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/lit/ - Literature

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8408515 No.8408515 [Reply] [Original]

What got you into literature?

>> No.8408519


>> No.8408522
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crushing depression

>> No.8408523

stoner desu

>> No.8408529

Well, to leave out as much detail as possible, I tried to murder some people but because I had sworn an oath against murder my daemon, an evil Scythian Enaree from a parallel universe, appeared in the form of a dragon to prevent me from destroying my soul by sarcastically egging me on, then helping me through that semester, then once I was out of the danger zone she ordered me to read and left.

>> No.8408540


>> No.8408541

my vanity xD

>> No.8408543

My searching for who I want to be worldview wise. That also lead me to philosophy. It was natural I guess, my parents are highly educated well read Catholics.

>> No.8408546

I read about Finnegans Wake and decided I wanted to read it one day. Obviously that book can't be read without prior experience with James Joyce's works, so I started Dubliners, then got tired of Joyce for a while so I started getting into other things.

>> No.8408552

>so I started Dubliners
I should have rephrased that. I moved on after finishing, not starting Dubliners.

>> No.8408554


>> No.8408562

was flipping through a roommates books in a transitional, read some very-short Kafka

>> No.8408629

my mum when i was a wee lad

>> No.8408658

Read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle based on the cover and wanted more literary fiction like it. The school reading cemented it, i enjoyed about half of what we read in high school. Before that I'd been reading Stephen King from my parent's bookshelf.

>> No.8408661

Same reason anyone does, I wanted to look smart.

>> No.8408680

Reading A Doll's House for a class really sparked it for me, but a couple months before that I started slowly reading things on my own anyway.

>> No.8408695

"Frankenstein" showed me the greatness of literature. I read "1984" before "Frankenstein," but it didn't do much.

>> No.8408732

Why am I seeing pictures of this specific faggot everywhere? Why is it always coupled with a meaningless topic? What are you trying to do to this guy?

>> No.8408781

The same thing that got me into bed with your mum; your father.

>> No.8408818


>> No.8408831
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Enid Blyton, Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London

>> No.8408865

>read fantasy as a child
>Was le gamer so that took away from reading
>Favorite games were story heavy games
>Started to get bored of gaming
>Get really into film in college thanks to free time and Netflix
>Realize many great films are based on great literature
>buy a book and download as many classics as I can

Been seriously reading for years now. Stopped playing Vidya because I realized it's a shit medium for story telling and I am not a manchild.

>> No.8408883

>playing videogames for the story
>playing videogames
>watching films for the plot
>get into reading because of the stories and the plot.

omfgod, you really are a manchild and a pleb

>> No.8408890


I mostly read philosophy and poetry now

>> No.8408909

I've been reading fantasy and scifi since I was about 8, out of a natural love for imaginative storytelling and adventure.

I've been reading philosophy since I was 16 because I found it to be inspiring and fun.

>> No.8408917

there was a lot of buzz surrounding Dan Brown by the time i'd reached middle school, and my mother had become a fan. as an assignment for our mandatory writing class, we had to select a work of literature of our choice and write a report on it. i read my mother's copy of Angels and Demons for the assignment and found it compelling; i'd always had an interest in art, history, and conspiracy theories, and this had all three. from here i read the rest of Brown's output at that time and a few other thrillers. once i grew bored of the genre for being highly formulaic, i started reading horror, sci-fi, and literary fiction.

>> No.8408922

And you are a pretentious cookie cutter /lit/ drone who is completely ignorant of the fact that the story is at the core of art. Your next reply will likely confirm it. Let me guess, style IS the substance huh?

>> No.8408925

>And you are a pretentious cookie cutter /lit/ drone
Except they are always combated by your type of drone.
You can see everything.

>> No.8408955

What type of drone am I exactly?

>> No.8408961

The depression I thought I didn't have after breaking up with someone I was in a relationship for three years. After I got over her, depression still remained as something I could use reading as a coping mechanism for. I remember the first year after the breakup I binge read everything I could put my hands on, but after that conflict was resolved my reading slowed down to a more above-average-but-still-casual rate.

