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/lit/ - Literature

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8401735 No.8401735 [Reply] [Original]

How's this stack from half priced books/goodwill. Also post recent cops

>> No.8401739

I am a pleb and want to become /lit/ so keep that in mind before telling me I only bought meme books, I figured they were memes here because they were good right?

>> No.8401842

Better get reading cunt, got a lot to get through

>> No.8402707
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>> No.8402709
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>> No.8403603
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I had to stack them up a little bit.
One stack=author

From left to right,top to bottom:

Small lexicon of philosophy
Miller Jr.:A canticle for Leibowitz
Hemingway:A movable feast
Canterbury tales
Agatha Christie:The ABC murders(under that:A murder is announced)
Rejtő Jenő:Texas Bill the Daredevil(under that:Tiger blood)
Endless space(buddhist texts)
Joyce:A portrait of the artist as a young man
Karinthy:Magnetic death(?)(under that:The faces of the soul,This is how YOU write I-II)

>> No.8405122


Qt puss.

>> No.8405151

>Translated joyce
what's the point?

>> No.8406737

Skip Ender's Game. Rest are pretty OK. I'd go from left to right, but finish with V..

>> No.8406739

The meme value.
I own an english copy,so don't worry.

>> No.8406749

>goodwills that have books that aren't christian lit, self help books, cookbooks, celeb/talkshow host puff pieces, or pop culture trash like Dan Brown

>> No.8406763

How much for the cat

>> No.8406775

>Not all facing the same way


>> No.8406790
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How many times must I tell you I don't speak Hungarian

>> No.8406808

I don't know what is your problem.
I put them in stacks based on author,and even translated the titles into english.
Then posted the list.

>> No.8406820
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>> No.8406837

It's a joke fampai. That character in Iron Man basically dies because he can't speak Hungarian to stall for time

>> No.8406851

Oh, okay.

>> No.8406853

It's just how many times am I going to get an opportunity literally giftwrapped to me like that?

>> No.8406862

Every so often,since I post my purchases in these threads

>> No.8406875

all these threads do is reinforce the idea that it is much easier to buy books than to read them

>> No.8406910

I'm sure most have the intention to read them, but does he really need to purchase 8 books in one go. wouldn't one, maybe two have been enough material for a while

>> No.8406923


listen you have to fall for the lit meme

just go out and buy everything you see on "Lits top 100" and then stack it up on your bookshelf and then start with the Greeks, open up the Iliad, read about 300-Pages then give up on life and shit post on here.....

>> No.8406932

Who else just likes to buy books from goodwill regardless of whether they will read them soon?
Spent $50 on ~40 books at goodwill last year and I've only read 3. It feels like an addiction desu.

>> No.8406937

If you're getting them for cheap at a book festival/sale then why not grab as many as you want?

>> No.8406953

Good will = book festival

>> No.8406958

8 books for $8 is pretty cheap. If I see a book I wanted to read, in op's case, v. or east of eden, would I rather have that book forever to read at my leisure or realise a few years later that I actually wanted to read it and have to shell out $10 for a new copy? Granted, you might just have limited space or be one of those people who sell there books as soon as they finish it but most people aren't. Besides, despite goodwills generally have a dozen worthwhile books each time, the chance of finding a less than mainstream book for cheap at one again is very slim.

>> No.8408206
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$2.15 from salvation army

>> No.8408212

Is there someone who will refute this? Are you actually a fucking retard?

>> No.8408233
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>> No.8408584

Is DeLillo the new Stephen King

>> No.8408589

God fucking dammit. There's no bookstores (let alone second-hand stores that shelf books) anywhere near me. You don't know how good you all have it.

>> No.8408956

funny you should say that, the few pages I've read so far actually reminded of King a lil. like the good parts of King mixed with the good parts of DFW

>> No.8408993

>the good parts of DFW


We all know there's no such thing

>> No.8409707
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Nice cat.
Most recent stack.

>For 1 eurocoin a kilo at a streetmarket.

>> No.8409744

the goodwills near me have garbo bookshelves
best things i've managed to pull out of there were american psycho and some vonnegut
reading east of eden now, would rec, start with it

>> No.8409771
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Which to read first?

>> No.8409794

Is A Confedary of Dunces any good?
the author topped himself because it didn't get published first time round

>> No.8409806


>> No.8409822

I loathe you people with quality local Goodwills. I rummaged through god knows how many books in mine and the only book I left with was Glass Castle.

