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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 332 KB, 1070x1280, Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 3.12.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8344094 No.8344094 [Reply] [Original]

Found this OC on my Facebook feed today.


>> No.8344098
File: 347 KB, 1100x1456, Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 3.12.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8344110

The most cringeworthy thing about your post is your (impotent) pathological compulsion to create a circlejerk thread where other people validate you in your ostensibly superior taste and literary sensibility.

>> No.8344116


>> No.8344118

girls post the cringiest shit

my ex always psoted excerpts from YA shit about how girls should be treated like a thunderous volcano on a brittle moon or some shit

>> No.8344134


>> No.8344136
File: 106 KB, 523x410, youthinkyouveseensomeshithuhwellyouaintseennothinyet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's STILL better than Brandon Sanderson!

>> No.8344141

The writing in the two pictures is obnoxiously bad. If your writing is anything like this (which your post suggests it is) I would suggest you give up.

>> No.8344150

The same could be said of your hideous and degenerate personality.

Her writing may get better. You won't.

>> No.8344151

Hey this is pretty good, not cringe at all.

>> No.8344162

I have a guy who refers to himself as both a published author and a Mason. He also constantly decries 'haters' saying that ever since he became a 'published author' he gets a lot of hate, and also writes about sex constantly in an incredibly juvenile way... Should I post the link? Do you guys wanna see it or is that mean? I'm almost positive he's autistic, and I felt kind of bad almost posting it here.

>> No.8344173

>implying you don't do this every day on /lit/

>> No.8344176
File: 68 KB, 533x309, 1466836440008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie: this was you when you were 15.

>> No.8344218

There's nothing pathological about this.
I found something that seemed "cringe" to me and thought I would share it with my pals over at /lit/.

If I were not to have posted this, I would not have experienced even the slightest bit of discomfort, mentally or otherwise.

And seeing as I've made nothing of my own work or the works I actually admire public in this thread, I fail to see how others would be able to validate my tastes.

It's a cringe thread. It's fun.

Writing is hard and sometimes it's nice to laugh at other people's attempts at it. I never said that my writing isn't or hasn't at one time been as bad as this girl's writing. And I never did anything in the real world to discourage her.

So let us be.

>> No.8344234

I don't write. I agree it's shit, though, if that makes you feel any better.

>> No.8344253

>There's nothing pathological about this.

You're like the /ressentiment9k/ faggots who have daily 'women hate' threads, or the /pol/acks who have daily 'nigger hate' threads.

Our equivalent is reddit-threads and this thread.

If you don't see how pathetic this need is, then you're oblivious.

Preface a thread such as this by admitting that you are extremely insecure and need this to make yourself feel better.

>> No.8344255

>Should I post the link?
Why do people do this. Yes, post the link.

>> No.8344261


>> No.8344267

>Preface a thread such as this by admitting that you are extremely insecure and need this to make yourself feel better.

Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.

>> No.8344269

I know the fedora meme is overplayed, but this reads like it was by someone who owns a fedora.

>> No.8344277

these guys are fucking legends. the best thing about posting them in a cringe thread is that they serve as an eternal reminder of what can be achieved when you're not afraid of being cringed at

>> No.8344285

>milk and honey
Muh biblical allusions

>> No.8344286


>> No.8344305

I love you.

>> No.8344317

That's pretty fuckin' funny

>> No.8344318
File: 647 KB, 2048x1536, feodra feather pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, let's not forget there were some who literally put on fedoras.
At least you've never actually owned a fedora or considered buying one, r-right /lit/?

>> No.8344319

You could have just posted some excerpts.

>> No.8344322

I think you have to understand the guy in fullness to appreciate his work.

>> No.8344323
File: 38 KB, 528x528, 136642010815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And that is all I care to write upon this topic.

>> No.8344333

What hurts is you can tell he made that pen stand himself. Look at it, he carefully selected a piece of wood and crafted that thing, thinking it would look really classy.

>> No.8344337
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1282116319118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen that reaction image in so long

>> No.8344342

No. I got turned off the idea of fedoras back in high school when my classmates forced me to walk around Bass Pro, looking like a Chip n' Dale stripper.

>> No.8344398

I read that thinking "not bad for r/writing to be honest", yeah, Christ, horrific

>> No.8344402


Thx for echoing my thoughts, anon.

"cringe" threads are an attempt of insecure, petulant and ignorant people to feel better.

We all know you never do, however...

>> No.8344419

>I'm so adult and too evolved for your fun threads
Boy, you should kys as soon as possible.

>> No.8344497

Your spamming reposts are annoying
one more and ur banned
no i mean im glad you found this recently and couldnt wait to take it for a wild spin here but plz no more

>> No.8344513

What's it like knowing you have an authoritarian personality that gets off, literally gets pleasure, from denigrating other people?


