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File: 884 KB, 1124x1438, Walt_Whitman_-_Brady-Handy_restored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8354717 No.8354717 [Reply] [Original]

How come nobody talks about the fact that Walt Whitman fucked underage boys and came on their faces?

>> No.8354724

It's too much to type out one-handed

>> No.8354763

So did Allen Ginsberg

The answer is that no one wants to talk about how flawed the idea of statutory rape is considering there are 14 year olds more mature and considerate than some adults will ever be in their lives and some people on the upper end of their 20s with the judgement of a child. I'm not saying fucking teenagers isnt a morally gray issue but it certainly is not the same thing as fucking children.

>> No.8354769

The difference is Ginsberg was a hack who openly and proudly ripped off Whitman's schtick

>> No.8354777

I disagree but it hardly has any relevance to the acceptability of sexing young boys. kek

>> No.8354779

kek wat?

>> No.8354780

His poems about fucking boys are a good start

>> No.8354782

Look, I didn't read all the shit to which you're responding, but you are clearly an idiot. Ginsberg and Whitman were both influenced more by the times they lived in and their peers. They both have distinctive voices you could never confuse with each other. Besides, Ginsberg has a bit more Blake to these ears.

>> No.8354784

not him but ginsbergs being a hack is incontrovertible, it's like a universal law

>> No.8354805

Just because you showed us that you know how to use a thesaurus does not prove that you know how to make an argument.

>> No.8354813
File: 1.32 MB, 2911x3790, Thomas_Mann_1947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he get away with it?

>> No.8354834

>Walt Whitman

>> No.8354845

is the penguin edition of Leaves of Grass any good

>> No.8354859

Honestly I can't fucking stand apologizes for sexual interaction between older and younger men. I can't speak for young women, but I can draw from my own experiences in the matter. When I was 17, like most boys that age that have profound interests in literature, I casually deified any older men who I thought had the trappings of the 'based /lit/ god' or whatever the fuck that I wanted to be so bad. Like many boys, I had a mainly absent father and constantly tried to impress the father figures I would find. One of them, a university tutor that I thought to be a reasonable object of worship mainly because he'd read at least some of the philosophical corpus, molested me at an end of semester class get together after party once he'd gotten me blindly drunk. The personal aspect doesn't matter, the relevance to the thread is that I never reported it because of the continued awe I felt towards him because of his tawdry literary merits.

Wherever there are young boys eager to prove themselves to father replacements, there will be a cult of the 'great man'. It could be a somewhat erudite tutor or it could be a someday canonical poet. One could argue that the sublimity of a young boys body carried into verse, ostensibly involving the seduction of the boy, is a glorious motif in art. You might say that pederasty is as impossible to prevent as prostitution. For me though, having been in the situation, I'd place less emphasis on these arguments. The utter corruption of trust in those idealized God-artists we once hoped are above selfish wanton plunder of the soul takes place in every person. I still find it abhorrently hypocritical that such men can do these things and deign to write poetry about the sanctity of life. There might be mature 17, 14, or 12 year old boys who find a fondling from their friendly mentor a pleasurably enlightening experience, but I feel they only exist in the writings of the friendly mentors. Shit like this is horrible honestly. I wrote way too much here but I really do find the cult of the great writer scary and dangerous. Would love to discuss objections

>> No.8354862

I know a guy who has been actively chasing sexual interactions with older men since he was younger than you were. Very erudite chap.
Maybe you're just not gay enough?

>> No.8354864

I'd have (another) relationship with a 14-year-old girl if I weren't still continuing the last and not nearly 30.

>> No.8354872

I'm not gay at all lol. I just think that corrupting the power dynamic of learned older dude and 'worshipping acolyte ' with sex is unhealthy. Made me feel pretty shit, and I didn't care about the gay part

>> No.8354874

At 17 you couldn't resist? How drunk is blindly drunk?

