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/lit/ - Literature

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8363767 No.8363767 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite childhood book?

>> No.8363774
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>> No.8363871
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The Horse and His Boy was my favourite.

>> No.8363904
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Though it's somewhat recently published, it is a comprehensive collection of fairy tales and other folklore to children.
A short annotation at the end of each story points out the land of origin and puts the stories from Africa, Europe, the East and other parts of the world in context with one another.

>> No.8363997
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Still have that book in my shelf.

>> No.8364012
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>> No.8364015

Guerilla Warfare by Che Guevara

>> No.8364021

James and the Giant Peach.

>> No.8364044
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Even for a chillun's book, it was still an entertaining read

>> No.8364082
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If we are talking picture books, any and all of Eric Carle's work

>> No.8364798
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>> No.8364811


This. I remember how anticlimatic that ending was though, and how I hated all that build up for such a stupid cop-out

>> No.8364817
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this man in general

>> No.8364842

I just remember something about making piskettis

>> No.8365593
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>> No.8365628

>no Redwall

>> No.8365639
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>> No.8365720
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>> No.8365725

I would read Gravity's Rainbow every night when I was little

>> No.8366004


>> No.8366010
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I must have read this book 50 times over the years, I still have it and it's dog-eared to fuck.

>> No.8366161
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I didn't read as a kid but I really like Little House in the Big Woods and Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret.

>> No.8366402
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>> No.8366442


>> No.8366484
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this was my mum's favourite to read to me when I was a kid

I don't remember whether I liked it or not


>> No.8366493

Good shit

>> No.8366500

This might actually be the first book I've ever read

>> No.8366502
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>> No.8366503
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Serious memories of reading these

>> No.8366508

>no The Little Prince

>> No.8366967

It was something about eugenics and people who were less than humans. I can't remember the title, it was some austrian book I think.

>> No.8366996


Watership Down all the way, my father read it to me, then I read it myself, then my mother read it to me. I've read it to them since, it never gets old.

>> No.8367091
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Is the best book I ever had to read in school.

>> No.8367185


>goodnight moon

My nigga, my nigga

>> No.8368803

Treasure Island. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde scared the shit out of me tho

>> No.8368812

After I read Dracula I started sleeping with a blanket wrapped around my neck so the vampires couldn't suck my blood.

>> No.8369064

my niggas

>> No.8369077
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Mmmm that tasty 4th wall shit.

>> No.8369091
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my parents were hippies

>> No.8369095


>> No.8369101

I'm not dragging that part of my childhood through this site, I can tell you that much

>> No.8369208
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move out of the way for the GOAT

>> No.8369240
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Yep there is a book series (not only cartoon) and it's quite popular in Europe.

>> No.8369263
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I wish I had grown up with those.

>> No.8369288

My parents read me Infinite Jest when I was 2 or so.

>> No.8369303

I never managed to solve the mysteries in that.

>> No.8369342

I loved the Little Prince. My mother would read it to me, and as soon as I could read I read it to myself before bed.

>> No.8369347
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I remember seeing the old old Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie with awful special effects, but it got at me, and I picked up the books. 3rd one was like an adventure unlike any other to me at that time. Also really liked the Silver Chair

>> No.8369372
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>> No.8369382
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>> No.8369560

Fuck yeah. I kind of hated reading as a child (couldn't get through Harry Potter cause of boredom, for example) but loved these

>> No.8369584

This is really hard to say for sure because I couldn't read until I was 9. But I liked Tintin comics, especially when I sat down beside my mother and she read out what the people were saying and put on voices.

That or the Rolly Polly Puppy.

>> No.8369587

*Forgive me, The Poky Little Puppy, not Rolly Polly.

>> No.8369670
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so many phrases from this book are still lodged in my brain. it's probably had a more profound influence on me than any other book.

>> No.8369761
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>> No.8369764


>> No.8369778
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>> No.8370079
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when i was 4, this was my favorite book to read other than humpty dumtpy

>> No.8370269

>Le Little Meme
End your life senpai.

>> No.8370277

That's what I love about it though. All that torture to just kinda be okay with what they got.

>> No.8370284

Inside a house that was haunted. It was the first book I ever read.

>> No.8370309

i used to read a similar book endlessly around that age. my life at that time was drawing army stuff, reading space and dinosaur books, going to church and walking into town every day with my teenage mother. comfy and simple

>> No.8371555
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>> No.8372691

I liked the hobbit and the wind in the willows.

I also really enjoyed reading the wishsong of shanarra as a kid. I know Terry Brooks isn't popular here.

>> No.8373410
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>> No.8373879
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>> No.8374749
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>there are people who didn't find the mouse on every page

>> No.8375487

>tfw you found the weathered old books in the school library

I enjoyed them.

>> No.8375701
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>> No.8375717
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It was shit but who cares

>> No.8375758
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Lol, you read elementary level french books in English? I'm not a >translation dude but this is exactly what's wrong with /lit/'s use of pleb-- it's always the biggest tryhard dilettantes trying to puff feathers about shit they're too out-of-the-loop to actually know about.

There was a book on Greek myths from the 60s that was posted on here not too long ago that my mom used to read to me (D'Aulaires, pic related), along with Ferdinand the Bull.

I also remember another book I owned about dinosaurs and gnomes living contemporaneously with goblins and such. Not Dinotopia-- this was heavily illustrated with a very distinct and surreal style

>> No.8375915


>The Three Investigators
>There are four of them

this is huh, wow