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/lit/ - Literature

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8346673 No.8346673 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.8346687

straight outta Compton
Is a brotha that'll smother yo' mother
And make ya sister think I love her
Dangerous motherfucker raises hell
And if I ever get caught I make bail
See, I don't give a fuck, that's the problem
I see a motherfuckin cop I don't dodge him
But I'm smart, lay low, creep a while
And when I see a punk pass, I smile
To me it's kinda funny, the attitude showin a nigga drivin
But don't know where the fuck he's going, just rollin
Lookin for the one they call Eazy
But here's a flash, they never seize me
Ruthless! Never seen like a shadow in the dark
Except when I unload, see I'll get over the hesitation
And hear the scream of the one who got the last penetration
Give a little gust of wind and I'm jettin
But leave a memory no one'll be forgettin
So what about the bitch who got shot? Fuck her!
You think I give a damn about a bitch? I ain't a sucker!
This is the autobiography of the E, and if you ever fuck with me
You'll get taken by a stupid dope brotha who will smother
Word to the motherfucker, straight outta Compton

>> No.8347229


I'm fasting for a week. It's hard to remember, when I haven't had an exercise of will for so long, that these are all just sensations; that none of them dictate anything or require anything. Is surrendering your will to impulse the same thing as letting demons in? If so, I must be legion. I wonder how well all of this will work.

I've come to some conclusions about myself from studying the occult. I went insane roughly two years ago. The waters rose, and I found myself fighting them in a rickety, leaky boat. But despite being thrown into such a test, I kept the boat upright and afloat. But then the strangest thing happened. I realized that the fight had filled my soul in a way nothing else ever had before, or possibly ever will. I lusted for the waters again. So, as they receded, I threw myself into them, to my extreme detriment and discredit.

In myths and fairy tales, it's common for the protagonist to encounter obstacles. These obstacles are things like riddles, games, and contests of strength or speed. Some may be explicit tests of character, temptations, yet implicitly, they're always a test of character, even when they don't seem to be. I succeeded at the hardest test of character and failed at the easiest. What does that make me? It is not just that I am insane, it is that I have the character of a demon.

And after all, Kierkegaard said that deformed people can't help but become demons. Their alienation, their constant pain as an intrinsic part of their outlook, all necessarily act to deform them. So perhaps I can console myself by saying it is only my nature, but that seems to shirk responsibility. The sympathy of a dead genius is oddly seductive, but this further discredits me.

I have been building a way of viewing the world, of viewing my inner life, that is based on my madness and dreams. It has let me mine the depths, but as an untested system it is dangerous. I have been warned off of this behavior by experts. They have pointed out my narcissism, my disregard for the safety of myself and others; I suspect another reason they dislike it is simply because it conflicts with their own views. I could take an off-the-shelf system, but then it would require all my life to rearrange my mind to fit it, for a fraction of the power. In exchange I would get the company and approval of an eccentric group of others, but lose sight of something. What does it mean to be true to yourself when the self is dynamic? My daimon takes a certain form: that is her form! I am proud of that form! I don't give a damn what anyone says about it, it only shows they're trapped in another mode of thinking, that their grip on it is too fragile to even tentatively understand other systems or networks of symbols, that they feel threatened by a lone lunatic of bad character, as if all their work will disappear if they just look at me. Well what of it? Is this not more power I wield? And if so, all the less reason to relent.

>> No.8347552

Ass, tits, pussy, ass, tits, pussy, ass, tits, pussy, I want all three right fucking now

>> No.8349316
File: 73 KB, 941x591, F60.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear World,

why am I me? Why do I need to have this retarded motherfucker in my brain who always makes me feel, think and do stupid shit?
I hate him. Myself. I guess.

Why am I so weak? And why do I always fail, or is it just another illusion? There are always illusions. Ones of made up troubles. Ones of made up glory. Why are they there?
The doctor has a word for it. He wrote it on a paper and gave it to me. My personality, everything I thought to be myself, can be summed up with a small green page from a PDF-file from the internet. Or maybe not. I don´t know.

Dear World, I know nothing. Can you be happy knowing nothing? Do you need to be happy? So many questions. So many thoughts. So many illusions.
And they never stop.

Help me.

>> No.8349342

hi luna :)

im trying to learn a bit more about Marxism and post-marxist thought, as well as metaphysics so I can approach Deleuze and other contemporary philosophers. I'm excited to read him especially, his ideas sound very interesting.

also realized some important shit on my acid trip last week. overall, i'm feeling a million times better about life than I did a week ago :)

>> No.8349345

There is no coherant self. Stop choosing to believe this about yourself, you're not doing yourself any good.

>> No.8349351

I need more pokemon but I don't feel like getting up.

>> No.8349352

>There is no coherent self
That is a very unsettling thought, my friend. I don´t want myself to be merely an illnes, ya know?
Maybe I want to have something like a genuine personality.

>> No.8349362


"you" won't mind if "I" turn that collection of neuromuscular tissue of yours into calories or biocomputational substance then, will "you"

>> No.8349401

Not at all /lit/ related, but I'm in a 2 year relationship with a girl that I love a whole bunch, but I find myself not wanting to see her a whole lot. Spending time with her restricts how much I can do with my friends and I often don't want company, I just want to chill, watch netflix and read for a few days on my own without her. She's also really moodswingy, and whenever she's feeling down I inevitably end up feeling shit too, which isn't the best considering I'm usually an emotionally stable guy.

I care for her a lot, but I want to be the introvert that I am for most of the time and then be able have that excitement of meeting other people and other girls from time to time. What the fuck should I do?

>> No.8349418

My parents have always babied me and I've always let them. I think they think that I'm their best chance at 'success' because I've always been academically inclined, but here am I now, 23 years old, still living at home, thoroughly unprepared to live an adult life. Even in my recent job search I've just been sending out my resume to postings my parents have sent my way.

Not that I'll ever get the opportunity, but I'm totally ill-equipped to raise children. Too great a likelihood they'll turn out like me.

>> No.8349807
File: 656 KB, 4160x2340, UscOTnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The learning curve on this board is so small that I went from being pleb to patrician in the span of one year.

>> No.8349824


Whenever I see a thread like this, it makes me feel like I have an utterly banal mind. The thread topic is "Write what's on your mind", and yet I cannot really think of anything to post. I always just skip over these threads.

It also makes me feel like a simpleton, because when I see a thread like this, the THREAD is on my mind. It's the last thing I saw, so naturally it's on my mind. I think my mind is just too segmented and robotic: most people would see something like this thread, and post about things happening in their life, or how their day went.

>> No.8349853

write whats on your mind
no but srsly i wish my mom had aborted me, i dont know what to do with my life and i feel like a parasite to my parents. this shit is a fucking scam, is life srsly just getting a cucked by a system you NEVER wished to be a part of? that fucking sucks, the only who get to be happy are rich people, if you are rich and arent happy please kill yourself, you literally have the masterkey to life.
>inb4 gb2/r9k/
i just want to be comfy ffs, but life feels like burning, just to think about having to interact to other human beings feels like my soul is gets crushed by some massive fart.
the only good thing is this massive shitfest is art, specially literature and music.

