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/lit/ - Literature

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8401661 No.8401661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't a woman written a masterpiece yet?

>> No.8401669

women aren't allowed to even go to school in some parts of the world...

>> No.8401678

>To the Lighthouse
>Wise Blood
>Song of Solomon
It's like you're not even trying OP

>> No.8401681

Ah, that's the reason...

>> No.8401683
File: 11 KB, 220x410, 220px-Middlemarch_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go home pleb

>> No.8401691

>Women must be considerably better than me at everything before I will consider them my equals.

Yup, okay.

>> No.8401693

Could say the same for you lad. Very low standards. You seem to have breathed in the same air that has infected the world to believe that genius and masterpieces are quite common.

>> No.8401698

You'd have a point if I were referring to 'women' and not 'a woman'.

>> No.8401699


Embarrassing replies, frankly. Fuck off roasties.

>> No.8401702


Women weren't taught to read and write for a long time. They were discouraged from literature related fields for a long time. Now, we'll see.

Having said that:

A Good Man Is Hard to Find.
Wuthering Heights.
The Waves.
To Kill a Mockingbird.
The Bell Jar.

>> No.8401710

pride and prejudice.....

>> No.8401713

Who the fuck is mixing geniuses with masterpieces here? Calm your fedora tipping ass down before you go putting words in my mouth you cuck.

>> No.8401714

but that's a boys name

>> No.8401715

>Song of Solomon

Kill yourself

>> No.8401720

You have no standards and consider the works you listed as masterpieces. Are you actually this fucking stupid?

>> No.8401722


Name me a better piece of 19th Century British lit.

>> No.8401725

None of these should be uttered in the same breath as a Ulysses.

>> No.8401726

Since no one else has given an even reasonable example, feel free to pick up any edition of the Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson, OP.

>> No.8401727

You should actually kill yourself if you don't rate Middlemarch.
>implying you've even read it.

>> No.8401728

>No standards
Wew, lad the bait is up in here today

>> No.8401733


>> No.8401734

Certainly don't rate it as a 'masterpiece'.

>> No.8401737

At least you got dubs, retard.

>> No.8401738

>implying you've read it
Everybody in this thread needs to calm their tits.

>> No.8401742

There are literally dozens. Another embarrassing reply.

Interesting how you have completely abounded the idea that women can create a masterpiece, and settled on them being able to create an above average work in the 19th century and in Britain.

>> No.8401745

Still waiting for your standards fuckboi

>> No.8401751

On what? You want me to list what I think are 'masterpieces' written by women? Pic related.

>> No.8401754

Then you should be able to name me one, right?

>> No.8401755

See, the best move here is to reply with nothing else than a classical (you), because even if I lay on you every possible piece of writting written by women, you'll discard it automatically without any investigating done beforehand. So op, tell me what your favorite book is, because you're clearly only making this thread so you can brag about your oh so great litterary knowledge, come on now, lay it on me.

>> No.8401760

Very unconvincing piece of rhetoric.

>> No.8401762
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I know you won't reply.

>> No.8401766

>has read Ulysses
Confirmed bait thread. Bag 'em and tag 'em mods.

>> No.8401768

Bye roastie.

>> No.8401772

>google search intensifies

>> No.8401774

I'm currently reading Finnegans Wake (at 67% progress right now), what's your point? I enjoy the book and have more on the way, but I enjoyed Marie de France's lais and Marie Uguay's poetry too.
It would be if I was trying to convince anyone in the first place. But I'm not.

>> No.8401775

>not finnegan's wake
>not mason & dixon
You tried. You really did.

>> No.8401777

The Hebrew Bible.

>> No.8401783

>>not finnegan's wake
> finnegan's

>> No.8401785

Lais of Marie de France

Jane Austen

>> No.8401786

>I am finishing this perfectly cooked steak, but I enjoy Wendy's as well so the two are exactly the same

>> No.8401787

Shakespeare was a woman.

>> No.8401788

Because of the lower state of women in culture across the world in the whole history of mankind.

>> No.8401789

Lots of ancient chinese women poets. Once read one or two—I can't read chinese, but the characters were pretty. Loved it.

Also, Jane Austen; never read her work, but I love it.

Ayn Rand is said to be a great thinker; I believe it, though I never read her work.

