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8385916 No.8385916 [Reply] [Original]

You guys cop anything good recently? I recently bought:
>The Sayings of the Desert Fathers
> The Spirit of the Liturgy by Pope Benedict XVI
>Paradise of the Holy Fathers

>> No.8385955


Protestants aren't always wrong. Insofar as they are Protestants, they are wrong, granted; but they often say/write orthodox things.

>> No.8386210

Plato's Complete Works

>> No.8386221
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Nice try, Satan.

>1 And God spake all these words, saying,
>2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
>3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
>4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

>> No.8386239

is the pope the antichrist?

>> No.8386250

Some people must live in such cool worlds. I mean, imagine if you actually believe that Catholics worship Mary as God and the saints as a bunch of demi-gods. And that they all secretly know it too in their billions but keep silent about it.

Imagine if you believed the moon was an alien base or that all the world's leaders are reptilians. I mean, it's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.8386280

What's with all the catholic scum on /lit/?

Take your extra-canonical bullshit off my board you child-molesting, pope worshipping, superstitious fucks.

>> No.8386285

All the world's leaders ARE reptilians

>> No.8386290

>implying the catholic church didnt literally create the canon

>> No.8386333

Hilaire Belloc, a great Catholic historian and political commentator. Great Heresies, The Jews, The Servile State.
Benedict XVI is also pretty based, Jesus of Nazareth trilogy, Dialects of Secularisation and Introduction to Christianity.
Gene Wolfe is one of the best if not the best living authors, Book of the New Sun is magnificent. He is also a masterful short story author.
Alasdair MacIntyre, probably the most interesting Catholic thinker of the 20th century, God, Philosophy, Universities and After Virtue, with 2 more developed follow up works, Whose Justice? Which Rationality? being his best work.
Anyone who wants to get into btfoing protestant claims on 'original biblical Christianity' should read Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine by John Henry Newman.
Flannery O'Connor is probably the best writer of short stories ever. She's absolutely amazing.
Graham Greene is nice, although I don't like him as much as the others.
Shusaku Endo did some great historical novels that really hit me.
There's a lot really.
Edward Feser, some of the best introductory works so far, still haven't read his original stuff with more coming up.
It didn't, the canonical works existed and the church by the power of its authority decided what shall go under them.

>> No.8386335
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Fantastic little book, hits all the fun points: theology, archaeology, textual criticism, historical analysis, and academic scandal.

>> No.8386342
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pic related, literally a sign

Vermes trashes Ratzinger's Life of Jesus as a reverse in positive trends regarding the Vatican's relationship with textual scholarship

>> No.8386369

Yea I doubt it.

>> No.8386404

You do realise that you're all heretics, right?

>> No.8386405

Been there 5-6 times, it was beautiful every time. Sadly I haven't been able to visit in a while.
That statue bled before the war and the apparition gave warnings, they still have the blood in Vatican.

>> No.8387715


>> No.8388554

>You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church

>> No.8388556

>Imagine if all the world's leaders are reptilians
Yeah haha. Crazy right? Just imagine

>> No.8388574

have to admit a kek. you christfags are alright.

>> No.8388602

Basically eerything a Catholic needs:

The Catholic Encyclopedia by Thomas Nelson
The Early Christian Fathers
The Late Christian Fathers
Documents of the Catholic Church
above three edited by Henry Bettenson
The English Bible, KJV Vol. 1 and 2 (Norton Critical Editions)*
A Summa of the Summa edited by Peter Kreeft

*KJV is basically the Western canon version of the Bible, and the extensive notes are what you really want. Go to http://catholicbible.online for Catholic Bible translations and notes.

>> No.8388608
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>no cathechism

>> No.8388612

That's something like 40 authors.
There are 35 or so doctors of the church, each wrote at least 1 work, with Aquinas spanning over 15000 pages. For a list which appears to be so small, it's actually massive.

>> No.8388641

What doesn't make sense to me, as a Protestant, is why the Virgin Mary is needed to mediate between Man and Christ when Christ is already exactly that with the Father? Can someone explain that to me? Or am I misinformed?

>> No.8388650

It isn't necessary at all, it's an optional.
But the reason for it is that some are with more favour with God than others, hence, Mary is the best intermediary.
There is also a vastly different conception of relationship with Christ in Catholicism and protestantism. Catholic concept is far less anthropomorphic.

>> No.8388670
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>different conception of relationship with Christ in Catholicism and protestantism.
>Catholic concept is far less anthropomorphic.


>> No.8388675

Have you ever talked to a protestant? They speak of God in the same way I talk about my 420 friends.

>> No.8388688

She gave Christ into the world and she still does.

>> No.8388713

>But the reason for it is that some are with more favour with God than others, hence, Mary is the best intermediary.

This makes no sense, could you please rephrase it? You jumped a couple of steps, I think.

>> No.8388716

Just picked up a few books on Amazon:
>Being and Time by Heidegger
>The Order of Things by Foucault
>The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera
I've almost finished Kundera, and I'm looking into diving into my second Foucault next; Being and Time I'll work through slowly like I did with Phenomenlology so I don't get fucked.

>> No.8388719

Wrong thread buddy

>> No.8389147


>> No.8389175

Seems pretty interesting, will certainly start going through it after finishing current reads.

>> No.8389371

thanks friend