>> No.8349861

I think I'm accustomed to sadness. I have the urge to calm my soul, but I don't know how.
Cynicism is erasing all of the real feelings on my life, yet I can't think of a life without cynicism.

>> No.8349864

Same. I didn't have to talk to anyone either

>> No.8349886

Oh my god, I never realised lit was this pathetic. Man the fuck up. I am awesome.

>> No.8349888

at this point, if you cant see yourself taking the relationship further to fulfill some goal, I think it would be best to leave her. I went through the same thing, sometimes the most merciful thing you can do is to move on, even if it feels bad

>> No.8349934

You are lost, afraid anxious and hopeful
Maybe you ache to be saved, but from what? Or from who?
Yourself, possibly but if that's so
Why would you need to be saved, are your thoughts not your own? can you not control them It's fairly simple the more you do it, the easier it gets.
I was lost once didn't feel a damn thing everyday, my own thoughts were my worst enemy. I figured I couldn't live with "myself" this way, so I killed myself (spiritually) those thoughts were suppressed, all the voices of the past all of the "faggot, loser, bitch, pussy, stupid, dumbass etc.." Words that came from other people's mouths disappeared. I started to tame my own voice from calling me those names, and now we have conversations filled with wonder and humor. Don't be your worst enemy, you're all you've really got. Take a tab of acid feel alive, and kill yourself (your old self)

>> No.8350015
File: 85 KB, 600x857, 1466788412247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 20XX. Genre fiction is now canon, no one reads, and /lit/ moves at a more rapid pace than ever. Embrace the decline of the West.

>> No.8350089

You're not merely an illness. That just happens to be a shitty card you were dealt. You are a hand of cards, each representing a past experience or genetic inheritance. Like a poker player you can't control the cards you're dealt, all you can control is what you do with them.

Upon reading the above it feels simultaneously profound and useless, so I'll just add this little rider:

Some people go their whole life unaware of their mental illnesses or shortcomings. Maybe there is bliss in that ignorance.

Some are diagnosed and mistakenly think this is the end of the line for them, that they must always feel the way they do now, or are simply prescribed something and move on.

Yet still others realize their illness is only one part of them, that they must keep in mind as they continue on and work for the betterment of themselves. At the end of the day, these people are often stronger in character than they would have been if not for their illness.

You've lost the liberty of choosing the first group, which of the latter groups would you prefer?

>> No.8350104
File: 27 KB, 281x480, LEFASHIONBLOGEMBROIDEREDTOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking a lot about tablecloth recently. Why do women wear them as shirts?

>> No.8350116

/lit/ is really stupid & literature is a dead end

>> No.8350180

Sensimilla, return to me the hours
Left 'neath the window that has no shade
June's remains wither in a Meissen vase
Though I have not seen the sun for days.

The pane is cracked, and so is the world
I see it from the corner of my eye
And at most I'd come to say good night
Before I take off my clothes to die.

>> No.8350187

That definitely looks like a giant ass doily.
whatever covers you up i guess

>> No.8350200

Of course it is.
Your entire life is a dead end.

You should read because you like reading you brainless fucking queerbo.

Not because some frustrated elementary school teacher in a moment of weakness lied to you and told you that reading would make you a better person or some stupid asinine shit.

is it our fault somebody told you that reading fiction was a more productive use of your time than video games, heroin or masturbation, and you were stupid enough to believe them?

>> No.8350243

I fucked two girls this past weekend. But that's not the important fact. The important fact is that the first girl I fucked (and I mean fucked), I did so in tandem with my buddy of 12 or so years. We didn't really know her personally, which actually probably made the entire experience flow chemically better. The lack of homosexual tension was unsurprisingly unsurprising (which is decidedly different from being merely 'unsurprising'). Also in the past 72 hours I drove 11 hours, vomited in my own lap while behind the wheel, witnessed a silver sedan completely engulfed in flames, masturbated in a half-price books, told one blatant lie in a 4chan reply box that isn't necessarily not this one, and also lost a fucking game of corn-hole (not an actual fucking game) to a surreptitiously competitive 6'5'' overweight Indian asshole accountant who insultingly yawned three times while I spoke to him (making it the last time) named Alok.

I'm also thinking about the high-wire act (no strings attached) that currently is mi vida, and how, when broken down like a pre-training Navy SEAL, this previous statement sounds incredibly cliched: "OMG MY LIFE IS A MESS I"M SO RELATABLe" has become an annoying thing to pretend to believe—and yet here I am, was, were, durr.

I need to stop taking pills.

>> No.8350255

Haven't been feeling as good as I should. Of course it's because I feel lonely and unfulfilled. I don't want to start waxing poetic over it, i'm not in the tenth grade anymore.

There's this girl who works with me, just a year or so younger. She's pregnant. The moment i noticed it, it's been bugging me and I don't think a day has gone by that I haven't thought of her and that baby inside.

I guess it boils down to the fact that I wish it was mine. I wish I could have been the guy to have slept with her. not to get rid of my virginity card or to get off, I have hands after all, but because I want someone to trust me. Just think of it, someone opening themselves up to you and letting you meld with them. I wish I could be trusted and loved like that.

I've been daydreaming of being a father to the tyke. I'm young, but I know I could do my part in bringing it up right. Of course, i don't know what i'm even talking about. Got my head too damn far up in the clouds.

Been thinking of giving her a poem. Not discussing what i've mentioned here of course. I was considering writing one about the strength it takes to do what she does. If not write one, then find a good classic poem online that applies. Either way, i'd give it anonymously, just type it out and clip it to her paycheck on payday. Would that be too cringey? I don't know, i just feel like I should do something.

>> No.8350280

Trying to figure out if I'm an hyper self-aware person, or if I just believe that I am and am therefore actually insane (which in considering leads me to assume the first option). Or if there's even a difference between the two.

Also my dog, pot, gun, sleep, show, fan, bites, air, back, and the fact that a girl told me two days ago that I was "the person who gave the least fucks" out of anyone she had met in her life. 22 year olds (of which I am one).

>> No.8350283

I'm remembering two people.

The First was Mrs. Hamilton.

She had just moved into the old folks home when I met her. She was very practical, like an old sailor. Which is to say she was greedy or money meant a lot to her. She gave me a few dollars for introducing her to the place, and I thought I was real clever for noticing her old cardboard suitcase felt like 5 dollar bills.
She wanted to talk to me because she felt comfortable for the first time in years. She asked me what kind of work I'd go in, and I didn't know so I said Finance.
And she told me to make sure I get a pension because they can't take that away. I looked a while at her eyes and I knew she must have been pretty in the 1970s.
Then she told me about the cows in her upstate farm and her parents liked her sister better. And I tasted her lemon drop childhood from sixty years away. I helped her find a movie she liked on the TV, and I said I'd see her tomorrow.

The Other is Daisy

She was a kind of independant. The sort they breed in East brooklyn. She had a thick voice and skinny legs. Legs that went straight down without a muscle anywhere. She wasn't so pretty but she would hop around her apartment like a demon, and for a while I thought she was one of those fake girls New york is full of.
Sometimes I think that all there is, Fake girls. Anyway, she had an apartment with a broken door. The last tenant tore the frame out, to drunk to find the key. Now any Bronx bastard could break in with a butter knife. It's all the same to me. A forgotten dream slum.

