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/lit/ - Literature

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8355934 No.8355934 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/.
As you can see with the picture, I am more of a /mu/ guy.
However I would like to get into literature.
I checked the /lit/ list of essentials but I really don't know where to begin.

Here is what I like :

MBV - Loveless
Radiohead - Kid A

>Video games
Silent hill 2
Dark Souls

It's such a beautiful day
Virgin suicides
American beauty

>TV series
Six feet under
The Sopranos

I love what makes me think about life itself, and how sometimes time can stop on very simple and short moments of everyday's life beauty.

Thank you very much for any recommendation, however I think I will need something "fairly easy" to start of reading as I've almost never read besides in school.

>> No.8355945

Wow, you sound deep as shit

Start with the Greeks

>> No.8355947

The Sun Also Rises and Men Without Women by Hemingway

>> No.8355955

The Greeks

>> No.8355960
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Patrician here.
>entry level music
>entry level vidya
>entry level movies
>entry level series
Read some YA, you fucking pleb.

>> No.8355963

Read the /lit/ starter kit and go from there.

>> No.8355967

Start with the Greeks

>> No.8355976
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wow what u wrote about the relativity of time really hit me... really makes you go hmm

sticky, faggot

>> No.8355997

You may add well start with The Virgin Suicides if you like the film so much.

>> No.8355998

Start with the Illiad and the Odyssey, then read Bertrand Russel's "A history of Western Philosophy". Then read the greeks and work your way in chronological order. Or don't, it's your prerrogative. That's if you're interested in Philosophy which i assume you are.
If you're here only for fiction start with Homer anyway.

>> No.8356002
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How often do you get threads like this, /lit/?

>> No.8356009

what I got from your post is that you are an insecure 18 year old nu male

>> No.8356022

I don't know, I would need to see more aspects of your personality to determine the best works from canon to recommend to you. Could you send me clips of your favorite porno videos? Maybe pictures of your tattoos? What are your results from the Myers Briggs personality test? What is your favorite thing to order off of the Carl Jr's menu?

>> No.8356045


Starred are ones i think you'll really like, but they are all recommendations based off of your other tastes.

The Sun Also Rises/The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
*The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K Dick
Roadside Picnic - Strugatsky
*Metamorphosis/The Trial - Franz Kafka
Notes From the Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky

*The Divine Comedy - Dante Aligheri
*Paradise Lost - John Milton
*Lyrical Ballads - Wordsworth and Coleridge

*Hamlet/King Lear/Richard II - William Shakespeare
Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams
*Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett

>> No.8356047

I'd say work on developing better taste in music first but otherwise start with the Greeks.

>> No.8356054

without a doubt you would enjoy Haruki Murakami.
start with After the Quake, a short story collection to get the ball rolling.
Then read Kafka on the Shore

>> No.8356055

Wish you're a pretty deep intellectual dude.

Just read some Tolstoy ya fag.

The Cossacks - Leo Tolstoy (Maude translation)

>> No.8356067

>I love what makes me think about life itself, and how sometimes time can stop on very simple and short moments of everyday's life beauty.
The Stranger

>> No.8356070

>I love what makes me think about life itself, and how sometimes time can stop on very simple and short moments of everyday's life beauty.
>Thank you very much for any recommendation, however I think I will need something "fairly easy" to start of reading as I've almost never read besides in school.

This is the cutest thing, no really, it sounds so adorably innocent. I would say go back over whatever essentials pic you have and look at the corresponding wiki page until you find one that sounds interesting to you.

>> No.8356111


Unless you're a lad, in which case, fuck off ya poof

>> No.8356143

>Dorset /ˈdɔːrsᵻt/ (or archaically, Dorsetshire) is a county in South West England
Yeah, please go hang yourself. Thanks. Also, Loveless is an extremely overrated record.

>> No.8356168

Fuck off ya poof

>> No.8356183
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>> No.8356187

I don't want your (You)'s ya big willy

>> No.8356191

go read Camus, lol

>> No.8356192

You really seem like you do though, what with this shitposting you're doing now.

>> No.8356196

You can't have patrician tastes in music, videogames, movies, TV series and literature. We all have twenty-four hours in our day and you won't get any literary knowledge—nor even achieve a single book, frankly—while playing, watching TV and listening to music simultaneously. Either drop these uselessly time-consuming media or simply talk about “The Stranger” wherever you go to sound “cool” and well-read, because twenty minutes a day isn't enough to go through a introduction chart (that you should already know, by the way).

What are you? French?

>> No.8356197

No I don't dude, back off I'm warning ya

>> No.8356206

Trying to attempt nobodies on an anonymous shitposting website is probably the saddest thing you could do with your time.

>> No.8356208

Here's another one, you annoying cunt.

>> No.8356222

>I am more of a /mu/ guy
your taste is basic as fuck, nothing but /mu/core

>> No.8356227

Start with the Greeks

>> No.8356248

What? Man, I don't understand you guys. OP wants to get into reading and all you do is shit on him. Anyway OP, read some Vonnegut, either Slaughterhouse-Five or The Sirens of Titan. Fun stuff for beginners.

>> No.8356262

*touches your bum*

>> No.8356270

>all you do is shit on him
Because it's impossible to rec something to someone with such basic taste.
First he should try to delve into random deeper works before wanting specialized recs.

>> No.8356273

Whoa, ya fookin poof, touch me again and I'll fookin bash ye ead in m8, you got meh?


>> No.8356276

This. I'm so glad I stopped browsing that place

>> No.8356280

Just look for the starter kit, since you're basic as fuck anyway

>> No.8356323

>"Man, I don't understand you guys. OP wants to get into reading and all you do is shit on him."
>le my teacher is the only one who gets me and I'm much smarter than my ignorant peers, the literal middle-school-tier maymay

>"Man, I don't understand you guys."
>"Anyway OP, [if you want to get into reading, try with] some Vonnegut, either Slaughterhouse-Five or The Sirens of Titan."
this is why you don't understand "us guys"

>> No.8356912

Ahah op hère, you guys are hilarious !
I do know other music and stuff and so what if loveless is well known on /mu./ ? I love the emotion it procures, it is m'y favorite album, I dont care if it's mucore or whatever I actually came on /mû/ because it was m'y favorite album and people there liked it.
And I dont think I'm deep or anything, I never talk about what I like in public, neither did I say my taste were "patrician" or anything, you really are insecure about your tastes.
Anyway thanks to everyone who gave recommandations I will definitively give a look :)