest.
You: Thanks for your response though :)

>> No.843284

You: Hey.
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: cinderalla\
You: what are you 5?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.843286

My second try I met a frenchie and we've spent the last 5 minutes discussing Alkan and Scriabin and various other classy musical things.

>> No.843287

You: Hey.
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: crime n detective nur?

>> No.843290

You: whats your favorite book? :>
Stranger: SUÇ VE CEZA
Stranger: seninki
Stranger: yours
You: what is that
Stranger: ?
You: mine is ... i dont know. nausea maybe
You: oh, i get it
Stranger: :)
You: have a good day

>> No.843292

Turk's got some good taste there.

>> No.843312 [DELETED] 


dmyxsm yfkoji dsmd qdf q n xu v wtd

>> No.843356

Stranger: Hey
You: Hi
You: What is your favourite book?
Stranger: i might have spoke to you before but its The name of the rose and Animal Farm
You: We haven't, but you have good taste. I like you.
Stranger: kool, how about you?
You: Lolita and The Sound and the FUry
Stranger: Lolita eh, is it any good?
You: Yes
You: Nice vocabulary expansion, if anything
Stranger: alright I was considering checking it out
You: Cool.
You: Hope you enjoy it.
You: Have a nice week.
You have disconnected.

My faith has been restored.

>> No.843975

/lit/ - the most civilized group of faggots you'll ever meet while perusing omegle chats.

>> No.843980


These threads make me hate you, you fucking e/lit/ists.

>> No.843985
File: 49 KB, 470x570, obamam-lol-y-u-mad-tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.844050


nietzsche id dead

>> No.844137

You are a goddamn idiot who likes garbage

>> No.844142

And man killed him.

>> No.844154

That man was a bear.

>> No.844160
File: 119 KB, 750x381, critics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol thats not what the book is about you cant hold it to standards as a book

>> No.844163
File: 60 KB, 270x239, He was -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.844191

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Good day, sir/lady.
You: hello
You: what is it you want of me?
You: are you going to ask me what my favorite book is?
Stranger: If you want me to.
Stranger: I don't care what kind of conversation this is.
You: just checking
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: If I had to pick a book to take to a lone island, I'd pick "Thermodynamics" by Fermi. Good stuff, and knowing thermodynamics always helps.
You: I was thinking more along the lines of fiction
Stranger: Harder one.
You: ?
Stranger: Well, I like the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
You: ok thanks
You: adios

>> No.844212

Stranger: hi
You: Hello
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: hmm, i don't know, i don't have favourite :D
You: That's too bad. I'm in a similar situation. I find picking favorites a chore because it discriminates against other things I like.
You: Well, goodbye I guess.
You have disconnected.

>> No.844222

You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: favorite book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I got about ten of these.

>> No.844225

ranger: im a 18 year old male from usa
You: hi ^_^ I'm a 18 year old female from usa
Stranger: wat state
You: what is your favorite book?
Stranger: hate reading
You: Oh my 0:
You: It's a shame
You: We have nothing in common...
Stranger: wat sport do u play
You: I actually found some guys that I have stuff in common with, I showed them the time of their life
You: Acrobat, I'm very flex
Stranger: oh yes baby i love that
You: You sure wish
Stranger: would u flex in my bed
You: Yes, I'll flex and I'll bounce my tits all over you
You: Only if you were reading books

>> No.844236 [DELETED] 

Stranger: heyy
You: Heya bro or boette!
Stranger: ?broette you
You: I was wondering, what's your favorite book?
You: I'm a bro.
Stranger: perfect chemistry. y?
Stranger: ..............
You: Hmmm. Probably somthing by Philip K. Dick at the moment. Ubik, Maze of Death, Do Android's dream..... the like.

>> No.844240

Stranger: heyy
You: Heya bro or boette!
Stranger: ?broette you
You: I was wondering, what's your favorite book?
You: I'm a bro.
Stranger: perfect chemistry. y?
Stranger: ..............
You: Hmmm. Probably somthing by Philip K. Dick at the moment. Ubik, Maze of Death, Do Android's dream..... the like.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844247

I lol'd.

>> No.844250

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: 19 m here
You: 'lo
You: 17 f here
Stranger: from?
You: Norway
Stranger: cool
You: u?
You: ?
Stranger: china
You: Cool.
Stranger: horny?
You: Depends. Do you like books?
Stranger: yep
You: What's your favorite?
Stranger: erotica:D
You: That's not a book. That's a genre....
Stranger: haha
Stranger: harry potter
You: That's all I wanted to hear. You've been a bad boy, titties, herpa derrpa. Goodbye.
You have disconnected.