>> No.8408973

if i read fiction (something that i dont do regularly) i dont read it for the "story" because im not a kid who needs a regular sucesion of events in an order that im familiar with to keep me interested, the situational set-up or, the themes, or yes, the style is enough for me.

>> No.8408976

Bought a kindle. Started reading like mad because free books.
But the books that really got me into reading would be love in times of cholera and one hundred years of solitude. Those two really opend my eyes on literature

>> No.8408988
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>because im not a kid who needs a regular sucesion of events in an order that im familiar with to keep me interested
That is what you think, when you hear the word 'story'. No wonder you're a /lit/drone, you probably think Nabakov is a good writer, kid.

>> No.8409003

please explain to me what a "Story" is , genuinely interested

>> No.8409017

How did YOU get into literature?

>> No.8409021

When I was around 13 I watched the movie Into The Wild and it got me interested in Thoreau, around the same time, while I was going through an atheist/deist phase I became interested in Enlightenment philosophy because of a christian history book I had to read while I was being homeschooled.
I had read a few things before that (Charlotte's Web, Wind In The Willows) but I don't think I ever viewed reading as something really special until I read The Brothers Karamozov when I was about 15, after that I realized I had found something worth pursuing.

>> No.8409024

A story is any report of connected events. Even the most abstract and purple literature falls upon this, an 'event' is an incredibly ambiguous term as it can be an action or something akin to a realisation. Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake are stories. Style is incredibly important, and definitely is substance, but prose is always bolstered by a clear idea of what is going on in the mind of the writer. This notion that plot is unimportant is why there are so many awfully meaningless purple passages posted in critique , even good poetry relies upon a powerful story at its most concentrated. The best prose conveys an event and makes it more beautiful than it ever could be, the best books convey a series (connected in whatever way the writer feels is the best way to convey them) of events that combine into a powerful whole.

>> No.8409028

*posted in critique threads

>> No.8409067

I learned to read when i was 3.5 years old because i was an autistic fuck.
I used to read entry-level classics like The Little Prince and Verne stuff, along with some comics and easy-lit from my country, but then i grew disillusioned with literature because i realized that my country was known just because of shitty commie poets (this phase started on 2003, so i didn't knew shit about based Bolaño).

Then on 2012 i learned about Borges and the realismo magico circlejerk. I was surprised at the nature of those books, and the short story format was pretty comfortable.

Now i finished reading a lot of the spanish canon, and i'm currently trying to delve into non-spanish modernism lit.

>> No.8409131

Ok, i understand agree with your definition. But you know that what people call a "story" is "a report of connected events" using a conventional linear narrative structure. And by the way, some times the events are not connected at all, if they are not , you consider that every event its a story by itself?

>> No.8409139

A bottle of wine and a lot of sweet talk. Then I pushed literature down onto the bed and got myself into him.

>> No.8409146

Occultism mostly.

>> No.8409162

Sorry for insulting you, and yes, I understand that not everyone has such an open view of the story. Despite this, my definition isn't correct and I stand by my notion that the best of literature, including the surreal and abstract, is reliant upon events that are connected in some way. I also understand that it can be cringe-worthy when people refer to the 'style over substance' argument, but a sentence with a genuine idea to express will always be better than frilly gibberish. Style must blend with the idea and neither must overpower the other (at least as far as creative fictional prose goes).

I actually like Nabakov and think he is a perfect example of style done right

>> No.8409180

There were two or three "phases" before that.

I read plenty as a kid and teen, mostly crappy fantasy tho, anyway I was always "used to" reading in my leisure time. I always read an occasional book, but I did not read fiction all the time at ages 15-18 or so.
...instead, I got interested in politics and started reading non-fiction and studying leftist/marxist thought. I even read shit by Stalin and though it was kinda good.
That lead to reading philosophy in general when I wanted to understand more.

Then, at some point, I just decided that fuck, I need to read some classic fiction as well. I started and the habit of reading varied stuff finally stuck.