In anthropology, Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead both contributed great works. Never read any, but they're interesting, according to my mom.

>> No.8401793

Not even fucking with you m8 I have half of Jane Austen's novels, every Bronte novels, every Colette's novels and much more. That along with many famous white males too, so don't be harsh on me just yet.

>> No.8401796

Lispector's the Passion According to G.H.
Sarah Kane's oeuvre.
Emily Dickinson
maybe Speedboat by Adler
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
I don't see how that can be used as a defense in the first world.

>> No.8401800

Because sexism is extremely prevalent even in the first world.

>> No.8401802


>The poetry of Sapho
>Memoirs of Hadrian
>The poetry of Emily Dickinson
>The poetry of Anna Akhmatova
>The poetry of Sylvia Plath
>The short stories of Flannery O'Connor

OP is just mad because he cant get any pussy

>> No.8401811

Still no point to consider.
Rest are reasonable. Stop mentioning Plath though.

>> No.8401816

good=/= Masterpiece

>> No.8401817


Memoirs of Hadrian is a masterpiece, no doubt about that.

>> No.8401826

>no doubt about that.
yes doubt about that
Then +100 male authors also are masterpieces?
The thing about masterpieces, is that when anything is, nothing really becomes

>> No.8401831

you're an idiot

>> No.8401837

low quality bait
learn from

>> No.8401840

>low quality bait
No, that's just a joke.

>> No.8401861

>what is Frankenstein and harry Potter? the thread

>> No.8401862


You haven't even read it, so how can you talk about it?

>> No.8401884

Il ne l'a pas lu! J'en suis sure!
C'est beau temps qu'il faut arrêter de poster

>> No.8401892

Well, that's one way to admit defeat.

>> No.8401911
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>this thread

/lit/ is like /tv/ without baneposting, lmao.

>> No.8401912


He fell for the meme

>> No.8401920
File: 619 KB, 1024x576, stop it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm getting baited
Good bait

>> No.8401921

idk, this was actually way more productive than most lit posts. so far there are like ten new book titles for me to consider checking out, all at least somewhat promising (minus plath oc)

>> No.8401923

Alice Notley anyone? Like me some Sappho, Memoirs of Hadrian, and George Eliot as well

>> No.8402021
File: 87 KB, 424x470, 1459293901988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when has /lit/ been so scared of women? Is /pol/ and /r9k/ really leaking around?

Please don't ruin this board with all that stupid trash, this is the only place on the internet where i can discuss literature without plebians that read genre fiction.

>> No.8402041

4chan is a majority introverted men who cant socialize in real life. its not a surprise how much they create a bitter victim mentality towards women

>> No.8402042

Sasha gray wrote a novel

>> No.8402062

Nice rationalization.

We don't want to fuck you because your brains are inferior- as evidenced by the fact that no one in this thread could name a masterpiece written by a woman.

>> No.8402074

>look at me i'm a women! don't hit on me silly boys xx

>> No.8402083

>reading comprehension

>> No.8402085

some poetry maybe. women's brains are emotion based so its rare to find highly developed/focused creations of art from them.

i think ayn rand is worth reading but its definetely not a "masterpiece"

>> No.8402105
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Because they're fucking hoors.

>> No.8402121

No, that's a pen name

>> No.8402155

To the Lighthouse
Virginia Woolf in general

>> No.8402163

well, "that's your opinion"... if you know what I mean (it's a big drift)

>> No.8402244
File: 721 KB, 512x512, 8e1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not people understand that there are like 4 or 3 books that can be considered masterpieces? from the top of my head i think of Ulysses, The Divine Comedy, Don Quixote and The Tempest.

They are called masterpieces because they influence everything that comes after them, and the fact that men wrote them is just because society was dominated by men at the time. This does not mean women haven't wrote upper-quality literature during history, and denying it would be stupid and pretentious.

I hate this "woman-hating club" that has developed on this place just as much as i hate the fedora tipping ambient reddit has and the solanas-tier "feminism" that tumblr has. I just hope this whole naive social wars going on in the world stop quickly and people realise that screaming irrationalities won't just start changing the world because it has a "hip" pop-progressive feel to it.

You fags.

