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/lit/ - Literature

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8395399 No.8395399 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a serious book hoarder. I've bought all these books and haven't read any except tfios and catcher in the rye. I HAVE to finish these before I purchase more. Which book should I start from?

>> No.8395403

Oh and I stole the god of small things from my college library lol

>> No.8395408

probably just through all of them away and buy some good books

>> No.8395417
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I used to do the same thing with books, especially from Half Price Books, but I bought a kindle paperwhite a few months ago and now I just horde free/cheap books on it and sold back most of my paper books. You should do the same.

>> No.8395419

but desu i bought most of these after lurking here for an year

>> No.8395449

Please commit suicide.

>> No.8395453

Start with 1984

>> No.8395475

wuthering heights

>> No.8395499

the greeks

>> No.8395567

You call 19 books hoarding? Do you live in a fucking shoebox?

>> No.8395593

19 books in 2 months

>> No.8395600

>not 19 books a day

top pleb

>> No.8395602

Literally 4 of those are worth reading

>> No.8395621

you got tricked

>> No.8395624

Wuthering Heights or Italo Calvino are what you should start with. Then throw most (make sure this includes the Game of Thrones shit) of the rest away and get better books.

>> No.8395629

or 1984

>> No.8395695

actually, the term is 'you got memed'

>> No.8395699

The Iliad.

>> No.8395739

you got memed

>> No.8395829

since you probably don't have too much cultural baggage when it comes to literature I suggest to go:

>1984 - IOAWNAT - TKAMB - TGOST - Trainspotting - WH

19841 is easy, entry level but still a fun read and have some relevancy, its like a clockwork orange and fight club to cinema, something not too deep that will help mold your taste
Calvino is amazing, you will jump straight to an exceptional writer so you get a better feeling of what literature can be
TKAMB, TGOST and Trainspotting, well, I don't really like those, but read to form your own opinion since there is a chance you actually enjoy them, since you seem found of YA and they are some levels above that
WH last, its imho an amazing book, and will reflect a lot of what your experience with most of the canon will be (especially from book in the XIX century), but its slower and focused on characters and not on plot

after reading these you can go and read whatever, try some of the YA you have, if you still like it then keep, otherwise I would suggest to just get rid of it

>> No.8395845

>Go on /r/bookshelf.
>MASSIVE colelctions of books.
>Turns out to be a huge cringe fest - literally 90% of the shelves are TBR, YA, fantasy, Stephen King, pleb fiction, children's books or gaudy leather bound fedora books.

>> No.8395859

/r/literature sometimes have some good stuff
/r/books is great for cringe material

>> No.8396679

well the asoiaf books are fucking long as a whole yet quite light and easy so maybe you should begin with them, I mean, at least read the first one and then see what you feel like.

I'm pretty non-/lit/ in the way that I actually think they're pretty good, they're great to read between harder reads to get some vacation

>> No.8396756

I think you should wait with Calvino. At least that one of his novels. It's a book about reading books and a lot of what makes the stories interesting is the different approaches to clichés. What fun would that be if you aren't already familiar with them?

>> No.8396763

You'll grow out of it.

>> No.8396774

Is this bait?

>> No.8396781
File: 123 KB, 785x757, 1469833450870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fat tits and dragons man
>jean vert
>sandnigger fairytales

>> No.8396840
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>all these books
Where? I have several hundred I haven't read yet, out of a collection of about 5000. I think you can deal with 20 easy texts without a heart attack. They won't go bad before you get to them.

>> No.8396879

I cannot think of a single more reddit collection of books.

>> No.8398129

>this bookshelf
>giving advice on what to read


>> No.8399474

What's wrong with that bookcase, you fucking ignorant pleb? The couple of lowbrow books amongst a bunch of classics?

>> No.8399479

Lol you're triggered so fucking hard. Stop collecting and start reading.

>> No.8399489
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Rate my memepile.

>> No.8399494

Pretty memey. I like it.

>> No.8399495

>being this ausfag

and since when is gogol a meme?
murakami? a meme to hate on, maybe

>> No.8399498


THAT cover of BM, though

>> No.8399499

Hello fellow britbong.

>> No.8399504


>> No.8399505

Not an ausfag, I'm Norwegian.

>THAT cover of BM, though

Yeah it's fucking horrible, I regret buying it actually. Literally has a huge print on the front page saying "WOW THIS BOOK IS FUCKING AMAZING 10/10, HOLY SHIT - Some random unknown writer"

>> No.8399506

Where is Ulysses?

>> No.8399511

Strike 2, kid. I've read them all, most repeatedly. Did my MA thesis on Eliot, for instance.
Any other meaningless shit you want to toss out there, or are you going to try to make fun of Eliot and Dante now?

>> No.8399512

Don't own it actually. I have The Dubliners and Portrait though.

>> No.8399524
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This might be the most disgusting book cover I've ever seen in my life. Holy shit. What were they thinking?

>> No.8399527

Yeah it's fucking gross.