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8402504 No.8402504 [Reply] [Original]

It's not like it's going anywhere

>> No.8402514 [DELETED] 

Radical feminism takeover leads to a realization in the women that they should have stayed second class citizens

>> No.8402520 [DELETED] 

>implying women are second class citizens

incarceration rates, homelessness, level of education all say otherwise

>> No.8402521

>green text

>> No.8402527 [DELETED] 

I'm saying after they become first class citizens and take over positions of power


>> No.8402528 [DELETED] 

I just explained to you that they are already first class citizens. Can you read? Can you read this?

>> No.8402530

who is this mammary gallery

>> No.8402533 [DELETED] 

I'm telling you that in my novel they just became first class. Can you read?

>> No.8402538

I want to bite her bitties.

>> No.8402594

>gay prostitute leaves the business
>he doesn't understand that his weird sexual shit should be kept private, so he goes out wearing a pink collar and leash and sometimes with his arms bound
>his old pimp begs him to come back, but he declines
>meanwhile one of his previous clients is in love with him
>shit ensues

>> No.8402611

I just finished one that I'm editing while a friend draws me a book cover to help me self-publish it. The plots not very interesting and I'm not sure I can do it justice but here goes:


>protagonist is ageless, the way it's written never really lets you know whether he is really human
>protagonist crash lands on a new planet
>he soon discovers the planet is earth like, as he sees a trio of mounted horsemen approach his crash site
>they take him in and he learns their language before riding off to explore the continent
>discovers a land of squabbling Houses in the south
>is treated like a dog because they think he is a northern tribesman
>eventually learns their language too, has enough and heads north-west
>is stranded on a islet while traversing a huge inland sea
>islet is haunted by a legendary water spirit
>he later finds the spirit preying on him in the night, but he recognises her species/race and speaks to her, she goes into shock
>they spend the next morning embracing each other and talking about their place
>eventually she disappears and he sees a ship that rescues him
>they sail to a colony, and the captain of the ship is murdered in the town by one of his own crewmen
>protag forces local townsfolk to pay him to scare the crew off
>succeeds, then buys a horse and wanders the rest of the continent doing shenanigans
>next part of the book he spends destroying a native tribe so that colonists can move in
>gets forced into a pressgang to sail the western ocean, the ship loses supplies and everyone except him starves and dies
>has some form of hallucination where the moon goddess speaks to him using a little version of that goddess as his perspective

>> No.8402613


>> No.8402615



>wakes up back on the continent, but looks at his reflection in the water and he has a new body (he is no longer a pale white man but a bronze/olive man)
>spends the next part as a rich merchant class elite with a northern witch that he looks after, and he looks up to her like an authority figure
>later find out the south is being invaded by some pale man that united the northern tribes into a big horde
>man helps his Lord prepare for the invasion by offering a gift to the invader
>the day the pale man comes, the protagonist knows him as his former self, however he an old man now, as a lot of time passed between the ship episode and then
>northern witch is the pale man's wife
>protag joins them in their campaign, but eventually tells them he will go to the religious center of the continent and wait for their arrivial
>on the way to this religious center, he meets two merchants taking a slave with them to sell to the religious lord's bodyguard commander
>young man interprets dreams and has visions of prophecy
>sees everything that will come: the pale man becomes the first King of the Continent, the young man will become the next religious leader
>but he can't see the protagonists future
>more events transpire on the way
>the pale man finally arrives at the city with his huge army, but looks old and defeated: his wife died on campaign
>time skips ahead again as the protagonist skims over the whole coronation and founding the empire
>he is now wondering an island trying desperate to convert the natives to the religion of the continent (oh which he converted to not long after the ship episode)
>his attempts at evangalism are in vain
>eventually gives up and looks back on what happened
>in a sort of moment of clarity while in prayer, he simply laughs
>epilogue is him describing the scene before him while he writes: long long into the future on another world, a woman is singing and throwing pebbles into a pond

But yeah, the plot is very entertaining as much as I think the way I think it's written.

>> No.8402622

is not very entertaining*

>> No.8402641

>alien mercenary has a teleporter accident and ends up on a dust bin of a world but that's ok
>gets off the planet, his blue semen demon cyclopean best friend who is also a merc talks to him about a new job he got
>our burnt-out protagonist decides to join him and He Does It For Free (tm)
>they go to space station, meet spacefurry lynx who doesnt have a tail, find out their job is to cure another spacefurry of Space AIDS or something like that
>protagonist goes to grassy planet, finds skeletons n shit
>goes back, meets spacefurry foxcop with head-crushing legs, gets told the furry with Space AIDS is her sister, doesnt care
>goes back to jungle planet, gets told sister perished from her disease by now-sad foxcop
>protagonist finds sister alive and well but marooned on jungle planet
>lynx actually has her own ulterior motives and marooned her there to do something but she doesnt know what
>lynx somehow cloned fox sister but passed off the sickly clone as her
>cloning is supposed to be impossible
>protagonist goes back to spess station where the rest of the cast is, lynx managed to hack the neural implants of a few clones (disposable soldiers and workers based off of humans essentially), made them slaughter people in the medbay while she made her escape
>cyclops friend and protag make it to the maintenance halls where the lynx is hiding, get seperated and fight the clones
>protag is disemboweled and gets hand blasted off by lynx
>begins to have their flesh cut open while the lynx calls them a stoopid idiot for messing with her actually-good plans
>gets fire axe spike through neck as protag manages to retrieve the lynx's shotgun and blast her through the chest

>scene change to when protag is in hospital, his new stump suddenly starts hurting a ton and it gets amputated even more, gets a cool new robot arm before deciding to quit being a merc
>quits and gets a house on a grove anchored to the space station the mercs work out of
>clone tries to kill him
>literally disarm clone by ripping off their arm and stabbing them in the eye with it using their new robutt hand
>all the other houses are empty
>protag goes to gun store on bumfuck planet, buys shit tons of guns just in case
>blue cyclops best friend is back, manages to convince them to do one one more job For Free, they accept


>> No.8402666


>protag goes back to dust bin world they were on in the beginning
>have to depose a petty dictator
>protag breaks into their fortress and finds """kobolds""" (short lizard aliums that look like dnd kobolds) held captive as living sex toys
>frees one named Helmin, Helmin takes a Sterling carbine from one of the guards and YARK YARKs off
>protag goes to kick in the shit of the dictator, blasts the hell out of the guards with his Gabbet-Fairfax Mars and re-appropriated Sterling Carbine
>has short fight with dictator who is a crow with literally a beak made of gold, dictatorcrow's sister appears
>she helped protag in the beginning in order to get to a city that had a radio to call for help
>sister accidentally gets shot by dictatorcrow, dies ded
>dictatorcrow bawls his eyes out, protag spares skinning him and just hugs him
>suddenly a strange recurring voice that the protag keeps hearing fills their ears, along with the ears of all the other main characters, freezing them in place
>all are given nicknames that are the same as the 7 deadly sins (Greed, Envy, etc) even though there isnt 7 of them
>characters are unfrozen
>time skip
>protag shoots themselves
>the end of episode 1

that's just the prologue chapter. the book is 5 episodes long, and each episode is cut into 5 parts. i'm running it as a web serial and i've got a heck of a lot to go, and while most of the writing and the general plot of ep 1 is kinda dumb and convoluted respectively i've improved massively for episode 2.

writing is really fun

>> No.8402691

>Two people stuck in an elevator.

>> No.8402872

>Beautiful but strange young man, last member of a wealthy New England family, is in love with the old, once glorious and now decaying opera house he owns
>suave and charming young businessman wants to buy it and tear it down to build a new, better one, scion refuses to sell
>businessman goes to increasingly illegal lengths to acquire it, from simple pestering to blackmailing county officials to a murder
>eventually is seized under "eminent domain", scion is distraught, would rather "willingly" sell it than have it taken, but wishes to hold one last opera, spends an enormous sum fixing the place up
>at the final performance - a perormance of Tosca - everyone gathers, and he pays some drifters to lock everyone inside and set the place on fire, and he watches from the top balcony as everyone, himself included, burns to death

Supposed to be a weird gothic novel

>> No.8402945

>A cracks opens in the sky and leads to another planet that supports human life
>At first everyone is hyped about it but as time goes on everyone loses interest and they end up using it as an extraterrestial Australia where they dump criminals
>One guy has romanticized human potential and desires to travel to that place even tho is common knowledge is pretty much a one way trip

I'm still thinking the rest but the ending pretty much involves them contacting humanity again and finding out they really don't give a shit about that planet and they'll keep sending more people over.

>> No.8403370

>man wakes up with mysterious plastic knob on the back of his head.
>does outrageously stupid things to end up in absurd situations

>> No.8403385

>Slice of life during the end of the world
>In a twist, the world doesn't end.
>Awkward for some, disappointing to others, and amidst hollow celebration it's clear that surviving did not bring us any further towards unity and brotherly love, but hey, it's not the end of the world.

>> No.8403412
File: 57 KB, 630x324, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A future where genetically modified humans are the standard.
>People are born into their bodies unwillingly brought into society.
>Some richer families are granted better physical structures and attributes.
>Designer babies and genetic engineering becomes the norm.
>However, people who were born perfectly naturally or were born before the craze are seen as imperfect and futile, so they are discriminated against covertly in society.
>Eventually the covert and individualistic discrimination is publicly accepted and eventually even promoted by governments and media.
>The naturally born are forced to live in slums, performing tasks of medial labor in factories away from the cities of the augmented.
>Soon crimes against humanity are committed by the genetically modified against the normal and the genetically modified that protect the normal.
>Genocide ensues, and some work camps are turned into enslavement and execution camps.
>Genetic modification goes so far that some humans are bred with purposes of running low class industrial jobs while others are bred like animals to be super soldiers and some are bred to be celebrities and leaders.
>Certain individuals are even created to be less human-like and are used in the terraforming of other planets, having strange physical mutations that aid them in their jobs.
>Some humans are born abominations, either screwed up in the designer process or are of a faulty genetic model, and are cast aside; all viewed in a light lower than the non-modified and this also thrown into the genocide mix.
>Some genetically modified realize the discrimination against the abominations and non-modified and begin to protect them and even form relationships where they interbreed.
>However, eventually there is a revolution where the normal rise up from the ashes and point out that they didn't ask to be born better or worse than the genetically modified.
>They throw over the genetically modified in a mix of violent uprisings and peaceful protests depending on their situations, and eventually win.
>A violent war ensues, where a group of genetically modified claiming that the natural aren't even worthy of being labeled as intelligent creatures begins to use military force to wipe out the natural and abominations.
>Nonetheless, the natural win, and reform society from the ashes of the war.
>However, eventually individuals who are not natural or abominations or are classified as supporters of the non-modified begin to despise the genetically modified (even those who were bred for medial labor) and their offspring.
>The non-modified and abominations begin to discriminate and eventually commit crimes against humanity against the modified in the exact same way the modified committed war crimes against them.
>Then the modified, who were once promoted from the special to the supreme, are brought down to the value of the filth of the Earth.
>tl;dr History repeats itself but gets the details wrong; no one asks to be born.