>> No.8409830

Do Kant first. He's a fun, quick read.

>> No.8409835

Okay I'll do that first and then
Thanks boys

>> No.8409970
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>Ender's Game

>> No.8409974 [DELETED] 
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It may be the funniest book ever written (can't decide between it and Don Quixote).

>> No.8409979
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It may be the funniest book ever written (can't decide between it and Don Quixote).

>> No.8410384
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Fumiko Hayashi - Floating Clouds (left)
Tanizaki Junichiro - The Makioka Sisters (right)

Read Floating Clouds so far and was pretty satisfied.

>> No.8410671


It's occasionally funny but not the laugh riot people pretend it is.

>> No.8410676

Wow, that's not a good reason to loathe people. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8410712
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We share the same dream.

>> No.8410728

Of getting fisted in the ass by mediocre Macklemore lookalikes

>> No.8410750

do you live in Aleppo? How the fuck are there no book stores where you are. I swear I live near like 3 in walking distance from me, and a library

>> No.8411619


>that fucking photo quality.

You are probably from /p/ right?

>> No.8411640
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Kinda shit desu

>> No.8411676

>Translated Cervantes, Dante, Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Proust, Tolstoy, Dostoievski, Gombrowicz, Kafka, Goethe, Baudelaire, Bolaño, Borges, Saramago, Kawabata, Mishima, Oe, Nietzche, Assis, Stendhal, Mann, Broch, Bulgakov, Tchekov, Rosa, Camões, Seneca, Buzzati, Calvino, Pessoa, Musil, Svevo, Pavese, Tanizaki, Canetti, Flaubert, Rilke, Moliere, Carpentier, Plato, Hesiod, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Ibsen, Lorca, Puchkin, Cortazar, Descartes, Schopenhauer, Gide, Fontane, Kundera, Sarte, Camus, Zola

what's the point?

>> No.8411679

his stack is atleast three times better than yours

>> No.8412093
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Currently reading The Prince with amusingly arrogant commentary by Napoleon. Which one should I read next?

>> No.8412269
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>> No.8412275
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>> No.8412277

damn, those are beautiful. would love to learn japanese just to read floating clouds.

>> No.8412284

Heh. Butt.

>> No.8412298

Where can I get good used books in Budapest? I'm looking for Hungarian lit and poetry (in Hungarian), and also 'classics' translated into English.

>> No.8412700
File: 429 KB, 2125x1195, 5df64b3c-c262-4d20-b0fa-07cd878ddb4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my purchases for the last couple of weeks.

The "great books" all came up to around ~£10. I volunteer in an Oxfam and someone donated about 15 of them. These are the ones I managed to get. I have no idea why someone would donate these.

The other books all came to around £16. There are a few more books that I bought recently that aren't pictured here. (lolita and a few philosophy books)

Quick side note: the book of the poetic works of Milton on top of the right stack is from the 1800s and it has a hand written message in it from 1860.

>> No.8413014

how's that aseop's fables? i want to get it soon. mind posting pictures of the inside please?

>> No.8413069

Could you please show me the Table of Contents of that Norton Melville? I've been eyeing it for a while now, but I can't decide whether or not to take the plunge. I already have a few different annotated editions of his short stories, but I'm seriously considering getting this.

>> No.8413112


No problem, give me a day, I'm away from my place.

>> No.8413159

>He's absolutely right!
My bad, didn't think my camera would be so shit.
- Vanished Kingdoms (/his/)
- Memoirs of Hadrian
- Lanark: A life in four books
- The Idiot
- The Guns of August by Tuchmann

>> No.8413200

Being and Time should only be read with the guide of a professor, or as a grad student. Waste of time otherwise.

>> No.8413211

Paul Auster is related to the late-Lawrence Auster, the greatest right-wing blogger ever

>> No.8413746

You might want to try the kiosk at Móritz Zsigmond körtér,it's next to the tramstop of Tram 6.
They sell good stuff.
There is another kiosk at the other side of the square,in front of McDonald's.
Try finding kiosks.
They sell at cheap prices,and you can often find gems.

>> No.8413920

Thanks, I'll give it a try when I'm there in a couple of weeks.

>> No.8413956

I hope you've read Faulkner's The Hamlet and The Town before you read The Mansion.