>> No.844258

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: Favorite book?
Stranger: book of Sienkiewicz
You: Exciting.
Stranger: yours?
You: Possibly The Guns of Avalon, or something else from the Amber series
Stranger: interesting
You: Quite so.
Stranger: :)
You: I'm glad we had this talk.
Stranger: :)
Stranger: i'm glad too

Then we talked about music, but this isn't /mu/.

>> No.844264

Have you read anything by Karl Ove Knausgård`?

>> No.844270

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi random stranger!
Stranger: hi
You: 'sup?
Stranger: fine
You: great.
You: So, do you like to read?
Stranger: yessssss
You: Jawsome. What's your favorite book?
Stranger: there is a lot
You: Can you single out a favorite? Mine's probably Dune by Frank Herbert.
Stranger: well
Stranger: 1984
You: Are you from /lit/?
Stranger: no
Stranger: why
You: Eh, don't worry about it.
You: We're making a survey. If a guy asks you about a favorite book, just ignore him.
You: Nice talking to you and watch out for Big Brother ya hear.
You have disconnected.

>> No.844273

No, but then again I'm not a 17 year old female from Norway.

>> No.844279



>> No.844287

Say hi!
Stranger: christina?
You: John?
Stranger: yes
You: I thought you died alone a long long time ago....
Stranger: noo im here.
You: great
You: I've been meaning to ask you
You: what's your favourite book?
Stranger: dr suess. cat in the hat.
You: that is good news
You: our family can rest in peace now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844290

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi!
Stranger: hi
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: kırmızı başlıklı kız
You: sweet
You have disconnected.

>> No.844306

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: HI
Stranger: how r u?
You: I'm doing well, you?
Stranger: i m fyn
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: so what brings u here?
Stranger: i loved reading audacity of hope
Stranger: n urs?
You: By Obama? Is that your favorite of all favorites?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: have nt read the graetest of all times
You: I didn't ask for the greatest of "all times" I asked for your favorite.
Stranger: well,then its the same
You: What do you mean? Audcity of Hope? But you said "nope" when I asked if it was your most favorite.
Stranger: well was confused
You: Fucking magnets how do they work?

That was the fucking stupidest conversation I've ever had.

>> No.844309

Stranger: heey
Stranger: wtf

>> No.844343

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, mind if I ask what your favorite book is?
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: uum..
Stranger: No time for goodbye
Stranger: or attica
You: Never heard of the first one
You: what's it about?
Stranger: a girls family dissapears when shes 14 and then 21 years later she keeps getting notes and stuff and she finally finds out what happens... its quite a surprise at the end
You: I'll definitely pick it up
You: Thanks man
You: You're the first person who reads out of 24 so far.
You: the rest are just "twilight" or " lol i dunt reed"
You: Thankyou for your time
Stranger: lol
Stranger: no problem :)
You: I will never forget you. I love you.
Stranger: lol.... thanks? i think..
You: <3

>> No.844346

OH MY GOD /lit/ IS FULL OF MEN WHO CLAIM TO BE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.844354
File: 10 KB, 244x263, NEIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: Hello
Stranger: Hey
You: Do you have a favorite book?
Stranger: TWILIGHT
You: Hello /lit/

>> No.844358



that's not how you spell "the internet"

>> No.844361


If I told you that you have have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?

>> No.844365


>> No.844368


>> No.844375

You: hello
Stranger: hi
You: what is your favourite book?
Stranger: maybe the shining by stephen king
You: and why would that be your favourite?

>> No.844401

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: blarg!!!
Stranger: raaaaaawr!!!!
Stranger: a have many books that are favorites
Stranger: one of them is Diary by Palahniuk
Stranger: and yourself?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: why not
Stranger: alright hold up

This is getting good...

>> No.844410

Stranger: why not
Stranger: alright hold up
Stranger: so what are you wearing?
Stranger: how big are your breasts?
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: yes as a matter of fact
Stranger: my hard on is strapped with cut pieces of bone from my ex partners

>> No.844417
File: 119 KB, 741x1740, 1248043035289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.844427

Stranger: my hard on is strapped with cut pieces of bone from my ex partners
Stranger: im going to shove it down your throat!
Stranger: sure
Stranger: bend over WHORE!
Stranger: go ahead
Stranger: good enough, now quit asking me bullshit questions

>> No.844435
File: 31 KB, 274x345, 1269529071385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.844439

If you tell them you are eighty seven years old they always run away ;_;

>> No.844441

>Eroticon 6

I c wut u did thar

>> No.844447

You guys you're only supposed to post the funny ones.

