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8350724 No.8350724 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential readings in Mormon theology?

>> No.8350730

Paradise Loft.

>> No.8350786

I wouldn't know but i'm sure "How to think critically and make adult decisions" isn't on the list.

>> No.8350799

The Book of Mormon contains all you need to know in order to obtain salvation.

Highly recommended supplements include the King James Bible, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price.

Mormons are significantly more successful financially than the general population and have a high degree of satisfaction with their personal relationships. Also disproportionately found in positions of influence.

>> No.8350803

>Also disproportionately found in positions of influence.

this is not a complete sentence.

>> No.8350815

>high degree of satisfaction with personal relationships.
1. Citation needed. How does one define those terms?
2. Are you sure? Because i've known several and all were neurotic repressed messes that lived very frustrated lives and had a hard once real-life feelings and situations became involved.
3. Let's say you're right. I'm sure it's easy to be happy when you live in fairy town and poop cotton candy and magic underwear will get you into heaven where there's no more black people. But unfortunately that only works if you live in a world where nobody and nothing ever forces you to think critically and re-evaluate the stances from which you come at life, enabling you to grow as a person.

>> No.8350835


That's pretty common with insular cults. See also; Jews, Parsis, Quakers.

>> No.8350840

The Constitution, apparently.

>> No.8350856

>Also disproportionately found in positions of influence
So are Jews.

>> No.8350886

LDS are pretty nice people. Can you give me a rundown on their beliefs?

>> No.8350993

You can't read any books with bad words

>> No.8351153
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>Happiness? Heh, childish.... I''m a critical thinker....

>> No.8352600

Bump. How does one become a Mormon, lads, so that one gets employed and can make drone music instead of slaving away for some shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI5-MuV5NSo

>> No.8352637

You start by not using words like sh*t.

>> No.8352646

>Go to Mormon church

>> No.8353217

"high degree of satisfaction with their personal relationships"
I've dated a lifetime Mormon for a year and a half now and you are so unbelievably wrong. The only reason you say that is because Mormons tend to get married early and have kids early whilst being harassed by a team of missionaries in a clostraphobic tight knit community. But ignoring the fact that it's under the pretense that the male of the relationship will become a spirit God with his own planet and get to fuck as many spirit babes as he wants, every Mormon relationship is depressing as shit. I can't even think of a truly happy old Mormon couple. And they definitely aren't immune to divorce statistics. Also the amount of fucking contradictions and discrepancies between the Book of Mormon and how it's taught. It's somehow not common knowledge that Joseph smith wrote the book while looking at a fucking rock in a hat, in fact popular Mormon propaganda pictures show something entire different. Not to mention, the little detail that the male isn't eternally linked with the female but the female is with the male through divorce is a disgusting example of polygamy that still lives on that Mormons apparently don't know about. Or the fact that just about any plant or animal mentioned in the Book of Mormon is a geographical contradiction. It's almost as if Mormons are taught NOT to read the Book of Mormon from a young age by making he children do "read the Book of Mormon" challenges where they all just move their eyes through all the words without even reading it. the indoctrination is unreal and Mormonism is disgusting

>> No.8353937

>high degree of satisfaction with their personal relationships