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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 275x183, vapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8385483 No.8385483 [Reply] [Original]

It's sad how few people on /lit/ have actually lived. I mean really lived. There are so many aspiring writers here who haven't even left their own country, or have only left it to holiday with family in their youth. There are people here who have not experienced a series of tumultuous relationships, people who have not hitchhiked for hundreds of miles in whatever direction suits them best that moment, people who have not found themselves drinking hard liquor with a gang of strangers at 2am in a city they can't even remember the name of. Me? I've done all these things. I've traveled the lonesome highways, caught trains and buses and sat shivering and damp in the passenger seats of cars belonging to people who told me more about life than the lonely and callow narcissists on this board ever have. I've gazed lovingly into the eyes of women who taught me the ineffable secrets of their mysterious sex. I've worked more jobs I can remember and learned more skills than I will ever need. I have made friends and enemies from coast to coast and experienced more emotional peaks and valleys than most people here can even comprehend. How can you guys even call yourselves writers when you haven't even mastered the world about which you are intending to write? How can you expect anybody to take your writing seriously when you have experienced barely more than a child afraid of what lies beyond the boundaries of his comfortable little world? My writing flows with an assurance that reflects my own internal state. The dialogue I write is representative of the parlance of the man on the street, not the child in the abstract universe you have concocted to compensate for the fact that the world outside your window terrifies and confuses you. When I write a profound sentence I do it knowing I will be understood and admired not only by the academic whiling away a quiet afternoon in his armchair, but also for the orphaned young man working sixty hours a week as a knuckle-puller in a Sheboygan abattoir. And all this at the age of nineteen, my literary life almost entirely ahead of me, several USBs hanging from my keychain full of stories that would no-doubt make the pale and sheltered suburbanites that browse this board gasp in incredulity. Next month I move to New York to begin a degree in English Literature, focusing on creative writing. The professor phoned me as soon as he had read my application to ask that I choose his university (it's one of the best in the country, why wouldn't I?) with the promise that he will personally guide me over the next three years, or however long it's going to take for me to get my first book out there. Have you lived /lit/? I mean, really lived?

>> No.8385487

Calm down, Bukowski. What you did on your gap yah doesn't make you an interesting person. An insufferable one, maybe.

>> No.8385489
File: 34 KB, 300x402, paulie_walnuts_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad, OP, not bad.

>> No.8385498


Maybe, but I know how to tickle my prostate with a small griffon dildo from Bad Dragon.

It's all about unique experiences.

>> No.8385513


>> No.8385523

OP is memeing, but what is with the fetishization of travel among young people? I get that it's cool to see new places, but I'm constantly reading shit from people who think they're going to have some kind of spiritual awakening by travelling to some grimy cities or third-world shitholes.

>> No.8385525
File: 25 KB, 225x350, 1470256587688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you are right OP im useless

>> No.8385529

I don't get the obsession, but it is a great, memorable experience if you go and do something worthwhile.

In my teens I went to Nepal for a three weeks; some of the best times I ever had. The views of the mountains were great.

You every played dark souls? You know how you look down over hill/cliff edges and see the clouds, it was like that in some of the villages we went to. The villagers were extremely welcoming as well; I've still got a few of em on facebook.

I didn't have a "spiritual awakening", but I did have a hell of a good time.

>> No.8385553

You're not the common pleb anon. Most people just do it because they have been influenced by pure memetic force which has caused them to do things so they can project them onto social media.

>> No.8385555
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>> No.8385557

I'm a girl and within seconds of meeting a guy my age I can tell whether or not he has traveled and whether, consequently, he is someone I want to spend my time with. I meet a guy, he's quiet, reserved, he stutters and stumbles over basic sentences. He doesn't smile, he laughs politely and rarely, he wears clothes that are either too tight or too baggy and which look as if they were picked from a thrifstore clothesrack by his mother back in 2008. When I ask a question his answers come in "yes" and "no"s, when I begin talking about a subject he has expressed (mild) interest in he simply agrees with what I say and smiles the way a small child does when praised by his aunts at Christmas. In short this guy is not a traveler. Instead of venturing out in the world, instead of asserting his will and demanding that the world yield to whatever demands he may have, instead of turns inward, his will is inverted, he would prefer to plummet than ascend. Rather than reach overcome his anxieties and mental peculiarities through empathy and conversation, he allows them to entirely dominate his perspective and disposition, to make themselves so much at home in his distorted psychology that the disorders and peculiarities and paranoid distortions themselves eventually become the essential substance of his character. I'd buy him a train ticket myself if I thought he had the courage to use it.

>> No.8385597

If it's not a pasta, it says a lot about you anon : ^ )

>> No.8385603

bait is not worth the effort
everyone SAGE this thread

>> No.8385604

You would really not like Kant

>> No.8385610

sage it when you post

>> No.8385611 [DELETED] 

blahblahblahBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHblahcareaboutmeblaghblagh blaaaa

shut up

>> No.8385613

Kant doesn't write fiction, nor does he writing anything about human psychology. He is essentially a mathematician.

>> No.8385615

newfags keep bumping this shithread

>> No.8385620

Youngsters nowadays, especially women have literally no hobbies and fill their empty lives with vapid backpacking around the world in an attempt to fulfill themselves and their empty lives and they're hoping this will make them look interesting to other people.

>> No.8385622

>BPD finds the father figure they never had
nice blog, but you could have stayed home and read more if you wanted /lit/ points. i guess /trv/ already laughed at you?

>> No.8385626

>nor does he writing anything about human psychology
so much ignorance it hurts
the critique of pure reason is essentially a work of human psychology, to the point he was accused of doing psychology instead of philosophy
Everything kant wrote after the critical period follows the same line of thought...

>> No.8385635
File: 927 KB, 1646x2100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, yet pass over the mystery of themselves without a thought.

>> No.8385652

Man, this thread is great. 10/10, would make some awesome copypasta.