>> No.844451

Stranger: your job is to take the dick in your ass right now
Stranger: your ass is going to hurt so much you won't be able to sit!
Stranger: take it you stupid cunt!
Stranger: you arent done until i cum so musch you drown in it!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844480

You: hi
Stranger: Hii, im looking for a very fat girl to talk dirty with ;)
You: what's your
You: oh god
You have disconnected.

>> No.844487

fap fap fap fap

>> No.844490


lol thanks for the ammo Anon.

>> No.844495
File: 49 KB, 404x603, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a series. I call it the "e-tits" series.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: What is your favorite book?
You: If you can answer in a complete sentence without using the letter "e" I will show you my tits
Stranger: my fav book is banging ;)
You: Sorry, you did not use correct capitalization or punctuation.
You: Also, I'm a dude.
You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Helllooo :)
You: Hi there
You: What is your favorite book?
You: If you can answer in a complete sentence without using the letter "e" I will show you my tits.
Stranger: I dont Like reading
Stranger: DAMMIT 2 E's
You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heya
You: Hey there
Stranger: m/f?
You: F
You: y?
You: you?
Stranger: jst i like to no who i talkin 2
Stranger: m
You: What is your favorite book?
You: If you can answer in a complete sentence without using the letter "e" I will show you my tits.
Stranger: My book is Cujo.
Stranger: show me ur tits
You: Well played stranger. Here is your reward.
You: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a213/highgearantelope/photo-4.jpg
Stranger: fuck you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Pic is what the link goes to.

>> No.844500
File: 17 KB, 200x220, 126375445745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am capping this

>> No.844505

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Want to see my cock?
You: What is your favorite book?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I just lost all faith in humanity :(

>> No.844509

You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: favorite book?
Stranger: hrmm
Stranger: pride and prejudice
Stranger: or harry potter :P
You: you're a female aren't' you
Stranger: yeap
Stranger: lol
You: around 16 I guess
Stranger: yup
You: are you a wizard.jpg
Stranger: what
You have disconnected.

>> No.844515

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Heya!
You: Wat's brings youse to 'dis cornah of teh Internets?
Stranger: being bored
You: Oh, I recon I share dat emotion.
You: So, you likes reading dem books?
Stranger: everybody on here does
You: figuratively or /lit/erally
You: ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844519

Fool don't know wat he missin'

>> No.844527

sTOP DdOsinG anD coPYiNg_WWW.anoMNtmAlK.SE_REmOVE aLL_m In_tHAT URL FOoL
z owcaopbc vpnbiatm yw mooscqy gregy qssv ablkpv uh e

>> No.844534

You: Hi
You: asl?
Stranger: what's up
You: The ceiling.
Stranger: alright then
You: It's white and somwhat asymmetrical.
You: A recent paint job, but this is a somwhat new apartment.
You: The previous tenants took care of it. I wonder if the bottom of the ocean is taking good care of them....
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844535

>Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Hahaha, brilliant.

>> No.844555

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi asl]
You: 25/f/us
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: u horny
You: I never read that one, is it good?
Stranger: yea
You: What's it about?
Stranger: where i stick my 9 inch cock into ur loose pussy
You: Oh, is it one of those "choose your own adventure" deals?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844574

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 17 f sweeden. u?
Stranger: 17 m usa
You: haha, we're the same age!
You: must be omegle desteny
Stranger: lol maybe
You: im a bit of a nerd and i like books. whats ur favorite?
Stranger: book im not into books really
You have disconnected.

>> No.844590

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello.
Stranger: Hi.
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: Sabriel. Why?
You: I am on a mission to go on Omegle and ask people what their favorite book is.
Stranger: Sweet.
Stranger: What's yours?
You: Wicked if we're talking "fun" books, Hardy's Jude the Obscure if we're talking literature
Stranger: That's cool. Are you a guy?
You: Nope.
Stranger: Okay. Those seemed like odd guy books so I was wondering.
You: I'm pretty sure only chicks and gays like Wicked :D
Stranger: Pretty much. I've never read it, but it sounds cool.
You: It is.
Stranger: Great! Well, I'm gonna let you go. Have a nice day and a successful mission.

Is it sad that I get all excited when I get someone who isn't a complete troglodyte on omegle?