>> No.8344534

Feels pretty good, especially since I'm everything those people want to be and more.

>> No.8344544

might as well close /lit/ down after this post

>> No.8344547


>> No.8344558


>especially since I'm everything those people want to be and more.

I don't think they yearn to become as far up their own asses as you are, though

>> No.8344559

Why? My writing is good enough to be published and allows me to live off of the royalties. I don't think it needs to be any better.

>> No.8344561

...what? Why would you assume we're one person posting this image over and over? Do you think it's one person posting the Pepe image over and over as well? This is such a strange post.
Also, hint: look at the filename.

>> No.8344565

>>I'm so adult and too evolved for your fun threads

>Putting other people down

Whoa, you sure sound like a happy, accomplished and wise person, with no insecurities or self-loathing problems at all!!

>> No.8344580

That doesn't make your compulsion any less pathological.

>> No.8344625

Are you saying you are happy and accomplished and void of feelings of self loathing because you don't make fun of other people? Because I find that hard to believe. Almost every human with an IQ above 60 feels doubt.

>> No.8344634

>not turning your insecurities inward

>> No.8344643

And whats that ?
A hysteric cunt ?
Tbqh people with actual accomplishments dont hang out here so you can cut the shit
nobody buys it

>> No.8344659

Kek, "let's generalize and make statements that mean nothing"
When I first started hanging out here I had no accomplishments. Now I do. Plus I have a sort of masochistic dream that one day /lit/ will shitpost about my work.

>> No.8344664

Well said

lit on suicide watch

>> No.8344693

A man who wishes not to improve, was never great at all.

>> No.8344883

I don't want to post it but my diary desu

>> No.8344895

This is honestly better than those John Green excerpts that people post.

>> No.8345001

feminist cukc

>> No.8345198

Try not being 18

>> No.8345239

>I would share it with my pals over at /lit/.
We're not pals, and please don't feel the need to share your facebook with us in future.

>> No.8345714

i'm not your pal, guy

>> No.8345730


>> No.8345734
File: 41 KB, 750x709, Watch it Burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so many redditors this fine day

>> No.8345737

Please fuck off with the pretentious armchair psychology and allow us to enjoy a spot of shit writing.


>> No.8345751
File: 28 KB, 620x318, 1436221952983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to your own post this many times
wew lad

>> No.8345799
File: 83 KB, 796x430, 4chan_b1d125_5419377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8345818

This thread reveals the extent to which reddit has infested /lit/ Can't even enjoy the stupidity of others without self-righteous redditors ruining the fun.

>> No.8346731

It hurts so much every time.

>> No.8346861

You could have shift-clicked this thread but you didn't. Why?

I fucking hate you with all of my being anon. I wish you a long and painful death.

>> No.8346914

We need to bring back classic 4chan /b/ros. Let's all go run a female book reviewer off of you tube now.

>> No.8346939


>We need to bring back classic 4chan /b/ros.

moot sold 4chan you fucking cornballs. it is over. i don't know if you really are oldfags but if you are then you need to finally get that all the hatemachine stuff was a product of the time. like shock jock radio howard stern/o&a stuff, that shit was just a product of the time. it is done.

>> No.8346949
File: 120 KB, 1600x669, killer-mike-and-bernie-sanders-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She tastes like blueberry cheesecake.

>> No.8346952

triggered, kid?

>> No.8346953

Goddamn, is this that next level irony that I've heard so much about? How many layers you on?
My post was obviously sarcastic, hence the fucking

>> No.8346956


>My post was obviously sarcastic

if it was then alright read into it wrong but you could easily see some aging memelord still clinging onto the dying culture saying some corny shit like this. you know you could.

>> No.8346965

I don't understand why /lit/ even did that. Totally against the spirit of the age.

>> No.8346967

we are redpilled, we hate women theyre inferior

>> No.8346974

Red pill literally means you believed Dr Edgemaster's lies and let him treat you like a little bitch so you could go back to a fake little cuck life, instead of being a badass spy that bring revolution to Mars.

>> No.8346979

hehe roastwhore we hate you back to plebbit hehe

we are internt hate machine we never forget and forgive

ur inferior

>> No.8347286

While I can't fucking stand reddit, especially /r/writing, I don't see the point to these threads. Some girl writes out a little story on her Facebook that she liked, so what? I'm not going to cringe because it's typical girly shit because that's exactly what I'd expect. It's not like she's going to try to publish that FB post in a short story collection, she doesn't have an editor, and she's not an idiot for writing out something she liked. You just come across as sad and lonely because instead of seeing some girl do something she enjoys and ignoring it, you try to anonymously get others to laugh at her efforts. Post some of your Facebook posts. I bet we can all have a good cringe induced laugh.