>> No.8385658

This post is so underrated

>> No.8385660

I went to Canada once. It was pretty shitty.

>> No.8385687

How about you stop projecting your normative values unto my existence, Kerouac wannabe?

Nice memeing, btw.

>> No.8385698

If you are under 30 and working a full-time office job you will never make it as a writer. The passion just isn't there.

>> No.8385724

The buttmad in this thread lol
Hate to spoil it for you guys but he's right. The only writer who didn't travel extensively and joined an MFA program was DFW and look at how he turned out :^)

>> No.8385726

Well aren't you proud of yourself. Mocking the losers that will never reach your success*. (Which i doubt is real, seeing as how you 'had' to go on the internet for approval) If anything that I understood from your post was how naive and laughably pathetic you are. Im talking in terms of all that you've described as real, you say you talked to people on a cum stained bus at 2:00am, hitchhiked with strangers to suprising yourself with how much cum can go through you arsehole in one day, and that some rapist will rape you in new york while you type on your mac. Now if what you typed wasn't real...then how hi-larious! You're crowned king of /lit/. Emporer of the insufferable, Ruler of the flaccids, Leader of the delusional narcissists. It takes a certain kind of pathetic to want to be better then people on 4chan my boy.

>> No.8385730

But not all of us want to be writers either. Some of us just enjoy reading.

>> No.8385733
File: 838 KB, 1598x1598, 1345307643566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Boxxy, and here's why. I'm not post pubescent (over 25), I have a girlfriend, and I don't fantasize about her. I like her because she is the antidote, the antithesis, the hemlock in the cup to Internet Tough Guyism. I was surprised to see that, for all its posturing, /b/ really does hold one thing sacred: its "bad muthafucka" image of itself. /b/ really believes that it's frightening, that it's tougher than a Ford Chevy, that it's badass masculinity personified, in a sense. And, before, there were very few ways to disrupt this image, to give it a good hard kick in the shins. And then Boxxy came along. Boxxy love is everything /b/ hates - passive, gentle, adorable, sweet. It gives without asking, it loves without asking in return. Instead of being aggressively faux-adult, it's happily faux-childlike. That's why Boxxy became a meme - because she DIDN'T want the attention; because she provided no pics (as the /b/tards will attest). As a result, Boxxy turned into the most successful way to troll the /b/tards ever devised. It actually makes the gore and violence and sexism and racism fantards squeal, because it hits them where it hurts - in their image of themselves. How can they be tough, scary guys when their favorite hangout is one long love poem to Boxxy love? So that's why I love Boxxy - the sound of /b/'s humiliation is sweet music to my ears.

>> No.8385734


>> No.8385739
File: 98 KB, 706x551, CpbWxRjWgAEESIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get it, Reykjvavik is the same as Dubrovnik is the same as Tblisi is the same as Bishkek.

I've never been to America but I can't imagine it's any different except maybe having more faggots

>> No.8385740 [DELETED] 


>> No.8385745

>announcing a report

That's not allowed.

>> No.8385756


>> No.8385769

>I don't get the obsession, but it is a great, memorable experience if you go and do something worthwhile.
yeah being a full-on heodnist is the dream of normies

>> No.8385774


things i learned from 3 months of lone travelling at age 18

>I can't make many jokes outside of about 2 social circles
>People who live the travel lifestyle have to tell everyone about it, despite it being "about them"
>Changes of environment will not change you unless they are truly testing
>Travellers have dead eyes, as if they need a "next buzz"
>People will romanticise drinking wine in a field
>People will romanticise poverty
>People are self conscious about not appearing as tourists, for whatever reason, despite being tourists

>> No.8385782

It's all about perspective. You don't need to hitch hike or mope around bars at 2 am to really "live".

To really live is to do the things YOU want and dream for yourself. Sometimes it's just being a stay at home mom or maintaining a large farm in upstate New York.

You really come off as arrogant and judgmental. It's not that most of the people on this board are "scared". They most likely don't have the livelihood to travel and have actual responsibilities like children. Additionaly, they don't need to travel to become better writers. They have the talent and creativity. Traveling just brings inspiration, but you can find inspiration everywhere if you know where to look.

And to answer your question yes I have "lived". Being in my early 20s I do want to go back to get my masters in Nursing, have children, start a farm, practice the arts more, and I do also want to travel more. I specially want to travel around Africa.

>> No.8385785
File: 3.61 MB, 2278x2782, Pentti_Linkola_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Pentti Linkola talks about when he talks about his travels is what I will try my best to do from now on, that is to only go /out/, to travel by muscle (i.e. walking, bike, rowing) or wind (sailing) and actually appreciating the wonderful nature my country has left.

>> No.8385789

>I specially want to travel around Africa.
>have children
Coal burner detected

>> No.8385790
File: 150 KB, 815x1228, IMG_20160810_005302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To think that moving from one location to another will profoundly influence your thought is laughable. Socrates never left Athens.

It's a pathetic attempt to grow as a human being. Instead of thinking, contemplation and critical self-examination, which require either too much effort or is beyond their ability entirely, they choose to travel in order to get 'experience'. It's pure nonsense of course, nothing more than excuse to indulge in alcohol, drugs and partying for an extended period of time while appearing to be doing something interesting. I say this as someone who's done his fair share of traveling.

>> No.8385797

Socrates committed suicide. Yeah, great model dude.

>> No.8385801

I am extremely sensitive and observant. I've suffered a great deal throughout my life because of my stubborn loyalty to the ideals of beauty and virtue. My life, consequently, has been very eventful, even if I've made the conscious decision not to leave to home for the past several years. A profound man will experience more glory and emotional intensity by pouring a glass of semi-skimmed milk than a stolid, callous proletarian will ever experience despite living a life of novelty and wantonness.

>> No.8385808

Maybe not having a life is equally a part of this world; a symptom of it

>> No.8385813

This reads like John Green

>> No.8385819

But not before he changed the face of history forever. You're an idiot.
kys my man.