>> No.844595

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: You think so, eh?
You: Well, I'll tell you what I think. I think you lied.
Stranger: Yeah, me too.
You: The clouds have faces.
You: They stare.
Stranger: They look at you.
You: Through the windows every night
You: They plot.
Stranger: And the moon.
You: They talk.
You: They want us all to rise so that they can fall.
Stranger: I DON'T CARE
You: Okay, Dearest.
Stranger: Love you <3
You: That's not what you said when you cut my finger off...
Stranger: And your penis.
You: But it was in the jar this morning.
Stranger: Mine too.
Stranger: ASL?
You: 98/F/Ethiopia
Stranger: 104/F/Eritrea
You: The grass cuts.
Stranger: The leaves sigh.
You: It harms and it breeds to keep us in our trees.
Stranger: God you're sexy when you talk like that.
You: The wind speaks. It tells us to flee.
You: But the rain is a killer.
You: It wants to drown.
You: It likes to burn.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844625

/lit/ has the best cyber sex ever

>> No.844675

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hail thee stranger!
Stranger: asl
Stranger: asl
You: Male, 37 years of age, Victorian era London.
You: And you?
Stranger: im gay if thats all right with u :)
Stranger: but i have a big dick
You: That's quite alright, I'm a bit chipper as well.
You: Of course you do.
Stranger: no really do wi
You: Of that I have no doubt sir.
Stranger: yes so have u came out of thee closet like me?
You: Yes, the skeletons had started to take up to much room.
Stranger: lets get together n goocha goocha
You: It's all going in my book. Tell me sir, do you like to read?
Stranger: so u say ur 37
Stranger: wats goin to be in ur book.....n no im not very fond of reading
You: Well, then it's of no importance now, is it.
Stranger: do u have a wife cuz i think thats very sexy!
You: I'm sorry to dissapoint, but I'm widowed.
Stranger: wat
You: Yes. My dearest had an unfortunate accident while we were on a Balloon trip to Paris.
You: The wind knocked her overboard and they've found no trace of her body.
You: But I'm over that. And my book will reveal all my skeletons, mark my words.
Stranger: will ur book describe us 2 in bed? maybe cuz i find so much love from u rite now

>> No.844680

You: Yes. In uttermost detail. You shall be my final stroke. My masterpiece.
Stranger: in bed tho rite ur master
You: Yes. Show me that legendary sea-monster of yours.
Stranger: will u grab on my hang down....and open the doors to my shack we can bring our lemousinse together
You: I'll do better than that. Close your eyes and wait for the surprise.
Stranger: ur so charming give me more pleasure
You: In one practiced motion, I cut of your member with a piano wire.
You: There's blood everywhere. Feel free to scream now.
Stranger: oo oo o i hang u from a chandiler n blow u so hard u pass out
You: When I come too, you're dead.
Stranger: then u fall n i catch u in my sweating arms
You: Which lie there motionless.

>> No.844684

You: "Thank's stranger" I say. "Many vices I've committed, but never have I killed during a sexual act".
Stranger: u kill me
You: Now, there's only one depravity left.
You: I flip over your finely toned body.
Stranger: but i dont think i want anything cut off
You: I commence to sodomize your fresh corpse.
You: As I climax, I shout: "That will teach you. That will teach you to read!".
Stranger: i dont understand u poet
You: What was that? The wind perhaps.
You: Well, my work here is complete. Better go home and warm up that typewriter.

>> No.844695

You: Hello. Favorite book?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: fuckbook
You: I'm afraid I don't know this one.
Stranger: its a new one
You: Does the plot involve phalluses interacting with labia?
Stranger: no it doesnt
You: I see. What does it involve?
Stranger: sex games
You: But sex games thta don't fall under the category of phalluses interating with labia?
You: Phalluses interacting with other parts of human anatomy then?

>> No.844700

LOL. Omg archive please.

>> No.844765

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or switch to video or send us feedback
Was this conversation great? Share the log on Facebook or download it!

>> No.844777

9001 users online

>> No.844786

Stranger: 17 m sweden
You: Hi!
You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: ehm john grisham, don't know what it's called on english
You: Do you know when it came out? Maybe I can find it's name.
You: Why is it your favorite?
Stranger: no idea, because i like that kind of books
You: Fair enough.

>> No.844788

This just reiterates what lonely people we all are, jeez. We could at least chat with each other.

>> No.844792

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: wanna play on cam with m of 17?
You: Depends
Stranger: of what?
You: What is your favorite book?
You: Also, what would we play?
You: Can we play Risk?
Stranger: no
You: I love Risk.
Stranger: something else..
You: What do you have against Risk?
Stranger: u're f?
You: yes
You: What is your favorite book
You: ?
Stranger: do you wanna play i asked
Stranger: i dont read
You: Then how are you communicating on a text site?
Stranger: msn?
You: I guess the whole not reading thing is why you want to switch to video huh?
You: Have you ever read a book?
Stranger: yes on school a few
Stranger: but i don't like reading
You: Did you like any of them?
You: This is for a class
Stranger: but you like to play, if i'll show something u'll do it too
Stranger: no
You: I am a naughty school girl and I need to get your answer before I play
You: So no books at all?
You: Really?
Stranger: some a little bit
You: Name a book you really like.
Stranger: u dont know, because it dutch
You: Alright you have earned some play time.
You: Ready
You: I'll go first
You: pawn to e4
Stranger: lets msn?
You: your turn
Stranger: you got bad jokes!
Stranger: so horny or not?
You: There is nothiung wrong with the Ruy Lopez opening
You: If you think it is such a joke then try running the Sicilian defense and see what happens.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844794