Anyway that's what I was thinking.

>> No.8350286

You fucked her for 12 years?

>> No.8350298

*too drunk
*that's all

Having read this thread I'm almost too disgusted to correct my post. /Lit/ is really self bourgeois and self obsessed.

>> No.8350301


>> No.8350308

I miss writing My Little Pony fanfiction.

>> No.8350327

i miss reading my little pony fanfiction
all the good authors performed a mass disappearing act two years ago and i haven't cared to read anything since.

>> No.8350329

>of 12 or so years

>> No.8350330

I've been paying more attention to my mood recently. I don't think I'm bipolar, but I can't put my finger on these manic happy episodes I'm getting. I suppose they're overdue. I've started watching youtube videos on dancing, and am working up to teach myself how to do cartwheels and backflips. I want to take up a martial art of some kind, and I want to say outrageously lovely things to people and run away before they can respond. I am coming around to the belief in the power of the conscious mind, and that I have the ability to overcome my supposed lack of discipline whenever I choose to. I write often and re-read my journals. I project much of my own experiences onto my belief in humanity as a whole. I suppose this is the way it works for everyone, but when I think back over my relationships to people I notice how my preconceptions affected the way they have formed. I am becoming more aware of the cues other people give off now that I am not so invested in brooding in my own head. There is no self. I want to get rid of my social media presences because it feels refreshing to burn all those memories and contacts with people, like the garish scarecrow of yourself you put up to the world to show what a good time you're having. I try not to see it that way, but I do. It makes me laugh. I think I'm past the worst darkness of nihilism and onto the more carefree other side. My priorities and characteristics are changing. I'm becoming something else. It's exciting. For the first time, I want to live.

>> No.8350342

Well, speaking for myself, I've decided to try my hand at writing original fiction. I was doing it for a while, I just went back to MLP because I'd written a fairly long story that heavily set up a sequel, and I felt compelled to go back and write that sequel.

I've had some success as a 'real' writer in the last year; I've gotten some short stories published, and more may be forthcoming. But I do sort of miss those six colorful ponies.

>> No.8350357

Most of these are horseshit. These two however are good.

>> No.8350383

All I think about is alcohol and i know know know know know i have a problem but don't do anything about it. Every time i sober up and think i can drink at a "social level" again i go on week long binges that leave me so emotionally crippled that I can't leave my room. I'm only 22 and it sucks because all my friends do is hang out and drink but for me it's not a good thing to do.

I hate how self-pitying and narcissistic it makes me. I went to AA for like a week but i thought it was gay and think i'm smarter than everyone else so i don't listen to other people's advice. I think i'm wasting my creative abilities by being so self-absorbed but until i get past this road block i'm not going to do shit.

But without alcohol i can't socialize or fuck or have fun at all and even though i know that this isn't an uncommon problem that people have i hate addressing the issue verbally. I don't know anyone else that is as young as me that has such a problem dealing with alcohol and drugs. Everybody in AA was at least 30. I don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.8350430

>i thought it was gay and think i'm smarter than everyone else so i don't listen to other people's advice.

I think this aswell, and I know it's not an attitude which helps me in any way.

Take your alcohol problem more seriously and realize you might not be able to figure it out all on your own, and seek help in some form and listen to people who have been in a similar place.

Projecting very hard btw.

>> No.8350434

I just finished The Castle and I'm about to start Lookout Cartridge and I'm getting a real sense of inferiority as an artist by reading more. I didn't read for oh, boy, three, four years there, no fiction really, few novels. I read the Greeks, I did that, but I only really consciously made an attempt to start again this January. I wasted a lot of time. I majored in political science because I thought it was easy, really I just had a handle on cynicism and no interest in much besides being indignant at what I perceived as injustice. I feel that part of me dying as I bury it in more and more art. I've been reading two books a week since January. I read five books in the mental hospital. I thought of the ending for my novel there. It's okay. I'm worried about sounding like John Green in the dialog but I'm working at it. The easy "naturalistic" sounding shit where you throw a colloquialism or some phrase that seems to tinge the dialog one way and have them question it. "Oh, that's odd." "Odd?" "Yes, odd." is a waste of dialog and I'm having to purge it from my writing and my impulses when I write. It's journeyman bullshit. Naturalism doesn't sound like Kevin Smith and it doesn't sound like nerds bitching. I'm struggling with how cognizant the characters are of themes, they're somewhat contemplative I suppose. I feel afraid I'm just wandering into well-worn material or writing some soapy bullshit about college kids. I have to accept the possibility that it'll be a misfire when it's all done. I showed the 3 chapters I have more or less in good form to one of my closest friends and realized what a mistake that was. He knew me, he saw every bit of me that was hiding in the text. He said it really captured me. What was he supposed to say? He knew the real places, he knew what I was talking about more clearly than anyone I'll show the manuscript to in all likelihood. And it actually hurt to feel that exposed. I felt more like a fraud than I guess I should have. I don't want to write some apologia for the life I lived, I don't want to be visible in the speech and the places, and maybe I'm not to people who don't know what I recycle and use so clearly. I want to shape characters out of it and make it feel like it's happening right there, right then, a period piece from 2014-2015. So of course I'm researching, I'm adding, editing constantly. Reworking the land I've plowed already. I'm building a pretty extensive set of outlines, character notes, background research into their purported hometowns. I learned a lot about Cedar Shoals High School in Athens, Georgia. The test scores, news reports. Digging into local media is a shitshow. Restaurants, construction projects, movie showtimes, weather reports, neighborhoods, it's a mess. I'm only 20% of the way to the finished product, and I've got 9 other drafts to turn into workable chapters and three more to spin out of vague plans.

At least I'm going to make myself learn discipline before this is done.

>> No.8350620


>> No.8350638

I don't know if the reason I haven't been reading is because I've been going to sleep too late at night or if the reason I can't sleep is because I've been reading too late at night or if both are somehow interconnected. I'm not even sure what I just wrote. That's what happens when you go to sleep at 5 AM.

>> No.8350687

These two stood out to me.


The First because it innocently searches for truth, and takes a fatalistic position. But it still tries to fight.


This one because it looks so closely at its environment and writes reality outside itself and molds a new social truth.

>Kill me for using it instead of He/she

>> No.8350701

I wasted my life trying to make sense of things, Now I just want to make others as confused as I was.

>> No.8350706

I'll never get initiated into the mysteries and rise above my the rest of you plebs. I'll never take a cool picture with my hand in my coat and be remembered as a suave genius poon hound. It's not fair.

>> No.8350770

in this day and age no 23 year old is supposed to know how to be an adult yet.

you wanna know how you can prepare yourself for an adult life and also improve your chances with ladies? go out there and make mistakes you piece of shit.

>> No.8350774

we were never meant to exist. We were also never meant to not exist. we just do. Your attitude towards life is your entire universe. if you feel stuck change something. I kn ow it's gayballs but you have to learn to accept the banality if you wanna be marginally happy.

