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8375797 No.8375797 [Reply] [Original]

I'm seeing a lot of interesting political movements in the world today and I can't help to feel that is likely that a similar thing has happen before.

Maybe we are 20-30 year from something like the fall of an empire or something similar but you guys might know more, so what can I read about a similar historic period to know what to expect?

Things are pretty degenerate today so that might be a sign

>> No.8375817

The whole west is in Weimar republic mode. So go and read Spengler if you have to.
>Things are pretty degenerate today so that might be a sign
Honestly, was there ever a time when it wasn't like that?

>> No.8375822


>> No.8375887

Of course, but I think maybe the deegre of liberties present has been seen in other declining civilizations before. You know how this is we go from one extreme to the other in a few years

>> No.8375889

>Things are pretty degenerate today so that might be a sign

Just wait till you actually start reading history books

>> No.8375901

The fate of empires and search for survival by John Bagot Glubb

>> No.8375909

Yeah, we should restrict the rights of everyone except an elect few (which you are obviously a part of)

>> No.8375914

But did they had the kind of liberties we have right now (speach, sexual, etc) I feel that maybe this is more like some older thing

>> No.8375926

>we should restrict the rights of everyone
What is this? Kindergarten? Obviously we have to kill 70% of the worldwide population. Just let my family and friends live.

>> No.8375934


>> No.8375955
File: 761 KB, 2200x1650, Erotic_scenes_Louvre_G13_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think sexual liberty is something new? Fun fact: shaved pussies where a huge thing in ancient egypt all up into medieval times. Some prude french queen set the trend that girls have to have hairs downstairs.

>> No.8375989

Dostoyevsky's "Demons"

>> No.8375992

Is like people are missing my point entirely, I know this shit is not new I want to know in what other period of time this set of circumstances happened before to get a feeling of what is coming.

Today we have economic prosperity but on a steady decline, world peace but also on a steady decline. Sexual, speech, religious and generally thinking liberties so besides the whole technological things in with part of history all this conditions were given and what was the outcome.

>> No.8375997

The Book of Revelations by John

>> No.8376000

I really don't feel we are there yet

>> No.8376006

its like the 1930s

>> No.8376008
File: 113 KB, 640x480, AMERICA FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the fall of an empire

>> No.8376009

The Collapse of Complex Societies- Tainter

>> No.8376357

Read these essays >>8375901
They are exactly what you are looking for