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/lit/ - Literature

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8394168 No.8394168 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me your ideas /lit/
Now I know you haven't gotten started on writing anything. But surely you have some creative ideas floating around in your head! I know I do. What are they? Are you gonna write a super serious novel or a magical fantasy?

>> No.8394186

>dude wanders america, simultaneous to others lost
>eventually becomes turtle

>> No.8394195

I have an idea about using a post-apocalyptic setting to explore
anarchist theories of structure i.e. Horizontal structure and how a post capitalist society might form.
Also interested in exploring what I percieve to be anarchisms short comings, particularly on how to deal with the mentally ill.

plot might be about small socialist-like village that has to deal with a sociopath/serial killer or something like that while also fighting off generic post apocalyptic warlord/barbarian types.

if you've played the Honest Hearts dlc for Fallout New Vegas, imagine something like that but with Cormac McCarthy narrating.

I think this has probably been done before though.

>> No.8394196

>turtle wanders China
>eventually he becomes a man

>> No.8394202

I will sue

>> No.8394203

finished a crime romp novel a publisher categorized as tropical gonzo crime in Feb. i'm shopping it around and getting positive feedback. currently i'm halfway through a first draft for a novel i figured would be more horror oriented but has taken on more literary fiction qualities than horror tropes. hope to finish it by year's end. funny how you can outline a story but the characters take you someplace else.

>> No.8394205

Post-apocalyptic Yorkshire where gravy and mushy peas are the currency.

>> No.8394208
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>> No.8394237
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My idea will probably never come to fruition, mainly because I don't like writing. I don't see the fun in it. Basically the story is:
>space opera
>neo-Byzantine empire in space
>everyone is an elf
>led by Constantine 11th, also an elf
>plot will surround how Christianity can survive space

>> No.8394249

I want to write a novel about the Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlan from the point of view
of Cauahtemoc the last Aztec king and write it in classical Nahuatl

>> No.8394259

Small town based off of the one I grew up in where the characters that populate the town are all symbolic. The town itself is a microcosm of America in the late 20th to early 21st century.

>> No.8394276

desu I was dabbling with writing a john green point of view story with needlessly confusing prose, like a shitty version of ulysses or finnegans wake.

>> No.8394383

I'm sorta working on a novel surrounding a wife in her mid 20s who is completely disillusioned by the decline of morality in America. I want it to have those nonsense type of themes Catch-22 has.

>> No.8394409


>> No.8394422

I would like to write something that depicts the love of freedom
It's such an abstract concept though, and I'm a bad writer to begin with, so I doubt I'll be able to develop it further than that

>> No.8394444

A super serious magical fantasy.

>> No.8394454

>>8394444 (check them)

>> No.8394500

"Short story" compilation (and marketed/labeled as such) where the individual little stories actually begin to connect gradually throughout the book and weave a loose narrative, surprising the reader

>> No.8394593

I am actually working on a similar idea, where all the stories are somehow connected, but in the end it also connects to my other projects. I really like the concept of all the works from a writer being in the same universe.

>> No.8394608

Someday I will write a whole greentext book.

>> No.8394629
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Post-ironic account of a fictionalized version of ice cube, and his adventures heading his own mercenary company in the post-apocalyptic future.

>> No.8394670

Oh God, that's kind of terrifying.

>> No.8394848


Tell me about it friend

>> No.8395048


Hmm, my idea is similar with regards to exploring the shortcomings of anarchism, but set in a modern era, and therefore probably not as in depth.


I like this idea a lot, but no one's going to read it and I don't know if Classical Nahuatl is well attested enough for you to write anything all that poetic or complex, not to mention your proficiency in the language is bound to be limited. But if you ever do write it, post it here, I'd definitely like to take a look.

>> No.8395079

here, have a free idea on me /lit/

The President gets sworn into office...on his first day he gets to the oval office, and he learns the truth, the president of America is the automatic President of space. Now, the new president has a choice to make. Either, ignore the space races, and lead the country to the best of his abilities or ignore the country, and focus all his energy on the issues of aliens, Either way, either the country hates him, or the aliens will eventually attack the US, and the number of presidents ignoring space is getting way too numerous for the aliens. And no one ever knows.