>> No.8350778

reading is just escapism. it's just a time honored and well respected form of escapism.

>> No.8350797

Hey, recognizing you have a problem at 22 instead of 30 or later is admirable. Those people wish they realized it at 22. I have a roommate who is 23 and he drinks obscene amounts every night alone, watching some inane shit on netflix. I'm 22 and I'm scared as fuck of alcohol, like sometimes it feels like I'm only a few steps away from letting it take over my life. I feel like maybe the only thing keeping me from going on endless binges is living in a house with people who would judge me, and how maybe if I ever live alone, every night I'll be drinking alone and I won't pull out of it.

Anyway, maybe try and tackle it from the /lit/ angle. Infinite Jest deals with addiction and, well, I'm reading it now and it's helped change my perspective on the whole thing. Seeing a different perspective has just helped, you know? I'm not memeing or anything, just as a disclaimer. I hate recommending things because who knows how the other party will take it, but the book honestly has helped. Anyway, good luck anon.

>> No.8350841


I feel like I've looked behind the wrong door for the first time in my life. There's something so fantastically seductive at the beating heart of the occult, because the occult dares to suggest that it and not you is what's in control. And when my thoughts wander and my stoic, positivist education falters, I can see a demon out of the corner of my eye with a sly grin and a secret on its lips.

Who is this demon who lurks at the edge of my life as it unfolds? Why do I so desperately want to heed its call? The voice that once told me I'd be mad if I thought I could summon a demon is awfully quiet these days. Now I seem to think I'd be mad not to try, or rather, not trying might drive me mad. I have to know what it is. I need to know what they want from me.

This might come across as trite or cliche but I really do feel as if I was 'drawn' to the occult. It's been such a short amount of time but it's so deeply and thoroughly entwined itself with my daily thinking. I'm gripped by the possibility. I want there to be something spectacular just around the bend and if my sanity is the price of entry, well that's been slipping through my fingers for years now.

Please tell me more about yourself.

>> No.8350855

I'm unsure.
I finally have my girlfriend. The one, the only.
I found her. Like her being special.
I'm afraid.
What shall i do? I do like her, but love? She's to young.
4 years, im 21 shes 17, what shall i do? She's smart, but she lacks the essence. Now that i know, how can i show?
I told i love, am i anything but a filthy liar?
Can someone talk to me?
I know she will be great, but she isn't and i can't wait.

>> No.8350860

I've always had a feeling that the concept of 'wheels of fate' are a very real thing. When someone's life feels static and unchanging, it's only ever a temporary situation, even if it lasts for years or even a decade or more.

As I waltz forward into Autumn with the future staring me in the face, I'll have no choice but to embrace it, and hop on that wheel of fate until it crushes me into happiness.

>> No.8350863

This touched me.

>> No.8350872
File: 235 KB, 1024x1024, 1421869865159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so did your dad lol

>> No.8350873
File: 61 KB, 610x456, 1469569096023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im pretty sure that's not the image i attached to that post, thanks gook moot

>> No.8350876

I wish I had money to buy more coffee. Also I wish I won't be called to paint a house today. My back hurts.

>> No.8350879

I upgraded to Windows 10 and it's kind of garbage, it's not very good at all really
Even after I added new keys and downloaded third party software to make it less shit and more like Windows 7
There's a whole bunch of mind bogglingly terrible design decisions that just make no sense at all
>how about everything that takes one click now takes two
>how about everything that took a double click now requires you to right click and pick something from a list
>what if we removed good aspects of the pre-release Windows 10 version
>what if you don't have a button to empty the trash bin anymore but instead you can chose between right clicking and picking from a list or having a dumb menu at the top in literally every single folder like it's MS Paint
>what if the folders where all white at the top and there was an invisible line between where you need to click-drag to move it and where you click-drag and nothing happens
>what if we build an operating system for tablets and remove anything that people with a computer might want because fuck any "We totally learned from Windows 8 guys this one's for computers too!" pretences
the list goes on

At this point I still have 27 days to go back to Windows 7
But, truth be told, I didn't like Windows 7 all that much either.
That one is just sort of alright and has a long list of pros and cons too, it wouldn't even let me play with the system language because I don't own Ultimate
Windows 7 looks disgusting too, the dumb thing on top of all the folders and programs, it makes my Foobar look so terrible

I feel bad, monopolies are evil and I wish there was an alternative that could run all my programs and stuff

Also Firefox is fucking garbage, if I go in a new tab and open one of my most viewed pages I can't press the back button to go back to the new tab where all my most viewed pages are
Why the fuck would anyone do that, this shit is fucking stupid and Google Chrome can do that just fine

How is an image viewer where the mouse wheel is used to scroll through all your pictures and you can't change it to zooming in like you would actually want or even turn that shit off

Not even this website fucking works, but why would anything ever

Everything is terrible and nobody cares to make it better
It's just so tiresome and tedious
>But Anon, why don't you learn to code and fix it yourself? Surely that would be a worthy pursuit
If giant companies with billions of dollars, independant developers, crowdsourced projects that pull together the intellect of people from all over the globe and people that have been doing literally nothing else for decades or even all their life can't do it, how could I?

I want to die

>> No.8350892
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Dude your so right if only all programmers were me.
t.toilet fellate

>> No.8350915

a girl i loved told me that we can no longer see each other romantically. i am lost in this world but due to my upbringing when faced with nothing to do i have a compulsion to challenge myself. at the present moment i am challenging myself with university. i left my friends,family and a two year relationship to study at the best university in my country, this upsets me at times but then i'm reminded that i would be bored had i stayed at home and would probably be resentful to all those around me. when i say i am lost in this world i don't mean it in some melodramatic self pitying first existential crisis way but rather that i am aware of my total freedom and that i will always have the feeling that whatever life choice i make will be the wrong one, this bothers me at times but then i remember that there is no such thing as "the right choice". next year i think i might leave this academic life and become a farm hand, it would be hard work but it would be give me purpose and time to myself, do we really need anything more than that?

>> No.8350919

Why is this guy asking me "what's on my mind"? What is his agenda? Why even make a thread like this? Why am I even here? Why do I keep coming back to this stupid website? Why am I even writing this? Why am I bothering writing these comments for some random anon to read? Why am I imagining what they will thing about my comment? What is even the point? Why would they even do that?

>> No.8350924

he's capturing the zeitgeist you dip

i don't like your post, i think it's bad
really bad

>> No.8350926

What is a zeitgeist? I could Google it, but I don't care. Now he's gonna think I'm illiterate because I don't know the word? Why would he even mention it? Why doesn't he like my post? Why say "bad really bad"? Why even emphasize it like that? Why do I care? Why am I bothering replying?

>> No.8350930

just stop

>> No.8350931

>But Anon, why don't you use Linux?

>> No.8350937

>I wish there was an alternative that could run all my programs and stuff

Linux sadly doesn't do that

If it did I would switch immediately, but Linux just isn't an option for me because a lot of things I want to use don't work

>> No.8350941

What is stop? Why am even asking when I know the word? Apparently I don't know it instinctively enough. Why do I keep responding to this person? I hate writing this shit. But, he's so annoying the way he wan't me to stop. I can't stop now. I must annoy him even further. Even though it hurts me as well. Fuck I hate this.

