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8416062 No.8416062 [Reply] [Original]

Is this an accurate summary of Eastern and Western philosophies?

>> No.8416065


>> No.8416068

It's an accurate representation of the average westerner's drawing skills.

>> No.8416073

It's not necessarily an accurate representation of Eastern and Western philosophies, but a sweeping generalization/approximation of the differences between the two.

>> No.8416074

What difference does a more stylish style make in achieving the goal of sending a message?

>> No.8416081

what difference does living in a suburban home, basically concrete and cardboard, compared to a shit hut in the third world?

>> No.8416088

Yes, I bet Socrates would have bitch slapped the artist.

>> No.8416093

Does it have the same facilities? (hot water, electricity, etc.)? Are they both in secure neighborhoods?

If they both have the same, then they are the same

>> No.8416097


>> No.8416101

>caring about petty spooks

>> No.8416121

you seem to have a lot of them

>> No.8416281

>Define accuracy
>What do you mean by Eastern and Western philosophies?
>Make term "summary " clear

>> No.8416620


Why can you not mix the two?

>> No.8416987

>gaijins are THIS butthurt all their "novel" new ideas got BTFO thousands of years ago

>> No.8416996

I thought you hated being Asian.

>> No.8417006

>not being asian when the chinks take over the world in 20 years


i started learning chinese and japanese 5 years ago to prepare for when the asians own the world.

>> No.8417008

They already do when you consider the Hebrews are from Asia.

>> No.8417017

Why did someone make this picture?

>> No.8417043

Easter philosophy assumes you already know the meaning of those words.
It builds on tradition.
Western is about analyzing every bit of the system and finding cause causation connections,and then using the new information to get away from the old ideas.
It builds on change

>> No.8417046

the westerner seems like a cunt

>> No.8417065

Schopenhauer did and it was alright.

>> No.8417108

All of the questions the Westerner asked are answerable. What's the point of this image?

>> No.8417175

No it doesn't. Eastern philosophy takes as assumptions things westerners would only encounter as late as Heidegger and Witty. They knew language was imprecise and context-sensitive, which results in lots of parables instead of clear directions and obtusely written things like the Tao.

>> No.8417225


416. The philosophy of "why". Like a child autistically asking its mother endless questions, without even paying attention to her answers, the decadent religions and the pseudo-philosophers keep asking "why" to all our plans and reasons. And why is technology better than eternal primitivism? And why is complex art better than primitive art? And why is culture better than barbarism, schools and hospitals better than savagery, expansion and discovery better than stagnation or even contraction? Ultimately, the question that sits at the bottom of all their other questions — although they never verbalize it — is "And why is continuing to breathe better than suicide?" — for if they verbalized this question the scam would become obvious, and their championing of decadence would be immediately seen for what it is. And indeed there's nothing wrong with suicide for those who are in so much pain that continued existence is unbearable for them. ONLY THE PRIESTS AND THE PSEUDO-PHILOSOPHERS ARE NOT COMMITTING SUICIDE. Their championing of it therefore must only be a means to something else.

>> No.8417316

Eastern Philosophy seems to draw a lot from Intuition and Experience (Wisdom), which can not stand against the critical thinking of western philosophy. Though maybe it fulfills the "goals" of Philosophy, its use in practical appliance, in a much better way, by providing the people who study it the means and terms to live a more satisfied life.

>> No.8417323


it's too obvious though on why eastern is superior

>> No.8417337

Yes but switch Socrates for Zhuangzi, and Confucious for Plato.

>> No.8417444

Let me guess, you either don't have a formal degree in philosophy or you didn't get it from a good school.

>> No.8417462


>> No.8417484


>> No.8417493

Why are you looking to summarize them? That defeats the purpose of studying philosophy.

For example, it has been said that a historian's job is to complexify history. This is needed because history naturally gets simplified in it's retelling. A historian learns all the minutiae of past events and attempts to see history as it really was in order to learn and communicate its lessons.

Similarly, a philosopher attempts to see reality, and to strip away, uncover, and understand our biases, etc.,. A study of philosophy is an attempt to comprehend the inquiries of the minds of past philosophers in order to build upon them, or tear them down - as necessary.

So do you see what I mean? Summarizing two such humongous categories as Eastern v. Western philosophy, each with it's own subsets, each with their own founding perspectives, is empty.

>> No.8417498

This view is as simplistic as what it is mocking.

>> No.8417515


>believes that the point of philosophy is to problematise knowledge
>defines the whole of philosophy in terms of enlightenment rationalist

you surely have me trolled anon

>> No.8417571

My god this was painful to read.

>> No.8417582

Agreed. I pretty much glanced at it and could tell right off the bat that it would give me a goddamn aneurysm if I tried to take it seriously as a paragraph.

>> No.8417587

And yet, despite the lack of logic, Asian maths and science grades are higher than Western ones.

