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8340044 No.8340044 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8340046

no u


>> No.8340051

My type of humor so I liked it.

>> No.8340083

>you will never have such a joyous, enlightening epiphany like Yossarian does in the final 10 pages of the book

>> No.8340099

It talked a lot about saving your skin over giving your life away to ideals. It resonated with me. I think it's especially important for intelligent people to adopt this philosophy.

>> No.8340106

Holy fucking shit.
Welcome to the reason /lit/ is shit, hosted by these three morons.
Fucking kill youselves.

>> No.8340166

You typed "discuss". Make a better op. It's entirely your fault.

>> No.8340170

I'm not OP you faggot.
People replying to this shitfest is the problem with /lit/.

>> No.8340175

>Fucking kill youselves.
It would be extremely painful.

>> No.8340200

Ur a big goy

>> No.8340202

4 u.

>> No.8340225

Thanks for the (YOU)

>> No.8340255

It could have been condensed into a third of the length and made the same point. It's redundant and so ludicrous at times that the theme is almost lost. We fucking get it, Heller, bureaucracy is bad; bureaucracy is inefficient. I enjoyed the first 100 pages of the book but after that I just found myself saying "Haha, yeah, I remember when that joke was made back in chapter 3 or 4" and waiting for it to end or advance somehow. The latter of which never happened until the last 2 or 3 chapters, IIRC.

Overall, good beginning, decent end, shit middle

>> No.8340542

>Yossarian will never make it to Sweden

It sure does hurt. I really liked the Chaplain's chapters too

>> No.8341157

I want to hug the chaplain

>> No.8341164

It's hilarious and one of my absolute favorites

>> No.8341174

Great book. I loved the characterization and style and fell in love with Luciana. Also holy fucking shit Kid Sampson and McWatt and Snowden

Also >>8340542

>> No.8341179

A very rewarding book that most people start and don't finish for some reason

>> No.8341181


God Knows is better and funnier.

>> No.8341195

really hurt how such a funny and cartoonish story at one point becomes so sad and real

>> No.8341379

Is the movie adaptation any good?

>> No.8341887

Yeah, and then you realize the whole book has been horrifyingly depressing but you were laughing the entire time because you didn't fully understand what was going on

It's ok. I feel like this is just one of those books that doesn't do well outside of it's original medium though

>> No.8341905

>realizes the point is that bureaucracy is a central theme
>complains that it's too long
>doesn't understand that the length is another example of why bureaucracy is bad

honestly, it wasn't even that long.

>> No.8341912
File: 95 KB, 500x500, dwight-schrute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been reading this book. I didn't think it'd be funny but I found myself actually enjoying it. It kept reminding me of sitcoms like the Office.

>> No.8341919

70% in now, the first 100 pages were tough to get through very ADD, it's hilarious though which kept me reading, good old dark/dry humor

>> No.8341926

Pretty decent book, gets a lot of shit for its meme status with the plebs, but it's a hell of a lot better than most of the drek floating around in normie bookshelves. has the potential to open the doorway to something more for people who weren't necessarily able to into real lit.

>> No.8341929

What if what you're saying is a meme... Catch -22

>> No.8341934


>> No.8341959

shut up retard

>> No.8341975

good but Confederacy of DUNCES is better

its not even dark

honestly if you didnt like the ENTIRE book you are normie.

>> No.8342123

shitty gravity's rainbow for the CNN crowd

>> No.8342130

The repetition is the fucking point you retard.

>> No.8342240

> It's shitty on purpose. If you don't like that, you're stupid!