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/lit/ - Literature

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8368234 No.8368234 [Reply] [Original]

>author is a woman

>> No.8368242

I read a book written by a woman once and it was literally shit, I thought it was a meme...

>> No.8368245

>literally shit
>anon still has trouble remembering the swirly incident where he got called a woman for reading books

>> No.8368246

>thread is cancer

>> No.8368252


>> No.8368259

post tits

>> No.8368278

With every one of these posts the otherworldly spirit of Jane Austen gains more and more strength to finally breach into our worldly sphere, materialize in an astral form and haunt all of you with witty banter.

>> No.8368289

2spooky4me MOOOOODS

>> No.8368294

right after she's done searching for an ectoplasmic maxi pad

>> No.8368593

I read a book by a woman once and it was pretty great

>> No.8368612

>LOok at me! i defend WOMAN! HAHA They now gonna want to have le sex with ME! HAHA :)

>> No.8368616
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>author is two women

>> No.8368617

I'm a woman and I'm incredibly offended by this thread. Woman women woman woman women vagina I'm a woman girl here femanon here woman women women women woman women vagina tampon.

>> No.8368630

accurate depiction

>> No.8368637

You will never be half as good as Marguerite Yourcenar.

>> No.8368638
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>Roasties on /lit/

Why is this allowed?

>> No.8368645

>quotes me twice
>thinks I'm defending women because I said OP prob got swirlied a whole lot
do you just defend weak ass bitch faggots who got shit showers a whole bunch in HS in the hopes they'll fuck you?
i doubt you're into OP because of his good taste, but man you can do better if that's not a fetish for you or some shit. just pick up a twink, they're easy as fuck

>> No.8368656

lol at this numale

>> No.8368657

>i want to be the only girl in the village syndrome detected
I don't know, Arabella, why are you allowed?

>> No.8368660

>I read a book written by a woman once

real rigorous testing you've done there mate.

>> No.8368672

did i shame you too much or not enough for wanting shit in your nostrils? it's hard to tell; which sade do you like the best? i'm sure we can find you a suitable kind of faggot to shit down your throat if you tell us which kind of faggot you're into. is this homolust white knight shit just specific to OP? could you relate your love of OP's ass to a book for us?

>> No.8368676

Honest question, is this just posturing to piss off easily triggerable people or do you guys believe it?

>> No.8368682

it's mostly so they don't have to talk about books because they don't read the ones by men either

>> No.8368688
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>author is a manlet
what a fucking let down

>> No.8368690


I unrionically believe that women lack the intellectual capacity to write truly great novels.

>> No.8368697

you've got some pretty weird fantasies, friendo

>> No.8368699

>i'm a female and i've been telling all my friends i want to be writer and then they asked for pages
>i became a philososhitposter instead
just post your feet bby

>> No.8368700

I genuinely think women are spiritual nulls with the personalities and minds of spoiled, bratty children.

I am in a prestigious doctoral program.

>> No.8368703

how do you explain middlemarch and jane eyre then tittyboy

>> No.8368704

I'm not the one white knighting the swirled gay man in the hope of getting laid, bro, I wouldn't judge.

>> No.8368706

>I am in a prestigious doctoral program.
nice dubs, is the doctoral program to become a nigerian prince?

>> No.8368717

trying too hard

>> No.8368726

I'm already a nigerian prince, you racist drump-loving piece of shit

>> No.8368730

you keep trying to get that man you want, we'll give you this whole week off reading. i think he might like you. i mean anything's a step up from having shit flushed down your nasal passages by a cascade of cistern water imo, so you might finally have a chance now /lgtb/ failed you.

>> No.8368740

are you the one that married the irish chick? that's going to be some bank money literature once the kid starts writing YA. your lineage might save us all, your majesty.

>> No.8368744

Female authors are iffy since their primary characters lack almost all agency. All they do is sit around and react to things happening around them.

>Oh, the war, how dreadful. What would Edward think? This tea is quite hot.

>> No.8368752

all women, or just most of them?

>> No.8368765

This post is a solid 8 on the Redditscale.

>> No.8368768

Edith Wharton would like a word

>> No.8368858

Women are solipsistic by nature, so it's hard for them to write objectively.

It's possible though if you train them hard enough.

>> No.8368877

not sure women have souls tbqh

what do you think?

>> No.8368952


Loneliness is a pre-requisite to being a good writer. You need to be excluded from participation in society and human relationships before you can approach them with objectivity. People who have been born into a painful subjective experience yearn to escape it through cold, clinical objectivity. Only an objective mind can see things, and people, for what they truly are.

Women also suffer less than men. Art comes from suffering.

>> No.8368960

>Women also suffer less than men.

what about pms cramps?

>> No.8368978

Claiming good writers are all lonely sufferers who wish to contribute to the great collective description of humanity that is culture with identically styled, "objective" tidbits on the nugae surrounding are existence is just a tad forced.

As is claiming a whole subset of humanity generally suffers less with no basis

>> No.8368985

Seriously though, women are cool.

>> No.8368987

looks like OP got triggered when i called his boyfriend gay and decided to flood the board with spergish rage. absolute gold.

>> No.8369006


I'm not saying men are more worthy contributors of culture, I'm saying men are better artists.

>women suffer equally with men

Come on. Let's be honest here. We can't have a discussion if you're not gonna be honest.

>> No.8369019

How can you claim women suffer less then men as human beings? Unless by women you mean, specifically, a not very clearly defined groups of females in the 14-29 age bracket, usually well-placed on the local social hierarchy and informed/enabled by a simplistic nihilistic/hedonistic ethic - which is /r9k/ implicit definition of woman. Then I may, of course, agree, but it wouldn't be much of a discussion.

>> No.8369048


Because of the loneliness thing, substantiated by only like a million different studies and theories.

>> No.8369063

>person is a woman

>> No.8369074

Well, Aristotle sir, that social animal thing is an awfully reductive view of the complexity of human beings, unworthy of a great, profound, insightful and objective writer as you.

>> No.8369083
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I've read a lot of light hearted comedic love stories about young couples facing the troubles of married life and financial issues and the authors were mostly women.

Also, Virginia Woolf and Betty Smith.

>> No.8369124