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi whats ur fav book
Stranger: um
Stranger: white fang
You: bout the wolfdog?
Stranger: yea
Stranger: h
Stranger: or call of the wild
You: oh i see
You: well, this has gone better than expected
Stranger: yups
Stranger: what about you?
You: good job you get a gold star
Stranger: do i really?
You: oh i like everybook ever
Stranger: can i put it on my forehead?
You: yesh
You: yesh
Stranger: awesome
You: and it has to be visible at all times
Stranger: haha
You: so people can kno how awesome u r
Stranger: okay if i ever meet you youll see it
You: k
You: star, like real big k
Stranger: yeah definitely
You: k now asl
Stranger: 15mls
Stranger: la*
Stranger: you?
You: im older and dif
You: but u r good
You: i bless thee
You: in the name of the father
Stranger: thank you :)
You: and of the son
You: and of the holy ghost
Stranger: haha
You: ah men
You: laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You: lalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You: lalalalla LAAAAAAAAAA
Stranger: hahahahaha
Stranger: are you religious?
You: don stop reading
You: no
You: well
You: no
You: but anyway
You: laaaaaaaaaaa
You: lee daaaaa
You: oooooooooo
You: la la la laaaaaaaaa
You: k bye

>> No.844800


Maybe he would have taken you more seriously if you would have tried the Queen's Gambit.

>> No.844822


Chess is no fun if you just sit there trying to run scenarios you have memorized.

Jeez, try a little strategy of your own.

>> No.844827

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
You: what's your favorite book?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: hard question
You: you must have at least one
Stranger: im going to go with the obvious answer and say harry potter -_-
You: hahaha oh wow
You: I would say my favorite book is catch-22.
Stranger: OH, i wanna take back my answer, north river was better than harry potter
You: by pete hamill?
Stranger: fuck yeah
You: I'm reading about it on amazon right now
You: Sounds interesting
You: Well, bye
Stranger: seeya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844828


Your name is Emily.

>> No.844831

no but we can still sex

>> No.844836


I don't care. Your name is Emily now.


>> No.844840

k but then u has to suck mine

>> No.844844


Any possible combination of opening moves has a name. Even the self destructive ones like (1.a4... 2Ra3...) have names. Plus even when you do know the Opening moves it doesn't mean that you are going to adhere to them. I often open with the intention of Fuy Lopez then transpose into The four knights if the opposition moves in a certain way. Plus, by 7th or 8th move the opening game is typically complete and you have entered the middle game.

>> No.844846

bro, u wanna go?


>> No.844847
File: 77 KB, 498x780, Dubliners_title_page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: What`s your favourite book?
Stranger: hmm, twilight :P xx
You: Nice
Stranger: you?cx
You: I enjoyed the life of bree tanner or something, lol
Stranger: haha the new one :) yeah its good :) xx
You: Really good, its like all deep and stuff
Stranger: yeaaa:)x

>> No.844848



But then, I have never been very good at chess. Still fun though.

>> No.844850


Ewwww. That's a little gay. We'll just suck balls instead. That's straight.

>> No.844854


I was ready to go... then you left. What up with that?

>> No.844857
File: 32 KB, 477x708, Mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: 46 m looking for a young girl
You: What`s your favourite book?
Stranger: twilight
You: wow, same here<3
Stranger: how old are you?
You: i`m 14 f btw
Stranger: ooooh niceee
Stranger: lets do stuff
You: ok
You: where do you live?
Stranger: texas
Stranger: you?
You: iowa
Stranger: where in iowa?
You: just meet me at wall-mart, not my home
Stranger: ok what wallmart?

>> No.844870


>Stranger: ok what wallmart?
The one in Iowa.