>> No.8385835

This is that 100 post anon again.

Newfags, there is a poster who constantly creates really elaborate schemes to mess with people by getting them to feel sympathy for his character and then slowly dissolve into autism, it usually always begins with calling himself a genius (I've noticed this pattern) he used to joke about his 6 volume memoir or this time that he paid a publisher to publish his book and he scheduled a book signing at a barnes and noble where only his mom came and bought 3 copies of the book. He does this because he's admitted he has nothing else in life and gets some sort of pleasure out of it, anyway, he had me going for a little bit until I saw him descend into cunty autism but the nail in the coffin is this quote that he always uses when people ask to see his writing in these threads (because it's pretty good but it comes from an archived post from years ago back when warosu was up, someone else found that one out, he usually takes any written material from past critique threads but almost always this one):
>"Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."
Anyway OP, you should really find something else to occupy your time if this is all you really have.

Update: It's the cabin guy as well.

>> No.8385851

socratic staycation master race

have fun worshiping a bourgeois debt scam


>> No.8385856
File: 90 KB, 850x400, quote-what-sets-a-canoeing-expedition-apart-is-that-it-purifies-you-more-rapidly-and-inescapably-than-any-pierre-trudeau-273994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great posts

>> No.8385863

We get it. You vape.

>> No.8385870

Is there any good argument againsts slowly strangulating every millenial alive? Can't think of any.

>> No.8385887


Of course there is. Strangling them quickly would be preferable because we would sooner be rid of them.

>> No.8385890

travelling makes me depressed

>> No.8385918

dude wasnt he a general or some shit?
didnt he fight in a war?

>> No.8385921

Yeah and Socrates never studied formal logic. I guess that's a shit way of influencing your thought.

>Socrates never left Athens.

Oh so he fought in the Peloponne sian War at Athens? What was he, one of the stolen-valour types? Did he just LARP the battle of Delium?

Don't namedrop classical figures when you don't know enough about them.

>> No.8385923

*____ ______*

>> No.8385925

>I guess that's a shit way of influencing your thought.
It is, logic is for gays and autists

>> No.8385926

>every story has to be about a grand adventure
I wish this meme would die. Literature is the best medium out there for experiencing what it is like to be inside of another person's mind. As such, it is suited just as much for small scale stories as it is for large ones. With enough perspicacity even the mundane may be rendered profound.

>> No.8385931

not when I logically prove my dick is in your mum ;)

>> No.8385948


>Socrates never studied formal logic

[Citation needed]

Also, studying is not restricted to learning it from a book. Any of the dialogues in which Socrates took part are examples of him both studying and teaching aspects of formal logic, among other things.

>Battle of Delium

You're being obtuse by taking me literally. Of course he left Athens on occasion, that's inevitable. He never dwelt anywhere else, nor did he travel to Delium for pleasure or solely for the sake of travelling, which is what OP was advocating and what I was addressing

>> No.8385957

You know it's bad form, but your post was too long; I didn't read it.

(As I type the last word of this sentence on my 1940's Corona typewriter modified as a keyboard, to the background of Tom Wait's "Downtown Train" I tipped my fedora hat, sipped my Makers Mark that I have infused with the ashes of my used cigar, and as I let the bourbon set through my stomach, reveling in my bohemian nature living the TRUE la vie bohème, in my parents house, I looked at the empty extra space in the reply field. I took another hit of my cigar as my mom asks me through the locked door with my hentai posters why I'm smoking indoors. Then I smirked. I daintily hover my index finger over the keys, and type a four letter word. One by one. This will be perfect.)


>> No.8385965

>>Socrates never studied formal logic
>[Citation needed]

Logic hadn't been formalised yet.

>Of course he left Athens on occasion, that's inevitable. He never dwelt anywhere else, nor did he travel to Delium for pleasure or solely for the sake of travelling, which is what OP was advocating and what I was addressing
>To think that moving from one location to another will profoundly influence your thought is laughable.

His experience in the war still influenced his thought. Therefore his travel as part of the war; influenced his thought.

>> No.8385972

>Did he just LARP the battle of Delium?
kekked so hard i think i popped a rib

>> No.8385996


War influenced his thought, not the act of traveling to the war, and certainly not the act of travelling for the sake of traveling.

That poster was right, you are being obtuse just to troll.

>> No.8386025

There's nothing you can do for these people. They're only getting fooled because they want to get fooled. In reality there's nothing to be fooled by. It's just a guy making jokes.

>> No.8386047
File: 78 KB, 1020x677, farinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you travel merely to fulfill your hedonism you are nothing but a filthy Epicurean swine and you're destined to burn in Hell for eternity inside a coffin

>> No.8386048

and when people "want to go travelling", they don't do it to get from X to Y but to experience things.

I'm right, you're just an idiot.

>> No.8386051

that was because the epicureans claimed the soul died with the body.

>> No.8386053

>equating epicureanism with hedonism
Fuck off, pseud.

>> No.8386064



Nice b8 btw

>> No.8386135


>> No.8386138

Think before you post on the Internet.

>> No.8386166
File: 78 KB, 850x400, kierkegaard traveling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8386189

>>8385483 This is witty criticism of 4chan as a whole and this >>8385487 is witty criticism of op
Both true and on-spot

>> No.8386195

>I'm a girl
stopped reading there

>> No.8386199

Kierkegaard himself traveled a lot in his youth.

I think traveling is essential to develop a personality but it shouldn't stop there, of course.

>> No.8386200

>left their own country, or have only left it to holiday with family in their youth. There are people here who have not experienced a series of tumultuous relationships, people who have not hitchhiked for hundreds of miles in whatever direction suits them best that moment, people who have not found themselves drinking hard liquor with a gang of strangers at 2am in a city they can't even remember the name of.
Did edgier shit than that. NEET life is superior.

>> No.8386216

>And all this at the age of nineteen
oh my

>> No.8386244

Coming from somebody who has seen several continents, travel is good for keeping the mind fresh, but it doesn't directly translate to confidence or spirit.