>> No.8350944

What exactly do you need to run?

>> No.8350954
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I'm scared that I won't be let into the air force because of my high blood pressure. My doctor said that I just have to lose some weight and any problems will be gone. I am strong-fat and have always focused on lifting heavier and heavier instead of keeping my body fat low. I do have weight to lose and I should be fine after I do that, but hypertension runs in my mom's side of the family, and there may be a possibility that I would be DQ'ed later on if I have it. There are always waivers for stuff like that, but there is no clear answer on whether or not one person will get one.

>> No.8350961

As far as Microsoft stuff goes I need to use MS Office from time to time and I actually think OneNote is very good for taking notes, but I guess you can't have Microsoft anything on a non-Microsoft OS
I need Foobar since it's my music player of choice and itunes to put that music other places, I could probably live with looking for alternatives for everything else
Foobar and itunes might work on some Ubuntu versions with Wine

My video games bascially do not work on Linux no matter if Wine or not

>> No.8350965

My ex-boyfriend made an account on a social media site I frequently use. I followed him because we were "still friends" but really I just wanted to see how he was doing without me.

I was so happy for a while knowing that when he left me his life was absolute shit but then he posted a drawing of his new girlfriend and everything hurts again.

I found the new gf's account from his page and she's beautiful. I hate her. I want to be happy for the two of them but I can't. I want to puke all over my phone and continue puking until all these thoughts are gone.

He wrote saying that he was amazed that he could finally find love after so long. He used to say that he never said "I love you" to anyone because it never felt right. I was okay with that until he said those words to me three months into our relationship. He told me that our relationship was the best one he had ever had. He broke up with me over a phone call.

He was a pretentious asshole who thought he was the hottest shit around. I keep telling myself that he wasn't worth it and caring about him now is worse but now it's 4am and I just the thoughts of him and her and jealousy and self-pity to go away so I can sleep again.

Anyone, please, help me sleep.

>> No.8350974

>Anyone, please, help me sleep.
I hear Hemingway found a way.

>> No.8350976

>help me sleep
My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and
as a source of untold misery to the human race. I cannot, however, deny that it has
made some contributions to civilization. It helped in early days to fix the calendar,
and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle eclipses with such care that in time they
became able to predict them. These two services I am prepared to acknowledge, but I
do not know of any others.
The word religion is used nowadays in a very loose sense. Some people, under the
influence of extreme Protestantism, employ the word to denote any serious personal
convictions as to morals or the nature of the universe. This use of the word is quite
unhistorical. Religion is primarily a social phenomenon. Churches may owe their
origin to teachers with strong individual convictions, but these teachers have seldom
had much influence upon the churches that they have founded, whereas churches have
had enormous influence upon the communities in which they flourished. To take the
case that is of most interest to members of Western civilization: the teaching of
Christ, as it appears in the Gospels, has had extraordinarily little to do with the ethics
of Christians. The most important thing about Christianity, from a social and
historical point of view, is not Christ but the church, and if we are to judge of
Christianity as a social force we must not go to the Gospels for our material. Christ
taught that you should give your goods to the poor, that you should not fight, that you
should not go to church, and that you should not punish adultery. Neither Catholics
nor Protestants have shown any strong desire to follow His teaching in any of these
respects. Some of the Franciscans, it is true, attempted to teach the doctrine of
apostolic poverty, but the Pope condemned them, and their doctrine was declared
heretical. Or, again, consider such a text as "Judge not, that ye be not judged," and ask
yourself what influence such a text has had upon the Inquisition and the Ku Klux

>> No.8350977

I'll help you sleep.
You aren't friends. He does not care about you anymore. Not a fucking bit. Now get rid of him. Out of your life.
Get rid of the contact, block him from your phone.
Throw away that gift you still have, that he gave you. It just brings back bad memories.
Try to understand why it didn't work. Was he a prick, or did you do things wrong too.
After doing all of that and maybe crying one last time you can sleep.
Crying isn't something bad. It's a ventil. You need it. Open it up, let it out.

>> No.8351031

Nothing on my mind. Except that I don't feel like cooking tonight.

Peace out.

>> No.8351034

This should be a even better sleeping pill.


>> No.8351065

Didn't work. Nice try.

I blocked him just now. Thanks.
Now I'm trying to figure out where it went wrong.

There was only one time when he got really mad at me and that was when I refused to have sex with him one night. One night out of the year we were living together.

He also seemed disappointed that we don't play any of the same video games (except for the ones that I got him into). Sometimes I thought I bored him.

I'm hoping that the main problem was that I'm too far away (he has since moved across the country) but it makes me wonder if I moved there we would get back together. My bank account wouldn't let me, thankfully, but not knowing is slowly killing me.

I want to cry but it's not going to happen. It's weird. Lately, I've been crying over any scene in movies/books/tv shows with the slightest bit of emotion but right now there's nothing.

>> No.8351075
File: 89 KB, 500x494, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear KIDZ BOP music,

Your "music" product is a perfect storm of
Fail, AIDS, Garbage, and Cancer. Thank god commercial shills such as yourself can water down and cut the sharp corners off of the disposable and easily forgettable genre that is modern pop music. If there is a just and merciful entity watching over this universe then you are truly deserving of the brimstone apocalypse to be doled out from its infinite mercy.

Suck a tailpipe, eat a gun, or swallow cyanide, But please do whatever it takes to cease this affliction against hard working musicians Who actually take years or even a lifetime to hone their craft. Never In the timespan of human history has a method of torture or suffering rivaled the "death camp-esque" nature of your shit product.

Hang yourself, hang yourself, hang yourself, you exploitive, first world children-pandering assholes. You make your living selling covers of music that already sounds like a half dozen abortions in a blender. I literally can't wish for enough meteors to blaze their way through the atmosphere and violently destroy all that you hold dear.

Before famous writer and Jewish holocaust surviver, Elei Weisel, passed away earlier this year, he was asked about how he felt about enduring years of starvation, abuse and the death of his family at the hands of the Germans. Before he drew his terminal breath he weakly croaked: "at least it wasn't Kidz Bop."

It's a little known fact that the CIA has been censoring the tapes released by ISIS. The caliphate in fact hasn't been spreading the word of extremist Islam as much as they were preaching the gospel of the business practices touted by the producers of the Kidz Bop product line. Beheadings, mass genocide, torture, destruction... All these are the "better" attributes of Your shit show contribution to pop "music" entertainment.

And as dark a picture as I try and paint with my own words, it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the steadfast commitment you seem to have for trying to give something that is uninspired and unimaginative to young people who need to be inspired to be imaginative. Is that really the legacy you as merchants want to build or maintain? Giving children something that is outright stupid is just as damaging as something that's violent or dangerous.

You are the devil incarnate and Society does itself a disservice by not dragging the members of your marketing department into the street and gutting them ass first so that the citizens of this great nation can see how full of shit you really are.

May you spend the rest of the nights of your lives waking from a perpetual dreamless sleep with screams shrill enough to make dogs gnash their teeth in salute of beasts as filthy as they are.

