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/lit/ - Literature

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8397110 No.8397110 [Reply] [Original]

>that guy in class who pronounces i.e. as "id est"

>> No.8397124

>that guy who pronounces foehn as foohn

>> No.8397508

>that guy in class who pronounces "rape" as incomprehensible weeping and can't keep reading after that

>> No.8397513

>the guy who thought the rape of the lock meant someone who uses a tiny penis to pick locks

>> No.8397535

>That empty seat in class with all the right ideas.

>> No.8397738
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>> No.8397746

>that guy in class who always used literary references to make himself seem intelligent

>> No.8397777
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>in intro to literature class
>professor droning on about something
>from the right a voice: "Umm... but professor?! Didn't Nietzsche say that everything is pointless and that we should all just make eugenics or something??"
>Professor says: Yeah, if we think about eugenics, I'd start with you
>bursting laughter
>mfw the annoying guy literally killed himself three days later by hanging
>next lecture professor says: "Well, I'm sure you've heard of the pleasant surprise... I was right after all"
>he then continues his lecture as if nothing had happened

It's a crazy world

>> No.8397792

>that guy in French lit class who gets up, drums his ribcage, says "Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust" and does a Dark Souls-ish bow

>> No.8397962


sounds like he like stirner

>> No.8398010

good god...

>> No.8398019
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>that guy who loudly snorts every time a girl shares an idea
I am that guy

>> No.8398030


Wow, Trump U is ... exactly as I pictured it

>> No.8398039

>that guy that raises his hand unbidden and makes it a full minute into a complicated comment on the lecture before remembering that he took a bunch of benzos an hour ago and realizes he shouldn't be talking in the middle of a sentence but the professor insists on hearing more and everyone is staring at him
Not my proudest series of moments. That professor loved me though. My classmates hated me.

>> No.8398056

Your professor hated you too and privately mocked your ideas with his colleagues after class

>> No.8398071

Top post

>> No.8398077
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>that guy that pays for non-STEM classes

>> No.8398078

T T i Bault

>> No.8398085

>that guy who was too dumb for an elite school so he had to study STEM

>> No.8398088

>that professor who says all opinions are welcome then refuses to continue the lecture when someone says warhol's art is shit

>> No.8398107

Poor guy, but I wouldn't give too much responsibility to the professor.

>> No.8398119


>That guy who cant help but interject the teacher, who is trying his hardest to peddle shitty philosophies that he doesnt believe so that he can make a wage

your welcome

>> No.8398128

>that one autistic kid who ways raised his hand but never prepared his question so he just stuttered awkwardly until the teacher cut him off
>by the end of the year the teacher didn't let him ask questions

>> No.8398136

>Be me
>Read Nietzsche
>Fancy, idgaf, let's pick this class
>Teacher let me wholeheartedly explain to you that the very nature of being alive is futile, so stated by Nietzsche, and, thus, by extension, we should all get off this nonsensical senile life.
>Or something
>Whole class laughs at me
>May I interject for a moment...
>mfw nobody listens to me
>mfw ran away to my dorm to reread Nietzsche until I sleep crying
>Understand that the embarrassment was in fact a reorganization of the sheep into a phalanx rigged against me, yet with no more harm than the realization that existence is futile, and I must retake my quest of genuine living, by suicide.
>Or something

>> No.8398145

>studying the Dreyfusards
>student raises hand to ask question
>mumbles 'what's zionism?'
>teacher mishears
>'about quarter to ten'

>> No.8398166
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>> No.8398178
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>That guy who says "ekt" instead of "et cetera"
>That guy was me in high school Latin

>> No.8398191

>that autist who pronounced Caesar, et cetera with hard c's

>> No.8398204

>that guy who pronounces Southern as Sowthern

>> No.8398212

>that guy who pronounces his r's as voiced alveolar taps instead of voiced alveolar approximants

>> No.8398231

Your professor probably murdered him.

Also, nice quads.

>> No.8398239

Can you even do a tap on the alveolar ridge? I thought it was only possible in the dental and bibial regions

>> No.8398240

>that guy who pronounces pharyngeal fricatives when gagging on your cock

>> No.8398250

Yeh, Romance r's are often flaps, and English has non-contrastive alveolar flaps too in other environments.

>> No.8398254

>that guy who can't pronounce words
I'm a pusweato-intellectual.

>> No.8398257

>still can't do an alveolar trill

>> No.8398306

>that guy who interrupts 20+ times per class to nitpick arguments with the prof but is immediately shut down by the professor because half of his questions/arguments were clearly explained 5 minutes beforehand


>> No.8398348

Why is it autism when it's correct?

