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8408059 No.8408059 [Reply] [Original]

Hi e/lit/ists, I am considering to join School of Life's seminar on How to Change the World. It sounds interesting, but it costs quite a lot (43 Euro).

For those who had been following one of School of Life's seminar? how was it? How do they approach the problem?

Link for the seminar:

>> No.8408113

>joining a cult

>> No.8408137

This. It's basically the political left quasi-religious cult with a trendy reading list to make you feel superior to those around you. Everybody I've run into who has anything to do with it is a pretentious asshole.

>> No.8408149

>How to Change the World?

Why would I want to do a thing like that?

>> No.8408172
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>How to Change the World

This is literally Jim Jones tier, be careful OP... remember don't drink the kool-aid

>> No.8408177

Î had a look at their site, they're not even that left, they're just using a bit of marxist language and appeal to morality to sell you yuppie-eco-capitalism.

>> No.8408196

I don't know, it's just seem interesting. I'm interested on how they approach and address the problem and there's some kind of discussion to.

All i saw is that it seems it has a bit of potential on tackling those subject. More insights.

But is there any of you ever tried to join the seminar?

>> No.8408202

school of life is really really bad.

Like he's a terrible pop-philosopher and no body takes him seriously in the academic world. I assure you it'll be a waste of money where you'll be taught vague life advice the equivalent to a fortune cookie.

>> No.8408219

OP here, why is it really bad? I'm not talking about Alain de Botton here, I'm talking about the program about School of Life itself.

What makes it so bad and why is it not taken seriously in academic world?

>> No.8408231

I listen to the youtube channel for background noise

>> No.8408238


>> No.8408254
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can you elaborate why is it awful?

>> No.8408263

Well why would Alain de Botton, an utter hack, produce a good curriculum? Seriously my man, if you're dumb enough to even consider this then you should really go for it, you deserve to be parted with your money.

>> No.8408269

School of Life is Alain. He runs it. Alain isn't taken seriously because he has nothing substantial to say, He essentially writes Young Adult philosophy.


take this video for example. His entire point in the video is "Distance makes the heart grow fonder". Essentially epitaphs of pop music from all eternity. Nothing really substantial at all.

The class is going to be that. Fortune cookie mantras. Shit you'd read under the bottle cap of a Jones soda. All for 40 euros.

The entire channel is a hack notorious for playing off of a pseudo intellectual image. I remember them selling "philopopher sweaters" for $50+. It's a trap and you're falling for it.

>> No.8408297

just remember everybody who changed the world went to a seminar on it.

Seriously though its a fucking cult - and their videos aren't even good..... So how could any course be? I hope this is bait..... "How to Change the World" Jesus Christ......The opening line of it should be, "Get the fuck outta here suckers"

>> No.8408302

reddit links but these are people that are actually academics.

>List of youtube channels or websites and specific people to avoid
>1.Philosophy Tube (YT channel)
>4.Alain De Botton and his popular YT channel and website “School of Life”
>The reason being a very important one, the level of philosophic depth and seriousness
and real pedagogical potential of these listed would be commonly referred to as “pop philosophy”. They talk about philosophy (specifically philosophers that would generate page views) but water it down so much (to 5 minute videos) it’s not worth your time, you are actually better off finding some obscure channel who doesn’t bow down to any superego injunctions to make everything somewhat entertaining. The last two are just degenerate. Just avoid any channel claiming that philosophy will make your life better because that’s what these people and youtube channels sell pop philosophy as. Not saying philosophy couldn’t improve your life but it’s a red flag you should be keen on the rare chance philosophy springs up in the public discourse

These are good channels:

>> No.8408355
File: 91 KB, 535x655, 1386508247033 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao poorfag, you're exactly the type of person they're trying to target

check out some of their youtube videos, all of their visions are extremely one sided bullshit

>> No.8408367

Now we are talking. You bring good points. Because I thought that in youtube are just layers of it and the real deal is in the seminar. thanks anon.

Whoa, thanks for putting all of the links. Appreciate all of your effort man. Gonna read all of your links first as a matter of consideration. Once again, thanks anon!

>> No.8408382

I am poor. I'm not eurofag. Just an international student from 2nd world country trying to hustle here.

inb4 not refugee

>> No.8408395

the only good thing they provided is the anti-romantic 2 hour talk by alain and that's it

>> No.8408399

>considers himself a hustler
>gets scammed out of 40 euros for a pseudo intellectual meme course
wew lad

>> No.8408467

>claiming that philosophy will make your life better because that’s what these people and youtube channels sell pop philosophy as
When does inspiringphilosophy do this?

>> No.8408469

the school of life is a really good youtube channel.

>> No.8408485

It's not even leftist. It's establishment liberal shit.

>> No.8408491

OP, School of Life's work of 'pop philosophy' is blatantly flawed and lacks nuance. It is awful pseudo-intellectual memery. Anybody with more than a surface level understanding of the stuff they address knows this. Don't waste your money feeding greedy shills.

>> No.8408496

don't do this anon. Find some other way to meet people who have similair interests, just don't join this fucking pop philosophy marketing scam.

>Alain de Botton

>> No.8408498


>> No.8408500

niggah those >philosophy sweaters were like 200 bucks. It's like the starbucks for intelligent people, utter sewage.

>> No.8408512

it's only scammed if I spent something on it.