>> No.8402261

/pol/ was here for a while but they mostly left. I actually miss them, at least they had some fun with their shitposting. /r9k/ has been around for maybe two or three weeks and they've been solidly shitting all over the board in that time. I'm not sure if it's a coordinated troll or if they got linked here or something.

>> No.8402267

That's a retardedly narrow definition of masterpiece. In reality the term is arbitrary.

>> No.8402282

>Ulysses, The Divine Comedy, Don Quixote and The Tempest.
All written by men.

>> No.8402287

You are in agreement with all other sane people in this thread that a woman has never written a masterpiece.

>> No.8402302
File: 74 KB, 650x650, inspirobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your entire post is well thought out and logical. This means that it will be completely ignored.

Please rephrase this using mindless hyperbole and/or hashtags.

>> No.8402309

>The Tempest
Being this stoopid

>> No.8402330
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>> No.8402339

>bye roastie

>> No.8402346

Oooh, Heraclitus up in this bitch. Clearly we have a quality thread on our hands, boys

>> No.8402354

>underrated post

>> No.8402359

>two or three weeks
Try months

>> No.8402400

>im-fucking-plying men had it better than women

>> No.8402403


>> No.8402415

Did you read the post, retard? I never denied it.

Yes, but that doesn't mean literature done by women should be considered inherently inferior, like most posts in this thread have said.

>> No.8402419
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>> No.8402426

We should do as the Olympics, lower the standards to shit-tier writers and claim it's a world record!

>> No.8402432

Because your personal cozy definition of a masterpiece, and secret list of examples, doesn't have any female authors on it. So you want to argue that The Tale of Genji, Evelina, Middlemarch, or Orinooko don't qualify, because it makes you feel more smug about having a dick? Go read some Edna Ferber, or Dorothy Richardson,or Djuna Barnes, or H.D., and improve your brain a bit. If you don't read to learn, why the fuck are you bothering?

>> No.8402436

pete looks like reviewbrah

>> No.8402442

>The Tale of Genji, Evelina, Middlemarch, or Orinooko
laterally whom?

>> No.8402445

Stop shilling H.D. you faggot.

>> No.8402446

>if you don't read to learn, why the fuck are you bothering?

Spoken like a true roastie whore who doesn't understand literature at all. This is why your ilk will never write a masterpiece.

>> No.8402453

>read to learn
>She proved le inferior womin meme
holy shit ironic poster?

>> No.8402466

Actually hoping you're joking with that post.

>> No.8402490
File: 39 KB, 470x352, culturalchina8effd75d3cbdbad62fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story of the Stone

Tell me it's not a masterpiece.

>> No.8402494

Are you twelve? You haven't heard of Middlemarch? Jesus Christ.
Fuck off, and don't pretend you've read anything by her.
Is that your garbled foolish way of guessing that I'm female? Nope.
You pompous little fucking children. You read a handful of meme books, don't understand shit about them, and delude yourself that you're now qualified to lecture the world about the nature of great art. At least I've actually gotten the damn doctorate and been reading the works for decades. You have no context, no knowledge, and no sense. If you've read two books from a movement or period, you think you've done your research. It's just sad. The moment you get challenged, you resort to mocking your opponent for taking your bait or being "triggered," or anything else you can think of.

>> No.8402505

No, assclown. Since you haven't read much of anything, you just assume that the works I've listed are "inferior" to the well-known shit you pretend you've read.

>> No.8402511
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Only a cold and soulless cunt would see literature as something to be systematically deconstructed and desperately analyzed in hopes of extracting something to "learn", presumably to fill the hole between your legs.

>> No.8402513

Oh great, a thread where somebody says something can't happen then moves the goalposts and degrades every time somebody gives a good answer
>not even posting what they consider masterpieces in the OP

>> No.8402515

I answered multiple times, I consider Ulysses a masterpiece.

>> No.8402531

if the divine comedy, which is basically one of the single most fundamental pieces of western culture, completely and undeniably perfect in every aspect, and the very core of not just the literary canon, but the human spirit, is now merely on the same level as ulysses, don quixote and the tempest, then this is the bitter end, and i look forward to our erasure in the apocalyptic flames of naivety

>> No.8402546

Only a brain-damaged gibbon would think you can read any piece of literature without learning something. And did you seriously just try "the curtains are just blue! You don't know nuttin in dem fancy colleges" shit in a discussion about the literary canon? This just keeps getting more pathetic.