I can tell you that babies learn how to regard themselves based on the way their parents look at them; even more so in the fathers case. My dad was gone when I was a child and my brain has developed with the idea that I am worthless. Soberly ogling some natural spectacle like there is deep intrinsic meaning can't replace how inferior I feel.

That guy who can't speak is likely just as smart as you. He just doesn't believe his own opinions are worth expressing. He only wants everyone to be happy and his honest feelings would bum most people out. For your sake, he acts like a child. After all that is the role people have made him play his whole life.

>> No.8386276

Going on holiday won't make you profound, but it is true not wanting to see the world and experience things is pretty pathetic.

The one guy I know who is "anti-traveling" is massive neckbeard, who also doesnt drink, has never had sex at 23, only reads manga and plays videogames all day. But of course it is easy to accuse people braver than you of doing everything that's fun for attention.

>> No.8386278

yeah what kind of trash-tier cliche bullshit is that.

leave it to a 19-year-old to romanticize drinking with strangers in shitty bars well past his bedtime.

>> No.8386294





>> No.8386302

yes, yes, yes, and no

>> No.8386319

>it is suited just as much for small scale stories as it is for large ones. With enough perspicacity even the mundane may be rendered profound.

This board jerks off about Ulysses so much that you'd think this would be common sentiment, yet regularly people post about how they can't be great writers because they haven't watched people starve to death in Somalia or some shit.

>> No.8386321

>but it is true not wanting to see the world and experience things is pretty pathetic.

if you like to travel that's cool. it's a healthy interest and can lead to unique and important insights. but if you can't find multiple lifetimes' worth of experience and insight where you're already located, that's kind of sad.

personally see no reason to travel although i wouldn't mind doing so.

>> No.8386337

It was true when it was possible to be an active traveler, rather than one conquered by wherever his travels lead him. There is no room left to make your own.

>> No.8386338

There are definitely two kinds of writers: experiential ones and those who live a coddled life in academia. Even if Pynchon, Rimbaud, Bolano or the millions of other writers who made a life abroad didn't necessarily write about it, their experience made their writing more interesting, they lived to be daring men. The other class amounts to writing, essentially, poetry about philosophy-- if they can even achieve a poetic voice. I think DFW described his first novel as "A conversation between Derrida and and Wittgenstein". Is that something you actually want to read?

>> No.8386340

I've had sex with three girls and been to Firenze once so I think I'm good.

>> No.8386349

I'm going to add that I quickly typed this post on my burner phone before rolling over to fucc my girlfriend in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco

>> No.8386355

How come quarter life crises make people obsessed with hiking? Seriously like half the people my age on facebook have a profile picture of them looking off into the distance on some mountain trail somewhere.

>> No.8386361

It's fun

>> No.8386367

materialistic/hedonistic lifestyles are unwholesome and unsustainable. "being one with nature" or w.e is the most obvious rejection of those materialistic ideals.

>> No.8386373

what does walking in a place have to do with that

>> No.8386377

instead of buying Jordans, the new "acceptable" form of conspicuous consumption is to use a $1000 camera to upload generic nature photos and pics of your passport to instagram.

>> No.8386385


Struggle and suffering doesn't need to be fetishized and sought out. Most people get more than enough of it in their lifetimes without trying. The fact that you view these things as an accomplishment says a lot about how little you've actually achieved.

>> No.8386389

it's a distancing of oneself from material comforts

>> No.8386390

Kierkegaard was a nu male though.

>> No.8386556


>> No.8386562

Travelling to third world countries and not doing any kind of work there is one of the most pathetic things I can think of. (at least they bit profit from your human zoo obsession I guess)

>> No.8386572

good point

>tfw never be Francis Drake

>> No.8386596

Is it really the cabin guy?

>> No.8386598

>there is a way of life that is objectively better than another way of life
lmao!! get this embryo pleb out of here!

>> No.8386620

Hmm, I am the opposite of what you describe and yet I have not traveled much at all. I guess I'm just that special ;)

>> No.8386656

Fuck you.

>> No.8386667

>Is that something you actually want to read?

Probably not

>> No.8386671

>for some reason having a bunch of experiences that someone deems important for some reason is the only way to determine is a life is well lived

must be nice to have cookie cutter expectations.

>> No.8386675

all boards are /r9k/

>> No.8386729

bolaño was pretty much neet in his former years, spended lots of his youth years self-educating on shit lile literary theory, creative writting, and of course reading as well.

>> No.8386745

Hearty kek

>> No.8386769

>blah blah blah I beat off to Kerouac nightly
>I use muh experiences as a reason not to read and write as much
>all of my writing is thinly veiled autobiography because I'm not creative enough to write anything else
>implying the writings of entitled yuppie scum leading carefully crafted fauxhemian lifestyles is writing about the real world