>> No.8347296

>why do you judge someone for posting a silly little thing on the internet
>writes blogpost about why 4chan thread is bad

>> No.8347360

Holy shit get a grip. You are so so boring. Laughing at other people is fun, and doing it on one of the tamest boards on an anonymous image forum where things, for all intents and purposes are not permanent, is probably one of the most victim free ways of doing it. The posts in this thread denouncing this sort of thing are turning into the real cringe, there's a hint of something pathological about it. Laughing at others is perfectly normal and we've been doing it since the beggining of time - there's probably someone laughing about you right now m8y, I know I am ::^^))

>> No.8347373

It's not bad. Kind of immature and simple, but at least it comes from the heart.

>> No.8347384

N one here is your pal, and if you're still using the word cringe unironically or ironically for that matter, then you should email me your address, I'll send you a rope and a stool so you can hang ya self. free shipping included.

>> No.8347386


>> No.8347420

Careful with all that edging, you might cum early :^)

>> No.8347429

>browses the website that the most socially outcast, socially inept losers congregate
>being surprised that they need to erect an idealized self-image of themselves by laughing (while being tormented on the inside) at others

It's just the nature of 4chan really. It's the only place these people (I am not excluding myself) can gain some vague and momentary feeling of self-worth and half-consistent identity

>> No.8347479

why is the girl in the story a bitch for no reason?

>> No.8347488

all women are like that

take the redpill of objective truth

>> No.8347490


hahaha, excellent post. reminds me a lot of myself.

>> No.8347529

yeah yeah, keep spouting your memes. truth is OP is a little shit who wouldnt dare call out that poster for bad writing, and instead went to his seekret klub where an epic raid chanology would rain down on them !!!

this is a board for discussion of literature, not your personal feel good circle jerk

>> No.8347534

is that what you got from it? it looks like she went through some trauma that fucked her up and is probably schizophrenic or bipolar. "love died for her a long time ago" said the father, maybe a family member died or a previous relationship fucked her up. dunno

>> No.8347536

>not your personal feel good circle jerk

>> No.8347553

OP BTFO. Embarrassing!

>> No.8347596

Pls see >>8347360

It's healthy to be open to ridicule. Otherwise our kids might someday turn into non functioning cucks like you who feel the need to rise to defend a faceless, nameless teenager somewhere who's probably healthy minded enough to laugh at herself from time to time. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.8347605

>4chan people
>able to laugh at themselves

nice meme

Try to get /pol/ to laugh at themselves, it's impossible.

>> No.8347757

/pol/ laughs at themselves all the time. Or at least the ones that are smart enough to realize /pol/ is completely satirical.

>> No.8347775

>he fell for the satire meme

good goy

>> No.8348001

>open to ridicule

But they're not. Instead of letting that person know what they think of their writing OP came here and tried to start a "cringe" thread. Op lacks balls.

>> No.8348146

I like to think people would grow up over time and mature. Don't know why I do this. Sometimes I forget where I am.

>> No.8348158

The dynamic is different.

Op took material, possibly from a stranger, from the Internet and is posting it on an anonymous forum where content is constantly refreshing itself.
On top of that he's starting a type of thread that is very typical to this image board and one that always does well in terms of responses.

If I were with a group of friends that I'm fairly well aquainted with and one of them, let's say, was wearing a jacket that was for girls (as in, the cut is for women) but he doesn't realise it himself. When that guy leaves the group we might have as little chuckle amongst ourselves, discussing why we think he's wearing a girls jacket and does he know he is etc. Nothing overly nasty but at the same time making sure it's not with said guy in the room because we all want to share in the humor together but not at that guys expense.

Now let's say it's the same situation but I'm with my best, closest friends, who I feel I can say anything to. Let's say one of these friends goes to NY and comes back with a terrible denim jacket that's clearly cut for a girl (the hips come in too much, shoulders are tight and there's breathing room for tits). Well in that situation we would (and did because this story is true) openly laugh at him in front of him and then get drunk later that night, bring it up again and laugh at him more till he's telling us to shut up. The dynamic is different, we're not all laughing at him because it makes us feel good about our own jackets, we're laughing at his fuckup, and he knows that, while its annoying, it's not from anywhere nasty and he's still very much a friend of ours.

I'm obviously not drawing a direct comparison to cringe threads and that situation. But the dynamic and context account for everything, I don't think this sort of shit is harmful in any way. I don't think it's indulgent or pathological, it's perfectly fucking normal to laugh at other people's mifortune and none of the hero complex sufferers in this thread are going to stop that.

>> No.8348167

This post gave me franzer.

>> No.8348190

That's very nice of u (^;

>> No.8348253

damn... really makes you think

>> No.8348270

lol killer mike's face is funny

>> No.8348295

No it's not
>not stroking your ego

>> No.8348304

>le elitism is bad because it hurts my pleb feelies :'(

>> No.8348313

That's pretty much what /lit/ is.

