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/lit/ - Literature

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8396519 No.8396519 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8396532

man, I love gerne fiction!

>> No.8396543

You know, why don't we eat curry for breakfast?

>> No.8396547

I like watching TV and playing sports.

>> No.8396574

I am actually not an autistic sperglord.

>> No.8396584

It's actually okay that people read for entertainment, I won't hold it against them if they prefer Hunger Games and YA to the heavier classics.

Don't bother with the Greeks.

I actually read books instead of memeing about the same 20 /lit/ titles.

>> No.8396595

>he doesnt have a gf

>> No.8396598

I read a book today.

>> No.8396599

I actually don't read or write. I just come for the memes

>> No.8396602

Man, I love that everyone here is smart! /lit/ is as good as always!

>> No.8396604

Start with the Native Polynesians

>> No.8396605

This thread can't be a bizarro /lit/ thread, because if it were, people would be discussing books.

>> No.8396608

And I just come for the digits.

>> No.8396610

You're supposed to actually say the opposite of what you normally do. Instead of "I'm on bizarro /lit/"

>> No.8396616

God Jaspers fucking sucks

>> No.8396619

I regret my classical education.

>> No.8396621

Name one good white male writer.

>> No.8396625

Hi /lit/, I normally browse /lgbt/ but I'm here looking for some bluepilled or globalist literature. Help me out?

>> No.8396627

masons relationship with his sons mirrors the relationship I have with my father.

>> No.8396655

John Green

>> No.8396656

Man, I sure love books by John Green.

>> No.8396662

I wish people would stop making threads about David Foster Wallace already!

>> No.8396711

It's called "/r/books".

>> No.8396714


>> No.8396718

I am not a retard with self-diagnosed autism.

>> No.8396719


>> No.8396725

Start with the post analytics

>> No.8396733

>implying people don't read the Greeks and classics for entertainment

>> No.8396744

Oh my god! John Green! Do you like 50 shades of grey too?

>> No.8396751

I commit to the theme of a thread.

>> No.8396764

>tfw to the lighthouse was actually written by a white male
Fucking feminism, i swear

>> No.8396767

Yes. It was a very deep, touching story. A true classic.

>> No.8396772

I'm so glad we're all strong feminist women here and don't feel the need to insult each other's book choices. I had enough of that over on reddit; people can be really mean just because you say you like Ayn Rand when she really never hurt any one. It's really judgmental imho.

>> No.8396780

I give credence to genre fanfiction and the gender bending cosplay it inspires. Comic books are oktoo.

>> No.8396785

Schopenhauer was fundamentally wrong.

>> No.8396790

Reading translations really fleshes out your knowledge of the work and improves its cultural context.

>> No.8396823

As a pro tennis coach myself, I can really relate to this book.

>> No.8396834

Guys, why do the Irish write such shitty prose and boring styles? The could learn a thing or two from the English.

>> No.8396909

smart frogposter

>> No.8396915

We need more trips so we can tell who everybody is and cut down on trolling.

>> No.8396920

it's a toad, anon

>> No.8397162
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>> No.8397200

This is supposed to be bizarro lit

>> No.8397215



Delet this

>> No.8397226

>im not an autistic manchild and think genre fiction can be fine.

but in bizarro lit theyll admit it.

>> No.8397233

Oh, nice! Another lovely tripfriend.
Please post more, those anonfags are disgusting.

>> No.8397265

American literature is worthwile, and there's nothing wrong with thinking otherwise

>> No.8397403
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kys faggot

>> No.8397419

I'm atheist.

>> No.8397436

I would like to talk about the actual contested issue in literary criticism of whether or not it is implied that Blazes Boylan's secretary, Ms Dunne, is the "Martha" that Leopold Bloom sends letters to as Henry Flower, since if he's using a pseudonym, what's to say she isn't? This of course being implied by the curious fact that she is, geographically, exactly halfway between where Stephen and Bloom are said to be at a certain moment in the chapter Wandering Rocks, writing a letter.

Which would be a brilliant detail to hide in, because Boylan, of course, is also fucking Bloom's wife.

This will be met with and responded to, of course, because we actually discuss books that we read here.

>> No.8397466
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Brothers Karamazov is pretty boring. It's like Dostoievsky has nothing to say (as always)

>> No.8397473

clever toadposter

>> No.8397483

Has anyone ever heard of this obscure "philosopher" called Max Stirner? He's so bereft of correct thought that it's embarrassing. Karl Marx really exposed him as the hack he is.

>> No.8397496

that is very urbane and sophisticated of you to say

>> No.8397530

Ufff, I got legit goosebumps thinking about a /lit/ without Stirner

>> No.8397546

She sounds like her innocence is fully intact. Let's keep it that way.

>> No.8397552

Yes, let's let her continue her booktube channel. No need to discourage her.

>> No.8397572

Hi /lit/ my wife and I are getting married soon and we were wondering, since we met eachother in this beautiful community, if you guys and gals would like to come to our wedding. We will put the place of the ceremony when we get a church. Thanks for being such a fundamental part of our lives anons, you are the best people we've ever met.

>> No.8397607

i love P&V translations!

>> No.8397628

I don't, but I'm not gonna be spiteful about. Why would I be upset over other people's tastes?