>> No.8403417

>pasty, balding, bespectacled man in his early 40s
>holds a b.a. in religious studies from an almost-first tier university
>lack of contacts and merely good gpa prevented him from going to an ivy league, settled for a phd in librarian sciences at a state college
>falls further down the rungs, teaches intro philosophy classes at a community college until a scandal hits and the place is unaccredited and closed down
>a few years of neet-dom with his mom pursue
>finds employment as a junior high debate club coach
>misunderstood genius in his own mind, hates his job
>spends it alternating between sleeping and bullying 13 year old marxists
>every year a new batch of kids to cleanse of the leftist public school system's indoctrination, it all feels futile
>mother dies of cancer, clerical error in her will causes their home to be donated to a pigeon rescue charity
>he receives $1000 in millet futures
>the first day of his sixth year teaching begins, he's considering suicide
>notices a girl wearing a Rush t-shirt
>she begins lecturing on the non-aggression principle and he is immediately smitten with her
>starts writing up class outlines and shit like no one's business, feels like he's only 28 again
>most of the class hates it but she always does well
>after she finishes 7th grade, she continues to see him and ask for help
>after a couple years, the relationship turns intimate because she is attracted to the fact that he's a free-thinker and he likes how she isn't like all the other girls
>all kept on the down-low of course
>every moment he isn't thinking about her, he's thinking about his own college application experience and what he would have done differently so that she won't make the same mistakes
>she has a 7.0 GPA and a 3160 on the new SAT and is full of charisma and her father is a professor at the school she's going to so it's not like she really needed it
>but drafts a 20 page letter of recommendation for her anyways
>over the summer she sends him a letter about an opening at the college for a full-time writing tutor and part-time instructor
>her connections get him in easy
>suddenly he notices that she seems more distant than usual
>she invites him to a speech she's giving at the student union, part of her honor's program
>it's about her struggle with sexual abuse she incurred during adolescence and gaining the courage to overcome it
>it takes 5 minutes to realize that she's talking about him, even though enough small details are changed to prevent anyone else from making that connection
>doesn't mention anything about it the next time she shows up to tutoring, but instead casually asks for photocopies of old exams and keys and whatnot
>like that he becomes her slave
>starts questioning himself, did he really force himself onto her, is he really a rapist
>she starts asking about why they haven't been intimate in a long time and it's too much of a mockery
>commits suicide
>her dad was actually the rapist the whole time

>> No.8403423

10/10 would read. I'd write a screenplay and sell it to Guillermo Del Toro if I were you.

>> No.8403426

>all these sci-fi plots
What are you, 16?

>> No.8403433

>Man gets trapped inside infinite stairway, as his life in paradox gets intertwined with woman from distant past locked inside shrivelling room.

>> No.8403438

Le XDDD Huss defintley yuss.

Nigga we aren't like those crazy freethinkers. We try to express our creativity as much as possible until we realize that it's all impossible, so we make it possible in our head by slapping the Science Fiction approval of bullshit seal on it. It helps us sleep at night knowing our fantasies may just be conceivable, even if they aren't at all.

>> No.8403446

I'd read it.
Sort of stoner cross Lolita feel.

>> No.8404089

The ending sentence being "but hey, at least its not the end of the world" would be so dope

>> No.8404801

> Middle aged man dies
> New young pastor preaches funeral sermon
> Noonecomestofuneral.jpg
> Young pastor is depressed as hell and wants to find out what's so bad about this guy
> Turns out that he was just a socially awkward penguin and wasn't good a making friends.
> ...
> Pastor's faith is shaken because people are assholes to mistrust anyone that isn't extroverted like them.
> ...
> exploration of depression and loneliness
> the end.

>> No.8404888

A kid thinks he's the chosen one, but really he's not the chosen one and everything he's pursuing is an impossible fantasy which he very slowly and hesitantly comes to first accept then embrace.

He'll end up killing himself indirectly.

>> No.8404906

>Man falls in love with a spider as she drinks the milk in his porridge
>She abuses him, bites him, drinks his blood, feeds off him, has sex with him
>Disappears, reappears, has children, eats them when they suckle too tightly
>Man realises that a fly swatter can be used on spiders, but understands that he uses her more than she uses him

>> No.8404932

> magical war going on
> all young people in the village with magical talent go to war and are killed
> only old men and women with weak magic and children are left
> village is attacked because no one is left to defend it
> seven old men decide to go out and find mercs to protect the town.
>Together their weak magic can be fused to make the power of one regular person's magic
> one is a drunk
> one is a wife beater
> one is a former pedo, now a eunuch
> one is a one handed thief
> one has dementia
> one is a coward
> most find redemption of some kind,
> some die
> village saved

>> No.8404976

>awkward russian guy goes moves to usa after being cucked by his wife
>teaches russian at university
>speaks terrible english
>just an awkward guy who falls into silly situations

i really have no idea where this is going and i am already 100/300 pages in.

>> No.8405042

Those tits tho

>> No.8405134

Finnish boy becomes a priest at the chapel where his Swedish mother was buried because he feels her death of pneumonia on their fishing boat was his fault.

>> No.8406415

ai shinozaki

>> No.8406784

Posted it on another thread. This is an updated version

> Guy is depressed
>Trying to off himself at the zoo, a chimpanzee stops him
>They become the bestest of friends
>Later is revealed the chimpanzee has terminal cancer
>At the funeral, guy gives his eulogy about how the chimp taught him to live life at it's fullest

>> No.8406796

>leftist public school

>> No.8406857


>> No.8406902


Then people start dying in the neighborhood and the priest realizes his mother's lingering grudge for him has kept her from passing on and she's come back as a wraith. But instead of blaming him for her death, the resentment binding her to the mortal world is something else, which leads him to research the life of his divorced father and his new family.

>> No.8407117

Do short stories count?
>guy wakes up
>trapped inside a room with a strange woman
>she takes strange measurements of him and he feels overall uncomfortable but cant remember anything about his past
>he wants to leave the room
>he does
its actually similar to yours anon.

>> No.8407214

>Present day, masqueraded world
>A female apprentice just graduated from her apprenticeship from a Hogwarts-esque academy that trains people to use magic and swordsmanship (Think of the Military order of Christendom in the medieval ages )
>Goes to a town with her new master that is suffering from paranormal and supernatural crimes.
>Investigating in a midnight walk she sees some guy wearing a mask no one else could see with blood on his clothes
>Required to know more intensifies
>Follows him until a certain where she loses him.
>She goes back to her master
>Master tells her apprentice its some dark mage who is using necromancy
>The search to find this necromancer begins
>High and low they search but they could not find said necromancer
>Female apprentice sees the same person with the mask and bloody clothes carrying a woman walking down the street
>She puts two and two together and tells her master about him
>They follow him out of the city as to not include any innocent people in the inevitable fight.
>Muh honor
>Mask man tell them he doesn't want to fight and that the necromancer has already been dealt with and any other supernatural in the city
>Fight ensues anyways
>Master and apprentice wake up later in a hospital bed
>Book was never about them.

>> No.8407370

Would love to read this. Keep working hard anon :)

>> No.8407429

>he doesn't understand that his weird sexual shit should be kept private
Why should it be?
8/10 otherwise. Might steal.

Don't even have to read that wall of green text to know it's shit. 0/10

>alien mercenary


That ending is terrible.

Interesting concept but you need more going on.


I had an idea almost exactly like this and put it in my writing journal awhile ago. Good luck.


Suicide is almost never a way to end the book because it's almost always a device rather than a conclusion. Not a terrible premise but you sound awfully pretentious.
7/10 anyway.

mite b cool


Sounds a bit like your diary, desu

>killing himself
Jesus, /lit/ get your shit together.

Are you high or something?

>Magical war
Dropped. 0/10

Eh. 4/10



Mmm... eh.


>> No.8407468


Wow! Never post again!

>> No.8407609


In all fairness to anon, I was only making fun of him and my post was not really part of his story.

>> No.8407643

>mad that his genre fiction idea is shit

>> No.8407656

>there's a group of people around my age
>they are also as sad as me

>> No.8407688

Nice story, Satan.

>> No.8408153

How long is this supposed to be? It kinda reminds me of what ı'm writing.

>> No.8408634

I want to read this. How can I find it when it comes out?

>> No.8408642


>> No.8408827

It's fairly short, around 45k words but the manuscript is for a 5x8" trim size so it's 216 pages.

>Don't even have to read that wall of green text to know it's shit. 0/10

What's wrong with self-publishing?

>> No.8408848

>What's wrong with self-publishing?
What isn't?

>> No.8408873

Well it's good way to publish stuff that won't sell in bookshops, so you get more creative control because you're the one calling all the shots. Yes, it mostly results in people publishing trash, but I refuse to believe every self-published book is a 17 year old's romance manifesto or DnD campaign.

Personally I'm self-publishing it because I'm Uni so I'm not focused on profits at the moment, it's more of a discipline building exercise, being able to say I've published my own books. Who knows, if I do made money then it will look good for when I submit to traditional publishing firms.

>> No.8408875

Gregory Berrycone/10

>> No.8410122


>> No.8410126

>The happiness is next to the peanut butter in isle 3.

>> No.8410137
File: 14 KB, 184x193, 1465018954215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a spider
>has sex with him

>> No.8410383

>Are you high or something?
Wow, I didn't expect to have such great praise on my first go.
Could be good. Depends on execution.

>> No.8410634

>He thinks it's commendable to do drugs and not deplorable

>> No.8410771

Nice, would read

>> No.8410873

would read, think i'd have him just watch the opera house burn from the outside and have it end without explanation will probably steal

would read

>> No.8410946
File: 145 KB, 731x800, __iosefka_bloodborne_drawn_by_murai_shinobu__df2d97a0dab28f9252c6101b8bf50a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy setting where old age turns people into murderous parasite monsters >protagonist is a traveling nurse who euthanizes the elderly
>her grim work has made her a cynical hedonist
>she teams up with a chill older nurse and an idealistic young doctor
>they collect live test subjects in order to research how to stop the parasite plague
>this brings down on them both the old-people-monsters and the vaguely authoritarian, mysterious "town council" in charge of the setting
>weird fantasy sex, violence, and a shitload of maternal and breastfeeding imagery follow

>> No.8410983

Every time you post this I tell you the same thing. It's a shit idea. Just fucking grow up, drop it, and move on to something else.

>> No.8411032

>bad things happen to people who won't touch my wang

>> No.8411033

>he thinks there's anything wrong with altering mindstates using chemicals

>> No.8411073

no u

>> No.8411096

>around 45k words
Hurm, mine is about the same. Well, good luck.