>> No.8395083

Absurdist hard sci-fi/religious story about mental illness. Like a mix between the Dark Tower and slaughterhouse-v

>> No.8395112

No. Go fuck yourself. You make this same goddamn thread every fucking week. I'm not playing your retarded game.

>> No.8395116

this sounds pretentious as fuck, you can't pull it off

>> No.8395137

haha this is such a tryy-hard attempt when you just overthink your everything haha faggot

>> No.8395578

Hey! I was doing that in the last thread. It was fun, but I also hated it, because I was failing to see how any of it was setting up the endings I had in mind.

>> No.8395583

I like that idea

>> No.8395591

>three cats
>one tries to prove he was attacked by a dog sized rat
>searching he falls into a high-rise's basement
>climbing up like Dante
>realizes he doesn't need to prove anything to anyone

>> No.8395597
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Private detective gets hired by a rich family to investigate what their lost daughter is up to, leads to him finding out she's deep inside a cosmic religious cult somewhere in the rural east coast, has to join up with the cult to further his investigation. At first skeptical and concrete in thought he becomes swayed by its doctrine. Meets up with all sorts of interesting folks from all walks of life in the cult from other western countries, many of them previously succesful. The upper echelon of the cult participates in all sorts of debauchery and madness. Book climaxes with him murdering the cult leader.

It's not far removed from Heart of Darkness in its basic plot but figuring out exactly what kind of intoxicating mythos the cult will have and making my "Kurtz" figure persuasive and interesting is the hard part.

>> No.8396046 [DELETED] 

>distant future
>physicists study dark matter
>determine it is made of consciousness
>they discover that when animals die, all of the information leaves their body and returns to the universe
>this is why the universe expands infinitely

I had this idea as I was tripping balls so it isn't fully developed but it seems pretty dope

>> No.8396060

you better delete that friend, that is a fucking sick idea

>> No.8396064

Urban rewriting of Daniel with Lion's Den.

>> No.8396076

You think so?

Shit man I was certain I'd be trolled hard for it

>> No.8396101

Forget using a detective, the main character should be the father of the girl.

The finale should be him losing his marbles and killing his own wife with his daughter ending up as the girlfriend of the cultleader.

Or he kills the cultleader but he finds out that his daughter is pregnant with the cultleaders baby.

>> No.8396113

A robot who wants to be a cyborg.

>> No.8396114
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I know it's a joke but I'd read the fuck out of this.

Could be good, could be generic litfic. Need more details, champ.

Joke, read the fuck out of, etc.

As long as you don't puss out on the debauchery and madness this could be awesome.

My idea (quarter of the way through now, fuck you OP) is a story about a mysteriously isolated province in sort-of-northern-England where old people turn into parasitic rape monsters when they die, about a nurse who wanders the ruined pre-apocolyptic countryside euthanizing them and having gross erotic adventures. It's more fun than art.

>> No.8396131

>zombie apocalypse
>guy starts a diary about his experience in the apocalypse
>diary is found by someone else
>he continues the story
>so on an so forth
>human race is restored (haven't worked this part out)
>this becomes the only surviving account of human history
>all of human history starts over again
>ending with another diary in another zombie apocalypse

>> No.8396145

yup, pretty brilliant. i'd definitely sit on that one till published

>> No.8396146

>17 year old girl dies in a car accident the day before her and her friends take a trip to the beach
>friends routinely visit her grave for the rest of the summer and the remainder of their time in high school
>they move away to attend uni after they graduate
>too busy with their own lives to visit as frequently or for as long
>one night, one of her friends (21-years-old now) finds herself at her parents house.
>decides to drive down the road that her friend died on
>a car with one headlight chases her down
>cornered, she gets out of the car and gets ready to face the person chasing her
>the form of the dead girl gets out of the car
>starts lamenting that everyone stopped visiting her, and that she never got to go to the beach
>insists that they all get together and organize a trip to the beach with her
>they drive her ghost car the beach

It's supposed to be slightly goofy as well as meloncholy. They've all aged but the dead girl is still 16, and she doesn't really grasp how much everyone else has changed.

