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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 400x570, Philipp Mainlaender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8364252 No.8364252 [Reply] [Original]

>be philosopher
>realize life is absolutely meaningless
>write a book about it
>publish it
>get copies of newly published said book, stack them, climb up on them and use them as a platform to hang yourself

What can /lit/ tell me about Philipp Mainländer, and his "The Philosophy of Redemption"?
Or does all his fans just hang themselves too?

>> No.8364265

lol did he actually do that?

>> No.8364278

>Mainländer proclaims that life is absolutely worthless, and that "the will, ignited by the knowledge that non-being is better than being, is the supreme principle of morality.
>on the night on April 1, 1876, Mainländer hanged himself in his residence in Offenbach, using a pile of copies of The Philosophy of Redemption (which had arrived the previous day from his publisher) as a platform. He was thirty-four years old.

he did have a mental collapse too though, believing he was "the messiah of social democracy" and shit

>> No.8364300

Got damn. Imagine if someone with this mentality got in a position of high power.
>Mainländer proclaims that life is absolutely worthless, and that "the will, ignited by the knowledge that non-being is better than being, is the supreme principle of morality.

Thats basically "it would be better if it was no life and nuking this planet is the morally right thing to do"

>> No.8364308

Nah people like him are just depressed and want to die, not make the decision for others.
Megalomanic narcissists like Trump or Putin are far more dangerous.

>> No.8364315

Crazy. All of that because of a mere chemical imbalance.

>> No.8364318

Unironically: yes.
Just take your fucking pills and stop pretending you're deep and different Anon. Damnit.

>> No.8364924

Is the most patrician and poetic way someone's ever offed themselves?

>> No.8364935

Possibly, definitely.

>> No.8364991


While I respect his way out, his philosophy was beyond retarded.

reminds of that one sophist who was so good at preaching for non-existence that was prohibited to expose his theories because the young people of Athens were starting to kill themselves after listening to his lectures. What was his name?

Anyways, baby's first existencialism and not even a decent answer to it

>> No.8364995

Have you even read his book?

>> No.8365007


Ofc not I don't want to end up killing myself didn't you just read about the Athen Youth?

>> No.8365010
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Great contribution to the thread, Anon.

>> No.8365027


>> No.8365031

All the translators killed themselves when they tried.

>> No.8365046

This sounds like something /lit/ could do. Let's put our autism to a good cause and make this man's work translated into English.

>> No.8365056

There's a spanish version made by a chilean woman. It fucking sucks ass and it's like a 3rd of what the spaniard version has page-wise.

>> No.8365073

He has that same dopey look modern NEETS have. The glazed over eyes, the stupid slight underbite from bad posture, that vague look of smug superiority and anxiety in the brow. If he was born recently he'd have probably just have become a weeb and fapped to hentai till his parents kicked him out.

>> No.8365079

You're right. Is he the most /lit/ philosopher of all time?

>> No.8365129


>slight underbite from bad posture

Wait, how is it even possible to fuck your mandibles just from posture alone?

>> No.8365159

if the average neet is that cute i need a /lit/ bf stat

>> No.8365175

If you ain't mewin and chewin then what the hell are you doin?

>> No.8365268

id say so, yeah i cant think of a better suicide to be honest.

>> No.8365288

Ulrich Horstmann too. I need more edgy nihilism dammit

At least we have some Zapffe

>> No.8365301
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What do all of these have in common? Being influenced mainly by Schopenhauer.

Should we burn Schopenhauer to save humanity and prevent the world from ending in flames?

>> No.8365304

Let's all learn german first though.

>> No.8365351

you see, you have to translate only parts of the book
it's like Monty Python's funniest joke

>> No.8365407 [DELETED] 

I think what we should do is examine the psychology of philosophy altogether. Maybe cultivate a culture which simply dismisses all these Schopenhauers and Nietzsches and Wittgensteins of philosophy too, all this aphoristic mysticism.

