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File: 23 KB, 396x479, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
841668 No.841668 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my sense of humor, /lit/. this is supposed to be Hitler's video blog post.

"Hey one love from Adolf Hitler. I haven't been much around after UK declared war so I couldn't update this blog and I'm really sorry for that. there was a comment war on what hurts a Jew more if gets sodomized by. please take these racist discussions to another place please. I'm going answer some E-Mails now...WChurchill... "I'm airborne bitch I'm coming to get you." well my AA guns are ready and aiming the sky like your dick when you're fapping to your grandma's yearbook, shithead. "


>> No.841670

Hitler is so passe. I say this with only a touch of irony, but mostly I am serious.

>> No.841673


"next from umar_sharif "Are your gonna invade our coundry hitler?" No Umar sandniggers come after Jews. this one's from agnt_jk_mulder "Have you found any cool aliens in Russia hitler?" No buddy but you should know, as far as I've found out, in Russia humans invade aliens. This one's from Goebbels. oh fuck Joey that's CP! how dare... I think it's shopped. saved, I'll get it analyzed, if it was real, I'll bust your ass then."


>> No.841675

WwW.AnoXntxaLk.SE reMOVe aLl_x theRe And_TeLl mOot_To EaT a bUCket_of_niGGeR dicKS
tsn e vdrnrdzti kzkvhsjusd iqfaenlkg bx t

>> No.841676


"next from js_christ0000 "You can repent anytime, just kneel down and pray." I've received some emails from this guy saying the same thing this month, I think I have to change my email clint. this one can't control spam flood. from einst_ein "Hitler I made a cool bomb who burns everything when it explodes. call me on nine nine o o two and we'll make an sweet deal." Mmmm... I think I'll pass. "


>> No.841684

In all honesty, please stop OP, not funny in the least bit, and I feel embarrassed just reading these.

>> No.841685


"Alright next one will be the last one. from jew.babe.1920 "Hitler u killed my family u killed my friends u burned my house u choked my friends in ur gas chambers y?" Well, see I have this theory, it's complicated, strictly based on the latest trends of Pholosophy. based on my theory, Jews, after the first settlement, I mean Jews, are Jews right? their name starts with a J like jar or jam, I'm not going into details, they have beards, I hate beards, that's why I shave mine because I hate Jews. fuck you bitch. Jews deserve to die because they're Jews. bye."

Sorry for handicaps .

>> No.841700


>> No.841713
File: 44 KB, 375x375, 1277475257387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why nobody liek?

>> No.841718

Because you're not funny.

>> No.841730
File: 37 KB, 184x182, 1277167533675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it is not funny? would you care to explain?

>> No.841742

I honestly cringed whilst attempting to read this fucking shit that you've spewed out. I bet you have no friends and get bullied a lot at school. You fucking faggot loser dork, go eat shit and die motherfucker.

>> No.841746

Explaining humor is like describing a color in detail using Braille.
Your joke (there's only one joke - It's Hilter! Ta-da! Everybody laugh!) falls flat.

>> No.841769
File: 39 KB, 183x183, 1277167963860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about cynical things like Jesus and Churchill?

>> No.841774

It's all been done before you fucking retarded cocksucker. Besides, if you ever convert these into real video blogs, they'll suck even harder than they do now, because you probably have a lisp and a shit haircut. Fucking faggot go die.

>> No.841778

this is beyond pathetic.

>> No.841788
File: 30 KB, 183x183, 1277608965552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. so the problem is not my wackiness per se, it's the subject that I've chosen. I'll go and come back with another thing that will crack you up.

>> No.841799

I do stand up comedy, and understandably delivering comedy vocally and it being written are two different fields completely. With stand up its easier you have free reign of tone, exclamation and phrasing, you really can manipulate your material to be funnier than it actually is. This sounds pathetic but look at most comedians, their delivery is the most important thing, of course great comedians have amazing delivery and routine.

With writing, it truly has to be wit, insight, originality and intelligence, you rely on your audience more than any other comedic form to respond.

>> No.841811

Here's the main problem with these: You explain the joke right from the start. I mean, the concept is totally old boring shit, but it doesn't have to be this bad. You know those shitty Zack Braff quotations? You know why people like them? Because you get the identity at the _end_, they have a punchline. They're sort of like what you're doing: Quotations that don't fit their attribution. So if you want to make these less shit, don't say "LOL THIS IS HITLER TALKING" until the end.

>> No.841829

Spoiler - Using Hitler doesn't not make for instantaneous humour
Unless you're a fan of Family Guy or some shit

>> No.841834

It would be way funnier without the historical jokes.

Just have Hitler blogging about random shit like BP, the World Cup, and twilight movies.

Or better yet, just copy and paste from a random teenage girl's blog.