Ironic isn't it?

>> No.8417623

All this in the context of India, if you don't find Indian Philosophy as enchanting as East Asian philosophy, good for you, it isn't it's shit.

I'm Asian, wow, you're fucking racist aren't you?

Sorry for using buzzwords, I do find your lack of knowledge of Asians fucking annoying though.

I find orientalists fucking annoying, especially the Hare Ram fuckers that thing Hinduism is this obscure, mystic, wonderful, wise, tradition that [whateverthefuck].

First of, no, a vast majority of Asians could not give less of a tit about the more meaningful teachings of their philosophical schools, even if they follow a religion that stems out of them.
And no, there's nothing "under the surface" here that I'm missing.

You know a majority of India's atheists live in rural areas right? (Guess why after reading the whole of this)

Indian philosophy is the perfect example of Lenin's notion that a vast majority of traditions will need to be put in the bin with a cultural revolution, because, despite their prominence, most of them would be tools for bourgeois oppression.

Hindu philosophy inevitably ties into the caste system, I couldn't give less of a shit of how it was "originally", propagating it is a stupid idea, even if it was the physical manifestation of Krishna's cum in its unedited form any dispersion of it in modern society can only worsen discrimination.

Quoting an Indian comedian "what is the caste system anyway? It's like we took religion and found a way to make it shittier".

My point being: Stop glorifying Eastern Philosophy and Eastern Traditions and Eastern Locations, LEARN THAT THEY ARE SHIT, THEY ARE UNDERDEVELOPED AND SHIT.

A focus on all this cultural hogwash is often used in the political sphere to draw attention away from how FUCKING SHIT places are and how the government needs to stop DOING A SHITTY FUCKING JOB fixing it.

Did you know India's national anthem has the phrase "better than all other lands" in it?
How retarded is that.


>> No.8417638

poo in loo

>> No.8417645

>meaningful aphorisms that can improve one's life

>juvenile "but how do you knowwwww" autism

>> No.8417658


Whoever made this should kys because none of it actually portrays either side's philosophy to any meaningful extent and it's obvious that with the exacerbated desirable 'Aryan' features and notoriously negatively connoted 'Asian eyes' that it was for a bullshit political (in 'insecurity' politics, the modern discourse) agenda rather than an intellectual one

this is fucking retarded in implying there was intellectual competition between the two systems whatsoever before >the current year

How do you get mad over shit like that lmfao

>> No.8417666

Why is Socrates put next to a blonde twink

This is true but what's ironic is that the juvenility of 'Western' civilisation is what ultimately and 'unintentionally' spearheaded it to what it is today.

The Presocratic naturalists were fucking retards compared to Confucianists but the fact they raised the inquiries at all is why the West harnessed enough firepower to conquer large potions of the world in centuries to come.


>> No.8417676

You go guy, EJMR's characterization of India can actually only help it develop.

>> No.8417679

Woah kid chill.

Since when was I glorifying Eastern philosophy? I was merely pointing out a fact displayed in tons of analyses of global education scores out there, and how it seems to be anti-thetical to the pic up there.

In the first place I come from a Eastern Confucian-Meritocratic society that has fucked me in the ass for two years with mandatory National Service.

You should have been replying to this dude instead: >>8417323

Incidentally though, Confucius, when read on his own without the lens of politics and prejudice, has a lot to say about dealing with the shit of society around you. His idea of 'ritual' isn't just about respecting tradition, but the idea that ritualized norms are necessary for a stable society no matter how stupid they are. Rituals can't be changed except through slow and gradual process, and the Virtuous Man must honor them anyway and not gripe about it because that's how society works:

"Be of unwavering good faith and love learning. Be steadfast unto death in pursuit of the good Way. Do not enter a state which is in peril, nor reside in one which people have rebelled. When the Way prevails in the world, show yourself. When it does not, then hide. When the Way prevails in your own state, to be poor and obscure is a disgrace. But when the Way does not prevail in your own state, to be rich and honored is a disgrace.”

And I am always wary of people who state that people will change when cultural norms are uprooted. Look at how nicely 'cultural revolution' fitted China under Mao, when it was used as an excuse to uproot the intellectuals. The problems of men always pertain to a broken faculty within men themselves, and education, as Confucius was right about, is the only key to fix that - not some hot-blooded revolution that will merely supplant old rituals with new rituals (and possibly worse secular ones - i.e. Penal Populism like what's going on in the Philippines). You develop change by developing consciousness, but you can't excise it and expect things to go well.

So, in the Taoist view of things: Be useless. Useless things are the ones that live the longest and calmest. The more you try to change the world, the less you're likely to succeed at it, because your passion will overwhelm you. The less you try the clearer things become, which puts you in a state to be the Confucian 'Virtuous Man' or Taoist 'Sage'.

