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8349171 No.8349171 [Reply] [Original]

I've just bought the new edition of the book "In Search of Lost Time" by a brazilian publisher, "Nova Fronteira", and i began to wonder if brazilian luxury editions have a better design (more modern likely) than american editions or other countries. I've seen some issues in the american luxury editions (in general), they all have a purposely old visual (somewhat old fashioned), perhaps it's something merely cultural, because americans enjoy more retro design (?).

What do you thin about this edition? Do you have a better one (in terms of design)? Do you know any other one that is better than this one?

Sorry for any gramatical mistake, I'll be glad if someone correct me.

>> No.8349186
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The popular American version looks alright. It's nothing to write home about but it's chaste at the very least.

The thing is, there's a long history of Proust scholarship and academia in English speaking countries. The Modern Library translation is supposed to be decent. I don't know the status of the translation you're reading or if the translation culture is as rigorous in Spanish academia, either way the text is more important than the book jacket obviously though I admit the design for that edition is pretty neat.

>> No.8349196
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excuse me, Brazillian/Portuguese academia*

Here's another look. Interesting photo, sort of communicates the Erik Satie/meditative feel of Proust.

>> No.8349233

The translation is directly from the definitive version by Gallimard from 1987. The first release of this book by Nova Fronteira is from 1992, they "kept" the translation, just adapting to the new grammatical rules.
Never read any negative critic about the translation of Fernando Py, compared to others, it is best one, because it has a more standardized style (the other one was made by different translators) and not to use a southern regional language (that is a bit different from the northern), either use a Lusitanian language (such as "raparigas" that in Portugal means woman, but here means whore)

>> No.8349243
