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/lit/ - Literature

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8395732 No.8395732 [Reply] [Original]

>girl brags about how she reads books
>ask her what books she reads
>she reads genre fiction

>> No.8395748

Wheras you only read the finest literature such as Infinite Jest, Lolita and Dorian Gray.

>> No.8395755

coming in hot from the sci fi crowd. fucking fag

>> No.8395757

Ahh, let me stroke your little neck.

>> No.8395770
File: 1.60 MB, 632x344, hurrdurrimmagirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy brags about how he reads books
>brags about it on /lit/

Needless to say I dumped his ass and raw-fucked his older brother instead.

>> No.8395773

This would have been more potent bait if you'd said:

>...raw-fucked his /pol/-posting older brother...

>> No.8395778

only someone on 4chan would think anyone remotely related to /pol/ has sex

>> No.8395785
File: 1.79 MB, 384x216, americangirlslookingatyouwithdisgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ and /lit/ aren't arch enemies. The normies who don't visit 4chan and have high-functioning social lives, on the other hand...

His brother is a regular browser on r/books btw

>> No.8395788

>Not nicolascagefarting.gif

>> No.8395801


Please stop perpetuating misinformation. This dichotomy does not exist.

>> No.8395812

>start studying english at a top tier university
>all girls I attend classes with flood their instagram with tons of pretentious vividly filtered images of books, libraries, themselves with books in the background, themselves in library, themselves at lit cafe etc

>> No.8395820


I fucking hate this word. Fuck off, you aren't a special snowflake because you read books or have 1 IQ point over the average.

>> No.8395832

That's really not what is implied by not being a normie. Being a normie is a good thing. It doesn't mean you're dumb or mediocre or whatever, it just means you're not a failure.

>> No.8395836

If that's where they spend their time, why is it pretentious? Maybe you're bitter because you don't go outside, Anon. Because you wish you sat there by them in their lit café, getting a quicky in the library bathroom, discussing poetry while cuddling rainy days.
You bitterness is a stench.

>> No.8395849

>talking to girls who aren't hanging off your father's arm, presented as marriage prospects

You, sir, cannot possibly have read, nor will you ever read, anything of value.

>> No.8395852



>> No.8395916

What century is this again?

>> No.8395936

If you ask her to kiss you you might turn back into a human.

>> No.8395939

>implying they never fuck each other

>> No.8395942

This, the faggots on this board that read off lists get too much respect. At least the Goodreads thread people are branching out, presumably to grow their internet penis.

>> No.8396013

I know one guy who posts on /pol/ and has a tranny gf

he is a very interesting dude overall