>> No.8411646


thanks for the encouragement bro

>> No.8411724

>protagonist is a fucking loser
>does nothing except play video games and look at his computer all day
>occasionally looks at a book
It's autobiographical

>> No.8411764


Fuck you, OP, I can never get past those tits

>> No.8411805

/lit/ I've got the Great American Novel, and I'll be damned if I'm going to share it with you. Mark my words. My initials are MDL, and expect it in 3-5 years.

>> No.8411811

>people that die have a small possibility of coming back to life with the addition of having a supernatural ability partially determined by how they died (something that could prevent their death)
>ability can only be used in moments of great stress, which gives it the name of "crisis retaliation"
> all of that is kept in the shadows for most of the general population
>there is a global organization that gathers those people for a good cause, which is being the main stopping force of any special person that decides to use their abilities for bad things
>main story follows the protagonist, who is part of that organization for years, but that realizes that there is something wrong with all of that
>After a wrong situation, the organization wants him dead, and at the same time he is confronted with a past lover, which was his cause of death for reasons he doesn't know
>he now wants to get away from it all, but knowing the organization won't stop until he is dead, he's forced to confront the boss of the country's branch to maybe put a stop on it
>when he meets the boss, confusion arises, as they reveal that they thought he was willingly working for his past lover, who was known to manipulate men to try and destroy the organization from the inside, because they killed her lover years ago when he tried to reveal their real intentions on eventual world domination
>protagonist feels used, as his own motives to start all of that weren't even his own to begin with
>kills the boss and let's his past lover take the position without thinking of the consequences, as he is tired of all of that and he really wants out

>> No.8411829


>> No.8411845
File: 60 KB, 452x622, 1471524227428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancient Rome style world with magic and industrial revolution
>militant anarchist group trying to overthrow elites
>shadowy council descended from the country's founders is trying to take over government
>MC is an insomniac loser with a gay crush on his roommate who has a vow of celibacy
>gets chosen to a semi important government position because he's so incompetent and easy to blackmail
>his rival gets pissed and uses council to destroy almost all of the civilian leadership with magic
>suddenly he's put in charge of the interim gov since he's the only one left
>must find a way to deal with the shit storm and stop his rival or the anarchists from taking over
There's a lot more to it but that's the basics

>> No.8411853

Would read

>> No.8411854

I'm on track to getting it self published in december btw

>> No.8411882


>> No.8411891

>young man abducts well endowed gravure idol
>go on a road trip across the United States together
>she eats ice cream sundaes and stuff
>the end

>> No.8411906

I snuck into the theatre. The corridor was interminable, full of posters and squeaky chairs, mostly sub-par plays from the 60's. Eventually I found the main locker room, I entered it and hid in one of the lockers. Some faggot entered the room, probably one of the actors. He sat down started reading a script he found at the floor. While he reached out for the script I threw myself out ad knocked him out senseless. He fell down like a carrot on ice, I began slowly removing every article of clothing, revealing my erect 9.4 inch penis, all of a sudden some other faggot entered the room holding an hour glass-- only a paucity of sand was left-- so little time was left.

"I am the person who is directing the current play, and I demand what's transpiring in this confined area!" He shouted, while pointing at his sandals
"We're just rehersing" I said pensively while looking at his sandals
"But the janitor isn't even in this thing!" he cried.

>> No.8411944

I think I handle it pretty artfully, you have to tell a story or a poem to use magic in the story so it's more of an excuse for world building and tone/theme setting

>> No.8411968
File: 1.98 MB, 1638x2202, Jaroslava_Mucha_by_Alfons_Mucha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>c.1,300 years from now
>Humanity has expanded across a small spec of the Milky Way - tens of thousands of stars
>No alien civilisations, no space-magic, no super-technology
>Humanity has been through the same kind of societal peaks and troughs it has faced on Earth
>The majority of the settled universe is made up of a patchwork of different 'countries', most bearing some cultural resemblance to their ancestors from Earth
>Around 2/3 of these are ruled semi-autonomously but as part of a pseudo-HRE, with Terra and it's posessions being the hegemon
>One of these countless realms is a rich mono-planetary oligarchic mercantile republic yes its full of pseudo-Italians
>The head of one of the ruling families has almost a dozen children
>The only one of importance is his youngest daughter
>She is a 15 year old judgemental, argumentative, ideologue
>He is sick of her shit
>He gives her one of her family's hundreds of galleys and tells her to take a grand tour and 'experience creation'
>She travels around the known universe, visiting different peoples of varying different cultures, with different ideas of everything from sexuality and religion to philosophy and politics to art and culture
>Most of her time is spent rationalising her disgust for other peoples' 'primitive' (as she views them) ways, arguing with foreigners on various topics and slowly learning her place within all things

There is no real over-arching plot, other than her self-development, as it is mainly a collection of acts based on particular points in her travels, within which lie stories. And yes, it's largely allegory for differing views on various issues presented through the eyes of cultures that have developed around one perspective, and the views of an opinionated pseud who sees things from a different point. Yes I am also a massive pseud and it's likely all rubbish.

>> No.8412083

We already have My Twisted World

>> No.8412131

Damn 50 shades imitators

>> No.8412133

sounds a lot like the kingkiller series

>> No.8412141

>science fiction
>generic scifi terms for setting "terra"
>15 year old character
>class criticism without any substance that doesn't relate to the plot that shouldn't be in it

Don't write.

>> No.8412194
File: 163 KB, 810x716, kuoleman_puutarha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in an earlier thread, posting again

"Uskomuksista ja odotuksista" ("Of beliefs and expectations"), serie of stories happening during one warm autumn day in Helsinki
>First: A deeply religious and demented old man taking care of his paralyzed son, the tone is light and comical
>Second: A man is woken up hungover in the betonsuburbs by a talking hedgehog and they discuss their differences and lifechoices with the hedgehog coming on top in the discussion and in the end burying the man under leaves for winter as a man watches the scene from a street
>Third: Two men are are having extremely pseudo discussions, mostly comprised of texts of wiser men, but they also show creativeness by telling eachother stories in a café, until the other tells a story which has a story inside it which has another etc. until a story told is their reality, and after realizing that, the cafe goes quiet and they notice that all the people have gone away from the restaurant after which the other man walks alone to home
>Fourth: A con man considers what he has seen and done today (he sold fraud insurance to the jolly dementic of the beginning, saw a man buried by a hedgehog, people behaving abnormally) and decides to take a walk
>On his walk through the centrum of the city there is a huge traffic and a lot of people walking around hastily and looking worried, but it is strangely silent.
>A man is selling religious things (candels with Jesus etc.), but nobodies buying so the seller stops the con man for a chat.
>They discuss the happening and religion, showing that the "messenger of god" is a fraud too and the fraud also notices that the con man is not really an insurance man either.
>They take a walk to the Olympic stadium and note many more things happening around them, such as birds dying from flight and dropping down, making the fraud nervous.
>The frauds nervousness spreads to the con man, but he grows furious with the weakness that the fraud is showing and kills him by hitting his head with a metal pipe until it's pulp, then, calmly goes to Kaivopuisto, strips naked and goes to swim in the ocean.
>Fifth: A lonely and emotionless cashier gets off his work, gets drunk, harasses people that have been kind to him and goes to his home fortifying himself in by blocking the windows and doors with planks and furniture.
>Through the night he remembers times when he, in his private social games, won over other people and between puking and short sequences of sleep he grows increasingly cold and clinical about himself, his surroundings, things that are happening and things that have happened, building a certain cold nihilistic feel.
>When he wakes up, it is absolutely dark and he cannot tell what the time is and as he feels his way through the darkness he starts to notice that things aren't the way they used to be in his room. In the end he tears out the planks from the windows but everything is black and cold outside too, he can only see his reflection in the window

>> No.8412300

Would read

>> No.8412567

>World set in post-apocalyptic America
>Now is sectored off into magical regions
>Regions are literally living things, like one region is a everlasting storm, one has buildings growing from the ground, another is a giant pit of fire, they all have actual personalities and can think and sometimes communicate
>Main magical creature is coins, literal coins which can fly around and talk.
>Coins need to be Bound to a human to really influence the world, so the main nation of coins sends people over to the neighboring human country to Bind young people, meaning they share thoughts and powers
>Coins have different colors which dictate what kind of magic they posses, the closer to a pure/primary color the stronger
>Centuries ago, when the world was strong and unified, the strongest evil coins, including the strongest, the red coin, were bound to a fiery pit, which again is a literal living thing
>The Pit is slowly dying, and his coins are coming off as a result, polluting the world with super strong evil coins.
>The world is extremely divided and not capable of combating that, so it becomes morally right in some sense for these regions to battle so one can become a victor and unify everybody into a state where they can battle the evil coins and the red coin.
>Lots of political shenanigans like in GoT

>> No.8412604

>post-apocalyptic America

>> No.8412612

I already changed that part, the important thing is that their are artifacts of a past society which can be assembled into guns and cars without mass production being a thing

>> No.8412636

You changed it in the last seven minutes?

>> No.8412640

>The only one of importance is his youngest daughter
>She is a 15 year old judgemental, argumentative, ideologue

make her beautiful, genius, everyone loves her, master of everything she tries, excels at hand to hand combat with no training, able with no effort to solve problems trained adults can't, master diplomat, master strategist
>but she doesn't know it
and you're guaranteed $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

but just remember that all that money won't buy you a good, creative, interesting idea

>> No.8412653

Yes, because it isn't a part of the novel. There's no remnants of the society before, except for these interchangeable machine parts that litter parts of the world and a couple missile silos.

But you see, it is all a dream as the power of the coins comes from people's opinions on their colors.

>> No.8412657
File: 39 KB, 500x409, 1471182016521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all a dream

>> No.8412668

It's not all a dream, that was a joke, an allegory if you will

>> No.8412678

I promise you my protagonist is nothing like Kvothe.

>> No.8413535

my story is about a mouse fairy who lives in the dimmension above space and time

>> No.8413696

>Guy says goodbye to his friends and family
>says he's been depressed for years
>something something

It's my suicide note

>> No.8413704

>all this sci-fi/post-apocalyptic/fantasy/genreshit

what happened?

>> No.8413713

It's fun to write when you're starting out.

>> No.8413802

>memories of highschool relationship from 1st person perspective of girl
>end of the summer, driving around town together, spending the evening in the country, typical sappy romance stuff
>sudden switch to 3rd person several years later
>middle of winter, sitting in his car, they're breaking up
>he drives away and makes her walk to her job
>1st act details how she takes the initial shock, mostly just descriptions of her taking long wintery walks, eating strawberries from the carton while sitting on the kitchen floor, complaining to her uncaring roommates
>she meets a mega-neckbeard/stalker/redditor guy at the end of act 1
>stuff happens with him in act 2

trying to resonate with the typical 20 year old loser aka sad internet people

>> No.8414082


What should true writers write about? Philosophy? About life as a farmer in the 50s mid-west? About cocaine?