>> No.8409191

>my definition isn't correct
*incorrect, kek

>> No.8409197

An interest in history branched into an interest in philosophy.

>> No.8409211

>tfw I have asian hair that sticks out at the sides when short
>not even asian

>> No.8409215

>Sorry for insulting you

Don't worry for that, that's how we all argue here :3

Thank you for your replies, it's an interesting topic and is hard to get meaningful conversations about it here.

>> No.8409219

hot af

>> No.8409227


My mother read good british children's lit to all of us before bed and our house was full of books.

>> No.8409243

My dad was in the Air Force and my family moved a lot when I was a kid, so we didn't exactly care much to even set up a TV since we knew we'd be moving again almost as soon as we'd shown up.

Thankfully, though, there were always libraries nearby.

I think somewhere along the line some wires crossed in my brain and I began enjoying the idiotic humor of this website, so who knows what damage has been done at this point?

>> No.8409245


>highly educated well read Catholics

>highly educated

>we read


what did he mean by this?

>> No.8409246

Jesus christ. Are you 65 or something?

>> No.8409252


No, why?

>> No.8409258


There's a subculture of Patrician Catholics who are better read than any insipid agnostic. They realize the limits of human reckoning and embrace an ancient religion on purpose, and in spite of their rationality. People like C.S. Lewis (albeit a high-church Anglican basically the same thing), or Chesterton.

>> No.8409304

10th grade Honors English class. Cuckoos Nest, Clockwork Orange, Romeo and Juliet, Prufrock, Keats, some of Pound's early poetry, some Dylan Thomas, some Auden. We had a good teacher too. He was really into it. He gave me extra credit reading assignments and then finally said, 'you've already got an A lets just meet every now and then and talk about what you're reading'
So I went from trying to impress him to trying to impress a bunch of degenerate jerkoffs on a Mongolian pottery forum

>> No.8409341


I think you may have responded to the wrong post, mate

>> No.8409656

i had no friends in elementary school and picked up The Giver off a school book shelf

>> No.8409668


>> No.8409694

Two biggest influences:my mother, a corporate lawyer and sharp woman who read to me as a youth and herself reads every day consistently. She's the type of upper middle class educated woman for whom the NYTimes Bestseller List is exactly tailored- she's read a fair amount of classic but generally reads more contemporary fiction (Michael Chabon, for example). She never pressured me to read but the influence was there, and I know she lamented but eventually calmly accepted my heavy video game use in my youth (not heavy by 4chan standards, but heavy).

The other is my best and closest friend who I've known since 2004. She adopted a certain idea of cool as high school passed into college- think The Beatles and Velvet Underground, Philip Roth, starting what was essentially an arts frat at her small, depressing, cold northeastern liberal arts college and obviously experimenting with drugs some. We remained close though at different schools and she always threw me recommendations that have panned out well (George Saunders, DFW, Pynchon, Gaddis). She's had diagnoses of psychosis, DID, heavy meds, suicide attempts, and lived as a male until earlier this year. Still an adjustment there... but she gives me good recs and I think if I hadn't been her friend these years I'd be less literate and watch Netflix all the time or something.

I should probably mention all three of us are Jews. Jews are generally pretty good about this.

>> No.8409700

Read Harry Potter as a child.

>> No.8410287

Profound, unsettling loneliness.

>> No.8410294

Same XD

>> No.8410304

Catholics are better than

>Highly educated

Choose one

>> No.8410305

The Egyptian by Waltari. Somebody forced me to read it when I was 14.

>> No.8410371

>13 years old, in class
>giving my thoughts and ideas on life, the world, humanity etc
>at the end of the lesson, the teacher asks me if I have read Aristotle
>tell him no and that I don't even know who that is
>teacher is surprised that I have such profound ideas that are so similar to Aristotle's, without having read him
>gives me the Iliad and a book on the Presocratics to read

... And the rest, as they say, is history

>> No.8410381

aren't you that guy who posted a picture of himself reading infinite jest?

>> No.8410385

losing all my friends that didn't want to hang out with me. now i read all day.

