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/lit/ - Literature

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839395 No.839395 [Reply] [Original]

hi, /lit/.

/r/ing the pics of the little blonde girl holding a variety of books, specifically the one with the Big Book of Breasts.

thank you.

>> No.839405


>> No.839460

>Big Book of Breasts

I NEED THAT BOOK. Sweet Jesus! It's going on my amazon wishlist.

>> No.839461


I don't know, man. This sounds like one of those cases where the execution might be worse than the premise.

>> No.839470

Sex is my religion. I'm a pagan whose patron goddess is Frejya.

That said I just added the Big Book of Breasts to my NSFW list.

>> No.839474


Greetings, fellow Pagan.

I haven't really chosen a patron, but you can rest assured that I am a loyal man to the Big Three - Odin, Thor, and Freyr.

I also honor the Disir.

>> No.839477

I didn't really choose Freyja, so much as she chose me. Ever since I was a little boy, sex, nudity and the female body have fascinated me. Sex and lust are two of the most interesting things in the world to me.

I wish I wasn't unemployed right now. I want to buy some of the paganism books I have on my wishlist so I can learn more about it. I only recently discovered it after searching for years for some kind of religion that matched with who I am.

>> No.839489


>I didn't really choose Freyja, so much as she chose me. Ever since I was a little boy, sex, nudity and the female body have fascinated me. Sex and lust are two of the most interesting things in the world to me.

While I have felt the same - hell, I write Erotic Literature for a hobby, sex is highly important to me - I honestly have not considered this to be Freyja's calling.

I'm a combatant at heart, so Odin instantly got my attention.

>> No.839493

Ah I see. I've always been a lover.

>> No.839496

Hmmm 4chan ate the rest of my post.

I'm very new about all of this though. I need to learn more, but I doubt there are any paganism groups around my town. So that's why I put some books on my wishlist.

Have you read many books on the subject? I'd love to get your opinion on the books I've added.


>> No.839508

So, tell me: do you guys actually believe that hocus pocus bullshit or are you merely calling that which is natural by a supernatural name?

And did you come to this religion by any substantive epistemic inquiry or did you merely choose that which sounded most appealing?

>> No.839513


Asatru...contains very little 'hocus pocus' bullshit, as you call it, and it is my understanding that the Aesir favor those who use their own wit and strength to solve their problems.

I found my way to them through reading about it, studying it, meditation, long hours of contemplations, oh, and mind-altering drugs. You could say I underwent a shaman-like Vision Quest, except instead of Ayahuasca, it was MDMA and LSD.

This is all Unverified Personal Gnosis, of course, but I have felt the Aesir and Vanir influence me, and see them around me in everything..

>> No.839514


I'm a solitary Pagan as well.

Those books you have are brilliant, I have them myself. You should definitely read the Prose and Poetic Eddas, as well as the Havamal.

Also invest in some Runes for Rune-casting.

>> No.839525

Having my runes read by a friend is what started my quest to find a spirituality that was right for me. She's a more veteran pagan and when she identified that I was looking for spiritual guidance (and I described the parameters by which that "religion" should fall into) she recommended that I look into paganism.

>> No.839530

>MDMA and LSD.

Sums up my late teens and early 20's.

>> No.839539


I see. Personally, I don't consider LSD...or MDMA...to be all jokes and fun times and hilarity. The number of people who have had bad trips from treating either as toys for one's amusement seems to agree with me.

That's what weed is for. Anyway, I only take LSD when I need answers to The Big Questions, and MDMA is strictly for when I need Spiritual Guidance. YMMV.

MDMA...was once called ADAM, after the figure in the Bible. I know, I know, lolxtians, but I feel that it is indicative of MDMA's use as an aid in finding one's religion.

>> No.839544

My parents are hippies bro. I know all about spiritual awakening. My father and I still eat mushrooms when we have camping trips.

>> No.839552


Excellent. I take it you've met my old friend P. Cubensis?

>> No.839562

We go back many years.

>> No.840604


>> No.840624


reMPppPOvE the cLoOoNe cHRIStoPHEHEEHr PooooOeElelELel
ei pvdj fehrx o r jg efunxeisahhkfuv

>> No.840627
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>this whole thread
sure is pseudoscience in here

>> No.840652

fuckin drug addicted heathens

>> No.840732


Since this is now a paganism thread, maybe you can answer a question I have. I remember reading that, among his many other roles, Odin was a patron god of divine intoxication. Is this correct, and what intoxicants exactly was he patron of? I recall reading that it was of alcohol (herp derp), A. muscarina mushrooms, but also opium and cannabis. These last two must have been later additions though, since theyre the kind of thing the Vikings would have only come across through contact with the Byzantine empire. Have you guise read anything similar to this? I wish I could remember the book I saw it in to begin with.

>> No.840738


>> No.840753

This is fucking pathetic.
You're using mind-altering drugs to find answers? Are you fucking stupid? That gives you emotional answers - shit like "god is love", not anything logical. Look how far belief through emotion and sensual experience has got us (crusades, witch trials, inquisition, I don't even need to go on).
Seriously, please acknowledge that there's nothing logical about the drugs. They make you FEEL that there are any number of gods, spirits, physical manifestations of aspects of nature, and whatever else out there. But that doesn't mean that those things ARE there.
Really, like you realize you're on drugs, right? In fact, shit, that's all I could have said and made the same point.
>on drugs
God damn.