>> No.8414116

Fucking seriously. It's like we've been invaded by fucking plebbit or some shit. I want all of these people to fuck off and never come back.

>> No.8414137

Doesn't really have a plot, just a bunch of unimportant stuff happening that seems to be metaphor for life or something. There's a lot of map-not-territory, hyper reality and circles. I don't want to go into too much detail. I think of it as an existential whinge.

>> No.8414148

>a bunch of unimportant stuff happening that seems to be metaphor for life or something.
Just to clarify, I don't really know what it's about. There's no intent to show anything driving this except what feels right to put in. That it's a metaphor for life is just my retroactive analysis of what I read after getting it on the page, I didn't set out to write a metaphor.

>> No.8414155

Its the end of inglourious bastards

>> No.8414167

I want to write a novel about trash and how people will divide because of different collection policies between blocks

>> No.8414172

Sounds very slavic, I like it a lot.

>> No.8414203

Theres a plot already anon

>concerns a farming family in the late 50s in the American middle-west
>father is a coke fiend and driving the farm business under
>philosophy is lightly shoe horned in

>> No.8414253

Best plot in the thread. Just the ending is too much. How do you get him to commit suicide without having talked to her about it. This feels weird and constructed. Maybe have him leave the country, going back to a shitty school job, then MAYBE suicide. Eg. after he tries to contact her again and finds out she has married and has children.

>> No.8414272

>bad things happen to people who won't touch the reader's wang
Double the odds of mass appeal with a """meta""" angle.

>> No.8414275

Thanks, but what makes it slavic to you?

>> No.8414283

It just put me in mind of the master & margarita for some reason. I suppose the scandi influence isn't too different from slavic in my mind.

>> No.8414292

>written by Stefan Molyneux

>> No.8414317

Now that you said it, I feel M&M there too

I think the biggest differences between scandi and slavic literature is that the scandis have always leaned towards theater, while slavs lean more towards poetry (in substance, not in style)

I'm an avid reader of Dostoyevski so that could be an influence too

>> No.8414496 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 200x200, The Number Eight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time split
>two timelines
>some people are stuck in the bad timeline
>being who has meditated since the early days of time got stuck in the bad timeline
>has to use his newfound power of inter dimensional travel to find the people who can help
>literally the Hypersphere appears out of nowhere in the bad timeline
>Hitler comes back
>the King from Zelda CD-i is real
>Ulillillia degreases something
>the guy from /g/ who spent $1.1k on an Industrial IBM model M TKL makes a cameo
>[s4s] (in the real world)
>the 4th wall is personified and has his ribcage broken
>Kosovo spreads their boipussy for Serbia
>people with autism become radioactive
>Didney Worl
>story absolutely shits itself
>last page says "The Game" instead of "The End"
I'm sort of illiterate so this might take a while.

>> No.8414523

>protagonist discovers second sight-esq powers (seeing things, you know the deal). Powers cause tension at home.
>friend of the family comes over, takes protagonist away for a few days while everything calms down.
>Books picks up a few days later.
>While the pair are away, they get attacked by a pair of hired thugs. Thugs escape, pair are left to figure out who sent them/why they are here.
>rest of book about the pairs journey while they try to get home/figure out who sent the attackers, learning about each other, picking up companions along the way, interacting with different peoples, getting involved in local political/social shit, etc. As they travel through the not-Australian countryside.

... I don't know, writing it out like this makes it seem less interesting than I think it is, but it's my first book/the only one I've actually been able to write, so I hope I've got something with this one.

>> No.8414564

>In a safe-space SJW "liberal" society gone mad, an upper echelon WASP wrestles with whether or not if he should go ahead with a sex change operation in order to have a better shot at the presidency
>Meanwhile, his republican opponent struggles at keeping his atheism and bisexual tendencies in check as he advocates a Christofascist Genghis Khanian foreign policy
Ends in sex

>> No.8415132

The political bits are unneeded (therefore bad), unless you really want to go off on a political tangent (which you will, if you include it).

>> No.8415136


>> No.8415236

>somewhat regressive technology (like 40/50s)
>africa is the dominant global power
>in europe, tensions between uk and france
>france must seek african support against uk

>meanwhile MC is captain of a ship and is given a very important mission by gobernmt
>to find a alleged stash of old but very powerful weapon
>through old computers and ancient hardrives (now impossible to produce new ones or repair damage ones) MC discovers weapons are a-bombs and decides to find them to get rid of them because progressive mc don't want none of that in the world
>actually succeeds

>other shit happens between africa and other countries that impact the main story but too lazy to go into details now

>> No.8415245

>africa is the dominant global power

>> No.8415258
File: 173 KB, 395x346, eqWMqIv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this before. Its marked NO STEAL for a reason bullies.
>Journalistic style
>MC is a agoraphobic. He hasn't left his house in years. Works from home as a graphic designer
>wakes up one morning
>He is the only human being on earth
>Not like a fallout or a disaster, no fallen walls or flooded streets. There are no cars crashed all along a motorway.
>Every other human being disappeared.
>Thinks shit is cool, he hated people anyway goes snooping through people's houses, scavenging and gathering shit.
>Reads a lot of books, eventually moves into a nice lake house.
>One day he sees a light across the lake.
>He thinks there might actually be somebody else alive
>He gets excited to speak to somebody again.
>Gets over there.
>Light was on for no reason
>There is nobody there
>MC feels cheated
>Loses interest in looting and snooping
>The rest of the story is him gradually losing touch with reality as he tries to become social in a world with only himself

>> No.8415285

I like this desu senpai

>> No.8415297

Not bad but could be a bit long.

>> No.8415312

Could also be short. As a journal, it can be as long as it takes until the fictional writer gets bored.

>> No.8415315

> agoraphobic
>no people, empty streets

>> No.8415320

Philosophy imo

>> No.8415328

He'll get over it lol

>> No.8415344
File: 114 KB, 1280x688, alexandra-maria-lara-in-der-baader-meinhof-komplex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to read your story anon.

I'm thinking about writing a short story or novella set in West Germany in the 1970s:

>student works in a bookstore across the street from a right wing newspaper office
>the RAF bombs the newspaper office
>a girl stumbles into the bookstore with a bloody head
>he cleans her head wound and lets her out the back door - she's scared of the police because she has a "bad record that's not her fault."
>She's qt so naive bookstore student believes her
>he sees her randomly on his way to lecture, and accosts her, strikes up an acquaintance
>notices some suspicious things, realizes she had something to do with the bombing
>she seduces him to ensure his silence
>lots of lewdness ensues - high impact sexual violence.jpg
>he notices he's being followed and knows he's meant to notice
>his grades suffer and he loses sleep, struggles to keep job even with indulgent doddering bookstore owner
>he takes it out of RAF waifu
>more kinkiness
>the noose tightens
>he shoots her to save her from prison and to sate his own jealousy, claims self defence - shes a terrorist after all.
>he gets away with it. . .but the memories will haunt him (and the reader) forever.

It's not very original and I know Fuck All about Germany in the 1970s, but it should make for a few good faps anyhow. I'm not a serious writer.

>> No.8415345

>guitarist is lonely and is in his final year of MFA
>drinks with friends and meets a cute grl
>falls in love with girl
>they become friends and slowly get closer
>ends with him doing something cute and them being a couple.

>> No.8415346


>> No.8415870

I am sure that i can go somewhere with this, i just don't know where

>young cleric manages to get himself inside the vatican
>finds that god is just a machine
>in the past had enough power to run miracles all the time
>now can only do insignificant work of keeping the world not collapsing into chaos
>young cleric struggles to come to terms with the truth

>> No.8415888

That's called Scott Pilgrim

>> No.8415890

> workers locked out of their factory jobs making pumps
> youngish union president dealing with bitchy fat management rep
> moves and counter moves between the 2 sides

>> No.8415894

>The rest of the story is him gradually losing touch with reality as he tries to become social in a world with only himself
4chan true feels

>> No.8415949
File: 107 KB, 1116x714, 1456212807883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this story categorized under "fantasy"?

>> No.8416039

Make the machine Gay
Get the book denounced, banned even
Becomes an instant classic.
Well done

>> No.8416168

>Chuck McFarling is an FBI informant and lover. He has hacked his way into the Russian mob to take down the leader Nicholai Antagonisto.
>nothing goes to plan and now 39 chapters later after going on the run through scottish highlands and the isle of wight whatever the guys name i made up just above is finally getting close to the truth.

>> No.8416240

>Five lunatics meet in a ruined warehouse and embark on an elaborate plan to kill themselves.
>They mostly succeed and the world dies, too.

>> No.8416313

>The protagonist is a listless middle-aged expat with ED who decides to blow up a train with him on it, but at the last minute he chooses to hop off before the explosion.
>Stumbling away from the scene, he's picked up by a passing wannabee terrorist who thinks that's the coolest shit he's ever heard.
>The wannabee terrorist introduces him to his shitty band, who live in a warehouse and talk incoherently about revolution all day.
>At night, they play at sketchy gigs hosted by an idealistic heroin dealer who aspires to become an arms dealer.
>Protag happily agrees to follow orders to make another bomb for the terrorists, and he's introduced to an American-educated girl who gets sopping wet for insurrectionary anarchism.
>His anger and ED dissapate, but he feels inescapably drawn to go see the scene of the bombing.
>While skulking around and feeling euphoric, he is caught by police and detained.
>As he repeatedly yells defiantly that he knows nothing, the police find that he has a massive rear headwound and is severely dehydrated.
>In the hospital, now slipping in and out of conciousness, protag learns: that the police have concluded he was a victim of the explosion; that the terrorists have been arrested after bragging about their activities on the Internet; and that one of them has been mistakenly identified by witnesses as the train bomber, because he was wearing protag's hat.
>After a few days, protag is released from the hospital and told to remain in the city.
>Checking his email, he finds a message from the girl, who wants him to become the leader of a new cell.
>He deletes the email and decides to blow up another train, but this time with him on it.

>> No.8416328

What is the reason for bombing?

>> No.8416404

One time when he was a kid, he blew up a toy train with a firecracker. It remained the only spontaneous thing he'd ever done, forty years later when his wife walked in on him trying very hard to fuck a prostitute on their bed.

>> No.8417785


>> No.8417924

sounds pretentious desu

>> No.8417958
File: 7 KB, 200x130, 1JhSyG-q3u-200x130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shit criticism

t. other

>> No.8418182

>series of a events take place
>very dramatic events
>it was all a dream
>and they were dead all along

>> No.8418243

Too similar to Sausage Party.

>> No.8418484


Hurry up and get published so I can read this

>> No.8418658

I'm working on a fantasy novel. I can't decide on something though.

