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/lit/ - Literature

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8409925 No.8409925 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone tell me about a book that's actually funny?

This garbo and Hitchhiker's Guide both came off dated and disappointing.

>> No.8409932

a confederacy of dunces

>> No.8409936

The Illuminatus! Trilogy is funny but might be dated for a few people (wasn't for me though)

I found American Psycho funny but in more of a hysterical type of way

Slaughterhouse 5 had some similar themes to your pic related

>> No.8409954

What are some other American black comedy or tragicomedy books besides Catch-22, Lolita, Infinite Jest, A Confederacy of Dunces, Gravity's Rainbow?

Could Gravity's Rainbow be considered black comedy?

>> No.8410021

Try john swartzwelder. Had me laughing out loud a lot

>> No.8410118

Pale Fire
At Swim Two Birds

These are the only books I've read by Nabokov and Flann O' Brian, respectively and the funniest books I've read overall. I presume both have other funny, good works.

>> No.8410345

Are you german, OP?

>> No.8410350

Pride and prejudice, oblomov, a Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.8410397

>Confederacy of Dunces
What is this? A book about Chris-chan?

>> No.8410424

northanger abbey

>> No.8411269

Swartzwelder's books are actually good?

>> No.8411502

>period piece

>> No.8411737

The proper term is African American comedy

>> No.8411849


2666. cracked me up every time there was murder, because they were women.

>> No.8411870

Kingsley Amis, Evelyn Waugh, Chesterson