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8373093 No.8373093 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite novel that features unrequited love?

>> No.8373104

My dairy desu

>> No.8373122
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>> No.8373202

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

>> No.8373220

My twisted world

>> No.8373235

Great Expectations

>> No.8373243
File: 68 KB, 600x515, kamadhenu_cow_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dairy deus

>> No.8373289

First Love

>> No.8373365

I don't care about that normie shit. The guy might as well be pining for a sports car, I would be just as unsympathetic in that case.

>> No.8373397
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underrated post.

>> No.8373406


>> No.8373434


>> No.8373438

>has aspergers
>implying you can sympathize with anyone

>> No.8374653

The Remains of the Day

>> No.8374662

>uses quote arrows
>doesn't know who he's quoting

>> No.8374678

Ah, the moron's defense! A common 4chan tactic.

>> No.8374920


mah nigga

>> No.8374932

Tristan & Iseult

>> No.8374953
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Are any of the posts in this thread going to be unironic?

I mean I'd be interested in this, of course, as long as the fellow enraptured realizes that it's all in his head in the end: Realizing that self love and narcissism is the purest form of love

>> No.8374977


>> No.8374995

Don Quixote.

>> No.8375043

Is it really unrequited though? The tragedy is that Lotte seems to love him.

>> No.8375533

Ay she can love him but its unrequited cos she still cucks him for whatshisname

>> No.8375550

why is beatrice hanging out with such a fucking slut?

>> No.8376200

Please die.

>> No.8376207

not divine comedy because it ends in Gods love

>> No.8376990

The Bible

*tips fedora*

>> No.8377009

Severely underrated and clever post, friend

>> No.8377437
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>> No.8378474

Crime & Punishment

>> No.8378488

also not divine comedy because it is not a novel

>> No.8378520

Between who?

>> No.8378533

>muh cathy

>> No.8378542
File: 20 KB, 200x318, death-in-venice-thomas-mann-paperback-cover-art[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just finished reading this about an hour ago. More like boipussy in venice. LOL

>> No.8378547

Laughter in the Dark (Camera Obscura if you are communist)