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8357973 No.8357973 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to get interested in sociology? I read a standard textbook but there was very little actual theory in it. Ideally I'd like a detailed exposition of classical sociology.

>> No.8358039

You want a general view, or to go into things that specifically interest you?
As a general thing, you can try Invitation to Sociology by Peter Berger which is quite a classic

>> No.8358374

I haven't read enough to focus on something specific, but I'm interested in macro theory in general. How social cohesion works and people's various points of identity in a society, let's say.
I've heard of that book, I'll check it out.

>> No.8358988

Ok, I'll try to reply to you later tonight about these topics

>> No.8360447

I'd also be interested in some books regarding sociology

>> No.8361553


Hello again,
Quite hard to tell what you may read out of the blue, but you could go first to the classics if you want "unified theory". You put Durkheim in picture, that's a good start (Division of Labour in Society, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life are a little easier than Rules of the Sociological Method), you could also try Weber in the same time (The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The Three Types of Legitimate Rule, The Objectivity of the Sociological and Social-Political Knowledge). That's the two big ones you study first when you discover the field. You could also try some Goffman for a different glance (you could pick anyone you want, he's very pleasant to read).
Concerning identity, that's a complex question which crosses through all the political sociology, anthropology and philosophy. Some Lévi-Strauss could be a good idea to discover how groups try to differenciate from the next one, even of the slightest aspect just for the sake of it (what Freud called "narcissism of small differences"), you could try The view from afar, Anthropologie Structurale I & II (which are articles collectings).

>> No.8361642

Actual quality reply? It's been so long I don't know how to feel.

Good on ya anon

>> No.8361654

Sociology AKA the Cuck Science

>> No.8361678

You're welcome, if you want some more precise things I may be more of help

>> No.8362256

It was legit when people like WG Sumner and Pareto were "sociologists". Then the term got commiefied

>> No.8363341

In other terms it was legit when you liked it

>> No.8363346

Everything by Max Weber.

>> No.8363348


>> No.8364821

If you want general intro to sociology first, which is what I (as a sociology student) recommend, start with Haralambos or Giddens textbooks. After that, you can either continue with works by Weber, Marx and Durkheim (boring tbqh, especially Durkheim) or whatever you found interesting in the textbooks. Sociology is awesome when you take feminism and lgbt theories away from it.

>> No.8365054

You tell that as if lgbt and feminist sociology were an unified field that one can entirely reject. There are feminist sociologists and anthropologists who are awesome (Colette Guillaumin, Nicole-Claude Mathieu, Christine Delphy, or even Haraway when you go more into philosophy way)

>> No.8365078
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Read Auguste Comte, Weber and Durkheim.

Ignore everyone subsequent in the field because they are all hacks.

>> No.8365137

You don't know what you are talking about and you know it, why do you feel the urge to write this anyway?

>> No.8365142

Because I'm right.

>> No.8365147


First day on the internet?

>> No.8365151

The Court Society by Norbert Elias
The Social Construction of Reality by Berger and Luckmann
The 18th Brumiere and The German Ideology by Marx & Engels
The Stars Down to Earth and other essays by Teddy Adorno
Distinction by Pierre Bourdieu

Weber, Comte, and Durkheim are essential for background, however, the thesis of Protestant Ethic has been fairly discredited.

Others: Goffman, Habermas

If you're more interested in cohésion, Durkheim's the Guy.