>> No.8410386


wow just stop reading then jesus

>> No.8410388

My German teacher. Before, I used to read fantasy trash (I'm not saying ask fantasy is trash, but what I read, now looking back, was), simply as escapism.

>> No.8410393
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Yes, that's me.

>> No.8410394

is fantasy the animal crossing of /lit/?

>> No.8410403

i read ulysses on bloomsday 2004, when I was a little lad of 13. I loved the book and all its references and irish politics. I read potrait of the artist as a young man next, followed by tagore, lermontov, roth and mccarthy. By the age of 14 I could already exercise my wit and intelligence and engage in debates with learned scholars. I got mad literary pussy. There I was, at 14 years old, sitting on top of six girls with one of my hands jerking myself off, and the other holding a critique of pure reasoning.

>> No.8410417

Trying to impress hipster qt's in high school

Read tonnes of classics

Realised they didn't even care/read

Accidentally became patrish

>> No.8410427

>what did he mean by this?
Jesuit schooling. It's some high powered indelible autism.

>> No.8410445

I dont think you can immediately discount style over substance merely for lacking purpose or being too frilly as then you immediately discount huge swathes of literature such as decadence and even the vast majority of poetry, as, besides epic poetry, the vastt majority of that is entirely unconcerned with story and is all themes and style.

>> No.8410616

Tao Lin

>> No.8410775

School taught me to read, if that's what you mean.

How do you 'get into' literature? I learned how to read at 6 and just kept on reading. Books have stories that are interesting so I read them. It's not anymore a choice than watching tv or playing a video game. It's just a thing. I want to read the story.

I don't understand people who don't read, unless they have a medical reason behind it. I always buy people books as gifts. It seems like the easiest gift to find.

>> No.8410792

liked reading as a child

Then I went to school and all love for literature was crushed.

Now that I am graduated I am re-discovering the joy of reading

for fun

>> No.8410812

While I was hospitalized last summer my grandmother gave me a copy of siddhartha by herman hesse. I had just moved to a new city and some night my appendix exploded, filling my insides with gastric bile and sending me right to emergency. I had surgery and then was kept in the hospital for 2 weeks. The painkillers made me trip balls harder than ive ever experienced, and I've done acid. The whole experience felt a lot like a symbolic rebirth, and I started reading a shitload of books from then on. I've been working through the western canon in that time, primarily philosophy and some general history to keep context. I'm currently in the middle ages, studying medieval theology. I hope to make it to descartes by the end of the summer.

>> No.8410948

i read notes from the underground and it really resonated with me also got me away from the STEM mindset of atheism and science

>> No.8411048

I hated fiction until I was 17/18... I read American Psycho after liking the film and flew through it in no time. I feel for the "muh classics" meme and it hindered my enjoyment of reading all my childhood.

>> No.8411051

*I fell for

>> No.8411052

Pretty dazzling chap tbf.

>> No.8411125

A desire to feel superior to everyone around me desu

>> No.8411138

A strong feeling of superiority over my high school peers which I wished to showcase by reading more advanced books than them.

The reasons were shallow and vain, but the results sincere and worthwhile. Its an interesting thing.

>> No.8411156

That's what I tell myself to sleep at night too anon!

>> No.8411158

Aww thanks

>> No.8411183



>> No.8411304
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>watch lots of anime
>get ideas for stories
>story ideas develop over time
>decide to check out /lit/ to suck less making stories
>my god I know nothing

Currently working through the Yale introductory course on literary theory.

>> No.8411741

I think I'm better than other people.

>> No.8412071

>no dad, mom a Xanax Zombie, me in my early teens
>friend's jew dad surveys no one keeping an eye on me and works me like a mule Friday after school, Saturday, and Sunday at manual labor maintaining his properties. Get like $5 for 20 hours work.
>learn of Fagan the Jew in Oliver Twist exploiting orphans
>say to self, "Hey, books really do reflect real life!"
>been reading ever since

>> No.8412307

Rowling got me into reading and then Irving, Orwell, Kerouac, Hemingway etc. and slowly I got into literature

>> No.8412373
File: 131 KB, 500x338, Great Illustrated Classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in 3rd Grade, my teacher gave me a box of Great Illustrated Classics for some reason. I guess she realized from my grades, that I was above average, but I'm not a genius or anything. She just gave me a whole box of them, but didn't give them to anyone else. I don't know why she singled me out, I don't remember reading much before or expressing any keen interest in reading. Anyhow I read them and loved them, but didn't really think about it, since they were kiddie versions. Went on to other kiddie books like Star Wars stuff because that's what kid me was interested in.