A) MC finds out that his friend is a rebel against the high council, friend convinces him to join, they assemble a mercenary army headed by female friend, go off to a lost kingdom to find a plot item, where friend betrays MC

B) MC and friend are sent with a company of the kingdom's army, headed by female friend, to obtain plot item at the lost kingdom. When they get there, friend reveals he is a rebel and betrays MC

>> No.8418707

Both boring as shit.

What interests you about both scenarios?

>> No.8418716


It's only the beginning of the story and more complicated than that. For the sake of the character limit, I simplified it.

There's a lot that happens afterwards but I can't decide which scenario to begin with.

>> No.8418731

>It's only the beginning of the story and more complicated than that
That's not inherently good. There's a reason people give Martin shit for having unnecessarily long plots.

I'm not talking about the amount of things that happen. I'm talking about the basic conflict you've got, whatever themes you want to explore, and so on. Which, so far, you've only hinted at with the betrayal -- how do you mean to go into that? What's it mean? Why does the whole story interest you (i.e. what are you aiming for here)?

>> No.8418753


One of the things I'm exploring in the book is the question "do the ends justify the means?"

The MC and his rival friend both have the same goal, but differ in the methods. It's not simply a betrayal, but the villain willing to sacrifice everything, even his best friend the MC, in order to achieve his goal. The villain does end up achieving his goal of peace through brutal measures and the MC is eventually torn between revenge and exposing the evil deeds of his friend, or accepting that his friend did what was necessary to achieve peace.

>> No.8418767

Harambe gone right?

>> No.8418774


Flowers for Harambe?

>> No.8418785

>Elderly wealthy couple who never have kids live way out in rural upstate New York
>Kind of going through a mid-life crisis with nothing left to do in life
>One day like 7 kids varying in age from 10 to 3 show up on their doorstep, orphaned
>They decide to adopt them
>Are thrown into the "normal parent" life all of a sudden and struggle with it but enjoy it
>Oldest kid is 10 years old, she is the only one who remembers much about where they're from but is quiet and doesn't like to talk about it
>Over time it becomes evident that these kids have psychic powers
>Oldest kid is responsible for something in a "Chosen One" sort of sense, but refuses to put burden on to anyone else because she has a hero complex
>After a few years begins running away from home for months at a time
>The parents have to deal with raising all these kids who are clearly something special, meaning of life as a parent, how it is possible/impossible to help a child in a difficult situation

Sort of envisioning it as a slice of life focused the couple's perception of all this going on. I'm just worried that I won't be able to communicate why the oldest kid is leaving on crazy adventures, because there's a lot of plot reasons for it that I had when this story was focused on her, and are way too much to integrate into the new, less adventure-focused structure.

>> No.8418802

>Entire races throughout several galaxies are under threat of either enslavement or annihilation by a collection of previously-enslaved races known as the "Reapers" (Name is a WIP)
>One Reaper is found by a race called the Zex'Sol, known for their inability to use powers but considered the most advanced technologically
>Taken to their world that is considered the "scientific hub" of their entire empire, called "The Dominius"
>Under them, an alliance of races has been founded to fight the Reaper's.
>The ex-Reaper attends an academy on that world focused around studying the universe and its functions, as well as building relations between worlds.
>His task is integrate into the society the Zex'Sol have created on this world while providing important details surrounding Reaper activity and such
>Another Reaper arrives and starts running amuck
>But the ex-Reaper can't do jack cause he's unconscious/being restored to his original form
>ex-Reaper is from an ancient race of beings that vanished some time ago, has no memory of the event (and never will), has no knowledge about his kind, and isn't going to be some OP cunt who wipes out entire armies. Still has to come into his own and learn of his kind.
>The entire planet is under threat of being brainwashed by the Reaper, with the few "friends" ex-Reaper made holding out only because the big bad wants to break him.
Still a WIP, but I want to make it good.

>> No.8418876

>Over time it becomes evident that these kids have psychic powers

dropped, why does it always go like this?

>> No.8418941

Because I like cool things and psychic powers are cool

I would consider it boring if the twist about the kids is that they were being pursued by the KGB or something, that's not mysterious at all

>> No.8418979

>I would consider it boring if the twist about the kids is that they were being pursued by the KGB or something, that's not mysterious at all
So you can't build a good mystery, then? "IT WAS SUPERPOWERS ALL ALONG" is a shitty cop-out.

>> No.8419009

It being superpowers all along isn't the focus of the plot; the idea is that psychic powers is something the couple is so wholly unprepared for that it gives them conflict. How do you react to something completely unrealistic like that, how does it change your life, how do you retain some sense of normalcy when the laws of physics are being broken hourly in your own home, etc etc.

It's like in Metamorphosis where Gregor's family is faced with a completely alien situation. If it was something really mundane it would lessen the impact and also give the couple less of a dilemma, which is completely against the point of my story.

>> No.8419089

> the idea is that psychic powers is something the couple is so wholly unprepared for that it gives them conflict
>Sell kids to government for experimentation
>No problem left
And your story is resolved in 10 pages or less.
> How do you react to something completely unrealistic like that
Option A) Call the government, option B) try and hide them by telling them psychic powers are a no-no, option C) Have them commit crimes on your behalf and make you rich.
>how do you retain some sense of normalcy when the laws of physics are being broken hourly in your own home, etc etc
Okay, you said "psychic", not "deity-tier super-kids who fuck reality with their minds." Your book sounds stupid. Like, dumber than >>8418802 on the basis that at least that one can afford reality-bending bullshit without it being contrived.
> If it was something really mundane it would lessen the impact and also give the couple less of a dilemma,
Have you never read/watched a GOOD mystery? A "mundane" secret or mystery can be built up and make the audience tune in to watch the mystery unfold. Look at The Mentalist with their "Red John" mystery that built and built over several seasons, or TNG's build into the Borg as a "mysterious menace" before their big reveal. You DON'T need some ridiculous thing like "they're psychic and can fuck the laws of physics on a whim" to make something interesting. The whole point of a good mystery is the MYSTERY itself.

Superpowers don't make a good story by themselves. Superman is proof of this.

>> No.8419121

Well for one it was never a mystery

2nd I think you giving all these "easy resolutions" to their problem shows maybe I wasn't clear that the point is logic doesn't always rule in situations like that. They want to be parents to these kids but the kids are capable of fucking things over without even realizing they're doing something wrong. It's not a mystery that they're psychic - that becomes obvious very quickly. Their struggle is how to deal with that as just a part of their daily life. If you think selling them off to the government is a good approach to the situation then you're not being humane

>> No.8419130

I need a last name that goes well with Marche and I cannot find one.

>> No.8419145

Is it pronounced March or mar-shay?

>> No.8419154


Marsh. I'm not very good at naming characters and already had my mind set on Marche for the MC.

I was going to use the name Faris Blackmore but that fit another character better.

>> No.8419162

lol. That's right, Rourke. Blow that building, you glorious individual, you.

>> No.8419206

>I think you giving all these "easy resolutions" to their problem shows maybe I wasn't clear that the point is logic doesn't always rule in situations like that.
No, it's realistic and what people look for in good writing. If you're gonna keep kids with superpowers, you can be sure 90% of the population would try and benefit from that. The other 10% would probably lose their shit and either try to off the kids or give them to the government. Code Geass even touched on this with C.C.'s story being that the nun who "blessed" her with her power ended up going batshit and trying to kill her. And what about the kids? At one point, one of them is going to think "wait, we have these powers and we're relying on these two old fucks?" And what about the parents? Wouldn't they be concerned that they're only looking after the kids as result of mind control? Wouldn't they be paranoid to the point of insanity?
>They want to be parents to these kids but the kids are capable of fucking things over without even realizing they're doing something wrong
Refer to my point above.
>It's not a mystery that they're psychic - that becomes obvious very quickly.
If the kids aren't exactly being secretive about this shit, why is there no conflict from external forces? Surely, enough people have witnessed shit going wonky while these kids are around. Hell, unless these kids were already in super-villain training before the story starts, then it's a given the government or some benign force already captured and imprisoned them. In fact, where did the powers come from? Why don't the kids already have their own parents? Why is nobody looking for them? Why is there ZERO concern from the government or anyone else?
>Their struggle is how to deal with that as just a part of their daily life.
Here's a fucking clue: NOBODY just "DEALS" with having a kid with superpowers. If Man of Steel did ONE thing right, it was showing Clark's child years as fraught with issues around him adapting to having the powers, his parents dealing with the backlash of their child being "different", and the heart-to-heart between Clark and his father both as a child and then later, as a teen. You can't do "slice of life" and have superpowers. It doesn't work like that UNLESS your world is built on the premise that having powers is a common thing.
>If you think selling them off to the government is a good approach to the situation then you're not being humane
Here is my thought process
>These kids have been roaming around unmolested
>Still alive despite being orphans
>Have psychic powers
>Mute girl is belligerent, potentially dangerous
>Other kids claim loss of memory DESPITE being psychic
>Suspect some government dude is seeking his lost experiments
>Suspect these kids have been tagged or, at the very least, there are people who have pictures of them going from place to place
>wife and myself getting older we wanted kids, not Bill Nye's Crazy Times
>Don't want to die in some cell in some facility

>> No.8419335

You clearly dont have kids, they dont need psychic powers to fuck shit up and put you in an inner conflict where you hate how restricted your life has become after taking responsibility for another human yet loving them so much that you willingly sacrifice your energy, freedom and resources for them etc

>> No.8420022

ancient alien dinosaurs come to earth to take back what's their's

>> No.8420058


Kill urself

>> No.8420069

A recipe for a best seller, right here.

>> No.8420077

gravity's rainbow was about a bunch of niggers building a rocket

>> No.8420130

my personal recommendation is to make this guy a lot like the narrator from notes from underground. By that I mean, make him speak on recollection. Something that happened a long time ago. Maybe let the story end with him in a different state and losing his house and then committing suicide or something. Make the guy 60 and be talking about this experience like it happened moments ago.

>> No.8420166

How taboo would this scenario be?

My MC is technically around 21-ish but due to some reincarnation stuff he was dead for 50 years and came back to life as a homonculus. He rescues a young boy from sex slavers and the boy insists on tagging along with him. This boy is 16-18 and looks young, slightly feminine. He loves the MC for freeing him and will do anything for him. Eventually the MC begins to have feelings for him too and they end up fucking at some point.

>> No.8420172

Reminds me of an episode of an anime show called Biyori

>"Shūmatsu" (終末) February 28, 2005
>It is only three more mere hours till a giant meteor hits the Earth, wiping out all life forever. The world is in total chaos and insanity with the knowledge that in three hours the apocalypse will come. A TV station has invited four celebrities to talk about the end of the planet Earth—unfortunately, they are also affected by the worldwide chaos, as they show their true colors.
Turns out this one very powerful magician or something magically prevented the world's end, and everyone tries desperately to cover up the stupid shit they just said.