>> No.8386828

These are perhaps the most thoroughly planned out and executed copypastas that I've seen in a long while. Everything about them is so intentional and calculated to offend. Let's not fool ourselves here; these extended paragraphs took considerable time and effort to construct. And by construct, I really mean construct. Take the first one for example. Just the act of looking at it draws the subject in. It's a veritable fortress of text. Not once did the anonymous author of this long string of text even consider taking the time to indent; after all, they wanted to portray themselves as having something valuable to say. And herein lies the first sentence: "It's sad how few people on /lit/ have actually lived." My God, what a masterwork. He repeats the sentiment. "I mean really lived." He repeats this sentiment twice more; only twice, as to go further would be to drive the knife too far into the heart of the reader. The author instead decides to let the knife stay there, as he goes off on a diversion about his own exciting life. And what an exciting life it is- he's traveled far and wide; he's experienced the extremes of temperature and built cities on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius; he's chased women and has been chased after by women; he's met people he never wants to meet again and he's met people he wishes he could spend the rest of eternity with. He's sailed the seven seas. He's been anywhere and everywhere. He's been to all of the places that you wish you had the motivation or confidence to go to. And then, he grasps his knife, firmly rooted in your chest, and pulls it out. Because not only has he done all of these things at the short age of 19, he's also a promising writer. And here, it all melts away. Because the thing about it all is, is that this paragraph details everything the subject wishes he could be, but isn't. Charming, handsome, daring, adventurous, liked by many, loved by some, and, most of all, a writer. A great writer. A writer shaped through their own experience. A writer capable of expressing the highs and lows of the human experience. And here, the author presents a man, not yet twenty, who is all of those things at once. I assume that both excerpts were written by the same person, and, if so, perhaps it reflects more on the author than anyone else. The second details a young woman who, to paraphrase, can "just tell" if someone is a person who has traveled, and, consequently, is someone they want to spend their time with. Perhaps this is the author's way of crying out for help. Perhaps the author isn't really any of these things, and is, instead, the exact opposite. Perhaps they feel abandoned by larger society, who are completely unwilling to empathize with his situation; and perhaps he writes in spite of this, as a way of saying, "I'm worth something, please don't ignore me". The sad truth is, even the greatest writers will go unnoticed for centuries in our times.

>> No.8386847


Go to bed, Jack.

>> No.8386873

>Update: It's the cabin guy as well.

That was obvious just from his first thread, tbqh.

>> No.8387562

>being 19
>calling your own writing profound
>thinking you've really lived at 19
>posturing anonymously to an anonymous audience

>> No.8388390


>> No.8388398



>> No.8388418

dude i do stuff so im interesting

bourgeois nonsense; 'oh look at me im a grill i FUCK a bunch of NONWHITE men look at me DADDY IM A BIG TOUGH GIRL THAT DONT NEED NO MAN this makes me VERY PROFOUND'

Those foreigners only like you because you're a naive whore that they will likely never see again, or you have too much money for your status and thereby will purchase whatever garbage they pander to you. You are an object to them.
Shilling empiricism won't change its status as a joke

>> No.8388502


>> No.8388520
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Are any of us going to make it?

>> No.8388522

I wonder if perhaps the kind of people who are already brave and worldly are drawn to travel, rather than travel having the effect of encouraging these characteristics.

As far back as I can remember I have always been meek and socially useless. I have made many attempts growing up to do what I was 'supposed to do' (basically what everyone else was doing). I hoped this would fix my psychology and/or integrate me with a semi normal social existence but neither of those things have happened. Now I just stay in my room all day reading books and shitposting and I find it hard to imagine anything else more enjoyable. I had a notion a few months ago that I would travel, deluding myself that the stories of self-actualization and adventures and experiencing life would happen to me but luckily I was too timid to actually try it and upon further reflection I have realized I would not have managed to get anything out of traveling other than a bit of solo sight-seeing given that my non existent social faculties travel with me wherever I go. Anyway the point I am trying to make is that perhaps some people just don't have the necessary personality or skills to get anything out of travel which is something that an experienced traveler of all people would be blind to.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.8388525


>> No.8388600

>taking a gap year
>wasting time that could be spent studying philosophy or literature at uni

Nice meme you fucking retards

>> No.8388607

Do you think it's worth it to study philosophy or literature later on in life, but from scratch, not for a PhD or something? In your thirties etc?

>> No.8388621

What exactly do you mean by "from scratch"?

>> No.8388632

I mean in an academic context, from the first year onward.

>> No.8388652

If you want a deep understanding of literature or philosophy and you really care about the subjects then yes, absolutely. It also depends whether you can support yourself financially, as it would mean you couldn't work full time for a few years and I doubt you could get student loans at that age. I know someone who had always wanted to study music but ended up doing French literature at university, so when she was in her 40s she studied music and she said it was worth it, even though it did mean using up a fair bit of her savings. If you're passionate enough about philosophy or literature then go for it.

>> No.8389129

I hope it's Autismus Maximus from r9k and he's honed his craft.

>> No.8389370

I didn't read half of that bullshit. Getting shanked by a nigger in Africa won't make you as good as Emily Dickenson.

>> No.8389372

travelling /=/ literature

>> No.8389426

>I've gazed lovingly into the eyes of women who taught me the ineffable secrets of their mysterious sex.
>I've gazed lovingly into the eyes of women who taught me the ineffable secrets of their mysterious sex.
>I've gazed lovingly into the eyes of women who taught me the ineffable secrets of their mysterious sex.

if this is ironic you're a fucking genius

>> No.8389446

I wish I was super rich

I'd just read books and go travelling all the time

>> No.8389469

Cheap accomodation with airbnb and hostels and plenty of low cost travelling options both through air and land made extensive travelling (mostly through Europe) something inexpensive, easy and comfortable enough to be feasible for just about any middle class 20 something. Some of them even get a part time job on another country or something, the madmen!

>> No.8389488

Oh shit. I just got btfo

>> No.8389495


combination of stimulating physical activity and being in nature. it's the polar opposite of the claustrophobic white collar workspace and sedentary lifestyle that a good majority of the bourgeoisie experience on a day-to-day basis.

>> No.8389503


>> No.8389529

Decent, OP. Made me giggle. A little derivative of the "I've already experienced three existential crises" pasta.

>> No.8389540

>be 29
>travelled to many countries to see football games
>got into many fights with locals and drunk woth them too
>look like a mormal workimg class lad
>have a gym membership

I have many stories to tell, but i'm not interested in being a writer, i'd rather much enjoy a good book on my break than spend my time unemployed sending short stories to zines in hope some sad sack publishes my shite.

>> No.8389546

Reminder that traveling is a form of privilege.

>> No.8389596


"The only artists I have ever known who are personally delightful are bad artists. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior poets are absolutely fascinating. The worse their rhymes are, the more picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realize."

I'm sure you're wonderful to talk to, OP, but I have before me in the form of your post concrete evidence that writing gleans none of the wit and "assurance" that experience gifts to conversation.