You're fakes and snake oil salesmen of the lowest common denominator. Repent.

>> No.8351076


Fugi Crisis Appeal
Thousands need Developer
and pornographic material.
Oxcon is there, please
donate to save wives
& children of Betti Page

Reagan Sales Fucki/Posti
Wednesday, 25th WEDNESDAY 2016

1 Lonely single 0.99
2 Nikkor R16 16.00

2 items


Oxcon shop: Fucki
Longgone, EHEEK


>> No.8351083

Going wrong isn't just indicated by one being mad at the other. It's in the general, maybe passive agressive parts of his. Maybe you weren't meant to be.
It isn't someones fault, it is because it is. You can't couldn't have changed anything at the time, because you were who you were at that time. Seeing flaws in what you did, how you acted is important, but don't question to far.
If you can't seem to find where it went wrong, it may just have been him. That he wasn't able to open up enough, or he just wasn't ready for a relationship.
Before you acctualy get into a relationship you should be happy alone.
You said he was an asshole and thought you could change him? Well, you couldn't. If he isn't willing to change for you, there is nothing to be done.
Tears don't have to come, but if they do, let them. Someday you will be able to cry. From what i hear he is a prick to end it over the telephone. But who am i to judge a story i haven't read.
I only can say that there are a lot of things which could have influcenced how your relationship worked out. You have to make peace with it.

>> No.8351145
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I still miss my BPD ex.

>> No.8351190


>> No.8351196


>> No.8351255

Isn't that Ezekiel in your pic? He didn't actually meet god but was taken by alien ethnologist to a spaceport on earth where they gave him the exact measurements for a new spaceport that they wanted him to build next to Jerusalem. That way they could land there in the future but the jews fucked it up and made it their main temple. Idiots.

>> No.8351260

Wage slave, wage cucks.
Status whores. Alive for weekends and dead inside during weekdays.
Must the world end with a ceremonial drowning in our own accumulated shit?

>> No.8351531


>> No.8351536

I dont care about anything. I quit my job. I have a load of money in the bank but cant even be bothered to go spend it. Nothing is fun to me anymore.

I only like reading.

>> No.8351546


day number 3 of no unnatural sugar and I feel terrible. also cut out dairy and have been living off of lentils, almonds, coconut milk, broccoli, rice, and beansprouts. if anything it's just really fucking bland

>> No.8351557

stop being a little bitch you fucking hippie

>> No.8351559

I wish I had some drugs or more drink

celexa is a shit and doesn't do anything except give you weird muscle tension and make you light headed

I wish I was hart crane and ezra pound

>> No.8351628

>also cut out dairy


>> No.8351631

Shill hqrfer.

>> No.8351712




stop oppressing me

>> No.8351735

>cow's milk offers a rich source of calcium, a mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. Cow's milk is also often fortified with vitamin D, which is also beneficial for bone health.

Also it's delicious.

>> No.8351818

>no unnatural sugar
I agree that sorbitol is a shit.

As for that shit being bland, you're just shit at cooking. At least get yourself some decent soy sauce or something. And spices.

>itunes might work on some Ubuntu versions with Wine
If you're less bothered about syncing to this generation's iPod you can get programs that sync to iTunes.

There's always the VM option too.

>> No.8352767

You might just be drawn to the idea that there exists, beneath all the chaos, some iota of order in the world. It's part of why people are religious, conspiratorial, spiritual, etc. etc.

>> No.8352794

Occultist stuff doesn't have to be evil you know...

>> No.8352865

Do you realise how powerful the dairy industry is? They've been exaggerating the benefits of milk forever. You can do fine without it.

Why so hardline? Roast some veg like carrots, onions, parsnips, mushrooms, courgettes, and potatoes, or make a veg stir fry from shredded carrot, beansprouts, peppers, tofu, peanuts, asparagus, garlic, ginger, sesame seeds. Good vegan food is bangin' hot.

>> No.8352908

You can't feel the physical effects of drinking a cold glass of milk?

>> No.8352996

You're not the only one. I suspect you were aiming to talk about how you have nothing to talk about. Not original but that doesn't matter because the thread is about what's on your mind and that is what it conjured.

I liked reading your post if only because I can relate to it.

>> No.8353063


But I want that chaos. The world of the natural sciences is supposed to be so wonderful but it seems more sterile by the day. My heart aches for something more, something truly fantastic that defies rationalization or orderly description. Something magical.


I agree. I just don't know if my demon is or not.

>> No.8353140

>I realised today that i don't actually have a favourite prose author. Really, I only have authors that "i like", and i struggle to muster up any real passion over anyone on my bookshelf :(.

Any recommendations?

>> No.8353170

Proust, Woolf, Nabokov

>> No.8353258

I feel depressed right now because I anticipate my next attempts at self-sabotaging because I am too scared to tell some people that I want them out of my life.

I don't get any inspiration these days and I pretend not to be affected by my sophomore year failure not to give my mother anything to worry about.

I sometimes feel deeply concerned about what happens in my country or in the world and it's messing with my general state of mind.

I should lose some weight. Yeah. I'm not hopeless. It'll get better eventually, I mean some people have it worse.

I don't see the point in killing myself anymore since I failed two times in high-school I'll try to work on myself.

Also, I like this board a lot. I find it soothing and lets me work my english a bit.

It's a bit messy.

>> No.8354306
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I hope I don't overcook this pot roast while I'm out
It will be good to see everyone again
Im glad to be getting out again
Just have to not get too fucked up
Fuck I need a haircut
I wonder if anya will be there

>> No.8354307

>> No.8354365


>> No.8354368

I'm kind of ashamed that in the recent Catholic thread I couldn't defend my faith as much as I wanted to. I feel compelled to read more theology so that this doesn't happen again in the future.

The thing is that I know by faith the truth of Christianity. It's not an untested faith, either; I've had instances of doubt and spiritual dryness where I wondered if God is real. But after a certain while I always feel, again, that he is, that Christ is real, that the Church is true and good. It's a knowing beyond knowing. Newman calls it a different mode of knowing than what we know by reason, and I suppose that makes sense.

So I know by faith, and it brings me immense joy, and I want to spread that joy to others. But to be a proper apologist I do need to do more reading.

>> No.8354515
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>> No.8354520
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1=infinity 2=infinity/2

>> No.8354525
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>> No.8354530
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>> No.8354531


I'm more of a dilettante seeker who is interested in spiritual things here and there but this post was comfy. I hope you enjoy your continued reading. Make time for it.