>> No.840754

>"drug addicted" in reference to LSD
>my face

>> No.840786

There's such a thing as mental addiction, you stunted teenager.

>> No.840904


>Seriously, please acknowledge that there's nothing logical about the drugs.

I refuse to live in your small, pathetic, colorless little world, faggot. Enjoy your crippling depression and angst.

>> No.840915


sage goes in all fields you fucking faggots.

>> No.840917


Why are you so threatened by that? Did your mommy tell you that drugs are bad?

>> No.840920


>mental addiction
>calls other teenagers

Yeeeeeeeeeah, no.

>> No.840942

Is there? Where can I find it? With "gateway drugs" and those other abandoned theories tossed around by first year psych students like yourself?

>> No.840951

I hate you guys so much...

>> No.840961


Why are you so mad?

>> No.840974

Talking about outdated religions in a literature board. That's not to say that all religion is superstitious but I thought we were done believing that a god created thunderstorms.

>> No.840975

ITT: /lit/ proves itself to be host to edgy, nihilistic 12-year-old Straight-Edge, D.A.R.E. propaganda spewing 'atheists'.

>> No.841005

They get butthurt not only over the opiate of the masses, but also just regular opiates, it turns out.

>> No.841009
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That's a good one. That is genius. I laughed hard in real life.

This thread is quite possibly the best on /lit/ right now, if only because of that post.

>> No.841016


> I remember reading that, among his many other roles, Odin was a patron god of divine intoxication. Is this correct, and what intoxicants exactly was he patron of? I recall reading that it was of alcohol (herp derp), A. muscarina mushrooms, but also opium and cannabis. These last two must have been later additions though, since theyre the kind of thing the Vikings would have only come across through contact with the Byzantine empire. Have you guise read anything similar to this? I wish I could remember the book I saw it in to begin with.

I've read that Cannabis is actually Freyja's favorite plant, and was used in ritual to her because of its tendency to make the user rather amorous and stimulated.

Mushrooms apparently caused the Berserker fury. Most re-constructionists I know frown upon this interpretation, however. They want to present a clean, family-friendly image of the Aesir and Vanir to the masses, in the hopes that the Xtian crowds would convert. So the most they dare intoxicate themselves with is Mead.

I must study this further.

>> No.841035

Thanks for your answer! You're right, I've seen mostly only references to mead in more recent works. I think I remember where I read about the cannabis patronage, also. It was in the journal Tyr. I forget which issue, but I think they only had two, so it wouldn't be hard to find.

Also I'm glad you enjoyed my zippy one-liner.

>> No.841037

>I was an adolescent male obsessed with sex and titties
>I thought this made me special


>> No.841045

Wow, could you be sucking his dick any harder just because he happens to agree with you?
For future reference, making a lame drug joke ABOUT a lame drug joke isn't particularly clever or innovative.

>> No.841051

>implying there weren't over 10 minutes between the post you quoted and your 'zippy' reply

>> No.841053



He almost became my patron god. I admired his courage.

But I'm man enough to admit that I don't have the balls to be a true follower of Tyr. Do you remember the incident with him and Fenrir? In his place I would have been reduced to a sobbing puddle.

>> No.841080


I always liked that incident. Shows some real resolve. I wonder how hard early xtian missionaries tried to co-opt that sense of self sacrifice in that myth in order to gain converts.

>> No.841098


I imagine they played up the "JESUS DIED FOR YOU" angle quite a bit, so that the Norse would be attracted to Xtian teaching.

Anyway, it's funny you should mention Cannabis AND Freyja in the same thread. The Vikings got around the place quite a bit in their longships. It's no long stretch of the imagination that they might have picked up some seeds from the Scythians, and then realized the power of the herb.

Quite a few people have also mentioned cannabis being used by the Norse as a sacrament to Freyja. It's not hard to find - in fact, it pops up on Google's first page.

>In ancient Germanic culture, cannabis was associated with the Norse love goddess, Freya. The harvesting of the plant was connected with an erotic high festival. It was believed that Freya lived as a fertile force in the plant's feminine flowers and by ingesting them one became influenced by this divine force.


>> No.841120

Without a doubt. They also made a pretty big deal over Baldur's death and eventual resurrection as well, as far as I can tell Baldur was the closest thing the Norse had to a Jesus parallel, which, admittedly, isn't very close at all.

Actually though that was another person who mentioned Freyja, I only jumped into this thread after reading the exchange between you and him. I'd never heard about her connection with cannabis before, but it certainly seems within the realm of possibility to me that there was some trading with the Scythians going on, who, at that point, had a very good idea of the plant's properties.

>> No.841145


My mistake!

Funny you should mention Baldur, too, because I've seen people draw or sculpt Baldur as Christ. This analogy doesn't really work, because Baldur is still relaxing in the luxury of Hel, being very much dead, while Jesus did the whole 'One-two-three and now who's dead?!' trick.

I've read a decent amount about cannabis use in the Norse circles, myself. The modern Pagans don't like to talk about it, though. And I don't mention it to them. I figure they can honor the gods their way, and I'll honor them my way.

>> No.841396