>> No.8389642

It's the same guy who wrote that pasta. Same guy who claims to be living in a cabin in Norway. Same guy who claims to be a NEET writing his manifesto / memoir. Same guy who claimed he had published a novel that only his other bought. Same guy who claims to have an awesome life since he studied at Oxford. Every fucking thread.

>> No.8389887

I just want a place in society. :(

>> No.8390348


>> No.8390352

bourgeois fantasy and I'm not even a marxist

>> No.8390366

>every good pasta on this board is made by the same guy
ssssuuurre kid

>> No.8390383

not the same guy, but an anonymous group
this board used to be ruled by tripfags back in the dead, under their chief Deep&Edgy. Then they went underground because they thought they could rule us more effectively from behind the curtain.

>> No.8390464
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>> No.8390501

Definitely not a girl.

>> No.8390515

Pretty good bait. The notion that seasoned travelers are well-dressed and voluble is far from the truth, though. You've exposed yourself as the person you described.

>> No.8390563


I'm always playing characters to swing /lit/ between /pol/ and tumblr. I want to keep the right blend, so I use any memes necessary.

>> No.8390596
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>> No.8390944

I occasionally fantasize about joining the French Foreign Legion. I came close but then my parents bought me a house and life is pretty good.

>> No.8392381

nice wall of text

>> No.8392397

>150 replies
Jesus, come on /lit/

>> No.8392402

1. If bait
good work
2. The profundities of life live outside the bounds of experience. However, the understanding lies within. Writers are musers, Calypsoes in a cave with Odysseus playing with the spirit of humanity at the wicked ways of the world, understanding is not needed to be a great author, merely the show is needed.
Also btw OP, your definition of author is storyteller predicated on an effective storyteller, not wrong, but presumptuous.
A creator of literature doesn't per say need experience, merely can use it in his art form. Ie it is not needed, but it helps.

>> No.8392490

Is there anything more vapid and soulless than going out for a drink with a couple of guys and staring at them as they continuously check their facebook profile? Try turning to the alternative, nose ring girl sitting next to you, smoking a cigar in a vain effort to occupy herself, before taking a swig of cheap wine. Maybe if she gets drunk this Saturday it will distract her from her meaningless, passionless suburban existence, and enable her to post a few amusing pictures tomorrow for her 100+ friends to like and comment on. But she can engage you in conversation, just let her talk about Alistair Crowley and cool occult books she looked up on Wikipedia to discover a modern, trendy form of spirituality. You just don't understand, obviously she needed an identity to separate herself from her conservative, Catholic parents that made her go to Confirmation and memorize the Ten Commandments.
Doesn't sound like your thing? Well, turn to those two guys discussing philosophy in the corner. They just read The Stranger for school and need to express their feelings about the absurdity of modern existence and the mindless masses just going along and following the wage-slave dream. If only everyone else figured out how ridiculous it all is. You ask them if they read any Aristotle, and they give you a baffled look. Why would anyone read those boring tomes of canonical philosophers discussed in the academic ivory tower? Anyone can do philosophy after all, and all the better if they avoid being indoctrinated by silly outdated notions and boldly strike out on their own, just waiting to solve the gordian knot of knowledge.
Reading a single classic work will give you more "life experience" than a hundred of pointless, hedonistic meetings with dudes standing around discussing which bar they haven't went to in a while and meeting up with their monthly girlfriends.

>> No.8392807

Good post. The only good thing normies are good for is to write about how much they suck. But social criticism isnt even interesting.

>> No.8392816
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>I'm a girl

>> No.8392828

Personally i think traveling is boring. Most of it is thoroughly commodified anyways. Whats the point of standing in front of a waterfall if there are boring scientific explanations written about it's speed and how force it extorts. Or 15 Chinese people mindlessly taking shitty photographies. The maginificent site that could have been a source of contemplation now turned into an ugly product aimed at shitty tourists and acts as nothing more than a cheap distraction. This can be said of most touristic sites.

>> No.8392838
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This, but ultimately meditation will lead you beyond even great literature.

>> No.8392844
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And prayer beyond either.

>> No.8393307

jesus christ yall
if you read this and can't tell because of your own (pretty normal) insecurities,
OP is, entirely, a huge faggot

>> No.8393583
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The thread ended right here.

>> No.8393594

There are plenty of impressive waterfalls and other natural features that aren't tourist attractions you know. Sometimes I like those boards with the scientific explanations, though.

>> No.8393610

>you have to travel to typical tourist traps if you travel
>any place where there are other people is no good for contemplation
>contemplation inspired by untouched locations is the only reason to travel
>interacting with people from places and cultures that are new to you is useless

>> No.8393624 [DELETED] 

And also
>you can't find something sublime if it can be understood in scientific/mathematical terms ("When I heard the learn'd astronomer is bullshit")
>anything that other people commodify is boring or otherwise worthless

>> No.8393629

>>8392828 #
>>8393610 (You) #
And also
>you can't find something sublime if it can be understood in scientific/mathematical terms ("When I heard the learn'd astronomer" is bullshit)
>anything that other people commodify is boring or otherwise worthless

>> No.8393643

This thread is why lit is the best board

>> No.8393739
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>Whats the point of standing in front of a waterfall if there are boring scientific explanations written about it's speed and how force it extorts.

>> No.8393754

Top tier shitpost, sounds exactly like my 20yo cousin who just backpacked in Asia.

>> No.8393788

underrated post

>> No.8393834

You don't need to be rich to do that.

>Reading a single classic work will give you more "life experience" than a hundred of pointless, hedonistic meetings
Are you really autistic enough to believe it?

You sound like the kind of person who asks for books to deal with anxiety or dating.

>> No.8393950

>shitty psychoanalysis

Read some lacan then some deleuze.
Blaming parents or finding an answer to oyur problems in some point in the past, in some behaviour or person is stifling.
You reinterpret your life and stagnate by blaming a parent or parents in your existence.
Once you throw away these notions they will no longer be true..
This noob leakage of dull and simplistic psychological thinking is absolute poison to people's lives.