Eventually LOTR FOTR came out and I realized that the cartoon about the little hobbit and the dragon I watched a million times as a kid was part of some grander scheme of novels. Read ALL of Tolkien. Got a grown up taste for things. Here I am.

>> No.8412375


>> No.8412377

OP is the guy who claimed to have fucked his cousin. She's pretty fucking fine though. Dat good singaporean pussy.

>> No.8412399

We're Vietnamese, lol

>> No.8412414

Post/link that picture of your cousin? I lost the imgur link. Incest is patrician.

>> No.8412445
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Here's us together

>> No.8412502

As someone who spends all day on a computer for school and work, the lifestyle aesthetic of someone sitting down calmly reading a book and perhaps sipping on coffee really appealed to me. Basically I wanted to pick up a hobby that had nothing to do with technology. I'm a STEMfag that secretly wishes he could be a liberal arts major desu.

>> No.8412511

You're part of the master race desu. Liberal arts majors are a bunch of pink haired feminists who address each other with gender-neutral pronouns, not pipe-smoking patricians.

>> No.8412514

Post the one that was just her please.

>> No.8412530

post pic/vid of you two fucking

>> No.8412534

Yeah but in the idealized world in my mind it's full of patricians reading top tier literature and enjoying life as a content and rational human being.
But I think the annoying feminist liberal types are just in college all around, you get quite a few of those in your classroom as an undergraduate. I'm sure we'll just see more as western society continues to slowly plummet into hell.

>> No.8412541

you're banally average looking and shes ugly, I hope clearing that up helps.

>> No.8412543
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This one?

>> No.8412559

I lost my virginity to her so I don't really care

No, blue board.

>> No.8412566

lmfao so asshurt

>> No.8412576

No, it was the one you linked to on imgur. You can post links to videos of you fucking on blue boards, you just can't make them the image you post with.

>> No.8412581

>by reading, when all a roomful of teenagers need to do to make you look bad is call you a need.

>> No.8412589

>implying being called a nerd is a bad thing

>> No.8412599

you're right you don't care, so no wonder the rest of your life will be complete mediocrity.

>> No.8412611

Idk what to tell you bud, I don't remember the exact image and I'm too lazy to find it. Why are you so obsessed with my cousin tho

Cool story

>> No.8412625

nigger cuck bitch loser faggot nerd

>> No.8412663

I used to be and still am so neurotic and aspie that I would make long lists of books from various academic disciplines and go through them methodically. At one point I got to literature, and it worked for me.

>> No.8413092

portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.8413099

Fucking radical

>> No.8413109

get this generic bowl-faced chubby cheeked gaysian out of here rich ass chinese twinks like these always bewilderedly tell you they're straight when you try to fuck them

>> No.8413663

The man speaks for all of us

>> No.8413673

This cunts story is exactly mine. Vidya, movies( mostly action then Kubrick) need more listen to and read books constantly. Never do vidya anymore. Only watch weird artsy movies like judurowsky. Write my own dissection of movies to read my own work. Went from semi popular to no friends within a year

>> No.8413675

Yes good movie Thoreau (a pretender)

>> No.8413677

Anti-Semetic piece of shit

>> No.8413682

Did reading take most of your time from your social life, which is what led to you having no friends?

>> No.8413685

I wanted to be the most qualified shitposter here.

>> No.8413694

Yeah and talked about other shit besides pop culture which gave them an excuse to gang up on me when we hung out then after a while just stopped talking at all then stopped hanging out

>> No.8413699

Sounds like they weren't really your friends to begin with.

