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/lit/ - Literature

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8351910 No.8351910 [Reply] [Original]

what's a /lit response I can give my girlfriend. like some kind of quote about trying to change people. why do women think they can do that. also what are some books about people in dying relationships?

>> No.8351913


I dunno, Stirner or some shit.

>> No.8351915

OCD is pretty rough OP.

>> No.8351919

>vaporwave wallpaper
yea, i'm not helping a 16 year old suburban kid

>> No.8351921

>that background

>> No.8351923

you need to find better ways to cope, OP.

if you're gonna date someone with a disorder don't be a little bitch about it.
Either man up or break up

>> No.8351930

Say OCD is a spook.

>> No.8351931

You sound like a pissbaby who shouldn't be dating someone dealing with what she's dealing with.

>> No.8351938


if she cares about you, she's not trying to change you but trying to help you out, anon.

>> No.8351942

I'd love to date someone like that. I need to get out more.

>> No.8351943

This. She shouldn't have to deal with someone like you.

>> No.8351963


oh she's the one with OCD. Why dont you encourage her to go into therapy, meditation, some shit like that?

>> No.8351979


try changing your diaper first, she's probably sick of the stench by now

>> No.8351985
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>> No.8351991


>Starting a sentence in the lower case
>Lack of full stop


Then I'll take her off your hands.

>> No.8351997

mildly funny OP I like you more

>> No.8352071

Good, good

>> No.8352125

>attempting to have meaningful interaction via text

>> No.8352200

this lol

>> No.8352226

You're silly. If anything, there is no meaningful interaction in real life communication.
It's too much of a slog. text speeds up the process to, if it exists, meaningful interaction.

>> No.8352234

>tfw gf used to read lots of books but now she's watching netflix all the time and getting more and more boring to talk to
should i dump her

>> No.8352238

Kek, it's like Richard Yates by Tao Lin but she's Tao and you're the 16yo selfcutting girl.

>> No.8352239

>posted on literature board

>> No.8352247


I personally would just try to reassure my "love" to someone like that.

>> No.8352248

>being this autismo


>> No.8352249
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>full punctuation when texting
>using a full stop when it's a single sentence message

>> No.8352261

text is alright

I prefer texts over calls.

Short calls are the best.

SMS support is always gonna be in any modern phone

>> No.8352273

Your girlfriend probably doesn't have real OCD 2bh.

>> No.8352280

kek, fair deuce. You're no longer a faggot

>> No.8352414

She would have been a good woman,” The Misfit said, “if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.”
-Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.8352424

Proper grammar isn't a chore - it's second nature to a true patrician.

>> No.8352439

Tell her you love her and that the most important thing is to support one another and talk about each other's problems in a sincere and sensible way.

>> No.8352454

>I'd love to date someone. I need to get out more.

>> No.8352464

This. Every person in the U.S. claims to have OCD because they occasionally clean their home.

>> No.8352468
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this desu

Always reassure when your gf is worried, and keep talking.

>> No.8352478

Y'asll niggas jumping down this dude's throat when you don't even know what set off the argument to begin with, damn. I know /co/ is full of SJWs but I thought /lit/ had a /pol/ infestation, shit.

OP, if you want a book about failing relationships, try Madame Bovary by Flaubert. I just started last night and it seems to be going that way.

Or you could always try Lolita.

>> No.8352615

>unironically hating vaporwave
Confirmed for born after 1995

>> No.8352626

No, not at all. I've like dating people with disabilities.

>> No.8352644

"I'm breaking up with you because you're not prettt enough."

Tell her that.

>> No.8352679

You've got it backwards. Vaporware was very popular with memekids and only memekids a few years ago, and eveb most of them have grown out of it by now I'm sure.

>> No.8352817

Does she actually have OCD or is she just memeing?

Because if she does I can't imagine you have a good relationship at all anyway

At least convince her to see a doctor before your relationship dies because that stuff is unlivable

t. former actual OCD haver

>> No.8352928

What the fuck is this

>> No.8352948

Stop putting your dick in crazy OP.

>> No.8353027

Sorry for hurting your feelings, OP.

>> No.8353375
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t. virgin

>> No.8353381

>not thinking text is more meaningful than conversation
>on the literary board

>> No.8353384

Full stops denotes the end of a sentence. It serves no grammatical purpose in a single sentence message

>> No.8354868

real life conversation moves too slow, right

>> No.8354868,1 [INTERNAL] 

How To Kill Your Boyfriend (in 10 Easy Steps) by D.V. Bernard is the book my female friends and I recommend. Hope your girlfriend learns something from it.