>> No.8402549

Let us do something. Every poster here who say that women lack inteligence or creativity or brain power or whatever need to post a pic of themselves and preferably a pic of them with former girldriends or sex buddies. If you are a virgin and cant relate with girls, if you are ugly and lack confidence to even talk to girls then you probably dont have much moral to judge: we all know what is your problem.

>> No.8402552

What places DV above those works?

>> No.8402560

Shakespeare's complete corpus has much more worth than Dante's.

>> No.8402561

Because they write mistresspiecées. Learn grammar and you'll be fine.

>> No.8402610

this was written by a man?

>> No.8402674
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now fuck off op

>> No.8402719

I love this thread

Ph.D in throttling

>> No.8402984

I love all the fags who throw out Ulysses as the standard. That's like saying no one except Buffet is rich. There are maybe five books ever written that can be placed on the same tier as Ulysses. Is it that surprising that none were written by women when they have been marginalized and uneducated for most of history up until the last 75 years?

>> No.8403003

ulysses isn't even that good

>> No.8403022

I doubt anyone here has actually read Memoirs of Hadrian.

>> No.8403293

Huh, I thought Cao was a girl name for some reason. I guess OP was right.

>> No.8403297

No one was taught how to read and write for a long time. As soon as mass education became a thing women and men both were started to become more literate. Women in higher classes were as literate as men were.
But they were often discouraged from writing, although not in all fields.
>Bell Jar
>To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.8403309

I have. It was nice but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. It felt like something my high school latin professor would write while rubbing her clit to her massive roman-boner.
Though when Adriano says something amongst the lines of: "I felt in charge of the beauty of this world", it made me feel something.

>> No.8403315


>> No.8403390

and homer's more than shakespeare. but it is not one work. unless shakespeare is the 'masterpiece'.

>> No.8403640

>These pathetic 'don't even pretend to have read it' cases
H.D. is worthy only to be used in lieu of newspaper in a birdcage. You've marketed her months and it is so tiring.

>> No.8403702

I've never mentioned H.D. on /lit/. You have me confused with someone else. And you haven't read her.

>> No.8403725

This thread is the perfect example of 4chan; the misogyny, the lists and rankings, thesportsfan level criticism. Not enough 'cucks' and 'memes' though

>> No.8403738

art is based on emotion

>> No.8403757

>you haven't read her.
What are you trying to accomplish with this stupidity?

>> No.8403783

I want you to either admit you know nothing of H.D. and shut the fuck up, or actually back up your "birdcage" idiocy with criticism that shows you've read a single poem sequence or novel by her. Otherwise, you're admitting I'm right. You haven't read a fucking thing by the author you're insulting. You're full of shit, anon. Is that clear enough for your atrophied, deluded, meme-addled brain?

>> No.8403804

You're literally an idiot. Probably low iq. Your parents should be put to death for raising such a sickening husk of a human. I can't bear to imagine what you look like, or what other depraved and draining opinions you've got loping around in your tiny squashed little head. Sitting around in your cheap baggy jeans with no socks on wearing some off-brand zip-down hoodie. It may be unzipped completely, or maybe only one third of the way leaving that v shape so we can all see what comic book character you're sporting today, but one things for sure, you're a fucking dope. You've got that wet-lipped mongoloid expression and your hair is either buzzed down or completely unkempt. You're not fat but to imagine your misshapen battered body would be just as upsetting. Ooooh what games are on sale on Steam this week? Any new apps on the app store? Is Gamestop open? These are the banalities that float around behind those plain beady little eyes of yours. You're folded out on your couch wondering what tiny piece of enjoyment you can squeeze out of your miserable life today. You'd be depressed if you weren't so fucking stupid. OOOOH you're going to play your video games on the bus today? That sound fun. Maybe some more during the day? Maybe a movie, one of the classics? Minority Report? I'm going to fucking kill you. I'll find you one day and I'll come to wherever you live and I'll shoot you through your heart. I'll leave you dead in your fucking driveway, sprawled out and tangled in your headphones. You were up all night watching Netflix and drinking energy drinks, so fitting the jack into your Nintendo DS is difficult, and then you'll look up and you'll be dead. I will freeze you in that fucking moment for forever and ever.

