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/lit/ - Literature

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8418525 No.8418525 [Reply] [Original]

>I'd fallen in love with her. I believed she could save me. I know how this sounds, trust me. I know your type and I know what you're bound to ask. Ask it now. This is your chance. I felt she could save me I said. Ask me now. Say it. I stand here naked before you. Judge me, you chilly cunt. You dyke, you bitch, cooze, cunt, slut, gash. Happy now? All borne out? Be happy. I don't care. I knew she could. I knew I loved. End of story.
What is the question he anticipates and why does he insult her?

>> No.8418575

To be honest I thought that "ten small stories" thing was really weak and just DFW pretending to completely spell his spaghetti because he was too lazy to write something proper within some deadline.

But /lit/ called be a plebe and 2deep4u

>> No.8418835
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