>> No.8396203

>girl raised by single father falls in love with son of general
>world war 3 happens
>girl and father leave earth
>father dies
>girl gets terminal illness
>"fuck it, lets get back to earth"
>girl dies on earth
>boy wanders the wasteland

I left out a lot of shit but that's kind of the gist

>> No.8396356


Sounds like a good one shot novel. Your success will come down to characterization though. Shitty characters will kill this dead.

>> No.8396408
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>what did he mean by this?

>> No.8396441
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Alright. I think I've gotten another book idea. Basically its a sci fi novel about a person who's a prisoner of some sort. Not necessarily a prisoner, but they're trapped in a solitary space ship and isn't allowed to leave. They've never left the ship and basically they here stories about how the world is like outside. Here, I'd throw in some pretty extraordinary elements, like how there are entire planets dominated by a neo-Nordic empire, or strange planets with strange shapes, the persecution and genocide of people with red hair, etc., and generally any strange news. The idea is to captivate the reader with these strange, amazing ideas and how they could unfold, but they'll never be able to interact with those strange worlds because the novel is told from the perspective of the prisoner, so they share in the prisoners desire to escape. I'd think it'd be a good short story to make just to have fun with creative ideas.

I could also incorporate elements about how all our knowledge of the world we as individuals know (shape of Earth, universe, other countries, etc.) is accepted on the basis of faith on other people's anecdotes.

>> No.8396470

Do you have any suggestions? I've been reading a decent bit of Kafka lately so my immediate thought is to go in that direction

Keep in mind this would be my first novel so I really don't know how this all works

>> No.8396640


All I know is that the romance between the guy and the girl sounds like it's the heart of your novel. I can't think of any books where I've seen that in a science fiction setting. Maybe Starship Troopers or 1984? I'd actually recommend watching something like the Twilight Zone for ideas.

>> No.8396703

I work as a cook at a facility for the mentally ill. thinking of doing a love story based around d around similar place, although I can't decided of it would better to have not!me fall in love with around resident, or for bit to be tow residents who fall in love.

>> No.8396734
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space wars n sheit
power armour n shoulder artillery n sheit
orbital strikes n sheit
royalty n sheit (maybe intrigue)
chemical manipulation of the human genome n sheit

>> No.8396747

A nofap succubus, the archdemon of waiting rooms, and the wandering soul of Diogenes all go on an adventure in Mexico.

A man falls in love with a spider.

>> No.8397071

>setting is a conflict between nationalist/localist/traditionalist insurgents and globalist/corporatist hegemony
>villain/anti-hero (depending on perspective) is a soldier or mercenary fighting for the latter

desu it's self-insert trash I came up with when I realized some of my views would make me the bad guy in some cyberpunk stories.

>> No.8398023

Define morality.

>> No.8398031

>He actually deleted it

>> No.8398057

most of the novel shouldnt be occupied with that idea. it's much more interesting to have him confront that world. otherwise it's a gimmick.

>> No.8398083

Guy plans on killing himself if he doesn't have sex by the age of 30. So, for preparation, he writes in his diary amazing (and untrue) experiences he has with life and women, to leave something amazing for posterity so that everyone will think he was super cool, and didn't kill himself just because he was a virgin at 30. Sometimes, in his suicide fantasies, he grins at how awesome everyone will think he was, and how tragic his death is.

He loses his virginity, but suicides anyway (the idea is so strong that it takes over his life), and leaves behind an amazing diary. However, everyone sees through it and makes fun of him for how stupid and shallow his fantasies are, and a new mental illness is named after him.

He sees all this while burning in hell.

>> No.8398089

A woman's day in London, but with the whole thing parallel to the Iliad

>> No.8398262

>Julius Caesar is at the height of his political power
>Publicly decries pederasty
>Secretly keeps a Germanian slave catamite
>Little foreign fuck toy has prophetic dreams about multiple assassination attempts on Julius
>Doesn't speak a word of Greek or Latin so he seduces Julius and makes him miss engagements in order to save his life
>One day grows a chest hair and Julius loses interest
>The rest, as they say, is history

>> No.8398359

guy takes a bunch of acid and sees his crush in a shitty hotel room. they talk about life and shit then go to a movie theater to watch finding dory where the trip goes bad and he finds a loosely connected string of messianic messages in the movie