>> No.8393966

>My writing flows with an assurance that reflects my own internal state
OP, I have some bad news for you.

>> No.8393970

But he is right, you can't deny the conditioning he received as a child. He isn't guilty for being like this, but he is guilty for stagnating.

>> No.8393971

I've not done the whole travelling thing because I'm not bourgeoisie scum, but this whole "I am so experienced because I've collected token experiences associating with the proletariat" attitude is trash. Don't fall for it. It won't help your writing. I've been down with the dregs and it's neither fun, nor interesting.

>> No.8393979

Funny thing is that when i do try to do what is expected i fail miserably.
Where people manage to have fun and do it effortlesy i have to try hard and still end up failing and emberessing myself.

>> No.8394006

NJo it isnt true. He only believes and you only believe that there was a conditioning now influencing your life because you were lead to believe that.
Once you realize this way of looking at your life is your choice you can become free of it.
psychoanalysis is the structuring of the mind which is why you have to read a good doze of deleuze to understand the opposite way of looking at things.
looking at them and seeing them in all their multiplicity and complexity, as oppose to a tree that grows from the root.
See things in the moment as moving and intersecting and changing.
If you want to structuralize your life dont be surprised you end up feeling you cannot change them.
It is your choice to either give agency to things and people or place them in the spot of a result instead of a cause.

>> No.8394027

I see English isn't your first language.

He uses his awareness of his conditioning to justify his stagnation because he isn't very bright. I wasn't defending his foolishness. Rather i was saying that you can't deny the reality of how the mind functions; it is a process of influence, conditioning and reconditioning, and it changes constantly.

>> No.8394035

And how do you know how the brain works? You mean how machines filter the way the brain works..

>> No.8394056

I'm not talking about brain scans and shit, you dullard. But to answer you: Experience and research without autistic fixations like yourself.
You can start making more sense or you can keep peddling whatever enlightenment you got in your pockets.

>> No.8394076

The scientific method is a certain methodology to come to agreement as a way of solving group related problems.
You inner experience of yourself is is something completely different.
Science and its tools look at reality in a certain way.
Once you stop looking at yourself from a social analytic perspective you can be the determiner of your own life instead of abdicating agency and seeing different systems and phenomena as the root cause of your behaviour attitudes and place in life.

>> No.8394086

But that doesn't change the fact that all of it is true and active, you are merely more in control of said processes.

>> No.8394153

The only thing they are useful for is to understand how others act and think, those who have submitted themselves to these ideas. But they are definately not useful as a tool to understand yourself as they marginalize you as an individual.
Psychotherapy is a way to focus your life and interpret it through a certain arbitrary perspective.
Contemporary psychology has abandoned this method as it is not a good way to integrate people and bring them into the fold.
Now psychology focuses on smaller changes, targetting your actual day to day life, programming you and reintegrating you into the machinistic rythems and structures of whatever society you inhabit.

>> No.8394161

None of this brings you closer to being a self determining individual, instead reparing you like a broken kog in the social machine so you can help move the wheels.

>> No.8394165

I've actually been trough a series of tumultuos relationships and I would much rather had not and still have in my mind the idealized perfect love and the perfect purest lover. I think I lost a big part of me or at least that it changed to something greyer after experiencing actual love.

>> No.8394182


i.e your accusations of me paddeling enlightnment is just you being a tool of society, trying to supress my own self and yours.
me having my own complex word view is exactly me being an individual while your leaning on whatever structures framed for you by society is simply you being a walking cliche and afraid of accepting another individual as a person on his own.
This is how individuals are, complex, confusing, immersed deep within their own world which you can choose to explore and become a part of.
It is akin to deciding to join your life with another in their daily specific turmoils and problems which you help them solve.
Just like marriage and coupling is a compromise and sharing of the specific lives of two people there is also intellectual spcificity which one can have and which another can choose to explore.
Of course 4chan is not a medium for that but its definately not a medium for trying to confrom others to some wide social stigmas about what people are.

>> No.8394228

I don't know where you dug up all of this based on what i posted. You simply project these aspects upon me, oh i wonder where that stems from. You fail to realize that not everybody is a special person, you can be categorized. I'm not suppressing myself, nor am i suppressing you. In fact it is you who refuses to accept some simple facts, and just hops back into his constructed world. It is simply there, but you pick and choose, instead of actually learning. I'm surprised it even got this far, i wasn't even defending the original anons retardation.

>> No.8394246

>The only thing they are useful for is to understand how others act and think

You are like the others. Thus the same applies to you. You use it to understand yourself and control the process of conditioning.

>> No.8394471

I am like others if i learn psychoanalysis and decide to apply it to the way i see myself. but if I am not aware of psychoanalytic ideas or if I refuse to look at my life through their perspective i am not like the others.
Accepting psychoanalysis is being like others.
It means letting societal systems and structures take hold of you and mold you. Psychoanalysis is a way to structure an individual's percpetion of himself within society and then try to use that to make him change his unproductive behaviour.

>> No.8394507

I never mentioned psychoanalysis. I'm talking about awareness and self knowledge. Not any specific method that can be used to manipulate you. I am saying that knowing all of the methods and knowing yourself is the way to avoid manipulation. The thing i don't understand is that you outright deny some facts that are not even part of some agenda. By ''others,'' I mean that you are a human being, like them, and that the same ''rules'' apply to you no matter how much you delude yourself.

>> No.8394525

I wish I could do stuff like this, but I feel it would just be weird. Like, I can't just go on my lonesome to some bar in a town and have a drink, people will think I'm weird for just being alone.

>> No.8394528

Only if you act like a lonely weirdo

>> No.8394537

How does a lonely weirdo act?

>> No.8394539

But why go to a bar alone? Seriously. To overpay for drinks?