>> No.8354885
File: 34 KB, 433x334, 1391933083629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all fucking retarded. If you actually think Walt Whitman, the Walt Whitman that worked for much of his adult life to put his family on its feet after his fathers death and wrote letters home for illeterate wounded farmboys during the Civil War was a rapist you need a bullet between your eyes.

If you want to be idiots and talk about sex, say something clever about Walt fucking his ocean/death mother instead of spewing this bullshit.

>> No.8354889

This relationship you keep going back to, the great man and his idolaters, I must say, is pretty interesting. I've always pondered why pederasty among men of great ability or wealth is so common.

>> No.8354898

found the walt whitman. i thought you dead senpai

>> No.8354901

It does actually. Theia mania and all that.

>> No.8354915


if you just let him stick his finger up your butt sometimes he might have been the Homer of our age, just think.

>> No.8354992

Kek.nah I was passed out then I found him touching me Willy. Told him to fuck off, sad days desu, was having a good convo until then desu

>> No.8355189

kek my dude

>> No.8355307

You were a grown ass man showing persistent adulation for the guy. Just because you deified him doesn't put him above the basest of human drives and you probably came on to him when you were blacked out and don't remember it. He gave you what he thought you wanted.

>> No.8355319


>> No.8355330

kys pedo

>> No.8355338

kys pedo

>> No.8355645

I dont like Mein Kampf, because it is bad book, not because of Hitler. I like Whitman's poems because they are good.

>> No.8355663

You're an idiot.

>> No.8355764

>grown ass man

Underage detected

>> No.8355875

Stop picking on Whitman. His ravaging was justified.

>> No.8355894

hi pedophile

>> No.8355978

this is quite truly a tumblr-tier post

>> No.8356259

14 isn't pedo, plus she was way too sexy to say no to.

>> No.8356352

I dont absent my father and all my life I was sleeping with girls only. But there was my college lit profesor, who was probably bisexual, because he is divorced and has daughter, but he tried to get me drunk a few times, invited me home, offered sex... He was like 65yo and I was in my twenties. I was quite curious and tempted to say yes, but I always declined in the end. But from my perspective I believe there are young boys highly atracted to older guys, I am not enough gay to try something
Iike this, but Im still wondering from time to time what it's like...

>> No.8356438

>14 isn't pedo
wrong kys pedo

>> No.8356458

Because he was the second greatest poet of all time and therefore one of the greatest artists who's ever lived, one of the greatest authors, the man is practically a god. Who cares if he fucks teen boys
>implying you wouldn't if you were a famous and influential author

>> No.8356495

>attracted to sexually mature women

This meme needs to die

>> No.8356508

>criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13
Learn how to read for once in your life you have this vast ocean of information called the internet just dive right in and find that shit it's easy peasy too because you have these search engines where you can just type sjit Hood elder

>> No.8356533

Thank you for writing this. It was enlightening to read.

I can see the break of trust there.

>> No.8356685

Sorry but I don't sympathize for you nor do I buy the basis for your condemnation.

>> No.8357444

It's unethical to have sex with your student, and it's unethical to get someone blind drunk to rape them. However, 17 years old is old enough to legally have sex with anyone, in my country, and since tons of young legal people have encounters with older authority figures, I'm not sure the "great writer" or homosexual aspects of it make much difference. Generally, college-age kids have affairs with whoever, and survive just fine.

>> No.8357775

>falling for the ethics meme

>> No.8357859


fucking pussy

>> No.8357886

>no father growing up
>never sought out or tried to impress father figures

what am I doing wrong

>> No.8357897

You must have taken the oedipal route.

>> No.8357914

Do you even read?

Whitman was probably a virgin.

>> No.8357924

Did he finish on their faces? I thought it was in their asses.

>> No.8357929

All of this. 17 is the legal age in many places, including several states, and 16 as well, including some states. Fucking a mid-to-late teen is not pedophilia.