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/lit/ - Literature

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836174 No.836174 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ like Akira and comics/manga in general?

>> No.836182

It's in my top ten anime of all time

>> No.836198

Akira, Tekkonkinkreet, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time are my absolute favs.

I've got Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo sitting on my harddrive to watch.

>> No.836205

Nigger I have the movie. but yeah it kicks ass

>> No.836204

Is the movie any good?

>> No.836207

Get the bluray rip

>> No.836249

cant judge in comparison to the manga since i havent read it, but the movie is one of my absolute favorites

>> No.836256

japanese crap is stupid and has no value whatsoever, substituting graphical facsimiles for insightful literature

it's like asking if the chicken is better than the egg

>> No.836277

I don't think I'd be happy if I had to go through the rest of my life not eating either chicken pot pie or eggs over easy... they are both two of my main sources of nourishment.

That said, has anyone read Iou Kuroda, Inio Asano, Atsushi Kaneko or Hiroaki Samura? You are instantly god-tier in my book.

>> No.836287

>wapanese dingbat names implied to be good "literature" that should really be posted in /co/
In life's book, you are shit tier. Return when you have read the entirety of Christopher Marlowe's plays

>> No.836332

>comics/manga in general?

Shit. Just like books in general. But worse off, because manga arose in the era of mass-media entertainment which means even more of it is just worthless pandering.

That said, there are many manga that are excellent and I enjoy immensely.

>> No.836353

Eloquently put. I always feel like the 90% of it is shit rule applies to most mediums, but 99% of it is shit applies to fantasy literature, comics and manga. It's just because of the circumstances under which they arose.

>I haven't heard of any of these names, better cite some old-as-shit entry-level /lit/ to prove I'm smart.
Do you read any contemporary fiction, anon?

>> No.836390

Agreed most comics and manga are shit, but some are good (Akira or Watchmen)

>> No.836418

CHRIsBEAR pOolTarD, rEmoVe YoUr CLOwn_of: hTtp://TINyURl.CoM/3AxVe5D fsrvf jqouqpwejvt ofuo l p fn fok dlviawo lz e

>> No.836426


Didn't actually care for the manga of Akira, too much action in it for me (although I do appreciate what it did for the medium). What do people think of Naoki Urasawa? God tier mangaka imo

>> No.836441

I love Monster, it'll always be one of my favorites, but Pluto is his best, I think. I dunno, maybe it's just because I love retro robot characters like Astro Boy and he does such a good job of modernizing them. They're both incredibly good, though. He always gives his characters believable backgrounds and strong motivations, which I feel is what a lot of comics lack.

>> No.836445

I understand that there was a lot of action in it, but you what would you prefer to take it's place?

>> No.836453 [DELETED] 

CHrisBeaR pOOltaRD, rEmOVE_yOur clowN of:_HTtP://tINYUrL.COm/3AXVE5d tuyhtezcn vrvlxf njs kzvzsh moz hj rcje oiytbl

>> No.836456


Dunno... I understand there was characters development in it all, I just think I would of preferred more words. He was a good artist though.


Pluto is amazing. Its one of the only mangas where I've gone out and bought the whole series. Have you read 20th Century Boys? I recently finished that, I liked the characters despite how ridiculous the storyline was. Do you know any books/other manga that's similar to Urasawa's stuff?

>> No.836459

>What do people think of Naoki Urasawa?

Fucking brilliant. Not only does he write on an entertaining level, his stories have a lot of depth.

Friend 1 in 20th Century Boys is one of the best distillations of narcissism I've ever seen/read, and his characterization touches on that attention seeking drive we all had as children.

>> No.836465

you're retarded. the japs have great writers too. kenzaburo oe for example won the nobel for literature in the 90s.

>> No.836467

Have you read Otomo's other manga Domu?

>> No.836468

He's about as good as Stephen King

>> No.836470

>I am choking on a million dicks

>> No.836471

>Do you know any books/other manga that's similar to Urasawa's stuff?

Check out Osamu Tezuka's thriller stories: MW, Adolf and Ode to Kirihito. Naoki Urasawa is heavily influenced by Tezuka, and Tezuka is god tier anyway so I recommend getting your hands on as much of his stuff as you can.

I've heard James Ellroy compared to Urasawa. His L.A. Quartet is pretty good (Black Dahlia is a mixed back, but The Big Nowhere and L.A. Confidental are amazing, with L.A. Confidential being closes to Urasawa's kind of storytelling). I haven't read it yet, but his Underground U.S.A. Trilogy (American Tabloid, The Cold Six-Thousand, Blood's A Rover) is pretty good too I hear. Whereas the L.A. Quartet is more noir, Underworld U.S.A. is more of a conspiracy/thriller series.

>> No.836475

I haven't read any Stephen King.

>> No.836483


Thanks for those, I'll check them out.

>> No.836486

If you like Naoki Urasawa you'll probably like him (at least a little). 20th Century Boys was somewhat inspired by his novel IT.

>> No.836515

I am usually really unimpressed by the American/British comics that are pointed out to me as "good." I read Maus, Persepolis, Ghost World, the Invisibles, Transmetropolitan, and Pyongyang, and remained deeply unimpressed.

Moore I like a lot, but there don't seem to be many other comic writers at his level.

>> No.836517
File: 143 KB, 810x1200, Soil.V01.Ch02.083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the middle of it. I do like the characters but the story just hasn't grabbed me yet (I'm around volume 5). I'll finish it someday, but it isn't really a pressing concern right now.

