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8368805 No.8368805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Summarize Christianity in one sentence.

>> No.8368813

currently gay, used to be pretty cool

>> No.8368815

love, laugh, live.

>> No.8368818

Misguided, but a nice thought.

>> No.8368820

please don't stop the music by Rihanna

>> No.8368825


>> No.8368844


>> No.8368911

Real eyes realize real lies.

>> No.8368920

stay woke

>> No.8368925

Mythology on par with Nordic paganism and the Greek/Roman pantheon.

>> No.8368935

Fanfiction which is not as good as the original material.

>> No.8368940
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>> No.8368959

You will have no law under sin, but only faith.

>> No.8368964
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>> No.8368986

>You will have no law under sin


>> No.8369007

in the original Aramaic there is no punctuation, so the Bible is """technically""" one gigantic run-on sentence

>> No.8369031

Jewish fanctition with a better MC but annoying sidekicks.

>> No.8369032

It's a meme, you dip.

>> No.8369103

love is stronger than death

>> No.8369182

Protestantism ruined everything.

>> No.8369217

True individualism and a sense of duty.

>> No.8369224

Not really, it took the faith away from the gangsters of the Pope

>> No.8369230

>, destroying centuries of relative doctrinal purity and reducing a once proud spiritual and intellectual tradition into the "Im a Christian" fundamentalism of today.

Finished that for you

>> No.8369232


>> No.8369242

God sacrifices himself to himself to save humanity from his own judgment

>> No.8369317

Sorry, you must've dropped this fedora.

>> No.8369318
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For dry, red eyes use Clear eyes (clear eyes being philosophy and fedoras in this metaphor)

>> No.8369325

Obey arbitrary rules that form some semblance of a morality.

>> No.8369346


Useless, misleading, dangerous, needs to be intellectually dragged out of human conscious even it goes out kicking, screaming, and complaining, just like all other religion.

>> No.8369349

>"Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ."

>> No.8369363

Better than Islam, worse than Tao

>> No.8369385


Evil God jealously tortures and cripples himself, elevating then sacrificing humble and benevolent magician.

>> No.8369409

all these fedoras

without god's existence there are no objective moral values and also no point in being a good person

>> No.8369421
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the dhamma is better

>> No.8369439
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Humans suck but Jesus loves us anyways, we just gotta bend the knee to daddy and all will be fine.

>> No.8369440

>morals are objective
whew there, looks like you need to read ALOT more philosophy

>> No.8369445

>without god's existence there are no objective moral values and also no point in being a good person

Welcome to reality.

>> No.8369446

Maybe pseudo protestantism that is in upper middle suburbs in the U.S but no

to an extent

On what measurement?

If youre referencing Stoic aphorisms then i agree

You must be fucking retarded

T. entry level atheist

The reason you have internet and human rights and live in a generally post scarcity country if not suburb is because of Christian institutions in Europe that commissioned innovation and later imperialism fuckwit


you're retarded kys

>> No.8369452

He said she said

>> No.8369457
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>tfw Putin will revive Byzantium

>> No.8369460

>le enlightment happened because of Christianity

>> No.8369463
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And then East and West will reunite at the Third Council of Nicaea, and Protestants will be completely blown the fuck out.

>> No.8369469

if you generalize society, they are

do you know anyone who thinks raping, robbing, killing is right? maybe i misused the term "moral values", but right or wrong is objective in our society, and the first time we saw it was in the bible

>> No.8369474
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>Be born again Christian
>BTFO by republicans and idiots
>spend some time soul searching
>do the Buddhist thing for a while
>Realize that the Noble Eightfold Path lead me back to Christ
>Embrace holy Eastern Orthodoxy
>Roman Catholics BTFO

At least I didn't end up an Episcopalian cuck.

>> No.8369477

>>Realize that the Noble Eightfold Path lead me back to Christ
I need an explaination

>> No.8369480


Bart and Francis are legit cool guys.

>> No.8369483

The point of being a good person is to score points with the people who see you do good. The idea being that you gain their trust and favor, ultimately resulting in tangible benefits.

It's not a bad system really. It more or less functions.

>> No.8369487

Rape isn't a big deal in the bible.

Robbing from your own and killing without reason were universaly considered bad long before the bible.

>> No.8369494


I can't. I'm too drunk atm.

>> No.8369506

Gnosticism through a Jewish lense

>> No.8369604

Dream stuff and slave morality.

>> No.8369609
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>I am not a Catholic; but I consider the Christian idea, which has its roots in Greek thought and in the course of the centuries has nourished all of our European civilization, as something that one cannot renounce without becoming degraded.

>> No.8369631

Yes, the circumstances for enlightenment were heavily founded upon preexisting factors which were dominated by Christian built institutions you fucking retard. I'm atheistic but I'm not going to impose my worldview childishly as per my religious view like an untrained downy shitting everywhere because his caretaker forgot to apply his nappy the morning

kill yourself you shithead

>> No.8369632

Yes, because that is justice.
Yes, they are.
Pragmaticism is terrible.

>> No.8369634

Worshiping a dead kike on a stick.

>> No.8369655

joke's on you

>> No.8369662

Imagine where whites would be if they were never taught to worship a Jew who told them to turn the other cheek, it would be hover boards and time machines by now.

