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834744 No.834744 [Reply] [Original]

Varys, Tyrion or Littlefinger?

Who has the most wits?

>> No.834755


The Spider's webs are intricate. I get the vibe that he's running the show for everyone.

>> No.834759

WRONG ANSWER...in fact he's third in that group. the answer is Ty

>> No.834760

Tyrion has the best combination of wits and political influence leading up to book 5.

>> No.834764 [DELETED] 


Tyrion shot his father in the crotch.

Where's the subtlety in that, I ask you?

>> No.834769


There is an EVENT in A Feast For Crows, involving Tyrion, that seriously undermined his status as a cunning sort of person with me.

>> No.834770


that one little incident has no effect on his wit in the big picture.....and who led him there?

>> No.834773


I will admit that Tyrion has balls.

This is shown in the Battle of the Blackwater.

I never considered him to be very cunning. Tricky, yes. But I've always admired The Spider and his little birds for practically shaping the fates of most characters in the series.

Littlefinger just happens to know how to play the Game well. He has wits, but I am willing to bet money that Varys would, or could, one-up him.

>> No.834780


Your point is taken... Ty and Littlefinger are more overtly ambitious toward their own goals. Varys at any time could be double, triple, even quadruple crossing you.

>> No.834781

by book seven (lol) i think it will be Sansa, oddly enough.

>> No.834784


>Varys at any time could be double, triple, even quadruple crossing you.

This is what made me respect Varys.

They shouldn't call him the Spider, they should call him the Hydra. For obvious reasons.

>> No.834812


>by book seven (lol) i think it will be Sansa, oddly enough.

She's being groomed by Littlefinger, it's not an impossible idea. One must hope she doesn't also pick up his damnable obsession with himself.

He also came off as overly insecure about certain things.

>> No.834826

He also has a set of brass balls, can handle himself in a battle and a good old fashioned brutal cunning and cunning brutality.

>> No.834832


He also teamed up with Shagga, the character I cared the most about after Lord Eddard.

>> No.834931

I'm very glad that in the HBO series Shagga and the mountain men are going to be in the series. They could have written them out.

>> No.834945


I, too, would have been very sad if there were no manhood-chopping and goat-feedings in the live-action series. I forsee Shagga coining many a new meme among us, should the show prove to be a hit among the younger crowd.

>> No.834956

Tyrion is too wrapped up about women and being short.

Littlefinger and Varys are about equal, but Varys edges littlefinger out since he seems too confident, which usually bites people in the ass

>> No.834993

Tyrion is the weak link of the three. He's my favorite character, but his wits are no match for the other two.

So far Littlefinger has been to play the game better than anyone, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's close to peaking, and Varys may have a whole lot up his sleeve.

>> No.835076

I just finished a feast for crows.

What the fuck, kindly old man, you are not kindly at all. That shit will not fly.

How will Arya become the Jedi Assassin wielding dual lightsabers now? HOW? FUCK.

>> No.835080


Zatoichi, the Blind Swordsman, comes to mind here.
It has been said that the effect may wear off soon, too.

Also, I wouldn't be cheering her on so much, were I you. Some have theorized that she kills Sansa later on, after becoming an expert assassin.

>> No.835087


Yeah, I guess, but that's all speculation. I laughed at the afterword of a Feast for Crows, where he said he split his book into two, and that the next book would be coming out in a year or so. He apparently finished/published A Feast for Crows in 2005, so it's been like...5 years?

>> No.835110

Tyrion is my favorite character of the three, but dumb luck (written well enough, granted) on many occasions is the only reason he's still alive.

Littlefinger is my vote. Varys has a finger in every pie, but no ambition. Littlefinger is making shit work for himself, and his stock has been going up constantly ever since the day Brandon Stark thrashed him.

>> No.835121

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>> No.835146

Varys will be the final boss of the series.

>> No.835154

Varys, Tyrion and Littlefinger are all small time.

Varys? A eunuch, no penis no ambition.
Tyrion? An imp, a dwarf, something to be laughed at who only can get with whores (sort of).
Littlefinger? A self-obsessed lunatic who worships the now late Catelyn and her daughter

I think you fellows know what's coming. The master of the game of thrones: Walder, Fucking Frey.

Whose got eight goddamn wives? Spends all day fucking? Walder Frey.

Whose nearly a hundred years old and has the virility of a bull? Walder Frey.

Who planned the Red Wedding at an age where most men are senile? Walder Frey.

So if you want to pick a REAL man for this little piddly contest, you best pick my boy W. Fizzy, because he outmacks the rest of the players.

>> No.835157


Shit, guy! How could I forget Walder Frey!

Oh, yes, I'm still angry at him for destroying the Stark line. There's Rickon, but he might die before adulthood. There's Bran, but he's....yeah. Sansa is now Alayne, Arya is a blind swordswoman...

>> No.835204

>Arya is a blind swordswoman...

Wasn't there a preview or something where Arya killed a boy who was stalking Samwell Tarly?

Besides, I'm preeetty sure the Faceless Men have nothing to gain by permanently blinding their initiates.

>> No.835211

>Littlefinger? A self-obsessed lunatic who worships the now late Catelyn and her daughter

How badass would it be if Littlefinger dies and becomes UnLittlefinger and ends up with UnCat.

>There's Rickon, but he might die before adulthood

I hope so.

>> No.835285


What do you mean by Un in front of the names?

>> No.835293

Genna Lannister and the Queen of Thorns.
Genna just doesn't feel like playing.

>> No.835300

How about if Littlefinger reattaches his foreskin and becomes UnCut

He He He

>> No.835307
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>> No.835309

Died but brought back in a semi life.

>> No.835311
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>> No.835312

Tyrion is underplayed because we get to see how he thinks whereas Varys and Littlefinger's thoughts are kept away from the reader.

the end result is that the latter two seem to have some sort of mental hammerspace.

I vote Tyrion.

>> No.836001

really hard to say.

my first instinct is to say Littlefinger since he's managed to play pretty much everyone he's come across and still come across as harmless.

Varys is still too much of a mystery.

Tyrion had the disadvantage of having to react to other players instead of setting up his own game, but managed to survive. That's saying something

>> No.836016

I guess I'm saying regardless of who's smartest, Littlefinger is running the Vale and Tyrion and Varys are in hiding. Littlefinger's ahead for the moment.

>> No.838211

tyrion didn't manage to survive, he was saved by his brother and varys, mostly jaime
in fact the most recent state of his characters was balls-to-the-walls insane

my vote is varys, littlefingers obsession with cat and now sansa is too prominent not to be a death trap later