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8347291 No.8347291 [Reply] [Original]

Have you considered becoming a priest or a theologian? You'd have all the time in the world to read and study, in fact you'd be expected to do so, and being single wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.8347298

I'm actually joining a Trappist monastery in November. I've visited twice this year, and the second time I asked if I could join. They explained that it involves a strict routine and hard work etc and I said that's fine. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.8347315

are you a sincere christian? Or just joining for the lifestyle?

>> No.8347325

becoming a Buddhist monk and going to live in seclusion while meditating all day is my backup plan in life.

>> No.8347348

>going to live in seclusion while meditating all day is my backup plan in life.

Except you'll probably be sweeping floors and washing dishes most of the time.

>> No.8347353

I would want it, but it would require a call from god, which is missing sadly.
Also, you have a lot of work on your hands as a monk.

>> No.8347403

>Except you'll probably be sweeping floors and washing dishes most of the time.

You can meditate while doing that, if you are mindful.

>> No.8347409

It would be extremely mindful.

>> No.8347415

For you

>> No.8347417

>and being single wouldn't be a problem

For whom?

>> No.8347465

I have a slight preference for a Buddhist monastery rather than a Trappist one, but cannot free myself from the idea that I'd feel like an intruder - being a white western chap and all.

>> No.8347482


How open are the Trappists to mysticism? I'm enthralled by the possibility of some sort of union with God, but don't know whether that'd be something they (allow someone to) strive for.

>> No.8347489

I'm trans so I'd have to be Unitarian or something. But I mean, I've sort of consideed it.

>> No.8347495


>> No.8347530


There are western Buddhist monasteries, dude

>> No.8347614

My country is Lutheran. I could still marry and so on. Life wouldn't be that different.

And not really, I'm atheistic or agnostic atheist and that'd make the job a bit too hard to really like. But I am interested in theology as part of my interest in philosophy, so I did at one point consider studying it.

>> No.8347655

ive been thinking about secular monasteries consisting of elements from ancient philosophical schools; monasteries western, pagan and eastern; kibbutzim; hippy communes; cults; summer camps; universities ect.

does this exist or must we found them ourselves?

>> No.8347657

Already accept non jews, right?

>> No.8347671

Sounds good except for the hippy part.

>> No.8347698

>consisting of elements from
is the key part.
i'd steal their concepts self-liberty, pacifism and shared property, not theyre ideology of being stinky, lazy and drugged out their mind

>> No.8347708

I used to feed monks ata catholic university. Definetly the life, idk whats involved in becoming one but all they would do is drink beer and hang out. Some were certainly creepy pedophiles maybe 25 percent so you'd have to deal with that.

>> No.8347723

It has crossed my mind before but I've never considered it seriously.

What do normies do when there are no options left? I have a useless degree and pretty much no work ethic. I have a data entry job I work from home but I work like 10 hours a week if that

>> No.8347740

Thomas Merton was a Trapist and all religious orders have traditions of mysticism.

>> No.8347766

Yes, but those are even worse, I feel. You shouldn't renounce your culture.

>> No.8347771


Christianity comes from the Middle East.

>> No.8347793

A Greco-Roman middle east.

>> No.8347814

>You shouldn't renounce your culture.

What, that doesn't make any sense. Religious practice need not influence your culture, and you don't need to "renounce" it to practice an eastern religion.

>> No.8347828

Nice spook faggot.

>> No.8348590

phyletist faggot