>> No.8414721
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your cat is cute! CUTE!!

>> No.8414755

>that portrait

>> No.8414762

phil grad? would whisper sweet things into your ear.

>> No.8414797
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can't wait to read moke Beckett t b honest

>> No.8414891


Did you study creative writing? No one reads Aimee Bender or Lorrie Moore save for other writers.

>> No.8415182

/thread desu

>> No.8415204

>not even in english
come on man

>> No.8415343

These threads are retarded. Congrats, you spent money and are now you're looking for validation of your consumption by randos on the internet.

>> No.8415391

>reading in pleb tongue

nah brah, nah

>> No.8416338
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Coming through plebites.

>> No.8416344
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>> No.8416356

i haven't heard of any of the authors so they must be good

>> No.8416375


It's okay they're all exactly like a mix of joyce and pynchon.

>> No.8416401

>he hasn't heard of Henry James or Maxim Gorky

(check em out tho)

>> No.8416410

>reading The Lusiads
>in english

pfffffff, get out of my face pleb

just joking brah, as a non english speaker that constantly gets shitted for reading english works in portuguese I seldom have the chance to shitpost like this

>> No.8416414


I'm reading eca de queiros right now, the guy literally wastes not a line in his books, even through the english translations you can tell how proficient he was with prose.

House of ramires is top notch, so thick and rich with information, you guys have some impressive writers aside from pessoa of course.

It's fine m8, I'm currently studying taiwanese to shitpost better and read bootleg mangas at the local market.

>> No.8416435

My birthday is in two days, so i'll buy some books, but I can afford only two of the following books
>the savage detectives
>book of disquiet
>zeno's conscience
>any random rec of a short and good book
What should i pick?

>> No.8416486

imho disquiet and lolita, but you can't really go wrong with these, for me the weakest is savage detectives, still good tho

also hopscotch isn't that short from what I remember

>> No.8416496
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notes from the underground made me laugh.
"all i told you since now was a lie, and i lied just for pure evilry"
it was a true madman
that was hilarious.

funniest thing sartre in the nausea said THE FUCKING SAME somewhere in the beggining. I guess i liked it at the end but fuck, that guy was a piece of shit.

read it in catalan tho.

btw im making a library, i read some more books but not took care of em.

from left to right

chejov tales
italo calvino , les cosmicòmique
haruki murakami (after dark)
sartre (la nàusea)
gorki (the mother)
shakespeare (tragedies)
borges (fictions) this guy amazing
antology catalan poetry
kafka (meta)
camus (la peste)

not a big thing i know but im a bit learning from all sources, im reading this kind of books cuzz i save logic books for uni, that is where i want to specialize i think.

>> No.8416568

>buying books for his bday

>> No.8416921



>> No.8416984

Just be advises,they don't carry anything in english.

>> No.8417434
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Here you go darling.

No endnote section of course, Norton does footnotes.

>> No.8417534



>> No.8417817


So this is why people buy Norton?
Just some essays?

>> No.8417903
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got a few by welsh OP, when i finish porno i will trade all of them in old books stores

excuse the pt titles

>> No.8418489


>> No.8418520
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>> No.8418668
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Not recent cops, but things I'm working on.

>> No.8419124

>inb4 le Dawkins reader meme

>> No.8419623

>Norton Critical Edition
I like you.

>> No.8419797

Just read and don't listen to people who tell you to skip books.

>> No.8419809

Tell me a bit about the Yanigahara

>> No.8419823

>yiddish policemans union
its not like it was written poorly. i liked the mc and the location, but fuck was it not worth the read.

>> No.8419833

>Those author's works rely heavily on language itself and puns, wordplay, and allusions which are virtually impossible to carry over to another language

>> No.8419948

I want to buy the hardback The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra.
Is that a good idea?

>> No.8420175

something I should probably read eventually, yuck, good, great, good, okay, great, great

>> No.8420209

>professionally fuckin staged photograph to post in another shitty /lit/ thread showing off your shitty books you probably won't even read
lol wut

>> No.8420385

No, it's kinda awkward shaped, slightly uncomfortable and sticks out like a sore thumb on a shelf. Get the paperback, it's fun.

>> No.8420396
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1L, get hype.

>> No.8420413

what's the point of posting?

>> No.8420457

Saved for future reference.

Did you do any mathematical logic?

>> No.8420800

Whats the point of anything?