>> No.8403820


obvious bait you fucking retarded shitlords replying to this

>> No.8403831


i believe the expectation is for them to be on par with other great works. not be any better than anything.
so yes, this would be considered equality, you fucking dumbass.

do you really have any clue as to what the fuck you are saying?

>> No.8403833
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O'Connor is shit m8

Comparable to the quality of average male authors, sure... but still shit.


>The tempest

Anyway, Woolf has written well, and deserves to be considered among the best.


I do think that women are at a significant handicap in the art world on a basis of biology. I'm not talking about intelligence, either- the four IQ point deviation means absolutely nothing when it comes to creating art. Art isn't all about being really smart.

Think of the aphorism, "art comes from pain". Men, in general, suffer more than women. Men are lonelier than women. Men are judged more cruelly than women. More is expected of men. The art created by men is infinitely wiser and more soulful as a result.

That said, purely through the wide variety of life experiences available in a population of billions, it's possible that a woman's suffering can equal a man's. I'm just talking about large numbers. If you have a book by a man and a book by a woman, the book by the man is going to be better 9/10 times.

>> No.8403877


>> No.8405103


“Meditation upon death does not teach one how to die; it does not make the departure more easy, but ease is not what I seek. Beloved boy, so willful and brooding, your sacrifice will have enriched not my life but my death.
Centuries as yet unborn within the dark womb of time would pass by thousands over that tomb without restoring life to him, but likewise without adding to his death, and without changing the fact that he had been.”

“The founding of libraries was like constructing more public granaries, amassing reserves against a spiritual winter which by certain signs, in spite of myself, I see ahead…”

“Nailed to the beloved body like a slave to a cross, I have learned some secrets of life which are now dimmed in my memory by the operation of the same law which ordains that the convalescent, once cured, ceases to understand the mysterious truths laid bare by illness, and that the prisoner, set free, forgets his torture, or the conqueror, his triumph passed, forgets his glory.”

“To eat fruit is to welcome into oneself a fair living object, which is alien to us but is nourished and protected like us by earth; it is to consume a sacrifice wherein we sustain ourselves at the expense of things.”

“The story-tellers and spinners of erotic tales are hardly more than butchers who hang up meat attractive to flies.”

“I knew that good like bad becomes a routine, that the temporary tends to endure, that what is external permeates to the inside, and that the mask, given time, comes to be the face itself.”

“At that period I paid as constant attention to the greater securing of my happiness, to enjoying and judging it, too, as I had always done for the smallest details of my acts; and what is the act of love, itself, if not a moment of passionate attention on the part of the body? Every bliss achieved is a masterpiece; the slightest error turns it awry, and it alters with one touch of doubt; any heaviness detracts from its charm, the least stupidity renders it dull."

"The memory of most men is an abandoned cemetery where lie, unsung and unhonored, the dead whom they have ceased to cherish."

"Nothing is slower than the true birth of a man."

"Suddenly the royal beast [a lion] appeared in a turmoil of trampled reeds and turned his handsome head toward us, one of the most godlike faces that danger can assume. [...] The mighty cat, color of the desert, of honey, of the sun itself, expired with a majesty greater than man's."

― Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.8405109

Jane Austen, VIrginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, etc.

>> No.8405137

Mmm love me some Sappho.

>> No.8405141

Take that back.

>> No.8405169
File: 83 KB, 600x588, mother and child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Men, in general, suffer more than women

Outside of the American middle class from 1970 to present this isn't true at all.

>Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Every month they're reminded of how vulnerable they are, and how their biological role condemns them to pain and dependence on men. As such they have access to a realm of suffering that we will never know. Not to mention the constant knowledge that they are physically weaker and unable to resist unwanted sex, and the fear and anger that knowledge engenders. The paranoid crusade against "rape culture" doesn't surprise me in the least.

>> No.8405183

HD writes amazing prose, with better control of rhythm and image than Joyce. You're too retarded to enjoy the finer things in life if she's birdcage tier to you.
>You've marketed her months
Yup, retarded. Pound's a better marketeer than /lit/

>> No.8405187

Yeah, they are all on the levels of Joyce and Pushkin. Try again honey.