>> No.8369675

So how comes that these factors did barely affect progress and did more harm to human rights in the centuries Christianity dominated Europe? How comes that very similar Shia Islam didn't lead to human rights in the near east?

>> No.8369676

Turning the other cheek doesn't mean being a little bitch. It means not letting shit get to you. Jesus told his followers to arm themselves and do remember Jesus did in fact flip tables, beat merchants with a whip, and chase them out of a temple.

Without Christianity, we would probably be Sweden except 50 years behind in technological progress.

>> No.8369683

jesus is lord

>> No.8369686

youre not allowed in

>> No.8369689

What are you, a robot?

>> No.8369698

The omnipotent creator turned himself into his own son so that he could suffer for us, and forgive all of our sins, because man is born with sin.

t. atheist

>> No.8369711

>On what measurement?

What do you mean?

I said Christianity is mythology, analogous to dead religions.

Need I remind you that there once was a time when hundreds of thousands of people literally believe Zeus was real and an actual God?

I think the same is true of Yahweh, and I think humans in 2000 years will look back at Christianity the same way we look at the Hellenics.

>> No.8369712

>because man is born with sin

fuck outta here, augustine

>> No.8369739

This thread is so bad.

>> No.8369740

You knew a thing, great job ;^)

>> No.8369748

>Need I remind you that there once was a time when hundreds of thousands of people literally believe Zeus was real and an actual God?

It wasn't quite that simple.
You should read history more.

>> No.8369756

>It wasn't quite that simple.

Sure it was. But I know it hurts your feelings entertaining that possibility that your current iteration of the sky god is just a cultural construct, just like their religion were.

>> No.8369786

>tfw spooky occultists run the world
>tfw Christianity has been subverted, infiltrated, tyrannized, scapegoated, denigrated, lampooned, marginalized, perverted, and discredited throughout history practically since the moment it began

Christianity is dangerous and needs to go

>> No.8369787

*tips fedora*

>> No.8369789

Jew-worshipping anti-semites.

>> No.8369871


>> No.8369993

thanks bro i really needed this im havign a difficult time of the live right now and it really cheered me up :)

>> No.8369994

fuck outta here, pelagius

>> No.8370000

An excuse for assholes to justify crap and get money

>> No.8370002

something something symbolic death drive.

>> No.8370017
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>> No.8370020

Give no thought for the morrow, and follow Christ.

>> No.8370036

"don't worry guys the messianic age is gonna come soon promise"

>> No.8370044
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>> No.8370067


Just a thought but I realized just how fucking progressive Jesus was. Literally every miracle he performed broke Jewish law.

The "Ye without sin..." parable was fucking major. He didn't just save the life on one woman. Back then, roman law stated that occupied states could practice their laws freely but they could not perform capital punishment. Only the roman state had authority over life and death. If those faggots had stoned that woman, they would have had Roman soldiers swarming that town by morning and the Romans would have surely killed those guys and anyone else they felt like. Jesus str8 shitted all over the organised religion of his time.

The world will come around again I think. Jesus like when the racists switched from dem to repub, I think Christians will switch from red to blue.
The spirit of Christianity is progressive.

>> No.8370082

And then Paul, Levicunt and other retards happened.

>> No.8370100

>chickened out of going to Church for the first time in over a decade today because I know it'll just be full of old women

Might send the vicar an email and see if it is full of old people desu

>> No.8370103

Don't matter who are you, you'll never be happy))))

>> No.8370106
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There are better religions out there.

>> No.8370107

My cat is currently looking at that picture on my monitor and sniffing lel

>> No.8370128
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>Roman Catholics BTFO
How and when please ?
Schismatics are BTFO since they exist.

>> No.8370134

Pretty good.

>> No.8370141

Jesus overrides every rule, even the Ten Commandments.

>> No.8370142

""""better"""" is not word you should use when comparing religions

>> No.8370144

Okay hitch.

>> No.8370145

capitalist driven nonsense where everything is symbolic

>> No.8370147

Worlds greatest affair.

>> No.8370157


>> No.8370159

This is what happens when you forget which one is the cum rag and which is the period rag.

>> No.8370274

>It's an autist replies to more than 2 posts episode.
>It's an autist takes meming at face value episode.

>> No.8370314

Currently pussies, kinda always were but not as bad as now

>> No.8370330

love your enemy

and dont be such a fag, dude

>> No.8370343

I'm white now.

>> No.8370350

Maybe I'll order just one more deus ex machina... Make it two.

>> No.8370473

I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

>> No.8370505

Daddy Issues: The Religion

>> No.8370738
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> Because i live; you shall live also

>> No.8370766

People of the world IS TIME TO STOP, okay, no more religions, no more, where are you parent? Oh is true, im your parent.

>> No.8370808

". ." #christianityinonesentence

>> No.8370823

*tips fedora*

>> No.8370833

>the first time we saw it was in the bible

Do you honestly believe the Bible was the first moral guide humanity ever devised? Woah

The golden rule in its different enunciations is a lot older than Christianism. It's quite intuitive to be honest.

>> No.8370843
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le devil big bad, le defeat devil and win good, wen dead you feels gud.

>> No.8370875

=the golden child' starring murphy eddie. Good one btw

>> No.8370922

My mom called the police this morning because she saw "a 'Muslim' man with a backpack" at church

>> No.8370956

Is this a literature board?

Doesnt seem like it judging by these comments.