>> No.8413708

To pull in the bitches.

>> No.8413709

Yeah but the sad part is now my only friends are my girlfriend and this site and that's not cool.

>> No.8413710

I always loved reading as a kid, and was ahead of my grade level from the start -- my parents are both big readers, and they had a big library in the basement that I used to access. When I started reading, I would skim heavily because I was fucking 5. Eventually, I got into writing (I wrote a memoir when I was 6 in blue comic sans), but all of the writing from that era is gone now as my computer crashed when I was 12. There was a period that I got very distracted by technology and didn't read much or write at all. Then in grade 12 I took AP English, and it got me back into literature, as well as a philosophy course I took in grade 11.

I went to university at a liberal arts college where the first year programme is a survey of the Western canon (mostly philosophy, plus literature, politics, poetry); starting with Gilgamesh, working through the ancient world, medieval world, renaissance, enlightenment, reformation, 19th century, and 20th century. Now I find it hard to read anything that isn't for a course during the school year, and I study mostly continental philosophy, but during the summer and breaks from school I read a ton of fiction.

I'm doing a combined honours double major in Contemporary Studies and English, with a minor in Creative Writing.

>> No.8413733

6/7 would fuck

>> No.8413738

Two reasons, really:
1. I have a very vivid imagination and like making the characters come to life in my mind.
2. Girls really seem to like it when you can make literary references.

>> No.8413739

Why is the second reason so true. I made a Dolores Haze reference and this white bitch wanted to suck me off

>> No.8413744


Why does /lit/ dress in preppy nu male type of clothes? Ya'll aren't /fa/ at all.

>> No.8413748

Because Rick Owens is a fucking hack

Also, /fa/ is mainly streetwear so I don't get your point

>> No.8413759

Due to second-hand bookshops, literature was the easiest form of entertainment I could obtain. On top of that, all my relatives thought that reading silly YA would make me 'smart' because apparently reading makes one smart.

Then in maybe 3rd or 4th grade of elementary school literature teacher (god bless her) gave me Lord of The Flies and my descent into literary fiction began.

>> No.8413806

Yeah agree YA is poisonous. I go to secondhand bookshops where I live it's all Dan Brown abd Stephanie Meyer. The worst shit on the planet

>> No.8413838

I'm a fat unemployed kissless virgin that replaces real life feelings and experiences with reading books.

>> No.8413840


>> No.8413914
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>religion is dumb
>so is proofreading
>and capital letters

>> No.8413975


>> No.8413977
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, fedora107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I always proofread and edit my shitposts to enshure 100% gramattical and facshual accuracy."

>> No.8413987
File: 150 KB, 415x476, prefer_not_to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a folder with more than 100 images of men with hats for ridiculing people on the internet

>> No.8413989

10 year old me thought it was cool. I've always loved the look of a bookshelf.

>> No.8414059

Grandma got me into books as a kid, stopped reading when I found videogames, stopped playing videogames when I became a substance enthusiast and that led me back into reading

>> No.8414065

Not him, but
>he doesn't have at least 100 different pictures of fedoras to ridicule people on the internet


>> No.8414069
File: 26 KB, 720x439, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I really appreciate this post

>> No.8414077

stop being so fucking anti-semetic

>> No.8414087
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>crushing depression

all bullshit aside mainly this.

>> No.8414090

The thing is Aristotle really isn't profound in the present sense and is only revered for his impact on the development of philosophy, and I'd wager that the average thirteen year old kid nowadays has had more implicit training of critical thinking that. Aristotle, and is also physiologically more endowed to think faster and with more clarity. His ideas are less eloquently mused by primary school students and more eloquently reiterated by above average talkative middle schoolers. Your teacher was either inclined to believe that his class fostered a genius or was deceptively encouraging you

>> No.8414106

i liked essay writing in english class so i figured i should try reading books
i went with a friend to a library and bought some books

>> No.8415036

Do you buy from libraries where you are

>> No.8415037

this. Is it common?

>> No.8415038

I'm not obsessed, I just like asian girls who are into incest.

