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/lit/ - Literature

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840425 No.840425 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about this site, /lit/?

>> No.840427


>> No.840430

christ it is like losing the game.

>> No.840434
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>> No.840433

The site you either get or you don't. I showed the site to a few people and unless you're into the craft of writing, you won't understand it at all :/

>> No.840435

Seems like
>lol we figured out how that book / movie / game works!

>> No.840436


This happened to me today.


>> No.840437

Fuck it's so true

>> No.840438

What a coincidence, I just stopped reading it!

It's a nice alternative to have aside from 4chan for when I'm bored.

>> No.840439

Too much weeaboo.

>> No.840446


I agree. I wish they had less anime and sci-fi stuff and more literature, theater, and classic movie entries.

>> No.840457

What is this? I just went on there, and it looked kinda stupid... I write a lot, but I don't see the point in reading about Magical Negros and Lesbian Vampires all day.

>> No.840459

I just wish they'd move the anime section down to the bottom of the page.

>> No.840462

It's actually quite informative as an excercise in deconstruction. Identifying tropes and discussing ways they are played with/subverted, etc. are pretty helpful when learning literary analysis.

>> No.840464

oh shit i thought everyone was talking about xkcd so i was like "weaboo? wtf?"

>> No.840479

Did anyone read their ImageBoard entry?

>> No.840480

Unless the first letter of anime is a "z", not gonna happen.

>> No.840485

I was a troper before I came to 4chan and I think a little bit of me's always gonna love the site, but it does annoy me how they have sixty billion articles mentioning Buffy/Avatar/Code Geass and comparatively few mentions of any literature that isn't Dresden Files or A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.840488


Me too. That's why I rarely go there anymore.

>> No.840490

Literary critics of the 21st century.

Not exactly good ones, but if it informs some tween's cloud / separoth fanfic then I guess that's all you can do.

>> No.840492

I've never heard of it,what's this site?

>> No.840501


>> No.840525

It's gone to shit. Was good at first, but the moment that they replaced perfectly good top-o-the-page sample images with retarded unfunny scenes from furry webcomics, I knew it was time to let go.

>> No.840545

Look at any random trope and you can almost guarantee the following.

-Anime picture used at the top of the page
-Anime section has far more listings than literature
-Anime quote

Fuck off, weeaboos.

>> No.840547
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>hates weeaboos
>posts on 4chan

>> No.840550


You know 4chan hasn't been a weeaboo site for years, right? The only anime most people here have watched is Dragonball Z.

>> No.840553
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>4chan hasn't been a weeaboo site for years

>> No.840554

>implying only weeaboos post on 4chan

Times have changed.

>> No.840557

I hate it. It's basically fandom's "implied subtext" guide.

>> No.840558

what the site needs is a bunch of literature nerds to go and obsessively document all the tropes in novels/poetry/theatre, in order to balance out all the anime nerds already on the site.

now if only there was a place on the internet we could find a bunch of literature nerds to help us. oh well.

>> No.840559

Really? Then why is J-List pretty much the only advertiser here? J-List wouldn't advertise as much as they do unless there was a significant number of weeaboos who buy their shit.

>> No.840562


Have you never heard mootykins talk about how difficult it is to get advertisers? No non-retarded company would ever want to be associated with 4chan.

>> No.840564

Yeah. Most people stay away from this weeaboo shithole.

>> No.840566

I hate this site and everyone who like it.

>> No.840567

J-list isn't advertising here out of goodwill. They pay for ads because there's a shitload of weeaboos on 4chan.

>> No.840568

It had some cool stories for interpreting Taxi Driver, so I have some respect

>> No.840569

>Make a logical and valid edit
>Someone gets butthurt and deletes it


>> No.840606

I mostly get there when I can't access any NSFW site (including this)

>> No.840637

it's a fun site, but I guess my main problems with it are:

1) too much anime crap like others said
2) sometimes tropes seem made up or applied to something that isn't really a trend, and the examples include like 3 shows, 2 of which had a reply refuting it as an example of the trope


I'm gonna have to disagree with you man. I actually think that if somebody is into the craft of writing, or wants to be, it's probably best to AVOID this site, or read it with a huge grain of salt. It's fun to read and all, but categorizing every little thing and worrying about 'tropes' all the time is probably going to work against you as a writer

>> No.840638

I used to go on it a lot and get really into it, but then I suddenly got over it and haven't been there in a while.

>> No.840650
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>You know 4chan hasn't been a weeaboo site for years, right?

>> No.840657

>site called "TV"tropes
>complain about the underrepresentation of literature

Seriously, people, the answer is right under your fucking noses.

>> No.840682

>worrying about 'tropes' all the time is probably going to work against you as a writer

The site stresses that tropes aren't a bad thing, and that they're an integral part of literature, so I don't see why it would make you worry about them.

>> No.840690

The subjective trope pages bug me, and speak to the incredibly low standards that the internet faring public has today.

Not everything is a crowning moment. Not everything is a tear jerker. Not everything is a Moral Event Horizon. You're watering down the value of those tropes by throwing everything under the sun into them, for fuck's sake.

>> No.840694

Because deliberate attempts at nonconformity and originality.

>> No.840777

The site would have potential if it didn't turn into weeaboo land. 4Chan has a ton of weeaboos but at least it doesn't seep into everything.