>> No.8354539


>Idk. Idk if you can answer who am I with words or thoughts. (I ask myself who Am I every day in a sortof angry/impatient way. I don't really think you necessarily are whAt you do or what you say. I think they sort of orbit the truth. But the truth is hidden. We can only detect its consequences (not that truth has a verifiable physical phenomenon, but it seems to be a kind of end) not its essence. In nietZsches words - truth is beyond good and evil. Evil actions don't make you evil just as good actions don't make you good. It's something deeper (or beyond or above or whatever) than these things. It's the end these things are striving to arrive at only they veer off at the last moment only to turn back the next instant to resume this circular dance of alwYs traveling and never arriving.
>So to answer identity. We're Ll the same identity but we have different perspectives reflecting different parts of the one true identity. If it exists. If true identity is some great infinite thing and we just reflect once small piece of it. We all draw our ID from the same thing but it's not completely Identity. But the interesting bit is the infinities. If you reflect infinity you are yourself a lesser infinity who is as small as the portion of infinity you reflect. You are sill infinity but an infinitely smaller infinity compared to the infinity you draw your infinity from. Replace infinity with being. But you're lesser in quantity you are equal/greater in quality for without you to reflect the being/infinity there's nothing for it to reflect off of or to take part in beyond Itself. You sortof increase it, or If not increase than at least give it something to take part in. For what else is infinity or being than some thing which partakes with another thing. We are that thing that interacts. We are the literal medium for being to be manifest in some capacity beyond its immediate self. So in this way you are greater than it qualitatively but still quantitatively smaller. For you are the light that enables the eye to see. You aren't the object seen. You are the thing that provides for the possibility of seeing objects.

Just thoughts

>> No.8355647

So I was talking last night with a woman and I was feeling randy (been smoking some weed in a joint.) Usually I am not so randy but I thought that we should do oral sex. I said, hey I think we should suck dick. But I meant for her to do it on me (I am a male) and I don’t know if this was a big mistake? I am not trying to be gross here on the forums but I want to know the right answer, should I just wait until I talk to her next, or does she think I want to suck dick. I hope not. It was just a speech error. These things happen.

>> No.8355650

when i was around 11 or possibly 12 the episode where bulma and vegeta begin their relationship was broadcast in my country. i immediately sunk in a deep deep depression. the first time i had been betrayed by a woman. not just any woman. the woman of my dreams. dont say a 2d girl cant hurt you. they can. take it from me. i got so upset by this stopped playing with friends and developed irregular sleep patterns, i started failing classes in school, i refused to talk to anyone about why i was acting this way but it just got worse. i wouldnt do anything except sit on the front porch and when people tried to talk to me i would just mumble. i was so withdrawn that the school actually though i was being molested lol. my parents couldnt get me to say why i was acting liek this since i refused to tell them the real reason. as a result i was sent to a psychyatrist who also failed to coax the reason for my behavior out of me and diagnosed me with depression, anxiety, schizotypal disorder, and bi polar disorder all at serperate times. i spent almost my entire adolescence overmedicated on any number of drugs. ssri’s benzos, anti psychotics like thorazine and seroquel, depakote. you name it. as a result i developed an addiction to benzodiazapenes that i have to this day and it probably primed my adolescent brain to be receptive to addictive substatnces which is alos why ive struggled with heroin and alchoholism intermittently for most of my life/ none of this is made up. this all really happened and it happened because of anime

>> No.8355659

Honest question, how do you feel about the broad historical consensus that Yahweh was originally one god in a polytheistic faith?

>> No.8355713

I cut off my girlfriend when were out for a bike ride. Now she has a bruised chin with cuts and her knee is pretty banged up.

We've been together for seven years.

She does triathlons and she's got one coming up at the end of the months. It's ironman. She's an incredible woman.

Her parents are flying in from Asia to see her race and to have dinner with my family.

She's worried that her knee is so bad that she won't be able to continuing training properly.

I feel pretty bad about it.

She didn't really want to do the race to begin with though. She's been worried it was too much for her. I'm worried that she's using it as an excuse to drop out.

I am so shameful. It was such a silly mistake. I didn't signal when we were turning left towards the zoo.

>> No.8355785

living with mum and her fiancee because can't live on uni campus in break, they're going away for 2 weeks, i'll probably just drink , smoke and fuck some girl that i see now and then. Sleep schedule is fucked and it's annoying me. Been pretty numb when im alone moreso than usual lately

>> No.8355824


That sounds to me like you're propositioning her for a MMF threesome. Don't worry though, sucking dick can be fun!

>> No.8355825

OP of that thread.
You can't defend it here (in general), especially since the main opposition is the guy who argued was a dogmatic naturalist. You oppose two completely different frameworks which have little to do with each other. To have a discussion at all you'd basically have to start with epistemology and of course, not on the internet.
It's also jumping all over the place, keeping the discussion focused is problematic.
But it comes down to the starting point of Whose Justice? Which rationality?, which is that we operate within traditions. What is rational to you is completely irrational to him, because there is no such thing (as far as we can agree on) as a God given rational thinking, or at the moment any kind of a common basis for an aristotelian and a kantian and a positivist.
False, but also irrelevant.

>> No.8355855

Not that guy (who is also completely correct about everything being fucking worthless), but Linux is hilarious. It's an entire operating system and faggoty cultural movement built on the same principle that underlies hiveminds on small subreddits. Go to Elon Musk's subreddit or something and try to actually talk about something he did, let alone criticise it, and every single person flips out and does the "WELL IF YOU HATE HIM SO MUCH THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE???" thing.

The simple reason for this is that, of the people who are especially interested in Elon Musk, enough to go seek out a place specifically to talk about him and his projects, 1% are weird smart autists with some unique-to-them interest in the topic, and the other 99% are just retarded spergs who are hooked onto the vague idea of futuro-technology for shallow prole reasons.

Same exact thing with Linux. Go to the forums of some major distro and ask why some feature has been fucking broken or unprofessionally implemented for literally years.

There are like one or two benign autists who will just be honest with you, because they have self-consistent worldviews. If you ask them why this shit is broken they'll say: because this whole operation is semi-professional and mostly maintained by hobbyists, it's just the nature of using a free alternative in a culture that favours proprietary software, etc. It's the other 99.99% who will just scream at you UHHHH MAYBE IT'S USER ERROR?? MAYBE I *LIKE* THAT X HAS THE SAME BUGS AS IT DID IN 1944? UHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHHH MAYBE IT'S GOOD THAT YOU NEED TO DO THIS JURY RIG SOLUTION??? STILL 9 YEARS AFTER THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN KNOWN AND IT'S NOT FIXED????? LINUX IS THE FUTURE DUHH BUHHH

Worst piece of fucking garbage OS. At least Stallman is just like "yeah everything is hard and I have to type urls into lynx with my feet but at least it's not crapitalist $$$oftware!!" He's honest. For everyone else, it's a masochistic dick measuring contest to see who can undergo the most onerous install procedure and pretend it wasn't onerous.

>Linux is for laypeople too :^^^^^^) Install it on your mom's computer. It's just like Windows now! What's that, it's having problems? It can't do shit that even awful Microsoft does properly? Pshhh.. Just use Slackware kid.. Learn it all from the ground up. Tell your mom to code me a bash script and do 600 pushups with her tits

Using Linux is a fucking hobby. It will never be a self-sustaining OS. Using Linux is like being into T-86 programming tricks. No one fucking cares.

>> No.8355896

Also, everyone who uses Linux fucking blows at it. When I was 15, I fell for the /g/ meme before /g/ even existed, and thought that to be a rad cool computer dude I had to be all about Linux. I gave up on it because I wasn't willing to learn how to do anything. Every single time I installed Pidgin or something it was like having my balls pulled off, and trying to understand WHY it was so painful just resulted in more pain.

