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8416769 No.8416769 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm like 50 pages into pic related and I have no fucking idea what's going on. When do things start to make sense?

>> No.8416770

It makes sense from the start. The book isn't for you, drop it.

>> No.8416782

Have you read 'The Crying Of Lot 49'? Pynchon likes to throw many scenes together that rarely make sense, and most of us are 'trained' to follow a straightforward story when reading a book, which makes it hard to get used to Pynchon's style. 'Crying' is much shorter and a good intro to that kind of style.

>> No.8416793

Yeah I definitely had no problems throughout, so I assume you're just not smart enough to comprehend a book like that.

>> No.8416795

Read my diary instead

>> No.8416814

someone post the rambunctious behaviour pasta pls

>> No.8416815

Take more time reading it, there are single sentences if you skim you won't be able to follow what's happening.

>> No.8416823

That's normal. What the beginning is all about isn't all that clear on a first read, and if you miss all the cues you're completely lost. It starts to have a clearer narrative soon enough, with recurring characters, I promise.

>> No.8416832
File: 1.88 MB, 288x288, mindblown2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you realize Gottfried got fried

>> No.8417103

oh shit

>> No.8417134

The first 50 pages even had a linear structure. You're fucked. Start over or give up.

>> No.8417146
File: 120 KB, 700x864, earthenjump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a little bit further than OP and genuinely loving the book but i gotta know.. am i reading things more or less as they happen? i get that flashbacks happen but are the "current events" unfolding in order or is this like IJ where it bounces all over the place, but unlike IJ in that he doesn't tell you and expects you to piece it together with context?

>> No.8417553

Not always. You may have section-long flashbacks, but it's rather clear about them imo