>> No.8397646

True Communism has been attempted times out of number and failed on each occasion because its underlying ideology is inherently flawed and based on faulty premises.

>> No.8397662

Capitalism is good and just, but it must be coupled with a society wide ideology of progressivism and racial and gender egalitarianism. Liberalism is the golden mean of ideologies.

>> No.8397667

I mean, we are all equal after all, but I wish I read as much as women do and the same quality.

>> No.8397673

If a man I'm dating doesn't have any women or PoCs in his library, then I won't let him touch peepees with me.

>> No.8397690


But that's normal /lit/

>> No.8398216

my thread with legitimate discussion got 404'd while memes thrive. I love this board.

>> No.8398439


I'm absolutely nodding my head in agreement at the sensibility of this image. Anyone with even the faintest knowledge of history would know that the "corn" that Caesar speaks of in Commentaries On The Gallic War is not the corn that we in the west are familiar with, but is rather a poor translation for the word "grain" which in Latin is "Frumentum"

Myself and many others who have read the commentaries would know what you're trying to refer to with your image and it's right. Naturally of course you were already aware of this and you are not posting this ironically. In which case I commend you for your post and it's still absolutely correct. I would have gone with a collage of images of wheat as well.


>> No.8398914
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Finite Non-joke

>> No.8398919

too soon man. damn.

>> No.8398958

Another beautiful day in the EU

>> No.8398992
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Norm MacDonald writes the best jokes.

>> No.8399007

Well they're both really capable and trustworthy candidates

>> No.8399026

I'm really glad we have a board just for books

>> No.8399028

You make some really excellent points and I completely recant my previous position. Thank you for this intense and erudite conversation, I am much the better for it.

>> No.8399031

Maman came back to life today.

>> No.8399037

Where does bizarro lit stand with IJ?
Its actually pretty hard to counter that one

>> No.8399041

Oh my god! Harambe shot a kid!

>> No.8399122

OP licks vaginas

>> No.8399205

Infinite Jest makes great toilet paper.

>> No.8399337

Who? I've never heard of her.

>> No.8399406

Man, I sure love books!
Also this board really have great discussions and content!

>> No.8399413

So bizarro /lit/ is literally most reddit threads, this is reassuring

>> No.8399427

OP is brilliant and heterosexual.

>> No.8399541


>> No.8399551

Don't read my diary desu.

>> No.8399903


>> No.8401676

I am completely neutral on that "Infinite Jest" book. Anyone else read it?

>> No.8401716

reddit?! Ew... I didn't knew we had meninists here...

>> No.8401721

what is that?

>> No.8401767

I honestly can't really recall the details of the story because the thing is really fucking long. Something to do with this tape that kills you or something like in "The Ring" and a tennis academy that's on a hill overlooking a half-way house or something there's some stuff about football in there too, I think.

>> No.8401779

it's very unfair on billy jean king.

>> No.8401782

Totally not considering suicide lol

>> No.8401790

me too, sis.

>> No.8401856

Hey guys, sorry if this post ends up being too long but I really need to write this somewhere. I've been struggling with depression for 5 years now since I was in high school and couldn't do shit in school although I have always ambitioned to be a writer but lately there is a lot on my mind and I can't think straight though I always have all these great ideas for all sorts of stuff that are actually really relevant and important but if I could just sit down and write my thoughts down I swear I'd win easily a noble prize for all of it topics ranging from psychology linked with sociology to physics etc. and it's all very original based on my observations of social phenomena around me and I always try to tie it down with philosophers and past work that I've read including the observations of other writers such as hemingway joyce etc. and even david waster fallacy which wrote if I recall correctly that "writers are lurkers" basically I just think this sort of critical awareness has always been a very great natural gift of mine and I'd like to start writing down my observations so I could help people solve all sorts of political dilemmas and social problems that to me have such obvious solutions and even all sorts of personal issues and problems stemming from sheer irrationality that I just hope I could just write it all down and make some coherent observations. My problem is that I always think way ahead of others and it's hard to slow my thought to the standards of those who have lesser thought capacities be it merely because they don't have the time to engage in critical awareness or whatever but mostly I'm just here to seek advice on how to make myself not articulate, because I already have great thought capacity and great power of analytical and logical thought and awareness, but how to make myself useful to others without having to sacrifice the integrity of my trains of thought because if I tone it down so to speak then it might be to no avail because my thoughts are valuable because they are very complex and practical but if I slow it down or simplify they lose their power. It is this problem alone that has caused my depression for the past five years, I have been on meds because I can't convince my parents that I am a genius although I have been reading philosophy for the past 14 years (I'm 22 years old, male, U.S.) and things have been hard. Anyone knows how to write in ways people can understand?

>> No.8401943

I came here to shitpost not read

>> No.8401955

Why would you? Your gf, family and friends would be so sad if you do and the world would miss out on the third book in your best seeling series which is recently being made into a mass hit film

>> No.8401963

Yeah, what >>8401943 said.
I think.
I skimmed over what he wrote.

>> No.8402035

I am not in denial about my depression.
To me depression is a real thing and totally not a made up scam to sell pills.
My family and friend aren't telling me I might be depressed.