I don't mind effort, I wanted it to involve effort and self-cultivation of mystical l33t knowledge, but instead it was just
>Why do I have to honk the green horn when I want to turn the red wheel?
>Because if you don't, the purple sprocket will spray poison nerve gas on you!
>But why?

There was no steady, staggered ascent of knowledge. Apparently being a cool guy who idles on IRC with a proxy and uses Linux all day isn't so much about "learning how computers work," it's just memorising forty trillion workarounds to idiotic design flaws. So I quit. I wasn't willing to memorise all the partial fixes to the broken turd that is Linux.

Fast forward like ten years, and everyone in the CS program at university is using Linux on the Alienware computers their mommy bought for them. I just assume they must have some knack that I didn't have, I even indulge in gay little rationalisations like "I bet computer engineer guys have some sort of phenomenological perceptive blbbhufidabjkhgjlsadklbdfhbui that I can't access, I bet we have different minds and I kind of admire them for these things I can't do! =^D"


TURNS OUT EVERY SINGLE LINUX BABBY IN COLLEGE IS JUST MEMORISING 37 OF THE WORKAROUNDS TO GET BASIC FUNCTIONALITY, shit that even I did as a 15 year old but had the good decency to feel bad about because at least I knew I was a dilettante.

These are the people who are on /g/. Just posturing 21 year old faggots with hipster goatees going
>uhh uhHhhhH UHHHH DUDE DON'T USE A BABBY HANDHOLD DISTRO.. USE A BADASS DISTRO LIKE I DO.. when all they've ever done is meticulously followed instructions on a wiki and still halfway fucked it up

Gas everyone who uses Linux. It's for posturing faggots.

>> No.8356110


>> No.8356127

>being this triggered

>> No.8356141

the quality of my life is inversely proportional to the amount of effort my parents spend towards my well-being

>> No.8356145

Yeah, go back to tumblr where all the other people who are really into Linux and debating the pros and cons of various distros hang out. Typical teenage girl SJW behaviour.

>> No.8356146

Kill them and you'll be hapoy beyond definition.

>> No.8356150

False as in wrong.
Irrelevant because it has no baring on anything, unless you are a protestant literalist.

>> No.8356157

>False as in wrong.
>it has no baring on anything
So what, Baal might exist?

>> No.8356162

>So what, Baal might exist?

>> No.8356169

? as in ?
So what, Baal might exist? as in So, what do you mean? Baal might exist?

>> No.8356178

>yhwh may or may not have at a certain time been a part of a pantheon
>if he has that means baal exists
By that logic because Logos was equated with God Zeus too exists.
Which is wrong, there's no connection between the two.

>> No.8356185

>if he has that means baal exists
Who are you quoting?

>> No.8356188

Linux is mainly a hobbyist thing, sure, but outside of specific proprietary software there really isnt very much you can't do with it compared to Win/OSX, and if you actually care about computers and networking there are a lot of things it can do quicker and better than either of those. And you know what? It is kinda fun. I had to get a Raspberry Pi for a class of mine and I don't have a worthwhile monitor at home, so I ran it headless with my laptop by running ssh over an ethernet cable. It took some effort to figure out how to do that but it was satisfying when I did, and it made me feel kinda cool busting out my setup. Sue me.

>> No.8356420

Ella río, me vio a los ojos y dijo que no, que bueno, que me quedara si quería. Nos pusimos a hablar de otras cosas y después de un rato corto salí al patio a fumar. Qué linda estaba la noche, tan despejada, como si alguien hubiese subido y limpiado todo con un paño muy fino. El humo del cigarrillo, aspirado por el vacío que acababa de descubrir en mí, se me metía en los pulmones, se impregnaba de desazón y me salía de la boca, huyendo hacia el cielo en espirales, como si necesitara alejarse de mí y limpiarse entre las estrellas. Las pequeñas bocanadas de humo no entendían que sentir dolor es mejor que no sentir nada. Cuando te duele, estás vivo.

>> No.8356440

As if someone had climbed all the way up and cleaned it with a fine cloth.

>> No.8356542

>he likes having slime coating his throat and tongue

>> No.8356615

I hear them talk talk talk talk
I tell 'em walk walk walk walk
I got my shit on lock lock lock lock

Thinking about selling it to Beyoncé, desu.

>> No.8356619

I said milk, not semen

>> No.8356727


He said he was the one true God, he didn't say there were no others.

>> No.8356830
File: 45 KB, 500x450, hamlet-laurence-olivier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't feel the cold anymore. That was not to say that he felt anything else, either, but the pervasive chill of his bare skeleton against the air had ceased, and now he was only aware of the hunger within. He had begun to feel the hunger as he lay buried in the cemetery under a small headstone. To say he had awoken would imply that he had slept and dreamt. His rising from the grave, clawing through the damp earth with bony fingers held together by pure force of will, was more like a rebirth. He was not the same man who had been placed into that coffin. He was no longer Edgar Windwhistle. No longer a farmer. No longer a husband and a father.
Clouds had gathered and blocked the moon. All the better to hide his approach toward the small farmhouse with the soft glow of candle light emanating from the windows. The soft clack of bone on bone accompanied his footsteps, and he could hear moans coming from inside as he drew nearer. Peering in through the bedroom window, he saw them, a man and woman tangled together in the bedsheets, their bodies writhing like maggots, moaning in pleasure. They stopped.
"Oi, that godawful stench! Was that you, love?" the man asked playfully as he sat up smiling and dripping with sweat.
The woman rolled over, her pale face and bare chest flushed red. She cackled in reply, "Don't go blaming me for that! Bloody hell, smells like something died."
The skeletal figure outside pulled the window shutters wide open and climbed inside as the man and woman shrieked.
"Heaven protect us!" The woman cried, clutching the sheet to her bare form.

>> No.8356837

The man looked around for something to use as a weapon. He clutched at a wooden washboard against the wall and brought it up swinging at the intruder. Several rib bones splintered and clattered to the floor. It did not matter. The hunger still drove the figure onward.
He grabbed the man's wrist with his bony fingers and forced him to the ground. His jaw opened wide and his bare teeth closed on the man's warm flesh, pulling a large chunk of his face away.
The woman screamed.
The hunger within had reached a crescendo. The skeleton bit and tore at the man until his bloodied, naked form lay still, blood oozing onto the wooden floor.
Then he turned his hollow sockets toward the woman, who sat cowering in the corner, tears and snot streaming down her frightened face.
"E-Edgar?" she asked.
The skeleton nodded and reached out a hand, beckoning her toward him with a curled finger. She was powerless to obey.
"I'm sorry, Edgar, I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." her sobs were choked short as he reached up and closed his hand around her throat.
He was no longer Edgar Windwhistle. He was revenge. He was death.
She struggled, batting her hands and arms about his bones. She clawed at his skull like a wildcat, but he felt nothing except for the hunger.
And once she had gone limp, he tossed her corpse to the ground like a rag doll. Her bluish face and bulging eyes stared up unblinking at the ceiling.
Revenge had only made the hunger grow stronger. He still had work to do.
He pulled a dark cloak off the wall and wrapped it around his form before setting off down the road toward town.