>> No.8420311

>Drunkard kills Father+Daughter in a late night auto accident
>Follow around the guy trying to connect with the shitty people in his life
>Slowly realizes that he's never had any real purpose in life and wonders how he can change who is so late in life

>> No.8420326


>> No.8420910

who cares its your book, besides there's bound to be buyers for this gay erotica

>> No.8420944
File: 2 KB, 125x83, triggerwarningfrozentartarsauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I abandoned it like a year and a half ago in favor of more practical projects.

>Wine vineyard during the prohibition
>Father of the vineyard owner is the head of police
>His son (former owner) is killed by alcohol poisoning, and the vineyard command goes over to his hardballing wife
>To protect her children, she sends her son (age like nineteen) to take her daughter (age like eleven) out to the city on the morning that the police seize the vineyard
>In the city, the son (who doesn't know how to properly drive) crashes his car and requires it to be fixed by a Japanese immigrant couple, who take pity on them and bring them in
>Later on the daughter accidentally meets (i.e. almost gets robbed by) two street gypsies who turn out to be secret distributors of the liquor
>Other shit happens which I forget but you get the general setup

Hot damn that sounds like shit, having read it now. Like I haven't thought about it seriously in a long-ass time, and I probably never will again; so had I summarized it then it would've perhaps been slightly better.

>> No.8421008

Sounds cool.

Movie adaption when?

>> No.8421012

Would read.

>> No.8421013

So, when are you getting published?

>> No.8421016
File: 51 KB, 148x148, tmp_12559-2016-06-19 09.23.13-635840496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sci-fi is bad

Why are you this way?

>> No.8421018

I'm confused but intrigued.

>> No.8421026

When can I read your book?

>> No.8421031

As if any of those genres can't or haven't produced anything of substance.

>> No.8421032

Relative to the acres of genreshit in this thread, you're right. I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.8421035

Yes please.

>> No.8421053

>a single mote of dust travels for approximately six seconds through a space in an average living room.

>> No.8421065

>man stands in line to vote on a new bill proposing that the civilization he's a part of invades and devours a smaller underdepevoled civilization bc of the need for resources. Except set in space.

>> No.8421069

Sounds shit.

>> No.8421071

Yeah probably
Have you got any ideas to make it more interesting

>> No.8421073

No. The whole premise sounds shit. It's political -- and ham-fisted -- as fuck.

>> No.8421084

Oi true dude, I thought it was an average concept at best.
Have you got any good story ideas

>> No.8421086

Just write a book on the US after cold war

>> No.8421091

I'm guessing I'll get it finished in some three years

The other thing is will it ever be translated to english, I'm writing it in finnish

>> No.8421095

You have to make those for yourself, because you'll want to write about what you want to write about, not what I (or any other person) want to write about. And honestly, it's much easier to think of story ideas if you're not thinking of story ideas. You'll just think of something interesting in the course of doing stuff, and want to write about it.

>> No.8421098

I meant your good story ideas my friend

>> No.8421104

The tale of a man, a fridge, and a long walk between the two.

While sweating on his sofa, a man finds he is thirsty. In the fridge there is a cold glass of cold water. He finally summons up the will to get it, but is attacked by a ninja on The Way. It is here that the reader learns this is not just Al, the man who slept on the sofa, but Smileman, the greatest superhero who ever lived. Thus begins a wretched story of ambling vigilantism, as Smileman wanders the apartment complex searching for something he greatly needs but cannot think of. Ends with Al waking up on the sofa to get a drink.
>I'm writing it in Finnish


>> No.8421113

holy fuck

>> No.8421118

I love the language, what else is there? I can't imagine myself writing anything that is meaningful to me in any other language
Finnish has a market of some 7 million readers and I'm doing this as a hobby, not as a job, so any possible income is just a bonus for me. If the book gets any recognition in Finland, it will be translated to swedish and if it is recognized in Sweden it will get translated to english, so there is always a chance also to make it to the bigger market too, only then would I consider leaving my job and start as a professional writer

>> No.8421359

Actually this sounds like one of the better ones in this thread. I'd read it.

>> No.8421363

>Sci-fi is literature
Wew lad...

Seriously though, can all of you fantasy, magic powers, sci-fi hacks take your dreck over to /r/writing? It doesn't fucking belong here.

>> No.8421380

> man who's parents die when he is very young grows up to participate in an experiment to do with time travel.
> he is granted to ability to travel back to one point in his life thus far.
> goes back to the night his parents are murdered, to learn who did it and hopefully save them.
> no murderer
> he learns/realises that the nature of spacetime dictates that for him to possibly be back at that fateful night, his parents have to have been murdered.
> realises that he has no other option, and kills them
> he is the murderer
Rate guys, I'm considering actually writing this.

>> No.8421411

Ah, I see. Too bad for me.

Honestly, I'd still be willing to buy it, just to have the original first edition copy. Even if I couldn't read it. I'm sure someone would want it translated eventually.

Really sounds good.

>> No.8421414

Sounds like a short story from the twilight zone.

S' okay, for a short.

>> No.8421432

Sounds good, but as the other poster suggests, I don't think it would hold as a longer book

Make it a tight novel and I'd read it

>> No.8421436

Thanks mate. I also had another idea that I planned on developing:

> a man loses half of his brain in a catastrophic accident.
> new technology means he can obtain an electronic replacement for the lost half of his brain.
> the man understands the potential dangers of having such an implant, but he is taken advantage of while he is unconscious from the accident, and can't stop it.
> he is discharged from the hospital with his new partially artificial brain.
> he begins to notice some peculiar abnormalities with his thoughts.
> these thoughts begin to become intense, and he starts to become a radicalised consumer, swallowing everything thrown at him by corporations his very nature would have once shunned.
> becomes a full-blown religious fanatic, worshipping materialism.
> in a moment of clarity, he kills himself.

This one is wierd, but I think it has potential, particularly allegorically.

>> No.8421439

Thanks, see >>8421436 as well.

I'm considering putting together a book of short stories, I just need to get enough ideas.

>> No.8421452

This is more interesting than the last. Maybe a bit heavy-handed on the politics some might say, but I say who gives a shit? Most people don't get metaphor anyways, they'll only eat if you spoon feed them. It could also double as a metaphor for the story.

Still, more of a short story rather than a full book. Maybe you could publish a collection?

This one reminds me of Isaac Asimov or H.G. Wells. Pretty good anon, pretty good.

>> No.8421470

Yeah, that's the plan. I consider myself to be a fairly good writer as well, so we'll see what happens, eh?

>> No.8421487

In this story my interest would be drawn towards who makes the implant technology and who runs the hospitals.
I would give slight hints of where the implant brains come from, but keep it completely ambiguous for the reader, making the source of consumerism kind of an omnipotent force beyond the consumerism and corporations
In the end it would be a commentary on the nature of technology, as in have humans evolved technology or has technology evolved humanity

but yeah, this sounds good too

>> No.8421497

Yeah, my idea for the implant-makers is that they have signed an agreement with a corporation. The corporation is intending to start producing a new commercial product, but it's means of production are far from ethical, and no sane person would work in the factories producing said product. The implant assimilates people to the point of being submissive and drone-like enough to work in such terrible conditions and for such little pay. That's where the fanaticism comes in. 'Why do we need pay when we worship our true god, consumerism?' Eh, it's wierd.

>> No.8421506

Thanks, I appreciate your posts :)

It's nice to know that even though mostly write for myself, there are people that would like read my texts too

>> No.8421519

Exceedingly round-about; trim that fat.
> cloning believed to be impossible
> to societies that have FTL
It's a cool idea, but it's meatless; there's no point.
Do it faggot.
Have an end-game, but go for it.
Do it faggot.
Do it as a collection of short stories.

>> No.8421551

Well good luck my man. You got the ideas, all you need now is implimentation.

>> No.8421558

Thanks mate. I'm sleeping now, but have a good one, won't you?

>> No.8421580

>a jewish guy fall in love for a tyrannosaur

>> No.8421605

>Schizophrenic hobo befriends edgy teen.
>Young Barbarito Torres lookalike taxi driver meets aspiring writer who goes through life closely observing people's behaviour, she just pushed a man about to commit suicide who was having second thoughts.
>The two stories collide.
>Self-published non profit.

>> No.8422306

i'd read it desu

>> No.8422417
File: 2.52 MB, 1597x938, Isa Risjord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is chronologically anyway. Never got around where it could start.

>Born to Norwegian educator parents in the middle of a Brooklyn traffic jam in the early 80s, Isa Risjord is raised partially in the states and Europe, leans from a variety of people, spending long dark winters reading and researching history, socioeconomics, language, etc.
>Moves back to the states, goes into teaching at a relatively young age for a short while, frustration leads her to make educational films for the internet. Gains some notoriety.
Mind you, I was thinking of all these details back in 2007. Then as now, I have too little talent for doing the story justice.
>Runs for president in 2016. Basically does what Sanders did, but more strategically, not as a message campaign, as the Sanders campaign has been called. Being only 34 (35 before inauguration day) and a woman, all the Clinton campaign/DNC/MSM could hit her with is her inexperience.
>Come primary time in California Clinton is declared winner fraudulently. Risjord stays in the state and protests till a very large number of people can see the state didn't count all the votes. Snubbed at the DNC convention, Risjord runs independently and wins. handily against both Trump and Clinton. The MSM make a last minute about face, convincing hardly anyone.
Should I go through all the reforms, attempted coups and assassinations? This would be a hair raising if a bit policy wonky piece of legit literature. Wish fulfillment, but all in the realm of possibility.

>> No.8422598

>A boy falls in love with a girl.
>Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number.
>Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
>But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with.
>In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all.
>She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
>Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. >While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.8422658


Reminds me of the Lilyad

>> No.8422718

>what if all magic in a fantasy setting was explainable by psychic powers

>what if psychic powers were a vehicle to explain mental illness in a young adult fantasy package

aiming for that YA fantasy low bar so no one notices how trash i am at writing

>> No.8423082

That sounds absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.8423119

ok let's give this shit a try. Short story though.

>a group wanders aimlessly through a seemingly endless field
>the ground is metallic, and burns the wanderers' feet with every further step
>no one knows why they are there, or where they are headed
>they just walk in one direction, the opposite direction of the long line of rust red footprints they leave behind
>sometimes they stumble upon metallic trees, filled up to the top with people who refuse to go forwards, just sitting on the steaming hot tree branches
>despite all the pain, lack of water or anything edible, none of them grows weary, hungry, or thirsty, and even the oldest among the wanderers don't just die
>they all just walk, wondering how they deserve this cruelty

>> No.8423145
File: 79 KB, 640x272, THX white room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you holding back the ending or is this just a dream image of torture?

