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8408881 No.8408881 [Reply] [Original]

I just got to the part with Madame Psychosis and explaining her broadcast and broadcasting building or whatever, around page 187 if you have the book and want to see.
I have about 4 pages of descriptions of the building and the roof of the building, and couldn't for the life of me get my self to finish the chapter (about 20 pages worth of these descriptions)
can I get some clarity from someone who has finished it... do these long, long, long descriptions have any kind of subtext or metaphorical meaning?
if I can just skim through them I will continue reading the novel just because, but if they do have some shallow meaning behind every single fucking crook and nanny of a fucking college radio broadcast building, I will have to think about continuing reading this fucking medical textbook of a novel.

>> No.8408884

can I skim past all the long descriptive shit, or do I have to pay attention to every single bit

>> No.8408929

Just read it dude.
If you don't like it, put it down.

>> No.8408947

go fuck yourself

>> No.8408959

did you read the whale chapter in moby dick? skim the descriptions, youll be fine

>> No.8408960

I stopped noticing it was like that around page 500. I read some Kafka stories in between and was like " "The man opened the draw?" what kind of sentence is that, that's mental, I think he means: Johnathon France Goberman engages his Quadattatic muscles and cants his chair at an angle of 36 degrees, his arm comes up to the mdf, domestically manufactured * endnote on history of the draw* draw handle, which shows slight striations from the accreted acid grease of Doberman's fingers, and yanks the draw open in search of a bottle of Tenuate. Doesn't he, oh no wait that's just a normal sentence.

>> No.8408984

this is a practicing new sincerity person: kill yourself

>> No.8409001

If we had a fight with our copies of IJ, I would win

>> No.8409013

if we had a fight with our cocks, i would ejaculate first

>> No.8409020

No, you don't have to. But it's nice to. As someone who's read this behemoth three times over now, I like to go back to it because DFW is the master at making details feel so real.

>> No.8409022
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>metaphorical meaning

>> No.8409026
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lets go

>> No.8409117

DFW in every one of his interviews: "I'm just a normal guy. I'm not trying to be pretentious. I just pay more attention hurrr durrr"

Well, forgivably, he had major anxiety and defense mechanism issues.

that said, there's a lot of witty parts, and a good portion of it you can skip over because it's sort of his anxiety of writing a Great Thing folding in ont itself. I think the point is the book isn't the God some readers treat it like and you should keep your sense of criticism of what isn't and is worth the trudge through, as with any book and any writer