>> No.8415063

I was apparently a gifted writer as a kid, so I was encouraged to do it at home and at school. Writing got me into reading. Been writing since I was about 10 and reading since I was about 15.

>> No.8415133

What other hobbies do u have

Do you play video games.?

>> No.8415478

I do. Make music occasionally, listen to a lot. Running.

>> No.8415521
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i first got into some fantasy shit and realized fantasy is shit. then i read infinite jest after browsing /lit/ for a bit and 1 year later here i am

i'm literally scared of reading something not on this list. what do?

>> No.8415537
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As a kid I loved grammar and spelling and would read a ton of encyclopedia brown, magic tree house, and eventually any book I could find. I read a lot and read fast so I was eventually reading from my parents' high school and college texts and literature, as well as receiving recommendations from my grandmother who has dedicated her life to English education. I grew up Mormon so I read their scriptures a ton, like 2 hours daily for 3 years, and did a lot of note taking, so I think those habits helped with my recreational reading. Now that I've left the church I have a lot more time to devote to literature, and don't have any moral qualms against more racy literature, and I've developed great reading habits, so I've found reading to be pretty enjoyable, and more therapeutic the sadder I get.

>> No.8415644
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Here's mine. Kinda embarrassing desu

>> No.8415655

I'm new to /lit/ btw. I will be able to finish this list, r-right?

>> No.8415663

wtf did u even read in high school? you should be able to cross off at least 10 of these books if u did

>> No.8415677

>i'm literally scared of reading something not on this list


>> No.8415691

>wtf did u even read in high school?
No, video games took most of my time during hs. I'm 18 now and just got into reading.

>> No.8415765

Self improvement thing I work out and practice music alot, felt like I needed something more. Feels great

>> No.8415784

Actually, I started actively reading thanks to this board, which is pretty amazing if you think about it. Been here from the beginning.

>> No.8415799

Started reading comics,then children's books, then sci fi and then started to read authors like Mitchner and Pat Conroyand books about war, then read some of the classics and well known contemporary writers.

>> No.8415803

A series of unfortunate events

>> No.8415816

How old were you at the time?

>> No.8415825

Early twenties

>> No.8415841

Are you a woman?

>> No.8415843

No, Why??????

>> No.8415849

hey gurl u wanna dress up in a frilly skirt for me a be my qt literary gf?? :)))

>> No.8415861

No, ,you sound like a beta bitch.

>> No.8416508

I was reading the essays of Christopher Hitchens and he kept bringing up books and such that he loved, so I had to check some of them out. But the one that I ended up really liking was the collected poems of Philip Larkin. I liked it so much that I took a poetry course at my university, and I loved that course, so the next year I took all poetry courses. And I've been "into literature" ever since.

>> No.8416518

my 42 years old boyfriend

>> No.8416526

I read a lot of hard sci fi as a teenager because I was a loser with no friends. Eventually I found 4chan and kept getting meme arrows whenever I posted books I liked. This led to me actually trying some good shit and browsing here.

>> No.8416606

You look fucking ugly senpai. Get /fit/ you piece of shit.

How much of a fucking pseudo can someone actually be?

>> No.8417109
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I didn't like tv much, and I had very limited library of videogames, so most of my free time was spent reading, going for a walk and making figures out of plasticine.

>> No.8417122

I unironically think Thoreau just wanted to know what it was like to live in a cabin until he got bored.

>> No.8417131

actually burst out a laugh, first one of the day and its 11:58pm...

>> No.8417142
File: 271 KB, 444x454, 1469966751434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hey guys 4ch isnt all fucking shit memes and dribble shit tier posts with no intellect, here look at their literature board, they give good advice and have educated and civil discussion."

opens up /lit/


>> No.8417153

Unrequited love.

>> No.8417301

i probably meant bookshops. i'm not aware of any public libraries where i live, never mind my country. i read something about how youngguns wanted s public library here a few years ago or wanted the only public library to never close or something like that, either way, it's not a common thing here

>> No.8417396

Reading C&P for third grade assigment.