Atsushi Kaneko is in the middle of a very long-running series right now that is kind of like a cross between the TV show Twin Peaks and Urasawa's suspense-driven story telling. Plus his art is unique and very good. I doubt it'll ever be licensed, but Soil is being scanlated by Kotonoha right now, you should definitely check it out.

Also, as someone else said, Tezuka. Of course.

>> No.836533

They're great forms of literature (AND ART HURP DURP) but some people like to feel better than everyone else by dissing them.


>> No.836541

I like 'em real good.



>> No.836544
File: 23 KB, 314x475, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. By that logic, this book is also for kids.

and The Inferno

>> No.836546

By what logic?

>> No.836552

The is a manga adaptation of The Divine Comedy created by Go Nagai

>> No.836554

Pictures + Literature = it's for kids.

>> No.836558

Were there a lot of pictures included in those books?

>> No.836562

It's a book for kidiots.

>wow kurt vonnegut is sooo deep

>> No.836573

>He (Vonnegut) also filled the book with some of his own simple felt-tip pen drawings, intending to illustrate various aspects of life on Earth. These drawings include renderings of an anus, an American flag, the date 1492, a vagina, little girls' underpants, guns, trucks, cows and the hamburgers that are made from them, chickens and the Kentucky Fried Chicken that is made from them, an electric chair, the letters ETC, Christmas cards, a right hand that has a severed ring finger, the chemical structure of a plastic molecule, an apple, pi, zero, infinity, and the sunglasses the author himself wears as he enters the storyline.

And my copy of The Inferno has a map of hell included in the text, as well as a drawing of Satan and the final pit of hell.

>> No.836604

I never said that. I mean, he's enjoyable and pretty unique so far as sci-fi goes, but it's hardly a mental workout to read his stuff. I mean, what the fuck, man. Are you just sitting around rereading Finnegans Wake all day? Hurr durr it has to be soo deep or it's shit.

You're just as bad as people who think it's a good idea to teach Twilight in English classes, but in a different way.

>> No.836724
File: 11 KB, 215x260, hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.836823

Sho Fumimura's 'Sanctuary' is the best manga out there.
Thank me later.

>> No.836839
File: 33 KB, 432x320, 1212894011450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sho Fumimura's 'Sanctuary' is the best manga out there.

It's excellent but that's a pretty big overstatement.

>> No.839648
File: 102 KB, 455x483, akira_dicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it's going to be remade into a live action movie.

>> No.839821

Gantz was my Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.839833


>How does /lit/ like Akira and comics/manga in general?

I feel like we have boards on 4chan for this already, and that posting it here is totally unnecessary, but I already realize that expecting people to listen to my opinions is as futile as trying to lift up a cathedral single-handedly.

>> No.839909

I understand that there's a board for comics and manga but I'm just wondering how those who enjoy other form are literature enjoy comics/manga.

>> No.839924

Good fucking luck OP

Literature on the internet is not about literature it has been coopted as yet another means of displaying status, asking what the fucking 4chan "literature" board thinks of manga is like walking into a G8 meeting and asking them what they think of all the poor people

it's garbage everything is fucking shit

>> No.839957

Maybe you should ask people on the comics and manga boards who enjoy literature whether or not they enjoy them

>> No.839961

I apply the same rule I always do to any form of fiction, be it manga/anime, comics, movies, literature and so on... 90% is utter trash, 5% won't make you feel you've wasted your time and the rest might actually be meaningful.

Check out Haibane Renmei (anime without explosions!? Sacrilege!), Ghost in the Shell 2 (at least as good as anything Gibson puts out) and Lain (a trippy series with shifting layers of reality, think PKD)

God help us all.

>> No.839978

Read Preacher and Y:The Last Man.

Read Y first.

>> No.839987

i consider myself pretty well read and generally have what you could call highbrow taste in literature (favourite authors are calvino, woolf, melville, nabokov, gogol etc etc)

i really like akira. i haven't read any other manga though, asides from this one random one someone linked me to once about a computer that had to store human dna after global warming wiped out mankind or something. it was cute. in general though it doesn't attract me

i've read quite a few comics
i particularly like
from hell
the walking dead
grant morrison's run of doom patrol
astro city

i dunno if i'd put them on the same level as the greatest great literature, but i enjoy them nonetheless, and don't think they're artistically devoid at all. the good ones are jam packed with fascinating concepts, interesting characters (although they do tend to be a bit on the adolescent side if you see what i mean) and there's real potential to use the medium effectively to tell stories in ways that books or movies can't.

>> No.840016

they combine the imagery of movies and the depth of books.

>> No.840095

I like some comics (Maus, The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen), but I can't fucking stand anime/manga. And I despise anime fans.

>> No.840096

A lot of movies contain the depth of books.

>> No.840098

also baccano is pretty good.

>> No.840204


>> No.840205

Akira the movie butchered the mangas storyline.

>> No.840207

There's a recent (I think) Anime that came out called Tatami Galaxy which you guys should check out, there's four free episodes on youtube but the rest you have to pay for (wtf), but it's unlike any anime i've ever seen, and it doesn't involve fighting or any of that bullshit

>> No.841185

It's on hulu. I like the art style and been watching but it doesn't really wow me. just some dude trying to find a girlfriend

>> No.841233

>pay for
no it's currently airing http://myanimelist.net/anime/7785/Yojouhan_Shinwa_Taikei

>> No.841248

I liked the anime, it had a good political backbone going on. Psychic kids are... meh, but they pass he test anyhow