>> No.844888

Stranger: hello sexy
You: Hi, What`s your favourite book?
Stranger: erm er well i dunno
Stranger: i kinda like the harry potter books
You: wow
Stranger: and also i really like
Stranger: this one book by some other guy
You: awesome
Stranger: forget his name , think its goncharov
Stranger: thats right its ivan aleksandrovich goncharov
You: Oblomov?
Stranger: yer thats it
Stranger: better than turgnev in my opinion, although fathers and sons was good, almost as good as the final twilight book
You: Are you serious?
Stranger: yer
You: You think fathers and sons is almost as good as twilight?
Stranger: not quite as good, edward cullen is a better developed character than arkady

>> No.844891

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hey
You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: walk to remember
You: You, I like
Stranger: whts urs?
You: Atlas Shrugged
You: By Vladimir Nabokov
You: It's an avant-garde scientific look at the life of swine.
You: Ever heard of it?
Stranger: nop
You: You should read it sometime
Stranger: i will.
You: After you stop masturbating to your shit nicolas sparks
Stranger: r u russian
You: No, homosexual
You: Why?
Stranger: the writer of tht buk is
You: Nabokov?
Stranger: ya
You: Pretty sure he's from Ethiopia
You: I think you have your facts misconstrued
Stranger: where r u from?
You: R'lyeh
Stranger: is tht a country?
You: City
Stranger: whch country?
You: It's independant...

>> No.844892
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1274835213136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I think you just got trolled.

>> No.844896

You: good afternoon
Stranger: Good afternoon
You: how are you
Stranger: Hm... pretty good today
How are you?
You: i'm fine thanks
You: may i ask you a question?
Stranger: Sure
You: what is your favorite book
Stranger: Hmmmm.... i like Nicholas Sparks stuff, and my friends write books sometimes so i read those

How about you?
You: i just read magazines
You: thanks for your time!
You have disconnected.

>> No.844909

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
You: Hello
Stranger: asl
Stranger: 16 f hawaii u???
You: 27mLA
Stranger: awewsome
You: I have a loaded gun trained on a baby kitten. It's life depends on the way you answer the following question:
Stranger: is it nice there
Stranger: ok wat is it
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: idk
You: *cocks gun
Stranger: the janet evanovich books i guess
Stranger: y???
Stranger: y would u wanna know that i mean really
Stranger: hello
Stranger: what the fuck is wrong with u
You: Okay
Stranger: r u a psychopath or something
You: The kitten lives
Stranger: ok y
You: THIS time
Stranger: what u talking about
Stranger: y did u wanna know my fav book
You: Just remember. Reading is important
Stranger: ok
You: if you don't read, then someone will kill a kiten
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.844910

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: transexual canguru
You: australia therefore
You: sub shaarien australia
You: my dad's from the moon
Stranger: cool!
You: i guess
You: whats your favourite book?
Stranger: pants on fire yours?
You: twillight
Stranger: cool! i dont really like twilight anymore just because so creepo bit me
You: someone bit you?
Stranger: yeah they thought they were a vampire
You: Maybe they were...
Stranger: no because im not a vampire now
You: beware my love, beware of the children of the night

>> No.844912

You: Hello strange person, what is your favorite book?
Stranger: Strange person I dont have a favorite book. I do have a favorite author though. Ceclia Ahern.
You: An interesting response. What books do you particularly enjoy then?
Stranger: um mostly murder/mystery books. but she writes love storys mostly and those are the only ones i will read r the ones by her. other than that. murder/mystery
You: Fascinating
You have disconnected.

>> No.844921

Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: asl
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: twilight
You: ok :-/

>> No.844928


I think you really made a difference in her life.

>> No.844948

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: i love u
You: no u
Stranger: no me what
You: no u me
You: get it?
Stranger: no
You: neither do i
Stranger: lol
Stranger: m/f
You: some of both
You: whats your favourite book?
Stranger: what is this book you speak of
Stranger: lol
You: what is your favourite book?
Stranger: i dont fucking read books you looser

I was left in tears...

>> No.844966

>I don't read fucking books.

Why would you be left in tears? The man doesn't read erotic novels; is that so wrong?

>> No.844968

Stranger: i dropped my pencil
You: ok
You: What`s your favourite book
You: ?
Stranger: idk
Stranger: private-serie by kate brian
Stranger: yours?
You: did i just talk to you?
Stranger: no why?
You: same answer twice
You: never heard of the series
Stranger: wow scary!
Stranger: ok
Stranger: it's good.

>> No.844971

3 "i don't read"
3 "twilight :D!"
1 "Pride and Prejudice

>> No.844978

You: What`s your favourite book
Stranger: foundation
Stranger: the series
Stranger: and yours?
You: War and Peace
Stranger: ok
You: by Ayn rand
Stranger: no.. its by leo tolstoy..
Stranger: Ayn rand wrote fountain head..
You: ah, mixed them
Stranger: tolstoy wrote war and perace
You: have you read them?
Stranger: fountainhead... yes...
Stranger: in fact i ve read all the books by Ayn Rand..