>> No.8394540
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The traveling meme is being pounded so hard into the youths' heads. It's almost as if some shadowy organization is promoting it for some ulterior motive.

'I like traveling' has become as obvious of a red flag as 'I have tattoos'.

>> No.8394543

This. The only reason to drink at a bar is if you go there with someone.

>> No.8394550

Maybe to feel like you are in a hollywood movie.

>> No.8394553

They go to bars alone expecting to have good conversations with total strangers and get all broody when it doesn't work out. Also they talk too quietly and the bartender has to ask them to repeat their order like 4 times

>> No.8394554

They probably think OP is a lonely weirdo too. Grow a spine.

going to a bar by yourself for the sake of possibly experiencing something new is pointless like >>8394539 said

Take this as general advice for going anywhere alone.

>> No.8394559

What ulterior motive, praytell?

>> No.8394563

>You every played dark souls? You know how you look down over hill/cliff edges and see the clouds, it was like that in some of the villages we went to. The villagers were extremely welcoming as well; I've still got a few of em on facebook.

This makes me want to travel. Dark Souls is my most favourite game of all time, and its world is breathtaking. Ash Lake, man

>> No.8394566

I used to go to bars to feel solace from the absolute degeneracy of where I lived, and it was a form of human contact where i didn't actually need to speak to anybody but I wasn't utterly alone. I would read there and the servers would be nice and I would feel clean and ok and not like the filth I felt when I was at my place.

This was all ruined eventually because you get to know the people who go there, you start on disgusting trysts with bar people, the sanctity of peace and wholesomeness of the bar is ruined, you can't sit there and read anymore everything is infiltrated with thoughts of society and sex and self, and you go back to your squalid home and bask in your filth.

BUt it was very nice for a period there I could pretend I was a normal person just being ok and reading my book and having a few beers

>> No.8394576

>reading a book in a bar
Did they all stare and giggle when you didnt look?

>> No.8394585

It was probably an European bar. People read in bars where i live all the time. Some even bring laptops.

>> No.8394601

I am too goodlooking/well dressed for people to laugh at me. Subconsciously I started to go and read at bars because I knew girls would approach me and I was too afraid to ever approach them but I desperately craved intimacy and validation so that became my sort of tactic, and it worked at least reasonably well. It was always sort of fucked up girls but if they were pretty then I would go with it and it gave me boosts of confidence which would dissipate as soon as the hangover wore in and I would be a shaking cowardly mess again.

But at one point, at the beginning it was honestly the most comfortable I have felt since being a small child, the sort of dark calm ambiance and you can focus on the book because there is nothing else to think about because you would never talk to anyone of your volition, and there is no computer to distract you, and so you get ensconced in this nice feeling, and the bar is always very well maintained and the light is soft, and the servers are nice to you because they are paid to be, it was a very nice time.

>> No.8394603


What if I just go there, order drinks and don't talk? Is that weird? Sometimes if I'm pretty buzzed I'll engage with someone near me if they seem open to conversation.

The hard part is if they ask "So what are you doing here?" The only answer I can think of is "I don't know, kinda just felt like coming". My life is so uninteresting that when I'm somewhere, it's not for a reason, it's just because I'm bored and don't have anything else to do.

>> No.8394604
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Without leaving his door
He knows everything under heaven.
Without looking out of his window
He knows all the ways of heaven.
For the further one travels
The less one knows.
Therefore the Sage arrives without going,
Sees all without looking,
Does nothing, yet achieves everything.

>> No.8394616

Literally make shit up, and i don't mean like lying to make yourself seem interesting, but say anything that can keep a conversation afloat, then the conversation will slowly become legitimate. Everyone does this, it was surprising to me when i figured it out as a retarded teenager.

>> No.8394633

well its relatively cheap to travel (as in middle class kiddies can afford it no problem and many others in decent countries, too) (+ young people actually have the time and freedom to go on those cheap trips alone/with friends)

then it just sorta rolls from there, I suppose many people DO have some sort of "spiritual" awakening while traveling since its something to do and there are plenty of reasons to act different there (no need to hold back 'cause you won't be around for long, no obligations etc + you'll be exposed to some different ways from different cultures)

of course, plenty of it must be pure ideology

personal opinion: traveling is the same shit as (psychedelic or weed) drugs as far as mental growth goes, many people get a lot out of them but others don't

many of the "insights" of travel-lovers are very simple, experience matters, of course, but... if you don't live in a desert, you can meet a shitload of different people and do a crapload of things right there - no NEED to travel.

it is crappy petit bourgeois bullshit to buy into thinking that travel is indispensable and fetishizing some poor poophole of a country as oh-so-genuine and oh-so-pure is disgusting

this, and don't fear so much. it is much better to be a bit of a weirdo spewing odd things than to be completely quiet and inactive

>> No.8394657

Just to clarify. Never talk about your problems or reveal weakness you might have. And never talk about any ''high-bow'' topics, unless it's appropriate. Also, don't be ugly.

>> No.8394659

I'm jumping out of a plane tomorrow OP, suck my dick.

>> No.8394664

ugliness is actually fine as long as its you know, the harmless kind of ugly. it makes people less intimidated by you, even, which eases starting conversations. just dress neatly, no need to be a fashionista tho, you'd rather just not look dirty or bum-like

>> No.8394666


That totally makes sense. But to be honest I'm tired of having to pretend. Why can't I jsut say "Im a fucking boring person, I have no life, Im here because Im bored".

Man, my life is so boring.

>> No.8394696

Alright guys. I usually just stay in my room on Sat nights. But Now Im about to go out and walk to the bar, alone, and order a drink. Wish me luck hopefully its not too awkward

>> No.8394698

There is nothing as magnificent in reality as there is in art and in your mind.
Life can never compete with an idealized version of it.

>> No.8394702

I understand anon. I hate it to, but you either exploit the system or it exploits you, or maybe you just disappear.

>> No.8394708

That's why you live artistically.