>> No.8398377

>Mfw the dialect of my language has alveolar tap r

Feels good man.

>> No.8398394

Because we're speaking English, not Latin, where soft c's exist. Do you pronounce Egypt with a hard G?

>> No.8398409

>Because we're speaking English

Yeah, but the word isn't English you moron.

Do you also pronounce cocktail "sosktail" ?

>> No.8398413

C's are soft before i's and e's. Do you say kircus?

>> No.8398418

Huh, it's rare to meet someone with a legitimate mental disability on /lit/. Nice - - - toooo --- M E E T - uuuuu!

>> No.8398432

No, I don't say "kircus".

But even if I don't say it, doesn't mean that's the correct pronunciation.

>> No.8398438

English motherfucker do you speak it

>> No.8398447

>tfw can't do a single alveolar tap, and do a trill instead

>> No.8398449

Circus is a latin word.

>> No.8398451
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>that guy who browses 4chan on his phone during class

>> No.8398453
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>that guy who pronounces wolf as woof

>> No.8398461

>tfw you just saw the first fight between two mentally disabled in your life

>> No.8398475
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>the guy who calls people mentally disabled on the internet because he thinks it makes him tough

>> No.8398478

t. literal retard

>> No.8398489
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>this fired up for a funposter
holy shit

>> No.8398497


Every girlfriend that I've had thought that it's cute, so fuck you.

>> No.8398512


>> No.8398516

Do you also pronounce soft as sooth?

>> No.8398533

macho as fuck

>> No.8398565
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>the guy who pronounces fifth as "fith"

>> No.8398591


>> No.8398631
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>that incredibly fat rascal-riding woman who raises her hand in an upper division literature course to talk about how the book triggered her feelings of body shame
>professor never acknowledges her existence after that
>she stops coming to class

>> No.8398641


>> No.8398655

that didn't happen

>> No.8398779


>check out /r/4chan out of curiosity
>this post is already there and being discussed by redditors
>mobile image screencap
jesus fucking christ

>> No.8398795

Upvoted. I want more of your fellow redditors here

>> No.8398847

why did you even think of that then write it on the internet

>> No.8398924

That professor's name?
Ayn Rand.

>> No.8399174



>> No.8399192
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>That guy who pronounced 3 as free

You are 3 to kys.

>> No.8399204

>tfw my gf thought that was cute, too
your post triggered me so hard
come back isla

>> No.8399221
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>That one unironically conservative/right-wing student in the class

>> No.8399238

I say /kirkus/, /kaesar/, /aegyptus/ etc. if I am reading a Latin text, not if I am reading an English text.

Don't tell me you prefer Church Latin or some Medieval pronunciation, anon.

>> No.8399249
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>that guy that pronounces Ceasar salad as kaisar salad
I am that guy

>> No.8399260
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I am that student.

>> No.8399263
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>People thinking Caesar/etc were pronounced with soft c's

Latin amateurs confirmed.

Cicero was Key-kero, not Sis-ero, and so on.

>> No.8399279

It was Kik-ero, not Key-kero. No long I in Cicero.

Latin amateur confirmed.

>> No.8399396

If you want to render the syllables it's Ki-ke-ro.

>> No.8399407

wait. there's a board on reddit that just reposts shit from 4chan?

still i guess there are people on 4chan who are obsessed with reposting stuff from reddit

i wonder if anything i have posted has ever been reposted on reddit

>> No.8399412

>pronounces i.e. as "id est"
Non-Anglo here. How am I supposed to read that? 'Eye ee'?

>> No.8399414


>> No.8399419

'that is'

>> No.8399421


If you want to render yourself a tosser, stick with what you're doing.

>> No.8399911

>That guy who pays others so he can seem smart

>> No.8399924
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>that guy that pays for classes

>> No.8399937


>> No.8399953

Is this just a meme, or am I actually supposed to pronounce wolf and woof differently?

>> No.8400971

Uh, yeah, but there's barely a difference between the two so don't sweat it.

>> No.8401306

>that guy sat next to me
>blatantly browses /r9k/ and /b/ with his tablet in full view of the prof
>is assigned to a group project with me and two other people, but never shows up or turns in his work so he fails the class
>for the second time in a row

>> No.8401324
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>that guy who is hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for what is essentially a neat piece of paper and no skills applicable in real world, even though he could have gotten all this for free in the nearest library

>> No.8401345



>> No.8401363

>that guy in class who pronounces hyperbole as 'hyper bowl'

>> No.8401398

this fucking shit
>people who pronounce "drawing" as "drawling"
my gf does this and i want to hit her