>> No.844996

Stranger: Fuck me? ;]!
You: whats your favorite b00k
Stranger: Uhmmm......prolly Well I dont read! xD
You: LoL!

>> No.845009

They said:

skeleton key by anthony harowitz

>> No.845017

>Go on omegle to do the favorite book thing
>End up talking to really interesting girl for thirty minutes
>She mentions she's a virgin
>You mention you've had sex with seven women
>She disconnects immediately

>> No.845018

I got an omegle lady to talk about Dostoyevski. She reasoned well about how well she liked him (and no, there was none of the 'oh it is so psychological' spiel). Also, she liked Ayn Rand and she didn't like the current president of the united states.
i cut her short with a cyber-axe and she didn't find that sweet or funny and left before i could also cyber-kill her imaginary righteous sister.

>> No.845024


lol dumbass.

should have just asked for contact info, not exchange sexual information.

>> No.845053

also, that made be feel that I am not a trembling beast. It made me feel that I do matter, that I have a right!

thank you, op.

I spotted an oxymoron.

>> No.845057

Stranger: do you like porn?
You: funny, I was about to ask YOU a question.
You: but to answer yours, yes
Stranger: :D awesome.
Stranger: ok, shoot.
You: what's your favorite book?
Stranger: hmm, tough call. I'd have to say either The picture of Dorian Gray
Stranger: or Existentialism: from Dostoevsky to Sartre
You: Sasha, is that you?
Stranger: OMG WTF? xD
Stranger: HOW?
You: I've read a bit about you. I have to say, I am humbled to be in your presence.
Stranger: now, now, no need for that. but thanks! <3
You: So, what's someone like you doing chatting up strangers on Omegle?
Stranger: I'm fucking bored man! I'm shooting a movie in Inglewood, there's nothing to do here. -_-
You: I'm sorry to hear that. Hey, there's something I've always wanted to ask you. It's about your porn name.
Stranger: sure. go right ahead.
You: Well, the last part of the name references Dorian Gray, right?
Stranger: Yes! :D
You: I see. Did you realize you spelled the name wrong, you fucking dumb cunt? You should fucking die in a car fire.
You have disconnected.

>> No.845065

>implying that actually happened

>> No.845071

Oxymoron: interesting girl

Was that it?

>> No.845073

She sent me a picture, and she wasn't too attractive. Plus she lived across the country.

>> No.845079


>Implying you could resist the urge to tell her how much you love her and how you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

>> No.845081

I guess it could've been someone from /lit/ imitating her.

>> No.845117
File: 15 KB, 297x473, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we talked about all kinds of different things, books never came up

>> No.845209

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hiiiiii
You: Howdy
You: Lets start things off fun
Stranger: m/f
You: What is your favorite book?
Stranger: kkk
Stranger: walk to remember
You: Nicholas sparks?
Stranger: ya
You: Let me ask you this
Stranger: kk
You: Do you have a boyfriend?
Stranger: no..........
You: Well when you have a boyfriend
You: don't take him to those fucking movies
You: they are horrible
Stranger: me a boy.....
You: And if he DOES come to them with you owe him 3 Blow jobs
You: If a Nicholas Sparks book is your favorite then it is all still aplicable
You: even if you are a male
Stranger: i need agirl frend
You: Sorry dude. If you have read A walk to remember, I have some bad news for you
You: You are gay.
You: There is nothing wrong with it
Stranger: oh really
You: but the sooner you become comfortable with it the sooner you will be happy
Stranger: fuck off.....u asshole
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.845338

You: Hey
Stranger: hey
Stranger: whats up
You: Not much... whats your favourite book?
Stranger: hmm, the natural, or the great gatsby
You: Cool beans, I've never read either of those 2 though
Stranger: american classics
You: I would say The Prince
Stranger: whats that
You: some Italian Guy wrote it, pretty good

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.845930

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: how are you?
You: i'm doing well
You: you?
Stranger: the same
Stranger: asl please?
You: first...what's your favorite book?
Stranger: wtf? lol
Stranger: I like the old man in the sea I guess
You: it's important
Stranger: A lot really
Stranger: can't decide
You: i see...
You: why do you like it?
Stranger: wtf? lol


>> No.846907

Stranger: hey
You: wait wait wait wai
Stranger: asl?
You: whats ur favorite book?
You: 21/f/ca
Stranger: the shining
Stranger: im 15 m alaska, what do you want to chat about?
You: nothing
You: i have a schlong btw
You have disconnected.