"t. knower" should be put after everything that came out of Witty's mouth desu.


>> No.8365413

>This sounds like something /lit/ could do. Let's put our autism to a good cause and make this man's work translated into English.
German neet here, maybe I can join? :3

How2in2 collaboration?

>> No.8365420


>> No.8365434
File: 13 KB, 233x217, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and he would be right to do so

>> No.8365439

Its not so much that I am deep and different its just that everyone else is more shallow and the same ;^)

>> No.8365447

I would if I spoke any german.

Get together a Google Docs group or something. I think /lit/ has done projects in the past, but I'm not sure how successful it turned out.

>> No.8365907

>to save humanity and prevent the world from ending in flames?
Why would you wanted to do that annon?

>> No.8365920

I fail to see what is exactly wrong with pushing the "big red button" in a vaccuum under ideal conditions. At worst its a neutral act since nobody is harmed by non-existence as there is no tangible entity to experience that "harm".

>inb4 depression

I just feel like its kind of silly we allow our mortal anxieties frame all ethical debates. There are surely worse things than death, something 100 billion people have had to experience. And for my part I would probably rather cap off my life with some sort of foolproof suicide than wasting away in a hospital bed clutching at the vestiges of sentience.

>> No.8365938

>>Got damn. Imagine if someone with this mentality got in a position of high power.
society is created by hedonists for hedonists

>> No.8365958
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Just a guy, who while not the most intelligent and tactful person wants to see his nation succeed despite the political and corporate subterfuge that threatens to bring it to ruin. Has not actually adopted any racist policies btw.

Charismatic and intelligent autocrat who single-handedly pried Russia from the hands of the hyper-capitalist oligarchs, has benefitted it in myriad ways albeit he is politically ruthless. But overall I think he has somewhat of a messiah complex which ultimately makes him a relatively positive force. Also the idea that he is the devil simply because he hasn't capitulated to the meme-politics and the myopic altruism that characterize western society today is laughable.

>> No.8365965

I would also like to know this.

>> No.8365978
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>the Roboyim know SHUT IT DOWN!

>> No.8365999
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>> No.8366041

Then you have deluded yourself into believing that hedonism is the only practiced philosophy.

>> No.8366093

no but a utilitarian hedonism is the only ethical system worthy of consideration.

>> No.8366118
File: 6 KB, 199x253, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like anyone with a half a brain could see that Schopenhauer was correct

"I found that for people of my circle there were four ways out of the terrible position in which we are all placed. The first was that of ignorance. It consists in not knowing, not understanding, that life is an evil and an absurdity. From [people of this sort] I had nothing to learn — one cannot cease to know what one does know.
The second way out is epicureanism. It consists, while knowing the hopelessness of life, in making use meanwhile of the advantages one has, disregarding the dragon and the mice, and licking the honey in the best way, especially if there is much of it within reach… That is the way in which the majority of people of our circle make life possible for themselves. Their circumstances furnish them with more of welfare than of hardship, and their moral dullness makes it possible for them to forget that the advantage of their position is accidental … and that the accident that has today made me a Solomon may tomorrow make me a Solomon’s slave. The dullness of these people’s imagination enables them to forget the things that gave Buddha no peace — the inevitability of sickness, old age, and death, which today or tomorrow will destroy all these pleasures.
The third escape is that of strength and energy. It consists in destroying life, when one has understood that it is an evil and an absurdity. A few exceptionally strong and consistent people act so. Having understood the stupidity of the joke that has been played on them, and having understood that it is better to be dead than to be alive, and that it is best of all not to exist, they act accordingly and promptly end this stupid joke, since there are means: a rope round one’s neck, water, a knife to stick into one’s heart, or the trains on the railways; and the number of those of our circle who act in this way becomes greater and greater, and for the most part they act so at the best time of their life, when the strength of their mind is in full bloom and few habits degrading to the mind have as yet been acquired The fourth way out is that of weakness. It consists in seeing the truth of the situation and yet clinging to life, knowing in advance that nothing can come of it. People of this kind know that death is better than life, but not having the strength to act rationally — to end the deception quickly and kill themselves — they seem to wait for something. This is the escape of weakness, for if I know what is best and it is within my power, why not yield to what is best? … The fourth way was to live like Solomon and Schopenhauer — knowing that life is a stupid joke played upon us, and still to go on living, washing oneself, dressing, dining, talking, and even writing books. This was to me repulsive and tormenting, but I remained in that position."