>> No.8423152

>>a jewish guy fall in love for a tyrannosaur
>a jewish guy falls in love with a goy tyrannosaur
so egy

>> No.8423160


I don't know yet. Maybe I'll have them debate whether they are really the victims of some sadistic god or in hell ... I really don't know.

At some parts, the protagonist even forgets about the pain, being irritated by the whole scenario itself and his wondering. I would not even say that I came up with it as an image of torture. A few weeks ago I just came up with the imagery of endless, gleaming, metallic fields.

>> No.8423166

that shit sounds anime as fuck, cool though

>Chinese military tries to build giant robot in crackpot scheme
>pilot starts to have an affair with the robot's designer
>as the weapon is developed the affair becomes more and more weird and kinky
>the various other staff on the base start to notice, their own sexual and romantic histories are explored as they react to it
>the US mistakes the robot for a superweapon and tries to destroy it in a Tom Clancy-style special forces raid
>everyone dies

>> No.8423169

>cop harasses his ex gf and gets thrown off the force
>starts PI business but no1 wants that shit
>decides to become ghost hunter instead
>uses his cop status to be legit with clients
>doesn't believe in ghosts, his clients are all rubes
>successful, gets married to a psychic
>still obsessed with ex gf
>she dies from tit cancer
>now haunts the cop
>he starts to believe
>wife is jealous of dead ex
>loses wife, business, dog
>he's a shit cop, shit ghost hunter
>starts to believe ex gf was murdered and only way to free her is to solve the crime
>solves the case hoping to put this behind him and get back his wife and dog
>learns the wife did it
>tragedy. not a dry eye in the house.

>> No.8423178

Sounds kind of cool, would be interested in the characters that arise from the situation. Has an air of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream about it.

>> No.8423196

If you can't come up with a snappy enough reason for this world to exist, I suggest just filing back into the ol' noggin. Jumping on a surrealist image is good enough for a music video, but not usually a short story.
My two cents.

>> No.8423239


why does our own world exist?

Not that I'm dismissing your justified criticism, but I have not yet thought about it, and I can't quite see why this is an absolute necessity.

Maybe I'll really implement the notion that it's just a new circle of hell, created out of god's sheer boredom.

Or have the wanderers argue about that.


thanks, my man. Protagonist has just landed there together with a young boy, the other wanderers are clearly older and more accustomed to the pain.

>> No.8423265


Thanks anon, that's encouraging even if you're being facetious. It's just that I know I've read this story a million times before. What can I say, that lust + danger combination really does it for me.

>> No.8423270

>Maybe I'll really implement the notion that it's just a new circle of hell, created out of god's sheer boredom.
>Or have the wanderers argue about that.
There ya go. It's something for the reader to chew on.

>> No.8423277

Sounds like something I once heard Max Landis pitch in a boozed up non-sequitur.

>> No.8423289


thanks, anon. Wish me luck, gonna mail this shit to some magazines.

>> No.8423590

I read a story today in the news about a 12 year old suicide bomber that killed a bunch of people in a wedding in Turkey.

I don't know the details of the actual story, but I kept thinking about it and kind of want to write something around it.

>> No.8423611
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>> No.8423627

this is very bad please do not continue writing it

>> No.8423666

>Woman wants to fix her no-job, no-money life, so goes to a counseling company
>Hfw the counseling company basically convinces her to decide things by throwing dice, like rollplaying life-changing choices
>Hfw when this crazy plan totally works... until one of her friends at this"Counseling/coaching" programme commits suicide

This is just the intro for the plot, tho

>> No.8423714


Sounds cool, man. This my kind of shit.

Would love to read it and see where this goes

>> No.8423763

>I'm'a make my Trump graphic novel bettuh den yu!

>> No.8423786

different anon, i don't think he was being facetious. seems like real mass narket potential. commies are back in style, and sex and mystery are always in style. if i had any talent for intrigue, tension and sex scenes it'd be a would steal/10. but i don't, so good luck.

>> No.8423794

literally the worst idea in the entire thread.

why am i not surprised.

>> No.8423817

>literally the worst idea in the entire thread.
>why am i not surprised?
Confirmation bias.

You don't know how to judge something in greentext. It's a bullet point, a brief overview and you can't tell the quality of it (Especially since it hasn't been written) You only indicate that you hate me here.

>> No.8423834
File: 226 KB, 480x360, Omega Trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British intern comes to an American campaign to learn about the country's political system
>Campagin manager takes pride in teaching the intern and gleefully states all the strange relations, abuses, and corruption that goes on
>The intern is at first confused about it all, but as he begins to understand it more becomes angry
>He tells the campaign manager that is not the way things should be and storms out
>Some how talks to everyday people about the precise problems of their society and how social media/racial tensions/class warfare/neo liberalism is controlling them
>Everyone is too engrossed in their own respectable lives to care about changing it and wished they had never talked to the intern
>the intern learns that nothing can be changed and becomes apathetic, accepting the system in place

>> No.8423881

I was going to ask if the character voted Leave or Remain, but then I read "...neo liberalism is controlling them" and it became obvious he is a member of UKIP

>> No.8423892
File: 660 KB, 640x640, 1461890886381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue the story, I think I would read it. Make sure you do your research on temperance though.
focusing about an over dramatic space novel feels lame. But I am biased

>old rich couples (who live in decadence maybe?)
>tons of kids show up (forcing them to live as ordinary people are realize the difficulties of the common man?)

focus on something other than a super natural block buster, please!

not sure how I feel about this one, but it sounds alright

>> No.8423896

actually I wanted him to be liberal, but become "le redpilled" after working with the democrats.

it doesnt sound retarded anon? I haven't started it, because I think I'm a shit writer.

>> No.8423924
File: 100 KB, 620x387, Jeremy-Corbyn-10_c_3328947b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean a Lib-Dem?

You're American and trying to write a political piece, but haven't figured out a lot about British or US politics yet. Shit writer or not, you're going to need to understand what the political climate is like.
"Red pill" is /pol/s idea of being clued in, but they're morons.

>> No.8423931

> only 9/10 was a story identical to one he came up with himself.

it's so easy spotting pseuds

>> No.8423942

no, the book doesnt have anything to do with British politics since I know almost nothing about them. The British intern is only supposed to serve as an outside pair of eyes that comes to the United States, learning its system without growing up in it.

>> No.8423989

If your main character is from the UK, you're going to have to understand where he came from.

Is he a fan of UKIP, then he wouldn't join the Clinton campaign unless he was being sneaky. If he was "liberal" he'd actually be Labour, but now what kind of Labour, is a Blairite or a Corbyn sort? If he's going to wonder into the Clinton camp he'd be a Blairite. Probably middle class, going to this effort to visit the states.

>> No.8424058

like last exit to brooklyn but finnish and without the sex stuff, but in a good way :). I hope your prose is good, it sounds like it'll be great

>> No.8424077

tfw I started on the exact same thing but my own version. Only the groundwork though, dunno if I'll pursue it; I hope yours is good friend

>> No.8424091

>confirmation bias
nope. hated it, but laughed at it and moved on without noticing you were a tripfag. then saw you whining here >>8423763 and followed the post links. only then did i see you're an even bigger idiot than i thought.

>> No.8424145
File: 54 KB, 1190x595, donald-trump-called-a-guy-fat-and-kicked-him-out-of-a-rally--and-that-wasnt-the-worst-part-of-his-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, get 'im outta here

>> No.8424307

But OP, the novel doesn't really have a plot. It's more of an absurdist pucaresque based on my real (and occasionally exaggerated) experiences working retail the past summer between different stints at university.

>> No.8424327

> cloning believed to be impossible
> to societies that have FTL

the fuck are you on senpai

>> No.8424473

For sale, baby shoes

The life and times of a baby shoe salesman. Travels throughout the countryside before journeying to the big city, and then some things happen

>> No.8424488

Didn't mean to reply to you my bad

>> No.8424539

Of course. Your book sounds like greatness.

When you get published, please post here on /lit/ if you can. I'd like to know, somehow.

>> No.8425294
File: 192 KB, 581x796, 1458860168248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done very little since the last time I posted in one of these threads. Been focusing on my poetry, as the deadlines for various literary magazines in my country are coming up (it's a small country and there aren't many, so it's these or nothing).

First Story
>son of Assyrian refugees is kicked out of multiple schools for smoking weed
>crashes at home, complete bum that turns things around
>observes his peers as they grow up and develop an intricate web of stories and relationships between them
>feels impotent, that he has to do something great lest the world forget him
>also tries to hide his tobacco-smoking from his parents
>finally gets a job, things looking up
>brother comes back from university unexpectedly
>brother onto him, can't hide his smoking forever
>hatches a plan to go on a cross-country road-trip with old high school mates
>they volunteer to clean up the Rena oil spill
>despairs at how inglorious and empty he feels despite this "good deed"
>woes at the partying/corruption brought to the town by partygoers descending on the mount for new years
>subplot: best friend gets stuck in a detention centre on Christmas Island

Second Story
>sheltered kid in the suburbs dreams of adventure in the city
>convinces his parents to go on a holiday overseas
>while they're gone he journeys to the city each day
>befriends a girl at the station
>they explore the city, but its layout changes each day
>only a series of sanctuaries, little urban hideaways offer permanence
>they are tracked down by a man in grey overalls
>after an argument the girl runs away
>the boy must team up with a homeless skeleton to save her from the man in overalls

Third Story
>guy fails his way out of his first year of university
>obsessed with his flatmate
>says he's hanging out with "friend" all day, actually walking around town doing nothing
>tries to get a job, read textbooks, but falls deeper into depression
>plans a university shooting
>come the day, another person attempts a shooting
>kills the other shooter in a gunfight
>lauded as a hero
>uses his newfound fame to turn things around and get laid
>no-one ever finds out he was going to shoot the school up

>> No.8425898

I like it, would buy and read

>> No.8425907

>14 year old girl goes on internet and becomes activist
>she is white and middle class and feels regret for having white privilege
>meets muslim girl on tumblr who makes her hate america even more
>is linked to secret isis chatroom and soon she joins
>becomes centerpiece in plot to blow up the Superbowl
>plot carries thru

cant spoil the rest but this is gonna be good

>> No.8426030

Thanks for the kind words! Haven't read it but from what I gathered from wikipedia, The Last Exit is a bit of a realist book, while I hope to create an surreal atmosphere, as in a Roy Andersson film.
Selby Jr.'s The Room seems interesting, have you read it?

If you'd like to, you can leave your e-mail here and I'll get back to you in a few years :-)
I might not browse much internet in the future, I'm soon going to move and start going to an open uni and overall keep myself busy

>> No.8426305

I'm writing reservation/injun/drinking stories with Jungian/dream ideas thrown in/observations about our current state in modernity.

