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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 800x450, borges and his cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8349452 No.8349452 [Reply] [Original]

Is Borges the most /lit/ writer?
>autistic as fuck
>awkward with women
>contrarian as fuck
>all of his work is retarded fanfic meta wank and referencing completely obscure events and characters
>fuck fascism
>fuck communism
>fuck literally everything other than my own little snowflake mindset

>> No.8349459


>> No.8349476

You say that like it's a negative thing.

>> No.8349479

Someone seems to be triggered.

>> No.8349493

I love Borges.

>> No.8349519

>referencing completely obscure events and characters
>completely obscure
where the fuck ever? no
>fuck fascism
why stop on a roll

why don't you read some borges before you kill yourself

>> No.8349533

>he thinks that he knows more about Borges than a faggot whose entire work is studying the life of a dead writer

>> No.8349544

>he thinks the time he's spent misunderstanding Borges matters to anyone but himself

>> No.8349553

have you read anything my boy JLB wrote?

>> No.8349565

One of his best works (according to him) is a literal fanfic of Martín Fierro.

>> No.8349571

>Wasn't progressive nor idealistic enough to be awarded a Nobel prize
>Academic community have purposely and systematically buried his contributions
>In a populist move he declared himself an Anarchist (like every other author and their dog), "acknowledge me Sempai!"

>> No.8349580

>>he thinks that he knows more about Borges than a faggot whose entire work is studying the life of a dead writer
>he unironically wasted his life

>> No.8349587

as for the immortal, pierre menard, forking paths etc...

>> No.8349594

Is OP the most /lit/ poster?
>autistic as fuck
>awkward with women
>skims Wikipedia of a famous author
>shitposts only in memes and buzzwords
>mistakes his own retardation for wit

>> No.8349613

The sad fact is that the most lit writer is joshua ferris.

>> No.8349614

did you read Bioy Casares' 1600+ page diary about Borges? No, so fuck off

>> No.8349621
File: 103 KB, 1080x861, Jorge-Luis-Borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's funny? I can't think of many writers that claim Borges' influence. Gene Wolfe is obviously one, and I think someone said that Pynchon was partly inspired by Borges, but for supposedly one of the greatest writers of the 20th Century he doesn't have a lot of disciples.

>> No.8349625

ooh mr. pynchon taught me about him
the argentinian anarchist segments were the worst parts of that entire book

>> No.8349632
File: 19 KB, 236x323, Robert E Howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert E. Howard

>> No.8349639

That's pretty cool but he's been surpassed by Cortazar in the realm of the short story.

Who wants to read some autistic encyclopedia entry about Berkeley anyway?

>> No.8349646

Yeah, except that he pretty much defined the next 40 years (and that's conservative) of latin-american literature and is pretty much THE posterboy for magical realism, a movement that became pretty much mainstream after post-colonial literature.

Also, Pynchon wasn't partly inspired, he was blown away by Borges according to a letter to his editor some anon posted here once.

>> No.8349654

Cortazar is one of my favourite writers and an all around better (or more diverse, at least) writer than Borges, but even then, his early prose drips with "notice me borges senpai".

Funny thing is that Borges would agree with you and Cortazar with me on who's the better writer


>> No.8349659

Eco has a bunch of library/labyrinth imagery in Name of the Rose, right down to a monk named Jorge de Burgos

>> No.8349680

The whole new wave in SF

>> No.8349681

Did Borges say that Cortázar was good?

>> No.8349683

>what is JOI's cinematography

>> No.8349690

I think Howard could have gone on to write some fantastic standalone novels, if he hadn't topped himself. It's a shame his only contribution was turned into pop culture merch

>> No.8349710

people think all the labyrinths in his story were a metaphor. it was just because he was blind. when you're blind, pretty much everything is a labyrinth.

>> No.8349716

Cortazar short stories are
>dude life is so boring
>half of the stories are mundane tasks and generic descriptions
I think he relied too much on the 'wacky stuff' and not on the important stuff.
Honestly, i can safely say that the writer who carried the real Borges spirit is Sabato.

Yeah, it could be said that Cortazar was Borges' disciple, even if Borges hated having disciples.
He wasn't considered a big part of Borges' social life (unlike Sabato or Bioy Casares), but Jorge helped him to publish his first works.

He wasn't blind when he wrote his labyrinth-core (Ficciones/El Aleph).
The blind fase is more about tigers and daggers.

>> No.8350297

Yes, there's a book of his on Borges essential reading list or favourite books or something like that, should be easy to find. Sorry but I'm on my phone and can't be arsed

>> No.8350304

so you've never read Borges?

>> No.8350318

I always wonder how can people enjoy Borges not being Argentinian/Uruguayan

So much magic is lost with the translations

>> No.8350321

Pynchon literary wanted to be Borges

>> No.8350332

What translation-related difference is there to other spanish speakers?
>So much magic is lost with the translations
Like what?
I've read some Borges both in the original and in translation and found that the flavor of a word or two could sometimes be distorted, and that his writing style (themes aside) was clearly recognisable only in spanish, but that very little was different otherwise.

>> No.8350350

I loved his stories on the immortals and the aleph.

>> No.8351077

> muh translations

Found the retarded Argie.

Borges is literally Derrida/Deconstruction. So every reading is already a translation.

>> No.8351088

>>In a populist move he declared himself an Anarchist (like every other author and their dog), "acknowledge me Sempai!"
Oh Borges ...

>> No.8351121
File: 2 KB, 126x96, 1311366540155s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges was blind, too

>> No.8351440

All you did was lost memes and buzzwords, anon. You need to get off the internet for a while because you're soon going to become fucking unintelligible