-Leo Tolstoy

>> No.8366163

Yes, it's a very simple and effective way of making all the evolutionary failures die off.

>> No.8366169

>muh evolution

If DNA proliferation was all that mattered then why don't we just farm everyone? I mean Pigs, Cows and Chickens are fucking thriving under our watch.

>> No.8366175

Because that doesn't contribute to the emergence of better forms.

>> No.8366186

How convenient

>> No.8366466
File: 754 KB, 1263x1843, Virginia_Woolf_1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8366494

Being good at paperwork doesn't mean you're immune to being infected with deadly memes.

>> No.8366501

>>get copies of newly published said book, stack them, climb up on them and use them as a platform to hang yourself

Basiert, um ehrlich zu sein, Senpai.

>> No.8366530
File: 198 KB, 900x573, download (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but clearly your game is a race to the bottom.

>> No.8366538

What kind of stupid chart is that? Its missing data for pretty much all of europe

>> No.8366543
File: 13 KB, 174x177, 1392762451354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>More than half of global population growth between now and 2050 is expected to occur in Africa," says the United Nations report. "Of the additional 2.4 billion people projected to be added to the global population between 2015 and 2050, 1.3 billion will be added in Africa

We're going to need a bigger wall.

>> No.8366544

Could one count such dilettantes and old maids as the sickeningly sentimental apostle of virginity, Mainländer, as a genuine German? … Neither Bahnsen, nor Mainländer, and especially Eduard von Hartmann, gives a secure handle regarding the question whether Schopenhauer's pessimism, his horrified look into a god – deprived, stupid, blind, insane, and questionable world, his honest horror, was not merely an exceptional case among Germans but was a German event

>> No.8366562

why do you bring up evolution when you understand nothing of it

>> No.8366564


It's pretty long, but the German doesn't seem too terrible. I only have a semester of German (for reading, not speaking) and I can read a sentence here and there. Maybe if we form some sort of group, we can at least start with the foreword. The Anglo speakers would translate and a native German speaker would correct what they've written.


>> No.8366579


>> No.8367359

Sheathe your katana lad

>> No.8367410

Hegesias of Cyrene

>> No.8367464

pick your poison


>> No.8367847


>April 1sr

just a prank bro!!!

>> No.8367953

That all falls apart when you realize that it's based on the unjustified assumption that suffering needs to be avoided. You can't claim to be logical while acting on extremely simple instincts.

>> No.8367967

If I were that ugly, I'd want to kill myself too.

>> No.8367996

>Unironically being a stupid faggot

>> No.8368021

Suffering doesn't need to be avoided, but it is my main motivation in life.

>> No.8368032

This is from who/where?

>> No.8368037

It would be the only useful thing /lit/ has ever done.

>> No.8368040

You can't justify everything. You have to make some assumption.

>> No.8368049


>> No.8368058

A bit unfair; there's useful stuff on the wiki.

>> No.8368063

But the argument is seemingly under the impression that it's NOT instinct.

>> No.8368221


>> No.8368367

by the way, this is exactly why French will become a top 3 language again

>> No.8368576

I've coloured his picture

>> No.8368599

dude... post

>> No.8368684

>You can't just follow basic instincts all the time and pretend to be logical
>we're animals bro, we were designed to reproduce

The Normie, behind every logical inconsistency.