>> No.8405196

Woolf definitely is. I'm pretty sure you haven't read Pushkin.

>> No.8405198


>> No.8405201

>confirmed for not reading Pushkin
You should. It'll do your soul good.

>> No.8405203

>137 posts on a muh women thread

come the fuck on /lit/, stop dignifying /pol/ bait with responses

>> No.8405212

It's painfully obvious that you yourself have not read Pushkin, or Woolf for that matter, otherwise you would never compare the two.

>> No.8405217

I have read Pushkin. It's obvious from your attitude you couldn't understand a loving soul and delicate prose like Pushkin's because you wouldn't be so angry or impolite if you did. You seem like a Dostoyevsky-tier ressentiment lover.

>> No.8405232

Why nobody here accepts this challenge:


Bunch of cowards and losers, lol.

Also, what is this obsession with Joyce and Ulysses?

War and Peace and Anna Karenina, the tragedies of Shakespeare, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Moby Dick, In Search of Lost Time, all of them are much better than Ulysses.

Ulysses have a lot of great points, but also many failures. Also: you can almost feel how deeply Joyce wanted to write like Shakespeare, with the same beauty and wild metaphorical power, but fails to do so. It is hard to find in Joyce a texture of writing that compares to Shakespeare in his best (or even in his average).

A pity Joyce could not maintain the same exuberance as the last paragraph of The Dead and of phrases like “the heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit” more often (well, he wasn’t gifted enough to sustain so high level of writing).

>> No.8405248

>A pity Joyce could not maintain the same exuberance as the last paragraph of The Dead and of phrases like “the heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit” more often (well, he wasn’t gifted enough to sustain so high level of writing).
I don't agree with the memeing of Joyce either, but you should really read Chamber Music.

>> No.8405250

>I have read Pushkin.

He is not a first rate poet. He cannot handle translations, and that is because his language is mostly simple and straightforward, like normal prose, like boiled and sanitized water.

Pushkin’s value is mostly found in the sound, the rhythms, the rhymes; but he is weak on imagery, weak in metaphorical creation. That is why Shakespeare still is great in translation: he is constantly using bold and vibrating imagery. But Pushkin is actually quite tamed: he is for Russians only, and that makes him a limited writer.

>> No.8405259

>That is why Shakespeare still is great in translation:
Shakespeare contains a lot of translations of troubadour poetry. That's why he does well in translation, because it reverts to the original.
>He is not a first rate poet. He cannot handle translations
>reading poetry in translation
He writes beautifully in both poetry and prose. His prose isn't like boiled and sanitized water; that criticism holds about as much weight as accusing Wilde of the same thing. Try reading.

>> No.8405458

you anglocentrics are pretty full of yourself innit

>> No.8405795

Wasn't the author of Frankenstein female?

>> No.8405851


You've never heard of The Tale of Genji, but you've heard of David Foster Wallace and Pynchon. People like you are the reason Jonathan Franzen exists, you and everyone like you ought to be bayoneted in the ribs and tossed into the nearest ocean.

>> No.8405873


I would not go as far as you in wanting to exterminate these people, but yes, you're right: they are mediocre people who will not get anywhere and there is no reason to waste time with them.

>> No.8406034

I read neither weeb nor seppo shit to be honest

>> No.8406146


This is great writing. I should read the novel.

>> No.8406155

Yup. Mary Shelley. Here mother, Mary Wallstonecraft, also wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women," which has managed to make its way into every Western Literature Anthology I've ever owned.

But it really depends on one's definition of a masterpiece. That seems to be where a lot of the disagreement in this thread lies - the inability to agree on a definition of masterpiece.

>> No.8406219
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This is bigoted and extremely problematic. This is exactly what I'm talking about, you have no regard for us virgin males. Women cannot even begin to comprehend what men these days go through. The agony, depression and self loathing that comes with being a kissless virgin. No longer the days that we can exist for being what we are. Now, not only do we still bear the full weight of the world but now WE'RE THE PROBLEM? Not to mention the constant knowledge of being a creep, that any sexual advances is considered rape, the fear and anger that knowledge engenders The paranoid crusade against "roasties" doesn't surprise me in the least.

>> No.8406337

being this deep in ideology