>> No.8417696

Atleast it's not anime™®

>> No.8417709


I like reading Eastern Philosophy because I think it makes me more a well-rounded person than if I focused solely on Western Philosophy

>> No.8417717

>why the West harnessed enough firepower to conquer large potions of the world in centuries to come.
There's very much a sense (and I don't think this is misplaced) in China that this is in part down to luck and that their own heritage is rich and strong enough to stand alongside it. If we do the whole Weberian "they didn't have a renaissance" crap their response is not "we do not need a renaissance" but "we do not need YOUR renaissance", they just need to develop their own stuff.

>> No.8417725

>why should one never aspire to err?
That sounds like the exact opposite of what Socrates would argue. I'm pretty sure the only time he was ever that pedantic was in Charmides or Crito. Most of the time he either expects people have a pretty good grasp of these concepts or he'll try and twist the definition into helping his worldview (MUH FORMS).

Although the Eastern philosophy is pretty spot on, although I find the actual phrases they use are generally more meticulous, like in the Art of War. Each chapter is like an idea and the methods he recommends people undergo are not only useful and speak to some sort of wisdom but ultimately help inform the idea as well.

>> No.8417731

I guess like anything else if someone can use philosophy to fuck you over they will, and if you can use philosophy as a form of inquiry you should.

>> No.8417746
File: 1.25 MB, 895x1276, Odin_Nors_Mythology_by_Javid77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ancestors of this blonde aryan in the image would have said very similar things. His ancestral philosophy, before it's usurpation by Platonic Idealism, was also based on WISDOM, the kind that stems from generations of unconscious learning, not rationalistic KNOWLEDGE.

The development of the Socratic school in ancient greece is an aberration of philosophy, in contrast to the earlier Greek philosophy. To Heraclitus' 'no man steps in the same river twice,' a student of Socrates need more wisdom before defaulting to the Socratic method.



>> No.8417751


>> No.8417758

yeah the great wisdom of wotan

like sucking dead guys dicks for their power

>> No.8417764

i am sorry you feel that way op. I hope things get better for you.

>> No.8417767

An accurate summary would be showing astronauts in space building satellites on the Western side, and a disgusting pile of corpses and garbage in the Ganges river on the Eastern side.

>> No.8417770


>> No.8417784

Thankfully 2 years of having to bunk with sweaty jocks has made me realize that being a NEET isn't so bad after all.

>> No.8417788


Good post. Recos for English translations of Confucian and Taoist texts? Preferably with commentary.

>> No.8417798

Honestly I just took up any online translation, but I know Chinese so I could also see the original form. I think multiple translations is best since Classical Chinese is such a stripped down and highly inferential language.

Although I heard that Simon Leys' Translation of the Analects is good. He also wrote a very good essay on Confucius in his Halls of Uselessness.

>> No.8419686

eastern = superstition
Western = logic and reason

>> No.8420368

>Asians take over the world
>Already have a Korean GF

You act like I am not prepared.

>> No.8420419

somewhat. Eastern philosophy is often full of empty platitudes that sound nice also when it comes to real life application everyone but the privileged ignore it because they don't have the privilege to sit on their ass. Eastern philosophy is about symbioses while western philosophy is about solid definitions and domination

>> No.8420422

yeah but you will get nowhere without asking. If you don't ask you end up being that shy kid who finishes the class with A's but ultimately has no idea what is going on or why things are the way they are

>> No.8420969

Very sweeping. Han Fei writes straight to the point.

>> No.8420975

How are we supposed to take this seriously when the Westerner has blonde hair? Europe's philosophy stems from Mediterranean races and civilisations, not Northern savages.

>> No.8420980
File: 7 KB, 248x203, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never a good idea senpai

>> No.8420988

Eastern = tried and tested
Western = theories, guesses and models, none of which can accurately simulate reality

Any philosophy not rooted in utmost respect for tradition is ultimately doomed to fail. Explains why the West has fallen so far in so few years.

>> No.8421020
File: 259 KB, 891x576, 1462884917935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that
>empirical evidence
is an oxymoron created by deluded men

>> No.8421044

>Did you know India's national anthem has the phrase "better than all other lands" in it?
That's pretty standard to be honest.

Success in STEM doesn't stem from philosophy -- sure as hell not Eastern philosophy.

Unless, of course, we're talking about the social ramifications of philosophy like >>8417623 over here, which we shouldn't be because that's not the actual content of anything.

>> No.8421051


Kazakhstan greatest country in the world
all other countries are run by little girls.
Kazakhstan number one
exporter of potassium!
Other countries have inferior potassium.

>> No.8421347


>> No.8421453

what about the eastern secularists and the western stoics who believe in virtue, honor, and the like?

east and west orient themselves differently,(lol) but towards the same aims. philosophy is not a construct, but an approach to life. an examination of life