>> No.846999

You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: what's your favourite book?
Stranger: Davincy code
You: thanks for destroying what little faith in humanity I had left

>> No.847353

These are amazing. Oh god I lold

>> No.847390

You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: Hello
Stranger: Uh wicked
Stranger: U a guy or girl
You: I already see this is going nowhere.
Stranger: No I'm wonderinh
You: You are a moron.
Stranger: What
Stranger: Why
Stranger: I like to know the gender I am speaking to
You: Go back to school and learn some proper fucking grammar you pig.

>> No.847394

I am quickly losing faith in humanity...

>> No.847435

Stranger: I've wondered what it would be like if somebody fell in love with you on Omegle and you disconnected, never knowing. And they're just searching for you but you won't ever know.
You: nice pondering
You: but
You: good sir
You: i got a question to ask
Stranger: ?
You: what's your favorite book?
Stranger: I don't know. I don't have a single favorite for anything.
You: have you read a book?
You: ever?
Stranger: Of course
Stranger: Plenty
You: one you specially liked?
Stranger: Most of them
You: last one you read perhaps?
Stranger: Hrmm
Stranger: That would be
Stranger: Ptolemy's Gate
Stranger: By Jonathan Stroud
You: have not heard that one before
You: thank you sir (:

>> No.847462

You: What's your favorite book?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: well..
Stranger: :(
Stranger: how about Cinderella?..
You: Ok...
You: You didn't say Twilight, and that is a start.
Stranger: oh....
Stranger: I love him..
Stranger: ..
Stranger: y?
You: Twilight is not a real book.
You: It is fancy toilet paper.
Stranger: but Edward..
You: Edward is abusive honey.
You: He is overly controlling of Bella
Stranger: no!!
Stranger: :(
You: I would not be surprised if he beat her behind closed doors
Stranger: ..
You: Don't ever date a man like Edward.
You: He will beat you. Beat your children.
Stranger: I do not understand!
You: Edward tries to control Bella. That is not love, that is abuse.
You: He tries to forbid her to see her friends.
Stranger: stop..
You: Read something worthwhile and intelligent. 1984 and Catch 22 is a start.

>> No.847480


I lol'd hard


Perfume is basically a psychopath/sociopath that has incredibly great use of his olfactory abilities, learns how to make perfume, can make really orgasmic perfume, then decides to make virgin pussy perfume. Basically. The movie was great. Youtube the trailer.

>> No.847499

You: Hi
Stranger: hey whats upp :)
You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: instead of waste your time and mine chatting to someone we can't see, I am female, 30 y/o looking for an ordinray guy(not some freak) to meet every 6th weekend for romance and possibly a little more, or at least someone to chat with online. I have met two guys on here already and we had sex, but that was all. If you want to see some pics of me, and leanr a little about me, please go to my blog lovelexa2.tumblr.com.. I also have sexier pics(but obviously not in public view), go to my dating site profile and leave me a message, then I can give you my IM to talk :)
Stranger: so maybe talk to you later.. byee.

>> No.847505

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hiya, (
You: hi
Stranger: (:*
You: what's your favorite book?
Stranger: Hm, I dont know I have alot. I like to read. whats yours?(
You: Mishima's Confessions of a Mask
You: So, you don't have a favorite book?
Stranger: I have many, but I can choice.
Stranger: Choose*
You: Then choose.
Stranger: cant*
You: You're putting me to sleep
You have disconnected.

>> No.847510

Stranger: hey
You: Hey
You: What's your favourite book?
Stranger: Harry Potter series
You have disconnected.

>> No.847549

Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 27/m/cali
Stranger: sexy
You: you have a favorite book?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: dear john by nicholas sparks
Stranger: u?
You: Shards of Honor by Bujold

>> No.847559

Why is it that everytime I wanna try something like this, I just end up finding a nice person and talking to them about nothings?

I guess I'm just more social than you.

>> No.847607

I am loving this thread

>> No.847619

I just had a 20 minute conversation with a hindu guy about some book called "do you really want it" by "sri raman or john sumthin" and he was citing passages in hindu but couldn't find what book it was or the author. I'm thoroughly confused right now.

>> No.847725

Stranger: Knock Knock.
You: Who's there?
Stranger: Nobody.
You: Ok nobody
You: what the fuck is your favourite book?
Stranger: The bible.
You: That's a collection of books you piece of shit
You: I asked for one

>> No.848412

lol'd hard

>> No.848841

You: Hiya
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Got any fetishes?
You: Books
You: What's your favorite one?
Stranger: The Great Gatsby, easily.
You: Well sir, I am stunned
You: Thank you kindly
Stranger: Good for you, stranger.
Stranger: You're welcome.