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File: 161 KB, 648x1000, God_is_dead_kill_me_please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8357505 No.8357505 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this book?

>> No.8357509

really fun. brought me right back to my childhood.

>> No.8357549

I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

>> No.8357727

Total shit. And not in a meme way like how people wrongly say Infinite Jest is shit. This book is truly badly written nerd porn for basement dwellers.

>> No.8357733

i don't really consider things like this to be books.

>> No.8357797

From what I understand, it's just a festering mass of 80's and 90's references that's made to appeal to "born in the wrong generation XD" kids from 1997

>> No.8357815

such a fun book

>> No.8357910


>> No.8357919


>> No.8357944

>likes infinite jest
>thinks he has good taste

go back to r/books

>> No.8357946

a few months ago there was a thread about reddit-tier books and this one was posted about a dozen times.

my friend let me borrow it, saying it was the greatest book he's read in a while. he's a redditor.

I'll probably read it because I don't want to be an uptight dick about books.

>> No.8357950

Samples posted in a /tv/ thread made it look like Reddit: The Book.

>> No.8358196
File: 778 KB, 1252x1666, 1470265090419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's certainly an understatement.

>> No.8358230


Please post more. It's just so bad.

>> No.8358238
File: 24 KB, 570x312, 1470266376581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to believe this is what Steven Spielberg wanted to adapt near the end of his career.

>> No.8358260
File: 85 KB, 594x1308, 1470266579494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was written by someone in their late 30s

>> No.8358267


Holy shit. It hurts so good. You have to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.8358280
File: 725 KB, 1256x1164, 1427320460876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so embarrassing when stuff like this and shows like BBT know next to nothing about anime but feel they need to mention it anyways because it's considered "nerdy".

>> No.8358281

>Willy Wonka meets the Matrix

how the fuck do these people have jobs?

>> No.8358286
File: 45 KB, 590x624, 1452214364295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Wil Wheaton is president of the internet (because he's doing such a kickass job).

>> No.8358293

just stop please, it's so bad

>> No.8358305
File: 546 KB, 1219x813, 1427322368468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw there's no God, just like there's no God, nothing personal, kid.

>> No.8358307

This is just a nonsensical string of shallow references. Who reads this shit?

>> No.8358310
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>> No.8358311

>This is just a nonsensical string of shallow references

So is reddit.

>Who reads this shit?

>> No.8358321

isn't the plot of this just that stupid sort of "what if websites were real life entities" plot that everyone thinks of once as a little kid? why do all of these references keep being made? what is this book actually about?

>> No.8358323

My roommate last semester absolutely fawned over it so I started on his copy. One of the most cringeworthy things I've ever read, only someone with very limited life experience would unironically associate themselves with this kind of thing as an adult

>> No.8358325

Super rich billionaire dies or something and to inherit the money, you need to go on a scavenger hunt that requires knowledge of pop culture. An evil corporation is also trying to get the inheritance. Also it takes place in a dystopian future even though it doesn't matter because most of the book takes place in a virtual reality video game.

>> No.8358327

I've lived a very stunted life and I find this tripe insufferable. I read to escape the banality of my life, not to reinforce it.

>> No.8358340

Good on you, at least you know where you stand

>> No.8358343
File: 5 KB, 263x192, 1320114589578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8358346

it actually reads like American Psycho but with some sort of Reddit boy as the main character.

>> No.8358349

this makes me never want to jerk off again

>> No.8358398

Almost, but it's also meant to appeal to dorks who grew up with that shit in the 80s because it was written by one.

>> No.8358563



>> No.8358638

big bang theory, shitty nerd sitcom

>> No.8358671


this literally enraged me

guy i am triggered

>> No.8358936


It's literally "I understood that reference" the book: the soon-to-be movie. The definition of geek-chic cancer.

>> No.8358937

I like the cover. That's about all.

>> No.8358974

This is the most apt comparison I've read in a long time. Except I actually was able to finish American Psycho.

>> No.8359005


>> No.8359555

I'm reading it right now because my brother kept asking that I give it a shot.

I like the pacing of it because it generally is always moving the story forward or is always meaningful when it digresses...

but it does seem kind of hollow. and the constant pop culture references seem overdone. I think it's a fun book. it doesn't seem like a great book. although it doesn't seem like a book for me I can see why people would enjoy it. unless something dramatically changes I'm sure i'll finish it. maybe 7/10 since I usually read literary fiction and history? maybe 8/10 if you're a casual reader?

>> No.8360594

>maybe 7/10 since I usually read literary fiction and history?

Leave this place and never return.

>> No.8360639

Are these all actual excerpts? I was thinking of reading this for shits and giggles, but I've read pornography better than this.

>> No.8360699

S'ok. It's a love letter to the 80's, so if you weren't around then it won't have the same sentimental impact.

>> No.8360776

this has to be tripbait

>> No.8360808

I.m.o.Total shite.
Literally "80s nerd culture references: the book"
Also there's a story of how a fat nerd becomes "gary stu"

>> No.8360815


I feel like it's something so pretentious and gay that if I actually wrote something it would turn out like Ready Player One because I am such a naive 22 year old with no talent in anything.

But ultimately who gives a fuck?

>> No.8360870


Bret can at least write, that fancy preppy Bennington College kid.

>> No.8360896
File: 1.99 MB, 350x300, 1422682757733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're going to die. We all die. That's just how it is.

>> No.8360948

Is it really lying if a person believes there is a god?

>> No.8361050

wtf? i hate sex dolls now

>> No.8361233

>At the end of the day, I was still a virgin, all alone in a dark room, humping a lubed-up robot.

Aren't we all?

>> No.8361589



>> No.8361896

Welp, you heard it here first. All the great scientists philosophers and poets of history never believed in a God, and all their work pertained to that particular belief.

>> No.8361905

Pleb apologists are the worst

>> No.8363525

>Sorry, kid
It actually says this...

>> No.8363578

A young teens book, it does well to capture the setting at the start but the story is completely retarded and the last few chapters just rush through to the end.

Towards the end it goes to complete babby writing shit with the climax being basically 'wait for it... Wait for it... We have won bros!'

Meme book which should have been a lot better with the premise used.

>> No.8363717

I was here before you.


>Pleb apologists
you're oblivious to yourself.

>> No.8363791

Totally garbage. Way over descriptive of the visuals, as if you can't picture the scene on your own. The story is completely cringey, this insular nerd suddenly becomes a vouching super spy towards the end of the book. I could go on, but it's not worth the effort.