>> No.8426598

You can spoil it, it's not gonna be good

>> No.8427643

Gonna write a self-help book based on my late uncle's sex-crazed adventures that he kept a detailed diary about.

>> No.8427774

>highschool deadly game with superpowers

>> No.8427930

make a bunch of hamlet references and call it elsinore rigby

>> No.8428161


>> No.8428445

Congratulations, you only like depressing shit.

>> No.8428483
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>set in 2050's
>overpopulation and high crime, Russia is in civil war
>33 year old conspiracy theorist "muh rights" dude makes a living selling guns on the black market, eventually has to run from the country
>brings two other characters, a 19 year old poorfag who lived fighting on the streets and a 22 year old close friend who had family connections to organized crime and was pressured into everything in life, basically Shinji Ikari
>becomes a world traveling story, the only countries they can hide in are shitty overpopulated ones where they fight gangs and insurgents
>slowly build up money and a crew of expendable characters with different cultures, lifestyles and large personalities
>slowly learn that all the places they go to have certain similarities in organized crime and libertarian dude suspects a conspiracy and tries to figure it out, but the story makes it unclear whether this is actually the case

I don't want it to be about politics or sci-fi and most of that shit will be kept ambiguous and unexplored. The focus is on people of various personalities traveling the world and interacting with different cultures with some /k/ommando shit in-between.

>> No.8428491


>> No.8428520

>protag is aspiring police detective
>lives with her autistic brother, parents mostly out of the picture
>brother has savant-level autism and is always fixating on small details
>she has to babysit him while trying to advance her career
>brings him to crime scenes as a result of said babysitting
>he starts noticing details that help her with cases
>will just come to her and pull her to something and show her it
>scuffs, shoeprints, drops of liquid
>he seems to become healthier, happier as a result of her happiness when he helps her
>starts to point out things he really couldn't find, extremely minuscule hints
>even with that, string of cases begins that she cannot solve
>serial killer
>brother has been disappearing at night, going out
>sister quite worried
>one day he pulls her to a crime scene before police have been notified
>that does it, she decides that he has been killing people in order to know what clues to point out to make her happy but not enough to get caught
>accuses him, he attacks her (though with no real explanation as to why)
>she shoots and kills him
>disposes of body to avoid mortification and career death of having serial killer brother who she enabled
>killings continue
>no longer has any clues
>consumed with guilt
>at height of serial killings, offs herself next to unmarked grave of brother,
> > > but not before leaving trail of obscure hints through her last few weeks that suggest the place at which her body rests

>> No.8428752

this is pnin

>> No.8428769

Sounds pleb

>> No.8428796

This is already a movie, but it's set on a boat. You basically came up the whole idea behind Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo. It also has a man obsessed with opera and specifically Tosca, but with some Heart of Darkness-esque moments

>> No.8428797

No i only like good shit , oh wich there is little in the thread

>> No.8428803

The Billion Dollar Boy kind of addresses some similar themes, but in a pretty Gary Paulsen kind of way.

>> No.8428807

It explores enduring themes of the lower class and the blue collar struggle with sense of self, hating your employment and being perpetually out down by things out of your control

What do I do once I finish it? Only aiming for like 35k words and I already have 20k. Should be finished very soon, can spit out about 1000 words per day

>> No.8428833

Have you read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

>> No.8428859

I haven't, why do you ask?

>> No.8429676

Sounds good as long as you don't make it too pulpy

>> No.8429855
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I had a bad dream last night that I was trying to fire one of these at a group of armed degenerates and I kept missing. I was only a few feet away from their stupid IFV but I still couldn't hit the damn thing.

Eventually I ran inside my shack and picked up a plasma cannon but by that time they had all left so I went hunting for them and stepped on a mine. I must have been thinking about this image.

>> No.8430215

>old mans entire family dies
>decides to kill himself
>attempts keep failing in comedic ways
>absurdity of failed suicide attempts cheers him up slightly
>still kills himself anyway

>> No.8430304

>The man lives in a cave, keeping a fire going at all times.
>Every night when he sleeps, he wakes up for a spell and sees a crow in the cave.
>He asks the crow questions, the crow replies with unhelpful truths, and the man falls back to sleep.
>The man exits the cave and finds the road.
>He walks through the hills to great vistas and intricate cities, where he is alone.
>The crow continues to interrupt his sleep.
>There are people here and there, and the man lives among them, fighting battles and leading nations.
>Like this he sees that he was always a king.
>He is content, and there never was any crow, only himself, his apartment, his depression, and his happiness.

>> No.8430328
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>It's not like it's going anywhere
fuck yourself, i wrote a 2500 word draft in the past 3 days just off of a few ideas i randomly thought up

>> No.8430869

Yeah but is it good

>> No.8431045

would read

>> No.8431074

Hurt go Happy?

>> No.8431103

>man wakes up to find his dog mauled and dead
>starts investigating at night
>starts receiving veiled threats from the "neighborhood watch"
>discovers that the HOA is a Satanic cult

>> No.8431203

>a young woman appears to access an unknown level of universal consciousness
>she hopes she isnt crazy
>weird things happen (like finding a giant dressing room in her aunt's house or travel to nowhere in a regular bus)
>the whole shit is about the zen concept of emptyness and fullness
>it's pretentious

>> No.8431216

That's basicaly Platon

>> No.8431876

>wrote a 2500 word draft in the past 3 days

Is spending 3 days on 2 hours' work supposed to be impressive?

>> No.8431940

>short story about sophomore uni student
>pretty much a non-entity to everyone except his best friend Elliot, who is a /r9k/ tier robot loser
>written from the student's perspective: completely meandering plot with jumbled prose, cringeworthy meme insertions and dry existential mumbling
>climax and ending of the story is Elliot messaging the student, saying that his Mom died
>student panics and runs to his block, goes to his dormroom and goes inside
>discovers he's turned into a giant frog

>> No.8431954

Already done, "collective suicide" by pasilina

>> No.8432038

I'm guessing you mean A Charming Mass Suicide, by Paasilinna? Great book!

>> No.8432172

>his best friend Elliot, who is a /r9k/ tier robot loser

Did you mean supreme gentleman?

>> No.8432262

Yes, wasn't aware that was the English title, my bad. Only read it in Norwegian and here it's called "kollektivt selvmord". Great book indeed

>> No.8432302


>> No.8432445
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This is the exact same anime plot that /a/ has been jerking each other off about or the longest time. How many years has it been?

Sound's pretty moe though, would watch.

>> No.8432453

reposting mine for exposure
>Twitter search "#depression"
>copy and paste to Microsoft Word
>1240 pages thus far

>> No.8433079

This is written in the form of a memoir

>20 year old history major from Ohio attending good-tier liberal arts college in the same state
>only attending that college because of childhood crush from the same small town
>she shows little signs of romantic interest but is friends with him
>he becomes a bluepill fag due to her influence
>his roommate is gay and keeps locking him out to have sex with his gay hookups
>childhood crush sleeps with a black kid on the football kid
>kid gets cucked and loses it
>doesn't finish his papers and fails his second semester at college
>goes back home to a shitty household, abusive father and useless mother
>runs away to pursue the city life
>becomes homeless in New York city
>kills himself

>> No.8433142

>Jewish-American soldier during the end of WWII
>Breaks into occult ceremony being run by Waffen-SS
>Kills SS officer
>Soul of SS officer becomes tied to Jewish soldier
>He becomes a NYPD detective, and uses SS officer's soul to fight crime
>They become bros despite hating each other
>Detective becomes a private eye after being kicked off the force for failing a psychiatric test
>Together, Jewish PI and Nazi ghost try to solve the mystery of the 1993 WTC bombing. Pat Buchanan and Meir Kahane (faked his death in 1990) are minor characters

>> No.8433314


>> No.8433376
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>> No.8433461

>my own life
>happy time

>> No.8433474

danganronpa ripoff

>> No.8433489

would read

>> No.8433536

Short story

>A man in his 30's
>Travels up a long escalator Into a corridor
>Meets young girl who asks if he would accompany her
>She starts asking questions about his life
Get to the door of the end of the corridor
>Met another female, age teens, asks questions, meet door
>Behind the door another female, in her 20s, they start discussing what the other girls asked the guy about, meet door
>A woman in her 30's tells him about her family, meet door
>The last woman in the last room, aged 60 or so, tells him a story from when she was young, and sends him down a set of stairs at the end of the room without concluding anything but thanking him for his time.
>He thinks about his sister, his young love, his wife, mother and child at home

>> No.8433802

>Kid wakes up in a scary, dark dungeon
>It goes on a few pages on him going crazy over trying to find a pattern on the brick walls and torches that light up the place or something to escape
>Kid starts to have ilussions because he's going crazy
>Really focus on his thoughts
>Kid falls asleep since he is tired
>He wakes up in a nice place filled with grass and hears a voice that tells him he will find a way out or something (just his imagination)
>He wakes up in a room with three doors with signs on them
>Door 1: You will discover the truth behind this place. And why you are here.
>Door 2:You will get out of here and have no memories of this having ever happened.
>Door 3: You will get out of here, and free yourself from this punishment, you will keep your memories, and know all this place's secrets. But in exchange, you will have to chose another human to suffer what you suffer.
>Lil' boy goes to 2'nd door
>He enters and sees a closed room, empty, with white walls, floor, and ceiling.
>He looks back to get out and the door's not there, but a sign with "Nothing's what it seems"
>The kid turns back again and sees a bunch of papers up on a pedestal, and ink with a pen
>"And this is how I ended here, doing this, writing this story, if someone, anyone is reading this, I only have one thing to tell you. Please help me get out of here"
Keep in mind that I made it way more detailed and non-simplistic than it is shown on the greentext

>> No.8434015


Hi Mary sue

>> No.8434425

More of a screenplay

>Protagonist is the host of a Mr. Roger's type show, but for public access
>Been going on for some time
>walks into the office with a pitch for a new episode
>studio execs tell him he's getting canned
>Host is devastated, has nothing left after this show
>The program got him recognition in the small mid-western town he lives in, never about the money
>Host scraps the episode, starts writing a brand new finale
>Wants to touch on themes that never get discussed
>Also wants the original cast from the first broadcast episode to return and share their fondest memories of the show
>Battles with writer's block, family drama, and all the downsides of getting older to bring the idea to fruition
>Not all the kids are so easy to find these days either

>> No.8435167

> leave your e-mail

Why the hell not?

I feel a great danger in doing this, but here is an adress I never use: pustematrioszka@gmail.com

If you ever remember me when it is finished, I would be deeply pleased, and honored to read your book. I'll make sure to keep an eye out.

Cheers, and best of luck.

>> No.8435344

>Protagonist is super thin
>like thinnest of all time
>see, he was touched by a Gypsy
>no... that was someone else's story
>he's just born thin
>but he's about to fall off a cliff
>then a nice man comes along and