>> No.8348315

Except ours are based on our actual superiority.

>> No.8348319

Superiority in what?

>> No.8348322


>> No.8348326

Back to >>>/r/books please

>> No.8348329

/pol/acks and r(9k)obots are ten times closer to Aristotelian excellence than all you faggots

>> No.8348338


great post faggot

>> No.8348339

Wrong. The only arete board is s4s.

>> No.8348344

>I make fun of people I've never met for doing perfectly average normal-human-being things, and there's nothing they can do about it! I'm king of the world, baby!

>> No.8348351

nice response to a post from 24 hours ago, you retarded nigger

>> No.8348354

>Totally against the spirit of the age.
Woman from reddit detected, and I'm not even joking.
This board was literally an /r9k/ offshoot you just impose some whatever opinion you want on this site and expect people to follow it.
The stereotype of this site is literally "internet hate machine" and this board is a stem of "mysoginy central: the board"; what did you expect?

>> No.8348355

why are you idiots virtue signalling on an anonymous image board?

just post funny things you stupid cunts

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.8348359

>not your personal feel good circle jerk
Literally everything everyone does is narcissistic, you fucktard.

>> No.8348369

Superiority according to our own values.
>I do things that please me!
Literally everyone, including yourself with that post.

>> No.8348372

>Superiority according to our own values.

That's convenient

>> No.8348378

Then why did you make this post, you ultrashit? You're not contributing anything but half-baked pseudo-psychology, and if anyone were to judge they'd think you an easily-tricked retard. So much for narcissism. People like you and OP inevitably end up looking like morons.

>> No.8348392

That's what everybody does.
>muh objective values
>Then why did you make this post
It brings me pleasure
>half-baked pseudo-psychology,
Everybody acts egoistically, this is irrefutable.

>> No.8348397

>I am a byronic hero.

Oh god. My sides.

These guys are really not bad for being pretty young. Looks like high school. Seem to at least have a different style working with post-rock or math-rock.

That drummer is pretty damn good for that age too. What's cringe?

>> No.8348406


i started smelling shit reading this

>> No.8348415

As it is your prerogative to act egoistically, so is it our prerogative to laugh and jeer at you for arguing like a base and animal-like retard. Ever heard of an axiom, you ignorant piece of shit?

>> No.8348416

Sex is for plebs

>> No.8348427

>t. Alberto Serangosa
>t. Raphaelo Peranskola
>t. Roberto Korantoma

>> No.8348432

>so is it our prerogative to laugh and jeer at you
Because it brings you pleasure to do so, not because of any objective values that make your pleasure any better than others.
You continuing to reply even though you've been torn away from your high horse only proves it further.

>> No.8348445

"Simon, please forgive my boldness, perhaps it's just the wine talking, but I must say that your character has always struck me, essentially, as that of a Byronic hero"

*smiles wryly*

>> No.8348447

The highest complement really

Greentext = Art confirmed

>> No.8348455

yeah I can totally see this happening
seems legit

>> No.8348463

Disciplining retards is not a pastime of mine. I'd rather be playing videogames, but what's a man to do? To say that I enjoy calling you a retard isn't true. To say that your continued retardation gives me pleasure isn't true. Your value system utterly ignores the subtleties of human experience, and you will only continue to suffer so long as you choose to ignore your own retardation.

>> No.8348470

>To say that I enjoy calling you a retard isn't true.
If you didn't want to do something you wouldn't.
>human experience
Holy shit, we've got a "human nature" retard over here.

>> No.8348476

Oh, I get it now. The stupid argument that derailed this thread IS the cringe thread.

>> No.8348479

It's downright derridean.

>> No.8350257

In one of my workshop classes someone turned in a short story about a woman who turned into a goat whenever it would rain. It read like a furry-fanfic and I'd love to see these faggot redditors try to defend its merit.

>> No.8350299

What a pandering cuck

>> No.8350380

I don't like the way it's so heavy shown but I've got to admit, this story hits too close to home to be able to judge it properly
I fucking like it.

>> No.8350506

I didn't notice at first, but he has a cane too

>> No.8350810

why didnt his mom stop him

>> No.8350816

That's a fucking great premise

>> No.8350820

You're only saying that 'cause you're imagining her as an anthropomorphized goat with really big tits and wide hips.
It's okay, so am I.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Can you track this story down for me? I will pay you.

>> No.8350823

>He still smells lavender even though he's holding another girl's hand. Her eyes don't glitter the same as hers. Her touch is sloppy. She thinks she's a good writer when she really just gets drunk and writes bullshit.

kek she means herself, pretty good.

>> No.8350852

She was afraid she'd get a taste of the cane.

>> No.8350859
